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View Full Version : Jewel in the Palace

August 18th, 2005, 03:27 am
Jewel in the Palace is a Korean tv series that started airing on Fairchild 3 weeks ago. I'm usually don't watch asian tv series but this one's got me hooked! It's about a woman who became Korea's first female royal physician. I'm not Korean and the show's been dubbed in Cantonese (which is terribly done btw). I would rather have had the original Korean script with subtitles (in english because I can't read chinese either *sigh*)argh. But anyway, I loved the little girl who played the lead (Jang Geum), she is so adorable! I missed watching her act when her character grew up. I suppose this show captivated me because of the Korean culture, the soundtrack, and the story. Has anyone seen this series, if so what did you think?

August 18th, 2005, 05:52 am
haha hey i watch that..its really good..haha the little girl..at first they show her as a little girl and then she grows up..haha newais..really good =P