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View Full Version : Tales Of Symphonia Sheets

September 23rd, 2007, 05:59 pm
Now that Ninsheetmusic is gone :(, where do I get some sheets for videogames? Or basically for Tales of Symphonia?

September 23rd, 2007, 07:19 pm
I didn't realize NinSheetMusic went down...

But, you can find plenty of midis for a lot of games at vgmusic.com. There are quite a lot of people here who can transcribe a piano piece from a midi quite easily.

As far as a site that has the music in .pdf or .mus file, that I'm unsure of. But, I'll try to keep my eyes peeled for you. ;)

September 23rd, 2007, 07:49 pm
I didn't realize NinSheetMusic went down...

But, you can find plenty of midis for a lot of games at vgmusic.com. There are quite a lot of people here who can transcribe a piano piece from a midi quite easily.

As far as a site that has the music in .pdf or .mus file, that I'm unsure of. But, I'll try to keep my eyes peeled for you. ;)

Thank you, I really appreciate you for keeping an eye for some sheets that I'm looking for ^.^

October 1st, 2007, 01:54 pm
I have a few ToS Sheets


Red Great Valoo XIII
October 1st, 2007, 03:27 pm
Who sad that ninsheetmusic went down?
Man, it still shining.
I think that you got the wrong link...

July 14th, 2011, 03:34 pm
l have 22 songs arranged from Tales of Symphonia
site: www.rpgsheetshop.tk