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October 27th, 2005, 05:03 am
Who are your heroes? This thread's purpose is to specify the hero(es) you look up to in life. It can be real life or fictional. When you tell us who your heroes are, please give detail, the reason why you chose this guy/girl/IT to be your hero and possibly a picture along with it.

I'll post my heroes tomorrow since I have to really sleep now or I will never wake up tomorrow x_x

October 27th, 2005, 05:25 am
My hero is Nobuo Uematsu. A pioneer of gaming music, and who I idolise.

October 27th, 2005, 06:03 am
Thom Yorke of Radiohead

October 27th, 2005, 05:07 pm
Steve Vai, the greatest guitar virtuoso bar none. But everyone knew this about me already. :D

October 27th, 2005, 06:32 pm
Elijah and Enoch cuz they went up with God. Jesus (cuz man they were mean to him) And myself , or at least what I desire to be in the future.

October 28th, 2005, 08:58 am
Hayao Miyazaki becuase he can capture the innocences of childhood and put it into art, somthing few adults can do.

November 1st, 2005, 03:04 am
Andrew Lloyd Webber
Classical Composers such as Chopin, Beethoven, Bach etc...

November 3rd, 2005, 07:13 am
Andrew Lloyd Webber...lol. He actualy scared me...

Miyamoto because he is THE MOST influential person of our generation. He poineried the video gaming industry, and with out him, the world would be alot diffrent.

November 4th, 2005, 12:29 am
I should really hit myself for not putting up my own heroes for a long time.

David Schwimmer (http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/5851/schwimmerpic7ub.gif), ilram choi (http://www.ilram.com/), and Anderson Cooper (http://www.celebstation.org/actors/anderson_cooper/god.jpg) are my Heroes.


David Schwimmer - He's a pretty cool guy. He inspired me to become an actor, but that came to halt since I had other plans.

Ilram Choi - Check out his stunts page. Look at the demo & flip stunts. THAT is the reason why he's my hero. That and because he's cute too, so bite me. =P

Anderson Cooper - The anchorman of CNN. I like the way he talks, and his ideas. And yes, I think he is cute too. (Dont ask.)

November 4th, 2005, 02:29 am
Heros only exist in the minds of those whom do not believe that they themselves are satasfatory as they presently are. Thus you project your conjectures of correct socal living unto a person whom has qualties that you wish to reach at one point and use them as a goal or set standard of living. Perhaps it is a passion one feels towards the hero that the person begins to idolize them (which is the exact root of what a hero is). The only humanistic feature in heros that we note is there flaw, or so-to-say hamartia (I can't spell it! It's greek!).

Personally, I do not have a hero, because I do not like the idea of becoming another's shadow. Nor do I believe that having a hero is a bad thing; in fact, it's a perfectly normal thing to do; humans do it by nature, starting with parents, and landing somewhere with your peers, before you can objectivly seek out a hero on your own. I have decided for myself that I will not judge myself or try to be somthing I am not, so I refuse acknowledgment of a hero in my life. I only look to my self and try to improve on things. A way of self revision that can better me; one that can conform to the constantly changing lifestyles I have. Only one person can best exemply that: myself in review.