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June 30th, 2005, 07:17 pm
I was watching a special on 20/20 some time ago on cosmetic surgery and decided to start a thread about it. Seeing how it's like the most popular gift on the market, mainly as a graduating gift (at least over hear in America). There's also that "miracle drug" that can make you look young again, I saw a 60 year old pass as someone possibly in thier forties. I'm sure most of you have already heard of all this. Just say your views on it.

Personally I'm against the whole thing.

June 30th, 2005, 07:25 pm
I say grow old gracefully or somethin like that for the 'oh I look my age how terrible' cosmetic surgery, for bood jobs well I'm a bloke so while I say its not always needed to mess with things bigger can be better (I'm an old school bloke) but for the most part people should leave themselves alone in that way, got some fat? exercise then rather than have a hoover jammed up you to remove it (deliberate oversimplification there)

June 30th, 2005, 08:38 pm
Having cosmentic surgery just shows that you're unhappy with yourself. I think it's the negative effect of celebrities. In the case of being obese, it's just laziness. Everything is in the mind. There's no such condition that gives you an excuse to be obese. In the case for breasts, I can't really comment on that because i'm not a woman. That's probably a negative externality of celebrities again.

July 1st, 2005, 03:13 am
Depends on the type of surgery. For burn victims, it can be vital. (Removal of fused scar tissue around the chest that can inhibit breathing, and so on.) I think that for every big-&#036;&#036;&#036; lipo that a plastic surgeon gives some spoiled brat of a celeb, he ought to have to do at least one or two pro bono surgerys on people who *actually need it*. <_<

July 1st, 2005, 10:49 am
you can&#39;t blame the people who undergo cosmetic surgery because no matter what people say- beauty does matter.

July 1st, 2005, 11:10 am
Originally posted by Edwin@Jul 1 2005, 03:13 AM
Depends on the type of surgery. For burn victims, it can be vital. (Removal of fused scar tissue around the chest that can inhibit breathing, and so on.) I think that for every big-&#036;&#036;&#036; lipo that a plastic surgeon gives some spoiled brat of a celeb, he ought to have to do at least one or two pro bono surgerys on people who *actually need it*. <_<
good point I never thought about that.

@archangel raine - you&#39;re right but when you get 12 year olds wanting cosmetic surgery, isn&#39;t that a social flaw?

July 1st, 2005, 05:49 pm
Right now, I think people in general are focusing way too much on their looks. Why is everyone so unhappy with themselves? There are more people with anorexia and bulimia now than ever before. Why can&#39;t people just be happy with their bodies? You don&#39;t have to be blonde with giant knockers to be beautiful.

On a semi-related note, this editorial about breast implants is hillarious: An Ode, to Natural Beauty (http://www.outpostnine.com/editorials/ode.html)

If you have never seen your feet, your boobies are too damned big. If little children stand under you for shade in the summer, your boobies are too damned big. If you&#39;re on top of your boyfriend, and he looks up and suddenly exclaimed "Oh no, two giant walruses are falling from the sky&#33;", your boobies are too damned big. And once gravity wins that battle, and oh it will, that **** will not be pretty. You will have to pay triple admission for any sporting event you go to because, by definition, you will be occupying three seats. Yours, and the two in the row below you.


July 1st, 2005, 06:06 pm
Don&#39;t people learn when they&#39;re little that it&#39;s what&#39;s on the inside that counts. I&#39;m personally happy with my body and I&#39;m against cosmetic surgury unless its used to treat an accident, or a victim of a burn, etc.

Having cosmentic surgery just shows that you&#39;re unhappy with yourself. I think it&#39;s the negative effect of celebrities. In the case of being obese, it&#39;s just laziness. Everything is in the mind. There&#39;s no such condition that gives you an excuse to be obese. In the case for breasts, I can&#39;t really comment on that because i&#39;m not a woman. That&#39;s probably a negative externality of celebrities again.

That&#39;s true. Besides, aren&#39;t celebrities known for their talents, not for their beauty. About breasts, I&#39;m a 14 year old girl in high school, and I think that they&#39;re absoultly annoying&#33; I&#39;d rather be flat-chested. One less piece of clothing to worry about. Besides if you want to be beautiful so people will like you, then you have no life. People should like you because of your personality and character.

And this issue about older people wanting to look young. What&#39;s the point? There isn&#39;t one.

A reason that a lot of Americans what cosmetic surgury is because of a flaw in its pop culture/society. People today are obsessed with sex.

July 1st, 2005, 06:17 pm
Originally posted by an&#045;kun@Jun 30 2005, 04:38 PM
In the case of being obese, it&#39;s just laziness. Everything is in the mind. There&#39;s no such condition that gives you an excuse to be obese.
Really? Read and learn.

I&#39;ve known someone who had some health problems. Then they had sugery and more health problems arose. He was then bedwridden for about 6 months. Before all that, he was a good 150lbs. After he could stand and move around abit, he was 240.
Not to mention there are HUNDREDS of diseases that cause you to gain weight, some very quickly. I know one person who had such a disease, and they would exercise 2 hrs a day and eat 900 calories, and still gain 10lbs a week.

Some people are just naturally more prone to obesity. Slower matabolism, etc...just like there are some people who have trouble gaining weight.

I have to work my ass off to loose weight. I run 4 miles a day, do alot of swimming, and stay on a very low-fat diet...and I barely even loose weight. It&#39;s called metobolic resistance.

I&#39;m not lazy. Sure, there are some that are just lazy, but that&#39;s not the majority.
:/ Learn the facts before you call all overweight people lazy.

July 1st, 2005, 09:30 pm
Originally posted by Sashiro@Jul 1 2005, 06:17 PM
Really? Read and learn.

I&#39;ve known someone who had some health problems. Then they had sugery and more health problems arose. He was then bedwridden for about 6 months. Before all that, he was a good 150lbs. After he could stand and move around abit, he was 240.
Not to mention there are HUNDREDS of diseases that cause you to gain weight, some very quickly. I know one person who had such a disease, and they would exercise 2 hrs a day and eat 900 calories, and still gain 10lbs a week.

Some people are just naturally more prone to obesity. Slower matabolism, etc...just like there are some people who have trouble gaining weight.

I have to work my ass off to loose weight. I run 4 miles a day, do alot of swimming, and stay on a very low-fat diet...and I barely even loose weight. It&#39;s called metobolic resistance.

I&#39;m not lazy. Sure, there are some that are just lazy, but that&#39;s not the majority.
:/ Learn the facts before you call all overweight people lazy.
I knew someone would say that, but I forgot to make sure that it was not meant to be like that. I didn&#39;t mean all. I meant the majority. XD sowwy.

Sorry you&#39;re right about some diseases. Lack of thyroxin slows metabolism and makes you gain weight. I forgot about that. I know not all overweight people are lazy. I meant it as in when they are eating, they binge and don&#39;t have the determination to stop eating when they know they are full. That&#39;s the laziness because then they can&#39;t be bothered to lose it.

Um if you want to lose weight sashiro, walking is meant to be better I&#39;ve heard. It uses up glucose reserves more effieciently and lipids so that you&#39;ll lose weight. You&#39;d use more aerobic respiration and avoid a build up of lactic acid in your muscles which gets converted back into fats anyway afterwards when it gets broken down which you usually get by jogging I think. Also avoid exercising early in the morning because apparently the heart needs time to "wake up" and beat at a normal heart rate. Blood pressure builds quickly and that&#39;s why people usually have heart attacks in the morning. Exercise in the morning aggravates the heart more.

I apologise for not remembering the facts. You say there are hundreds of diseases. It would be nice if you named at least one of them. I doubt there are hundreds but maybe you were just exaggerating to get your point across.

July 2nd, 2005, 03:01 am
I think its fine, just a way to make people happy. Its like lotion, if you dont take care of your self, you become dry and patchy, so you put lotion of yourself to become soft anf glowy. But with surgery, you dont take care of your self OR you just become ugly naturaly, so you make yourself sexy unaturaly.

July 2nd, 2005, 06:44 am
Originally posted by an&#045;kun@Jul 1 2005, 05:30 PM
I apologise for not remembering the facts. You say there are hundreds of diseases. It would be nice if you named at least one of them. I doubt there are hundreds but maybe you were just exaggerating to get your point across.
Just do a search for symptoms of Weight gain, you&#39;ll find tons. Plus there are alot of medications that can cause uber weight gain.

Want me to name a few?
These are a few of many diseases or health problems that can cause weight gain:
Cushing&#39;s syndrome
Heart Failure
Thyroid problems
Liver disease
Kidney disease
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

...and those are just to name a few. Tons and tons of medicines also have a side effect of weight gain. Oh, and when people get older, their metabolism slows down alot...especially in women.

July 3rd, 2005, 02:51 pm
That&#39;s true. Everyone in my family is slightly overweight and has trouble losing weight (darn that low metabolism). But that doesn&#39;t change my opinion of cosmetic surgury.

July 3rd, 2005, 09:24 pm
Originally posted by Sashiro@Jul 2 2005, 06:44 AM
Just do a search for symptoms of Weight gain, you&#39;ll find tons. Plus there are alot of medications that can cause uber weight gain.

Want me to name a few?
These are a few of many diseases or health problems that can cause weight gain:
Cushing&#39;s syndrome
Heart Failure
Thyroid problems
Liver disease
Kidney disease
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

...and those are just to name a few. Tons and tons of medicines also have a side effect of weight gain. Oh, and when people get older, their metabolism slows down alot...especially in women.
Most of the ones you said sound like diseases you get from being overweight in the first place (Heart Failure,Kidney disease,Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). Heart failure and Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease result from high blood pressure caused by build up of fatty deposits in the arteries and kidney disease is the high blood pressure causing proteins to be pushed through the basement membrane of the bowman&#39;s capsule in ultrafiltration. Unless you can actually tell me how these diseases cause you to become overweight, I don&#39;t really understand how they do. If you just searched for names with "overweight", "cause" and "diseases" it might have told you what diseases you can get from being overweight instead. :unsure: I think I see the others though. And I already said thyroid problems before. I didn&#39;t ask for medication because that isn&#39;t a disease. Yeah, metabolism slowing down is true and since i guess that could be classified as a degenerative disease, I&#39;ll give you credit for that. Only the three that I&#39;m not sure about. :/ Sashiro, I want you to prove me wrong really but you don&#39;t satisfy everything completely. You said know the facts first before critising. I want you to do the same I guess.

EDIT: @xeronia - metabolism is suposedly programmed by the genes you have or so I&#39;ve read.

EDIT 2: I just realised I&#39;m going way off topic here. Sorry&#33; :heh: I&#39;ll stop now.

July 5th, 2005, 02:08 am
Originally posted by an&#045;kun@Jul 3 2005, 05:24 PM
Most of the ones you said sound like diseases you get from being overweight in the first place (Heart Failure,Kidney disease,Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).
Check webMD.

July 7th, 2005, 08:47 pm
I don&#39;t look up my facts - I just know them from what I&#39;ve had to study for my exams. Internet isn&#39;t always correct though so don&#39;t depend on it all the time.

I&#39;m going to trust that you&#39;re right. You already won the argument anyway a while back. I&#39;m guessing you just want to prove me utterly wrong. You got what you want so you should be happy now.

I just want to get this topic back on track for the creator of the thread.

July 7th, 2005, 08:53 pm
Cosmetic surgery is a person&#39;s way of saying: "Screw you nature, I&#39;ll let science do it for me&#33;"... pure and simple...

July 11th, 2005, 05:56 pm
Some people are just naturally more prone to obesity. Slower matabolism, etc...just like there are some people who have trouble gaining weight.

Agreed, having a slow metabalism can cause obesity, as well as genetics. As for being over-weight: I think some of the nicest people I have ever met, not to mention the brightest, have been over-weight. Why? So many people judge others by how large they are- but if you are large, are you going to judge people? Probably not. Not to mention that instead of trying to look all pretty and perfect, most I know focus on other important things.

Anyway, back to the subject:

you can&#39;t blame the people who undergo cosmetic surgery because no matter what people say- beauty does matter.

I agree half-way. No matter what people tell you, or tell you they believe, beauty DOES matter.

But people are just making it worse by offering a way to avoid the lessons of life. We are never going to be able to accept those who aren&#39;t "pretty" if people keep avoiding being labeled "ugly" by getting cosmetic surgery. I believe it is okay to get cosmetic surgery only if you have some sort of "defect" that is causing you to not be treated fairly, or if there was some kind of accident. (Burns, as someone said before.) Other than that I believe it is totally unnecissary. Beauty does matter. Well, what would qualify as "beautiful" if we didn&#39;t have make-up, cosmetic surgery, etc??&#33;? Think about it.

August 2nd, 2005, 07:15 pm
If you don't need it to live then you don't need it. There are other ways to lose weight. Besides, its kind ironic for people to risk there lives having a surgery for those that ridiculed them.