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February 23rd, 2008, 02:48 am
lately ive been meeting up with my old friends from elementary school that moved away, ive transferred schools since then, but I'm now meeting up with all of em. I feel really good right now, I just felt like saying that lol, meet up with any old friends lately?

February 24th, 2008, 01:21 pm
Lots of people from my elemental school I still see them and some studied with me till high school and in my college there are some that I know from my elemental school. But I don't talk to anyone. The only person that I am interested to meet is the only that is disappeared!

February 24th, 2008, 01:33 pm
I'm still in touch with a few old school friends but only because we went to all the same schools or live near each other.
If you wanna meet people then there is the ichigos meetup in Birmingham UK soon enough.

February 24th, 2008, 06:57 pm
I live in Canberra - and things go in cycles and everyone knows everyone here (or it seems like it sometimes). So I went to college with a lot of people I hadn't seen since Primary School, and now I'm going to University with people I haven't seen since High School - plus, you're always running into people around the shops here who you know from one place or other - and when I joined the band I'm a member of, I was surprised to find people I'd gone to school with.

It's a common Canberra phenonemon - I guess it's probably similar with other small places where people tend to be in life-long jobs!

Nate River
February 24th, 2008, 07:06 pm
I'm not in touch with anyone from school. Everyone I know I've met in the last couple of years. Apparently that's not normal. :P

February 24th, 2008, 07:30 pm
This thread just reminded me of my childhood friends I've left because I moved to Canada...and in my head, I just KNOW I won't be seeing them anymore :cry:

But keeping on topic, there were a few friends I haven't seen since I moved schools during my elementary years who I've seen during high school