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June 4th, 2005, 02:27 am
What Social Group do you think you are in? Is there any thing you can do to help others in...social situations?

To tell the truth, I may be popular. Not those jocks and preps but between middle and popular. I have many friends but then there are those who hate me...I also have many nick-names! Like bizquik, Samantha, Calulator, Samalina and so on....I hate those jocks and skater kids. They are so popular they can get away with anying. They make fun of me but I have smart remarks only smarter people will understand...

Roy Mustang
June 4th, 2005, 02:43 am
I love these topics.

June 4th, 2005, 02:51 am
......lol......here comes the arguments!

June 4th, 2005, 03:17 am
Me?... im like the "Oh there she is" and then I scare them but in a good way. The person how people take advantage of and then feel bad because I am still nice to them and well... I guess you can call it the "Kill'em with kindness" group ^_^

and yes I like these topics only if I posted the right things anyways ^^;

June 4th, 2005, 03:28 am
Hm... I'm kinda the I know everybody abit, but I'm not great friends with them all. I'm a nerd, but I don't get straight A's, I just understand everything in class, and I teach everyone else who doesn't get it and then they ace the tests and I get bummed out and yeah, something like that.

June 4th, 2005, 03:34 am
Hm... I'm kinda the I know everybody abit, but I'm not great friends with them all. I'm a nerd, but I don't get straight A's, I just understand everything in class, and I teach everyone else who doesn't get it and then they ace the tests and I get bummed out and yeah, something like that.

lol thats like me too.

June 4th, 2005, 03:34 am
^^Me, but put that together with a sorta popular kid and you get me. I like to be an outsider and stay out of the way. I make smart remarks that can get me into trouble but rarly do I. "Oh! Thats what it means to GangBang!" or:
teacher: When I was a kid, Newport ended at safeway and it was like the outskirts around there.
Me: WOW! was that like 60 years ago!

safeway is in the middle of town now, and the teacher is only 35...

June 4th, 2005, 03:35 am
i'm known as the geek and *cough* the slut. i cried once because i left my hw at home XD

June 4th, 2005, 03:39 am
also, you never see me with out me ROLEX!

June 4th, 2005, 03:41 am
Originally posted by Dreams-Creation@Jun 3 2005, 08:39 PM
also, you never see me with out me ROLEX!
Anyone who says that in our school would get robbed.

June 4th, 2005, 03:43 am

every one in my school is supprised someone has one, thats it. Its nice and shiny!

Wait, where the flip do you go to school?!

June 4th, 2005, 11:08 am
Um I'm not sure what group I'm in. At school I'm sorta popular. I get along with everyone in the school apart from certain teachers. I think it's more down to the maturity of my year though. I get along with the boffs and clever people as well as the "cool" sporty people. Not sure what social group that's in. I don't really have a specific group of friends that I'm cliquey with but I move around depending on my mood. I don't think I'm in a group to be honest. :blink: Put me in the appropriate one if there is though.

June 4th, 2005, 01:09 pm
Ohhh, I don't know. No-one notices me at school, I'm not popular, even when I'm hyper, people just say "Shut the f**k up, you're really pissing me off!" Okay, so it MIGHT be due to the fact that I don't greet people normally, where as NORMAL person might say "Good morning" I say "Ohayou 'su!!" *should really not watch Pita Ten, it messes with her brain* That *MAY* be why I'm not popular. It *MAY* be because I'm not LIKE the popular girls. It *MAY* be because I don't make any attempt to appear normal, or because I leave interacting with popular people to Laure-chan (friend from school) since she reckons she is so popular, and such the expert. But, yeah, popularity, not my thing, I tried to fit in, I tried to wear the same clothes, I tried to seem equally as confident as the other girls, but it didn't work, I was hiding behind a mask of fake cofidence. T_T

June 4th, 2005, 01:27 pm
I know we had a thread similar to this before . . *shrugs*

Ah, back in high school, I was the geek and misfit ^^ All I did was study and study and study @_@ had no sense of fashion (if you saw my hairstyle, hehe) . . didn't even discover msn until after I graduated *gasp* haha . . and sure I had some friends, but I wasn't really close to them.

Then in university, umm . . I didn't study as much (which was bad of me!) and I got bad grades. But I was still perceived as the geek even when I tried to prove I wasn't as smart as people had assumed =P *is still a misfit though!* . . meh, I actually had real friends by this time. Went out so much! My social groupies were . . *normal* people, it's the best way I can describe it. I mean, we're all growing up now, concerned about our future, so we're all being nice to each other.

June 4th, 2005, 01:39 pm
I always was the freak - now, I don't care, because I'm my own person.

June 4th, 2005, 05:17 pm
Ohhh, I don't know. No-one notices me at school, I'm not popular, even when I'm hyper, people just say "Shut the f**k up, you're really pissing me off!" Okay, so it MIGHT be due to the fact that I don't greet people normally, where as NORMAL person might say "Good morning" I say "Ohayou 'su!!" *should really not watch Pita Ten, it messes with her brain* That *MAY* be why I'm not popular. It *MAY* be because I'm not LIKE the popular girls. It *MAY* be because I don't make any attempt to appear normal, or because I leave interacting with popular people to Laure-chan (friend from school) since she reckons she is so popular, and such the expert. But, yeah, popularity, not my thing, I tried to fit in, I tried to wear the same clothes, I tried to seem equally as confident as the other girls, but it didn't work, I was hiding behind a mask of fake cofidence. T_T

wow, there was this girl in school, and she was ust like you, but had ADD + ADHD and she never took her pills. so yesterday, she wanted money, so she sold her pills for 6$ for 3 pills. you want to know why she wanted money, becuase she wanted to buy some stuff at the book fair....she police came and shes going to get a huge fine and probably expelstion and juvie time.

June 4th, 2005, 10:44 pm
That&#39;s just so tactful - "I know a girl just like you, only she has ADD" <_<

June 4th, 2005, 10:46 pm
no&#33; I ment no offense, but I ment her personality is like Chi-Chi&#39;s...

Don Vercetti
June 4th, 2005, 11:27 pm
I&#39;m that nice guy who won&#39;t hurt a fly and who always have top grades.
I&#39;m trying to change that first part.......

June 4th, 2005, 11:51 pm
im part of the &#39;people everyone knows&#39; group.

im the nice guy that most know liked by nearly all

i&#39;m nice to who ever is nice to me, talk to me and i&#39;ll talk to you

lol, my group rules

June 5th, 2005, 12:14 am
&#39;The Asian group with an occasional white person&#39; group. It&#39;s a great group cause you can always copy down homework =D, jk. lemme see if i have some pictures....

My Friend Jae "Po" Jung (the guy without a shirt)

From left to right, Mary jessica jean toni, part of matt

Bunch of us, I&#39;m the guy in green if you wanna know

These pictures are from a year ago, so we all probably look a lot different

June 5th, 2005, 02:49 am

Im am scared to kill anything, even an ant........

June 5th, 2005, 03:24 am
what&#39;s this about killing?

aaanyway, I don&#39;t think i really fit into a group, too crazy. I never really fit in when I was little, in high school i was a geek/misfit etc but found friends and stuff, but still didn&#39;t really BELONG. I think then in yr 9 (14/15) i seriously got into anime and stuff and bacame friends with des.

see, at the mo, i hang around my highschool friends, associate with the Asians and some randoms. oh, and of course my very own anime club ;) i guess i&#39;m friendly with most people...what a random i am&#33; XD

but like maz, i&#39;m happy with who i am now ^_^

June 5th, 2005, 03:28 am
im obsesive, Ill pick at somthing untill you get mad at me, and even then Ill still go on&#33;

Neko Koneko
June 5th, 2005, 10:01 am
To tell the truth, I may be popular. Not those jocks and preps but between middle and popular. I have many friends

I can&#39;t believe that :whistle:

but then there are those who hate me...

No, really? Surpriiiise ~ :o

I hate those jocks and skater kids.

Don&#39;t worry, I&#39;m sure they hate you too.

They are so popular they can get away with anying.

I thought you were the popular one? Apparently not. Jealous?

They make fun of me


I have smart remarks only smarter people will understand...

I&#39;d rather say they are so stupid that no one finds them funny.

I&#39;m sorry if I&#39;m being harsh here, but that post just seemed like utter bullshit to me. Dreams-Creation, stop acting all popular and smart, your posts show someone who could neither be intelligent or popular. Try acting like who you are so that the personality you tell us you have actually shows up in your posts and not the other way around, trying to be what you&#39;d like to be. That never works.

June 5th, 2005, 10:38 am
Heh, in primary school I was the weird quiet smart one who went insane occasionally. In high school i was the weird mostly quiet, sorta smart one who tends to go insane sometimes. In college, I am the weird occasionally quiet not very smart one who seems to rather insane most of the time.

Basically I guess my group would be with the not popular people. The ones who really don&#39;t CARE about popular. Which is a good thing, because that&#39;s where I fit in. If people like me, whatver. If they don&#39;t, whatever.

My only &#39;real&#39; group of friends are the end of yr 10 ones. Our &#39;thursday meetup&#39; group&#33; That&#39;s really the only time I&#39;ve really belonged to a group.

June 5th, 2005, 11:03 am
Basically I guess my group would be with the not popular people. The ones who really don&#39;t CARE about popular. Which is a good thing, because that&#39;s where I fit in. If people like me, whatver. If they don&#39;t, whatever.

Same here. We just have fun doing random stuff and dont care what others think. It&#39;s better than being popular and having to maintain your image all the time because of what they may think of you.

June 5th, 2005, 01:14 pm
I dunno what group I&#39;d be in. There aren&#39;t really groups in my school because everyone knows everyone and everyone is (usually) ok with one another. Hmm I think our group is...uh....grr&#33; I don&#39;t know we change too much...We can be jocks, we can be class clowns, we can be emo, we can be distgustingly cheerful, we can be nice, we can be mean (or at least i know I can be mean). We change too much&#33; But uh...we&#39;re always laughing...lol (see? ^_^)

June 5th, 2005, 09:17 pm
To tell the truth, I may be popular. Not those jocks and preps but between middle and popular. I have many friends

I can&#39;t believe that whistling.gif

but then there are those who hate me...

No, really? Surpriiiise ~ ohmy.gif

I hate those jocks and skater kids.

Don&#39;t worry, I&#39;m sure they hate you too.

They are so popular they can get away with anying.

I thought you were the popular one? Apparently not. Jealous?

They make fun of me


I have smart remarks only smarter people will understand...

I&#39;d rather say they are so stupid that no one finds them funny.

I&#39;m sorry if I&#39;m being harsh here, but that post just seemed like utter bullshit to me. Dreams-Creation, stop acting all popular and smart, your posts show someone who could neither be intelligent or popular. Try acting like who you are so that the personality you tell us you have actually shows up in your posts and not the other way around, trying to be what you&#39;d like to be. That never works.


one word can sum it up. You treat me the same way ever time I post here. Why is it otherMODS and ADMINS can treat me with kindness, every one does, but you&#33; Do you have somthing against me or what?&#33;

You are the kind of person whom makes this world rotten and crule. Not accsepting others is fine but acting up like that is just plain stupid and mean. I have never seen so much in one person. I have been rideculed before but I have never expected it from such a person with power like you&#33; You make me sick.

Neko Koneko
June 5th, 2005, 09:25 pm
Be happy that at least I don&#39;t do it behind your back like others do <_<

June 5th, 2005, 09:32 pm
true, and thanks for having the nerve to talk right in front of me.

Also, I have not seen any one talk behind my back, and if they did, screw them they can burn in HELL.

June 5th, 2005, 09:43 pm
Originally posted by PFT_Shadow@Jun 4 2005, 11:51 PM
im part of the &#39;people everyone knows&#39; group.

im the nice guy that most know liked by nearly all

i&#39;m nice to who ever is nice to me, talk to me and i&#39;ll talk to you

lol, my group rules
that&#39;s the closest thing I&#39;m at I think but I don&#39;t think I&#39;m as popular as you are.

Neko Koneko
June 5th, 2005, 09:44 pm
I guess I&#39;m a horrible person, but I&#39;d like to apologise anyway, because I guess I did go out of line. Dreams-Creation, my point was more that even though you say things you don&#39;t seem convincing at all in making them seem realistic. I have the feeling you&#39;re telling lies in order to make yourself look cool, and I really don&#39;t like it when people do that. Even though I think you do this, I don&#39;t have any solid proof so I should never have attacked you the way I did. It&#39;s just that I had a feeling and I hate people who lie, my previous girlfriend lied to me for all the time that we were together and since then I hated people who tell lies in order to make themselves more interesting. I don&#39;t know if you lie to fit in but if you do, stop it and be yourself. If you don&#39;t, guess I made a huge mistake and for that I sincerely apologise to you. I&#39;m sorry for accusing you of things that I should not have accused you of.

June 5th, 2005, 09:52 pm
yeah, im sorry to for attacking you too...


Well, I need to make my post more clear. But seriouly, my social life is all jumbled up. I have freinds every where, and it makes it more hard for me. Like one time, one of my friends got into a fight with my other friend (they arnt friends, diffrent groups) and They were getting mad at me for not chooseing which on to forget about.......I just ignored all of it untill it was over.

I have friends in the so-called-slut-group, some skater kids *shudders*, magnet school kids, outsiders, richer, poorer, diva wanabies (only one, her name is charley and wont shut up&#33; she sings all the time, but shes really good), special ed, and some more, I think..

Neko Koneko
June 5th, 2005, 09:55 pm
Personally I don&#39;t care about having many friends, as long as I can rely on the ones that I have ~

June 5th, 2005, 09:56 pm
IMO, you can never have enugh freinds, but some times you can.

June 5th, 2005, 10:12 pm
Isn&#39;t that just contradictory? Well yeah the more friends you have the better but you never know who your true friends are. If you feel you&#39;ve got too many friends then don&#39;t make so many. If you think you&#39;ve got too many then organise yourself better or alternatively don&#39;t let them rule your life. There&#39;s only one of you so you shouldn&#39;t do what people want you to when you don&#39;t want to. I&#39;m assuming you&#39;re saying that you&#39;ve got too many friends that you can&#39;t spend as much time as you like with all of them because they all want you to socialise with them outside school. Um...yeah friends are always good.

June 5th, 2005, 10:14 pm
yeah it sorta is....

well, I ment it like you can have alot of friends and thats not bad, but somthimes too many is bad bacuase you never know if they are real friends.

June 5th, 2005, 10:28 pm
yeah. I think I&#39;d rather have really good close friends rather than lots of friends. At least you know that you have real friends that way.

June 6th, 2005, 02:03 am
I&#39;m a band geek I guess. But the thing about being in band is that you&#39;re not really a geek or nerd, you&#39;re just around the same people over and over again. We&#39;re like a big family.

Or in the words of the school dictonary: Band- A cult with a permanent hall pass.

June 6th, 2005, 02:14 am
I have a permanet hall pass&#33;

acutaly, the teacher give me their keys and I go into their cars after putting/getting whatever and pretend to dive..........

June 6th, 2005, 02:17 am

:( I don&#39;t have a permanent hall pas...

June 6th, 2005, 05:33 am
Let&#39;s see... I&#39;ll probably be the person everyone knows (or at least heard of). But for most of them my name will only associate with "Didn&#39;t they expel him yet?" And it gets said behind my back :bleh: All of this because I refuse to copy my homework from someone else, or cheat on a test - so my grades are somewhat lower than others, especially since a typical test would be something like "*whisper* what did you get for question 23?". I hate cheaters. I have a couple of friends who I respect, but even with them I feel so out of place - everyone is from a slightly different social class (im the guy from the middle, the rest are the children of oligarchs...). Im not jealous, its just that I have a different set of values....

June 6th, 2005, 06:46 am
lol, thursday meet up group XD and the three of us here on the forums have gotten rather close ;) common interest, insanity, it all fits in :P

June 6th, 2005, 10:18 am
Well, you two are an integral part of the thursday arvo meet up group :P Although recently it&#39;s turning into High School Reunions every week....... HOW many people frequent that shopiing centre XD
But even though I have friends and a group at college, out HS group is still our group&#33;

Igneus Descent
June 6th, 2005, 11:32 am
Lol, this topic is really interesting because I know we discuss this sometimes at school. I don&#39;t think I belong to any group (unless there&#39;s a group for really quiet shy people-which I don&#39;t think there is and I&#39;d be kicked out after Inu and Ran Tan came along ^^)

In general I don&#39;t know where I&#39;d go. I don&#39;t like to talk that much ^^ (cept for when I&#39;m excited or really enjoy talking about the topic) and apparently I analyse too much...so hmmm...

June 6th, 2005, 12:43 pm
People who are judgemental are really just insecure....

There&#39;s nothing wrong with being quiet and shy. Just try not to analyse too much. Too much can be just as bad as too little. I find that analysing too much makes me arrogant which is bad. Not sure whether it does the same to you but its not the best habit to become accustomed to.

I&#39;ve heard that your personality can change over time until you reach 30 where the last personality that you have will be stuck with you forever. You just need someone to act as the catalyst to do that....

June 6th, 2005, 12:51 pm
I&#39;m the strange guy in the back row who hears loud music, chats with the girls no one else likes, gets some good grades, wears pullovers and doesn&#39;t want to have anything to do with nearly the rest of the class. Or for short: the weirdo. I&#39;m an uncool weirdo and I&#39;m proud to be&#33;

June 6th, 2005, 01:07 pm
Yeah, I&#39;m the weirdo, insase one, crazy one, psychotic one, hyper one, anime obsessed freak. But I don&#39;t care, I love it&#33; :P Des is there to calm me down, lol. I make friends relatively easy, friendly to those that deserve it, try to always be happy, but my anger has caused me problems... :heh: Hmm, how to draw this picture of myself? There are so many people i can and do say hello to in passing, in the corridors etc, but my tight nit group, and even tighter circle, well, I remain loayl. I would never betray etc them ^_^ Oh, and of course, most of them can take my craziness XD

June 6th, 2005, 01:30 pm
I&#39;m called a man-whore. And In My highschool in drama club that appears to be what some whiggers would call "The Shit". In reality I&#39;m a loaner who loves to love women. I&#39;m a womenizer but have a sincerely darker side that I don&#39;t show to anyone. I don&#39;t wear anything that doesn&#39;t feel good to me. But I don&#39;t slit my wrists or write death poems.(Like my sister)

Igneus Descent
June 7th, 2005, 09:25 am
I think being analytical is a good thing. I like being able to look a situations under different circumstances. By being analytical I don&#39;t mean being judgemental.

You can observe things and not form solid opinions on them. I like to watch people, how they talk and how they act, it&#39;s interesting. Everyone&#39;s so different from one another even if they don&#39;t think so. ^_^

But sometimes that leads to me thinking to hard. Lol. Like there&#39;s this girl in my English class, she&#39;s very pretty, but she has no friends and I&#39;ve never heard her talk once. It makes me think &#39;Why?&#39; a lot.
I wonder if she&#39;s mute and then I think maybe I could learn sign language and try to talk to her, then I think I&#39;m such an idiot and should just shut up my mental ramblings ^______^

June 7th, 2005, 10:27 am
Me... mmm... by now I guess the people in here have already figured out what my personality is. I&#39;m unpopular. the kind of kid whose voice was rarely heard in class... and still is. bookish and more passive than the rest. and so being the way that I am, I tend to blend more with people who are like me. (birds of the same feathers flock together)

and so while the other groups (more like the cool group) are talking to each other with their voices rising above each other, I&#39;d sit with my friends at the corner and talk about anything... with less gusto.

June 7th, 2005, 11:05 am
Originally posted by Igneus Descent@Jun 7 2005, 01:25 PM
Like there&#39;s this girl in my English class, she&#39;s very pretty, but she has no friends and I&#39;ve never heard her talk once. It makes me think &#39;Why?&#39; a lot.
I wonder if she&#39;s mute and then I think maybe I could learn sign language and try to talk to her, then I think I&#39;m such an idiot and should just shut up my mental ramblings ^______^
that made me smile. couldn&#39;t help it.

June 7th, 2005, 11:08 am
You should hear her when she starts rambling at US XD The conversations get very funny.

June 7th, 2005, 11:19 am
I can just picture her always muttering and mumbling about how you two aren&#39;t acting proper, or that you should lower your voice, or maybe saying "Stop It&#33;" a little too often; and in the end, she ends up rescuing you all ^_^

yeah... it could happen

June 7th, 2005, 11:33 am
Des that&#39;s what I meant. Doing that makes you think too much. It&#39;s sort of judgemental in a way because you&#39;re half doing it, but I guess it&#39;s not fully judgemental so yeah. I do that too but I try to refrain from it. I&#39;d talk to that girl if I was you. Nothing better than a friendly chat to a random person&#33; ^_^

But yeah being analytical helps a lot...just don&#39;t over-do it is my opinion.

June 7th, 2005, 02:10 pm
I&#39;m popular.... I guess (at least to the drama students). Does that make me enemy number one?

June 7th, 2005, 09:56 pm
Originally posted by Theshadowofdoubt@Jun 7 2005, 02:10 PM
I&#39;m popular.... I guess (at least to the drama students). Does that make me enemy number one?
<shrugs> I dunno...you&#39;re not my enemy to me. Depends on what other people think i reckon. :unsure:

June 7th, 2005, 10:41 pm
Originally posted by Theshadowofdoubt@Jun 7 2005, 10:10 AM
I&#39;m popular.... I guess (at least to the drama students). Does that make me enemy number one?
Nope, because *here* we&#39;re all the same =)

June 7th, 2005, 10:47 pm
:D *agrees*

June 7th, 2005, 11:17 pm
all most all my friends are girls, and people assume im gay because of it...doesnt make sense to me. Its like calling a tomboy who has a ton of guy friends lesbian becuase she has alot of male friends&#33; Its dumb&#33;

June 7th, 2005, 11:35 pm
I hate that too&#33;&#33; -_- why can&#39;t people just mind their own bussiness... not everyone needs a label...

June 8th, 2005, 12:28 am
hmm...social groups...i hang out w/ all diff. groups. emo kids, the jocks, preppy ppl, nerds, and the normal ppl. Is that weird?

June 8th, 2005, 12:32 am
Normal, what is Normal. I thought Normal was the same as average, but that means the kids added together and divided by the amount added = the normal kids, doesnt make sense.

June 8th, 2005, 12:54 am
oh dont even start w/ that stuff

June 8th, 2005, 12:56 am
Oh no you didnt&#33;

*starts a sisy slap thing with Muffin*

Oh, just shut your trap&#33;

Owch&#33; I broke a nail.... :drool: nail................

June 8th, 2005, 09:41 am
Originally posted by Fob@Jun 8 2005, 02:47 AM
:D *agrees*
I disagree...

whatever happened to us being different individuals, all unique in our own way <_<

Just because someone here is an outcast in rl, doesn&#39;t mean that the rest of us are

June 8th, 2005, 09:44 am
the number of frieds that are girls far outweighs that of boys, ive only been called gay for that once. I dont understand how being able to talk to girls can give that kind of impression to people, or how not trying to perform so called manly acts of strength is a bad thing.

June 8th, 2005, 10:08 am
Originally posted by PFT_Shadow@Jun 8 2005, 09:44 AM
the number of frieds that are girls far outweighs that of boys, ive only been called gay for that once. I dont understand how being able to talk to girls can give that kind of impression to people, or how not trying to perform so called manly acts of strength is a bad thing.
:huh: I get labelled a "stud" or a "pimp" instead. B) (though I&#39;m not one&#33;) It&#39;s probably because I go to a single-sex school though. XD

It goes to show that if you don&#39;t show off your muscles you get more girls :P . I think it&#39;s nice to have a good mix of friends from both sexes rather than have one sex outweigh the other. I want to make it clear though that there&#39;s nothing wrong with having most of your friends from the opposite sex. It&#39;s just that jealousy tends to crop up amongst peers. Stupid but that&#39;s probably why they are calling you gay. <shrugs>

June 8th, 2005, 07:53 pm
Nope, because *here* we&#39;re all the same =)

I disagree...

Didn&#39;t he mean that we&#39;re all on the same level? as in no one is anyone elses enemy?

June 8th, 2005, 08:10 pm
All I meant was that here on the internet, we&#39;re communicating through words and not actions. It&#39;s harder to place labels on someone. Does being a jock show up here? Not really . . and yes Fob, I also meant that we&#39;re not enemies with each other =)

June 10th, 2005, 11:15 pm
:offtopic: Im off topic but this is the best place for this
FLIP&#33; Some people can hate other for no good damn reason. Heres two stories from school just from today, TODAY&#33; How much hate is there in one day&#33;?

Okay, about a two weeks or so ago this new girl came. We were surrprised becuase she had the Neo-Goth look. We later found out she just doesnt like to be the same as others. So about last week in tech class we were making blogs and the new girl, Haily, decided to do her on blog on Marilyn Manson. So then the next day my friend (me and Haily wernt friends yet) said "Marilyn Manson&#39;s Ghetto" and other shit about Marilyn Manson, which Haily tried ignore untill she said "You could just fuck off" and then other started to wisper and laugh, probably about Haily

Today, I found out Haily supposidly "screwed around" with this stereotype skater kid, whixh I will add isnt too smart, while he was going out with those kids (the ones who made fun of Haily) good friend. So now they go to her and say "I hate you gothica" or " You look like a blackhead" or any other rude comment on her looks. That made me mad and I told her just agree with them and act like you dont care and wave and piss them off. I hope it works and she doesnt get into a fight becuase some of those kids are crazy, and so are their parents. The parents will go after people, kids even and beat them if the mess with anyone in the family. Pray for Haily&#39;s safty

On the bus when I was comming home today there were these 3 girls talking about Anime and Manga. Soon, this girl was getting weird and shouted "Anime is gay&#33;" and more shit about it. For a girl who didnt like Anime, she sure did know alot about it. Well any way, soon she just started shit about them and when 2 of the others left I got mad and said to her "What the freek?&#33; They were just talking like you&#33; Just leave them alone&#33;" and that shut her up for now.

PS:Our bus driver isnt so fond of cussing becuase there are little kids on the bus

June 11th, 2005, 12:34 am
I always think that a good way to get back at them is if they like the matrix, you can say that it was actually based on animé.

June 11th, 2005, 01:26 am
ugh. i hate that. "tis is gay&#33; thats gay" what the hell&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; saying anime, or stuff is gay is incorrect. if u dont like anime, use the proper adjective. (im not really talkin about u guys, just those nubskulls who cant appreaciate anyting....)
sorry for the rant,
back to subjet.

hmm... social groupies... mine arnt well defined. i hang around a few good buds, i sometimes chill out with a medium-popular tighly packed group of friends, those times are most enjoyable, but sometimes i prefer to keep my distances so i dont become a nusance. ugh.

u know, medium popular as in those who are naturally popular friends and not "back stabbers" for popularity

June 11th, 2005, 02:20 am
actualy, using "Gay" as an adjective now in these times is okay. Most use "Gay" in the older ways, either as homosexual or happy (more homosexual less heppy though) But the word "Gay" has gotten a new definition; Less in the lines of homosexual and happy and more in the lines of stupid, moronic, isiotic and so forth.

Now when people call you gay, please comprahend how they used it. If they say "That is so fucking gay" they really ment "That is so fucking stupid". But if they say "That kid is gay" They probably mean "That kid is gay".

But in my case people actualy mean Homosexual, I even asked them.

That concludes todays lessons on Ghettonics...

:offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic:

Well any ways, the use of cuss words while tring to make fun of others is stupid. If you want to make fun of people, do it in a dictonary friendly manner.

June 11th, 2005, 02:24 am
curse words are in the dictionary....lol you mean keep it PG. I get ya. :D

June 29th, 2005, 10:14 am
Originally posted by Dreams&#045;Creation@Jun 11 2005, 02:20 AM
actualy, using "Gay" as an adjective now in these times is okay. Most use "Gay" in the older ways, either as homosexual or happy (more homosexual less heppy though) But the word "Gay" has gotten a new definition; Less in the lines of homosexual and happy and more in the lines of stupid, moronic, isiotic and so forth.

Now when people call you gay, please comprahend how they used it. If they say "That is so fucking gay" they really ment "That is so fucking stupid". But if they say "That kid is gay" They probably mean "That kid is gay".

But in my case people actualy mean Homosexual, I even asked them.

That concludes todays lessons on Ghettonics...

:offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic:

Well any ways, the use of cuss words while tring to make fun of others is stupid. If you want to make fun of people, do it in a dictonary friendly manner.
I think most people knew that already...sowwy :unsure: It has been around for quite a while now...like 7 years or so? Well in England anyway.

June 29th, 2005, 10:45 am
7? Its been thrown around much longer than that. It was originally gaylord or something, wasn&#39;t it? I remember that going around when I was 6. Man, I feel old now.

I don&#39;t think gay is even used in the homosexual reference anymore around my parts.

June 29th, 2005, 11:21 am
yeah it was gaylord. I forgot about that. Weird how language evolves.

June 29th, 2005, 04:12 pm
OK&#33; I&#39;m Emo....so I&#39;m not exactly sure if everyone knows what that means, but, since I&#39;am, I have friends everywhere, popular friends, goth friends, skater friends, Psychotic friends ect....Emo is the group I&#39;m in, it has it advantages, but it also has its disadvanages......

July 16th, 2005, 09:55 am
OK! I'm Emo....so I'm not exactly sure if everyone knows what that means, but, since I'am, I have friends everywhere, popular friends, goth friends, skater friends, Psychotic friends ect....Emo is the group I'm in, it has it advantages, but it also has its disadvanages......

I'm sort of emo..... I'm a bit of Goth, a bit of skater....... mostly I have my own clothes style, and I take strange inspiration from Harajuku fashions. ^^ Yesterday's outfit was very Harajuku. ^.^

July 17th, 2005, 03:39 am
So I guess im Emo, but a tad smartsy and smart-ass :)

Also, do you concider yourself as a leader or follower?

At school, I will tell people to do stuff, and yet they dont argue...


But yeah, people turn to me for help and I tell them what to do, durring reces people follow me around...okay its my friend, I knew here sence like kintergarten so were very good friends. I have my own little group I hang out with, but I have friends everywhere...

July 17th, 2005, 03:42 am
Why does everyone claim this "Emo" I have no understanding of it's meaning what so ever. I've heard a couple of people use the term but most of my friends have never said it ever(but then again i mostly hang out with thug type people or just really weird...in a good way people)

July 17th, 2005, 03:47 am
I just herd the term like...3 minutes ago, from...this forum....

July 17th, 2005, 04:25 am
Emo is short for emotional. They're the people who would wear black all the time, hide from everyone, say they have no friends, hate their parents, and go home and cry every day... But that's the most extreame case.

July 17th, 2005, 04:27 am
umm.......No thanks...Even though I love to wear black / dark colors, im hyper and happy B)

July 17th, 2005, 01:07 pm
Emo is short for emotional. They're the people who would wear black all the time, hide from everyone, say they have no friends, hate their parents, and go home and cry every day... But that's the most extreame case.

:\ i suppose this makes me emo too then

July 17th, 2005, 03:31 pm
oh that sounds so boring. Im definitley not emo

July 18th, 2005, 07:42 am
@DS: <_<

Neko Koneko
July 18th, 2005, 08:13 am
oh that sounds so boring. Im definitley not emo

I bet your life is way more interesting?

July 18th, 2005, 02:02 pm
Yeah, I mean ya know i feel that life is what you make it! The way you describe emos is as if they are always sad and things always go bad for them...well at least in their minds. I've been brought up that you may not can change what happens to you but it's your decision on however you act on it. I mean I'm not trying to say that an emo's life is wrong, just that its not for me.

July 19th, 2005, 07:21 am
Yeah, I mean ya know i feel that life is what you make it! The way you describe emos is as if they are always sad and things always go bad for them...well at least in their minds. I've been brought up that you may not can change what happens to you but it's your decision on however you act on it. I mean I'm not trying to say that an emo's life is wrong, just that its not for me.

I can sort of go from one group to another, depending on my mood, everyone at school thinks I am emo though. Joy.

July 19th, 2005, 10:12 pm
my friends name is emo XD

July 20th, 2005, 01:39 am