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View Full Version : Cell Phones in school

October 22nd, 2005, 06:44 pm
Ok...I need to conduct a survey for a friend: Do you think students should have cell phones in school?
Write yes or no and a brief description why (ex. emergency, etc.).
Thank u for participating!

October 22nd, 2005, 06:59 pm

my school doesnt allow cell phones, but no one listens to it and the school really doest really enforce the rule.

i mean, how would you know if an emergency happened if no one could even reach you?

October 22nd, 2005, 07:06 pm
YEs i think it should be allowed, just turn it off during class. Use it only before, or after school, during break and lunch time.

October 22nd, 2005, 07:22 pm
during our PSAt's the teach was like, "be sure to turn off all cellphones and/or pagers"

i mean, why would that be included in the PSAt booklet if the school bans cellphones?

October 22nd, 2005, 07:40 pm
It's annoying nonetheless, and it's disturbing the class because the teacher will have to waste time to confiscate the cellphone.

Neko Koneko
October 22nd, 2005, 09:55 pm
Phones are okay in schools as long as they aren't bothering anyone. I always have my phone on but the sound is off so it doesn't bother anyone in any way.

October 22nd, 2005, 09:56 pm
i always have my phone out and always get yelled at ><

but they never confiscated it..

October 22nd, 2005, 10:16 pm
Phones are okay in schools as long as they aren't bothering anyone. I always have my phone on but the sound is off so it doesn't bother anyone in any way.
mmhmm, bring it but dont call anyone during a test :lol:

October 23rd, 2005, 12:24 am
Yes, but they should only be used for emergencies.

October 23rd, 2005, 05:05 am
I think Yes, but not to be allowed to have the little ringtone stuff, just to be left in vibrate or silent. :P

October 23rd, 2005, 06:09 am
I have nothing else to say that hasn't been said already, but if you're looking for numbers of people who are for and against it, then I'm another one who is for it (again, as long as it's silent).

October 23rd, 2005, 05:26 pm
All you kids have cell phones in school now! :gramps:
I think cell phones in school should be treated just like phones in meetings, theaters, or anywhere else your cellphone would annoy people. Turn it off or on vibrate.

October 23rd, 2005, 09:09 pm
Yes, they should be allowed (wouldn't it've been easier to have a poll for this topic?)

Reason being: it serves as a safty cushion for situations. For an example, I was in school one day and went through the day as per normal. During my fifth class I got a note saying that my grandfather was in the hospital sick. The time written down on it was 8:22a, that was during my second class. It took the school's main office 5 hours to process this little message. If I had a cellphone on me, I could instantly be contacted and informed on the situation, without the waiting.

For another example is the recent shooting upflare in schools. Sure, cellphones are a nucense(sp?) in class, but if an emergency arised, someone could inform the police (or someone else) of the situation, and have it taken care of; quickly and decisivly.

October 23rd, 2005, 09:16 pm
All you kids have cell phones in school now! :gramps:

LOL Gand, you old fogie! :P

and yeah, i agree with Mies about the shooting in schools issue. With Columbine, they had like, only a couple of people who had contact with the police and stuff during the massacre, and that's kinda sad..

October 23rd, 2005, 11:08 pm
I say yes and to keep them on vibrate. My school makes us turn them off during school hours(including lunch!). It is really anoyying! They should just make us turn it off during tests and other very important things.

October 24th, 2005, 12:24 am
yes because a meeting after school might be cancelled or it's raining, and lazy people like me do not want to walk home so we'll just dial up some people.


October 24th, 2005, 01:12 am
At our school, cellphones were fine when used during lunch etc. but now a

new principal came because our old one got demoted and he restricts having

any use of a cellphone AT ALL for students. only usable after school. My

friend, she was turning her phone off during lunch, and some lady just took it

from her because she was "calling" some one >_>. that's how strict they

got. . but I say yes on cellphones but keep the phone on vibrate or silent

during class hours, cellphones are handy 24/7.

October 25th, 2005, 05:30 am
I think it's okay to have them, but after hearing about the deal over in Sydney...which was that the schools will start banning phones with CAMERAS on it, because there was alot of privacy issues with them, because it's hard to tell sometimes whether the person is taking a picture or not, alot of privacy issues, you get the picture. (hint: toilets)

October 25th, 2005, 07:19 pm
I think you should be allowed to bring them to school. I don't think you should be allowed to carry them around.

What would the point be? Ok, your phone is on silent or vibrate and when it rings you don't annoy anyone...that doesn't mean you can pick it up in the middle of class or leave the class so you can go have a conversation.

If you have an emergency during school there are payphones. If you don't have the money for a payphone you can use the school's phone. If there is a family emergency then your family can call the school and they can put you on the phone.

I really don't see the point to carrying it around with you....

October 25th, 2005, 11:14 pm
And why shouldn't students be able to leave class? People in high school are treated like elementary kids. You have to be on time or you get a little 'detention', no drinks, no leaving the class without teacher permission, it's fucking stupid. I feel sorry for people who are high school students, because they are treated like fucking kids. I think when you enter high school, it should be a bit more like college.

Yes, the school has it's responsbilities over you, but you shouldn't be penalized for being 30 seconds late to class. You should be allowed to have a drink, as long as it is not spilled. If you have a cellphone, you should be allowed to dismiss yourself from the class to talk to whoever is calling. And if you miss something important, you should get it from a peer, or be out of luck. You should be held responsible for whether or not it's worth missing a portion of class, however small, for a phonecall.

I mean, sure you should be penalized a little if you are going to simply skip class or school, as grades or attending class aren't so important to you in high school. But skip college for a day and not only are you losing money, but your grades can easily go downhill a letter grade or two, and there usually is not making it up. Hence, the necessity of punishment from the school. But being 5 minutes late I don't think merits a punishment. Nor should stepping outside to answer a phonecall you deem important.

So in short, yes, cellphones should be allowed to give students this responsbility, as long as they aren't disrupting others, and they understand the impact it can have on their grades.

October 26th, 2005, 04:15 am
I'd agree with that, but a lot of highschool students are extremely irresponsible and undisciplined; they'd just never show up for class because they wouldn't give a crap (moreso in the underclassmen than the upperclassmen, but the case [and its opposite] are true in both areas) if the school didn't do anything about it. With some sort of disciplinary system students are kept in line. Yeah, it sucks for those students who aren't lazy bastards, but for those who are it keeps them "in line." =\

October 26th, 2005, 12:29 pm
I'm posting from my Networking class right now (got done with a test early) and my cell phone is in my pocket. I think for high school students it gets kind of necessary, especially for someone like me who stays late a lot for marching band practice and needs to call home often to give updates on where I am and when I need a ride home.

Neko Koneko
October 26th, 2005, 01:05 pm
What people at Vodafone get taught: People don't need mobile phones, but we make them think they do.

It's true, 10 years ago nobody had a mobile phone and nobody needed one either.

October 26th, 2005, 09:16 pm
But things change. Nobody needed a car before cars were invented, but if you look at today, what would you do without one (or at least for places like U.S. and such)? Near where I live, cars are extremely important. People need them for jobs, for college, for getting food, getting clothes. If we don't have a car, how else do we get to our job to pay for our food, shelter, and clothes? And without going to college, how else do we get a well-paying job? How do we get our food and clothes?

I know that cellphones aren't as much of a necessity as cars these days, but they are rapidly starting to become a necessity in todays society. Cellphones are a high conviency to have. Not a necessity-yet, but I can certainly see it being one down the road. Having cellphones certainly won't hurt anything.

October 26th, 2005, 10:28 pm
People also change too. Soon people will jump someone for their cell phone or ipods. Its happened to my school many times, and I've seen reports on the news that many of this incidents are happening. People want the cellphones, so they will fight over it.

But that doesnt mean I want total ban on celluar phones. Its called "Learning how to use your cell phone responsibly" Just like drinking alcohol. Teachers enforce the ban because they dont want you to get hurt or etc.

Neko Koneko
October 27th, 2005, 12:57 am
If we don't have a car, how else do we get to our job to pay for our food, shelter, and clothes?

How did people do it before cars where invented? Right, could do it that way. There are still countries where there are no (or hardly any) cars, and those people survive, right?

We don't need cars, they just make life easier for us. Same with mobile phones, we don't need them, they just make things easier.

October 27th, 2005, 03:30 am
There are countries and places where they don't use cars. I considered this, and hence said "places like U.S. and such" and "near where I live". How do I think people did it in the past? By horse or by walking. But we are in the 21rst century. We don't always have stores right near where we live. And were I to talk, by the time I arrived at my job, it'd be almost over, depending upon which of my jobs I'd be going to. I wouldn't be able to work it, simply because of the time it takes from my college to the job.

Speaking of which, on places like the high way and such, even were I to have some inredibly stupid urge to want to talk or use a horse to get to where I wanted, they places laws on some highways prohibited pedrestrians on the highway.

Angelic, I don't know where you live, and so you may be very well able to live without car, but as for me, I can't. It's impossible. I rely on my car to get me to college. I rely on my car to get me to work. It is literally impossible, no matter how I arrange my college schedule or my work schedule, to go to both on time. Or even remotely close. And even if I could get a horse, which I can't nor would have the time to take care of it, I would have no place to put it, because it just so happens that they don't have stalls for horses anymore in cities, or the ones I visit.

In those countries without cars, I imagine they have another means of transportation, and the places they work and such are much closer than where I do so. In fact, they probaly just work in their yards doing harvest. Good luck trying that in the U.S. No matter how you look at it, for me as well as millions and millions of other Americans, as well as people in other countries, it is impossible for us to make a living without such a means of transportation.

But I suppose if you want to get technical, we don't need so many clothes. In fact, we could just sleep in a shed outside. Education? Why bother! If you want to get technical on needs for survival, living in a box eating left overs and drink river water can work. You don't need a nice heated home, or money. As long as you have a means for food, water, and clothing/shelter, you're good as alive. But I don't really call that living. At any rate, cellphones are becoming more of a neccesity in todays world for many countries, and so that is why they should be accepted in school.

Neko Koneko
October 27th, 2005, 08:18 am
Let's put it this way: If there was no food, people would die < food is something people need.

If there were no cars, the human race would survive (heck, the world would be heaps better) < cars aren't strictly needed.

Because we have cars we are able to travel further away, yes, but that's also something we actually don't need. If there were no cars villages would be much smaller and everyone would live much more isolated from other people. Not saying that's perfect but it does show that cars aren't strictly needed, we created them and with them created a certain need for them, but they aren't really needed.

That's what I'm trying to say, people create something and then they think they need it.

October 27th, 2005, 11:07 am
But Angelic, that's if there weren't cars. There are. Of course things would be closer and villages smalle if there were no cars, but because there are, it isn't like that.

I agree when you say our survival isn't directly dependant on cars. But I believe it is indirectly dependant on cars, because how do we provide food for ourselves without money, and how do we get money without a job, and how do we get a job without driving to it? If we don't have the means to get food for ourselves, then we will end up dying. Of course, I suppose you can steal food and end up in jail so they give you free food. But once again, I don't call that living.

As the circumstances are right now, at least where I live and in other places in the United States, getting food is made impossible for me and others without a car or job. Simply because things are set up so that we should get a car to get to where we need. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say-that we don't live off cars, but we get our food through the means of cars and so depend on cars. Just like the cavemen dependend upon their spears to kill their prey for food. The spear itself did not keep them alive, but it was necessary to get food for them.

I agree with you, in that today would probaly be better without cars, and also that because we have cars, we are able to travel far away, and that otherwise things would be smaller. But as the circumstances are, things that are far away aren't going to get closer anytime soon, and so to buy my groceries, a car and a paying job is required. I think I repeated myself a bit too much in this post, but perhaps you get my point ;)

October 27th, 2005, 05:12 pm
Lol, I'm all for cellphones, and screw vibrate. At myschool the teachers don't care if your phone rings they just say either "Shut it off" or "make it quick" cuz they don't want to take the responsibility of taking your phone away if it was an important call. Besides, if all your friends are also in class, why the hell would they be calling you unless they snuck off to the bathroom? In my opinion cellphones should be treated like regular phones. You don't see the teachers just letting their class phone ring when ever he is in a lecture. My phone rings at least twice a week in class and it is mostly a text from my mom or something giving me a reminder.