Ichigo's Sheet Music
Welcome to Ichigo's Chat!

To join the chat, enter a nickname below and click Chat. Your forums name should be pre-filled (if you have one) although may not be valid. If this is the case you will be prompted to enter a new one.

Rules for Ichigo's Chat

  • Read the forum rules for general conduct
  • No bots or scripts are allowed in the main channel (except Ichibot!)
  • Please use your forums name if you have one
  • Ichigo's cannot be held responsible for the content encountered in the chat room. Chat is not as regulated as the forums but is logged.

By entering the chat, you certify:
  1. I am at least 13 years of age
  2. I have read and agree to the rules above
Chat FAQ

Who moderates the chat room?
The chat room moderators are the same as the forum super moderators and admins. These people have the authority to kick or ban people from the chat room for breaking the rules. Due to it's nature, chat cannot be as moderated as the forums.
Who is Ichibot?
Ichibot is a bot that is linked to the forums database to authenticate forum members and provide power to moderators. Please see the next question for more detail.
What do the symbols by people's names mean?
When someone enters the chat room, Ichibot checks the nick and IP against the forum database. If the joining person is either logged in or has posted from the IP, they will recieve a @ or + symbol in front of their name.
  • A @ symbol means the user is a moderator or admin. These users have moderator power in the chat room (kick and ban).
  • A + symbol means the user is an authenticated member. This does not give special power but does show that this member is who they say they are. In addition, if the channel is set to moderated (+m) mode, they will still be able to speak.
I recieved a message "You could not be authenticated" when joining the chat. What does this mean?
This means that Ichibot couldn't authenticate you using the method above. Please make sure:
  1. You are using your forums name. If you have special characters such as spaces in your forums name, simply leave them out. For example if your forums name is "Test user !", join the chat as "Testuser".
  2. Log into the forums before joining the chat. This is not necessary if you have made a post from the IP you are connecting from.
After checking these things, sign back into the chat.