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View Full Version : Popularity growth

January 20th, 2008, 02:01 pm
I've noticed, that through the years, certain unknown fields grew very popular. For example, chess was quite unpopular in America until Bobby Fisher became the world champ and chess became popular. Another thing, when i was talking to a friend of mine who's much older than me, recalled that soccer wasn't popular in his day, and i was surprised, seeing as how much popular soccer is presently. Another board game, called Go, has been gradually getting popular, but while i was thinking about how to spread it, questions came to my mind. What makes such things popular?

January 20th, 2008, 02:51 pm

January 20th, 2008, 02:55 pm
Another thing, when i was talking to a friend of mine who's much older than me, recalled that soccer wasn't popular in his day, and i was surprised, seeing as how much popular soccer is presently.
Perhaps americans have come to realize that the rest of the world might be right after all, soccer (actually, football) is a better sport than american football.

Hara Kira
January 25th, 2008, 08:00 pm
What factors would you base this on Noir7? I pretty much think it's a media thing and how people of the new generation expand. I hate the media's frickin standards.

January 25th, 2008, 08:13 pm
The factor which I'm basing it on is my own, isn't subjectivity the whole point of a forum? I simply think soccer (Again, hate using that word but American people would probably get me wrong if I didn't) is a much better sport than american football.

January 26th, 2008, 01:56 am
Reason why certain things become popular. Publicity.

Chess became popular when more and more american people started playing and getting noticed. Football became popular when the American team was doing something productive. And Go became popular because of manga.

January 26th, 2008, 06:05 am
And Go became popular because of manga.
I thought Go became popular because of A Beautiful Mind. = \
And I freaking love Go. :3

Hara Kira
January 28th, 2008, 07:41 pm
Publicity or just another trend, that either flourishes or withers into the seam of nothing.

February 8th, 2008, 12:34 am
News things appear. Old things dissapear.

February 11th, 2008, 05:30 am
News things appear. Old things disappear.

And THEN, those old things come back as new things to the next generation or two. ^_^ At Christmas (which I dressed up for this year) my grandfather made the following remark to me: "Oh, I see square-toed shoes are stylish again. Good thing I still have a few pairs." :sweat:

February 11th, 2008, 06:17 am
Brainwashed sheep.


February 19th, 2008, 03:18 am
with the help of advertising and marketing
everything is possible
Scrabble is coming back apparently
thanks to Facebook
its like fashion!

February 29th, 2008, 01:58 am
I like watching things get recycled again and again. Its quite amusing.

March 1st, 2008, 02:57 am
I like watching things get recycled again and again. Its quite amusing.
How old are you, a thousand? How many cycles have you seen, exactly? :heh:
And of course old things make comebacks. Ideas don't need to be new, they just need to be novel. Things from fifty years ago are novel to kids, because they weren't around fifty years ago. As long as you haven't experienced something yet, it's new for you! :3
[/stating the obvious]

March 3rd, 2008, 09:56 pm
Speaking of chess, what's your view about the recent death of Fischer and several major media sources taking a 'he deserved to die' stance? It disgusts me really... Half the people who wrote articles with that view doesn't know an ounce of actual chess to appreciate his contributions.

It was pretty unfortunate though, after the 'Fischer Boom' in 1972, Chess in America suddenly took a huge dive in popularity in 1975 when Fischer refused to defend his title.

The growing popularity of Sudoku is also an interesting one; how did it start?

March 4th, 2008, 06:12 am
Soccers been pretty popular IMO it just didnt get much media attention like american football or baseball does.

MMO's became really popular when WoW came out, but I think it has been the downfall of MMO's too cause its way too popular and easy that its lowered the quality of MMO's
pior to WoW, games where so much harder.

Music is the same way too, there are many lesser known bands that are great but they dont get media attention all the time because people are too concerned with specific bands.

March 7th, 2008, 10:49 pm
Football (soccer) is pretty popular in 3rdW countries like mine because all you need is a ball and not being paraplegic, but American TV stations realized baseball and American football had more an longer breaks than football (soccer)... useful for commercial breaks. Tennis isn't as popular as baseball or soccer because it's a more expensive sport (raquets field and tennis balls)... besides its 5 min. breaks between sets.

It's a 2 World difference between you and me, but I hope you agree with when I say Chess and Go are for smart, idle people

March 13th, 2008, 09:43 am
Chess is seriously an awesome game. So much thinking and strategies, fun stuff.
Football is seriously cool too, play it everyday :ninja:

How about Scrabble? For you word freaks like me hehe

Nate River
March 13th, 2008, 05:34 pm
How about Scrabble? For you word freaks like me hehe

Scrabble rocks! I used all my letters to spell skydiver the other day. Ended up arguing for twenty minutes with the guy I was playing about whether it was one word or two. Some people just don't like losing.

I'm kind of wondering what happened to M:TG (if you dont know what it is, you dont want to). I used to play all the time. Still would if I could find someone else who did. :( It was all the rage back in the 90s.

March 22nd, 2008, 08:51 am
My theory; popularity is recycled. :D
I like chess too, but I'm really bad at loosing. XD I always get so frustrated with myself, because I can always pick the exact moment that led to my loss. XD I tend to do funny things, like pull my head and go "ARGGGGH! GAAH! IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT!"

March 25th, 2008, 10:48 pm
Hehe, it's a shame you couldn't play the deceased Cuban GM Capablanca then, he's famous for winning games where his opponents make apparently the best moves available.

March 25th, 2008, 11:03 pm
Scrabble rocks! I used all my letters to spell skydiver the other day. Ended up arguing for twenty minutes with the guy I was playing about whether it was one word or two. Some people just don't like losing.

Getting 7 letter words in Scrabble is just awesome. I've only got one and it was 'Persona.' I was so proud of myself ^_^