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November 27th, 2005, 12:28 pm
I made this thread 'cause Angelic closed the last one.
Here's a thread to talk about Spanish
(Please, don't post IN Spanish)

November 27th, 2005, 01:45 pm
Apparently you people are blind or something, or your Spanish must have blurred out your knowledge of English or something, making you unable to read my post. This thread is closed now. If you want to speak Spanish, go find yourself a Spanish forum, this is not the place for it.

:blink: uhm....If your thread was closed.... there was probably a good reason. And quite amazingly that reason could be recycled and used as a reason NOT to make the exact same thread again (yay recycling!).

You're right this thread probably IS going to get locked. But uh just a little advice: Admins and Mods are scary. Listen to them or perish :torch: lol...I'm kidding...a little bit.

November 27th, 2005, 06:22 pm
Yes, and read the FAQ's. You know we should just give out temp bans for speaking in non-English languages and breaking rules.
But that's something else....

No posts in Spanish or this thread's locked.

You wanna talk about Spain? That's perfectly fine. ;)

November 27th, 2005, 06:41 pm
I have a question for Marty-chan......do you really live in Chile?

December 1st, 2005, 10:55 am
Actully the rules state that if you speak in another language then you have to type up the translation as well with it so that everyone else can understand. In other words I reckon you can still post in spanish but you have to type the translation next to it in the same post.

December 2nd, 2005, 12:12 pm
QUÉ MIER... Yo estaba posteando en español (traducido) como esto, y Angelic me dio la advertencia!!!
(WHAT THE...???!!!! I was postin' in (translated) spanish like this and Angelic gave me the warning!!!)
Another thing: Miranda, I do live in Chile

Sunny Kimiko
December 4th, 2005, 12:21 am
Uhm.. the only words I know are te amo (i love you) well... at least i think it's spanish

December 4th, 2005, 12:23 am
im not sure if amor is a verb (to love). usually, verbs end in -ar,-er, or -ir. never saw one w/ -or, so that makes me think amor means love as a noun. In spanish, i think they use querer(to want) as love...so wouldnt i love you be te quiero?

December 4th, 2005, 12:24 am
I'm in spanish 3, but I still suck. My teacher is making us speak in only spanish in her class. It sucks, but its for the best. Especiall if I plan to be bilingual in Spanish and english.

December 4th, 2005, 12:26 am
I'm in spanish 3 too!

only, i dont have to speak in all spanish...

December 4th, 2005, 01:42 am
im not sure if amor is a verb (to love). usually, verbs end in -ar,-er, or -ir. never saw one w/ -or, so that makes me think amor means love as a noun. In spanish, i think they use querer(to want) as love...so wouldnt i love you be te quiero?

"Te quiero" and "te amo" both mean (I love you).

Sunny Kiniko never used an -r. She used an -o.

:D Just wanted to clear that up.

I never heard of the verb rule before though. The language just comes natural to me without any rules, so "Te amo" (I love you) might be improper. I just not 100% sure.

December 4th, 2005, 02:31 am
I've only started Spanish 1 in middle school this year. were (atm) conjugating verbs. like -ar -er and -ir verbs. i hate remembering the tu' and uds. i always get the (a)n and the (a)s mixed up lol.. i gotta work on that!

December 4th, 2005, 02:37 am
Sunny Kiniko never used an -r. She used an -o.

:D Just wanted to clear that up.

I never heard of the verb rule before though. The language just comes natural to me without any rules, so "Te amo" (I love you) might be improper. I just not 100% sure.


Spanish is very complicated:
love = "Amar/querer" as a verb. "Amor" as a noun

(We always must conjugate verbs)
Yo amo (quiero) = I love (want/like)
Tú amas (quieres) = You love (want/like)
Él/ella ama (quiere) = He/she loves (wants/likes)
Nosotros amamos (queremos) = We love (want/like)
Vosotros amáis (queréis) = You love (want/like) (pl)
Ellos/ellas aman (quieren) = They love (want/like)

Verb love is more seemed to "amar" than "querer"
Verb "querer" is more seemed to want(desear) or like(gustar)

Are you confused? It would be 'cause we've got a lot of synonymous

December 4th, 2005, 07:18 am
im in spanish 2 for high school.i never took a foriegn languge freshmen year so im one year behind, however i can change all that. (I hope)

December 4th, 2005, 04:20 pm
I'm in Spanish S1 for high school credits. I'm in seventh grade, so next year I'm getting me some more credits! w00t w00t! XD

December 5th, 2005, 04:01 am
People, "amar", "querer", and "gustar" are three different verbs.

"Amar" is to love.
"Querer" is to want.
"Gustar" is to please oneself/to like.

You don't say "me quiero futbol" if you wish to say you like soccer. Because this sentence implies you want to play soccer. To say "I like soccer", you should say "Me gusta futbol".

Anyways, I think the Spanish language is a very difficult language. Far more difficult than Japanese, for certain (that is, if you exclude their writing system.) The Spanish has very many irregular verbs, tons and tons of exceptions, and the grammatical section is intense. For example, to take the Preterite versus the Imperfect, the Indicative versus the Subjunctive, Preterite/Imperfect versus Imperfect Subjunctive, ser vs. estar, por versus para, these are all very difficult to distinguish, let alone make second nature.

Spanish is language that you'll be bashing your head against your wall repeatedly, once you truly learn what it is about.

December 5th, 2005, 12:03 pm
There's something that makes Spanish very harder: tilde.
I know there's no tilde in English, but it is in Spanish: There's words that if don't have the tilde where they must have it, the word could mean something different, especially verbs (amo = master/I love. Amó = He loved).

Spanish verbs' conjugating is the hardest thing you could learn ever.

You don't say "me quiero futbol" if you wish to say you like soccer. Because this sentence implies you want to play soccer. To say "I like soccer", you should say "Me gusta futbol".
Me quiero fútbol = I like me soccer
Also, It'd be more correct if you say "Me gusta el fútbol"

Verb, "matar" (kill) It's the first Spanish/English regular verb I found

I kill = (Yo) mato
You kill = (Tú) matas
He/she kills = (Él/Ella) mata
It kills = mata (there's something with "it": Spanish haven't a translate to this word as a pronoun)
We kill = (Nosotros) matamos
You kill = (Vosotros) matáis pl
They kill = (Ellos/Ellas) matan

I killed = (Yo) maté/mataba
You killed = (Tú) mataste/matabas
He/she killed = (Él/Ella) mató/mataba
It killed = Mató/mataba
We killed = (Nosotros) matamos/matábamos
You killed = (Vosotros) matasteis/matabais pl
They killed = (Ellos/Ellas) mataron/mataban

I'll kill = (Yo) mataré
You'll kill = (Tú) matarás
He/she'll kill = (Él/Ella) matará
It'll kill = matará
We'll kill = (Nosotros) mataremos
You'll kill = (Vosotros) mataréis pl
They'll kill = (Ellos/Ellas) matarán

I'd kill = (Yo) mataría
You'd kill = (Tú) matarías
He/she'd kills = (Él/Ella) mataría
It'd kills = mataría
We'd kill = (Nosotros) mataríamos
You'd kill = (Vosotros) mataríais pl
They'd kill = (Ellos/Ellas) matarían

December 5th, 2005, 12:12 pm
Subjunctive present/preterite
I killed = (Yo) mate/matara
You killed = (Tú) mates/mataras
He/she killed = (Él/Ella) mate/matara
It killed = Mate/matara
We killed = (Nosotros) matemos/matáramos
You killed = (Vosotros) matéis/matárais pl
They killed = (Ellos/Ellas) maten/mataran

(you) kill = mata
(you) kill = matad pl

December 5th, 2005, 06:59 pm
>< we're doing imperative tenses right now

Neko Koneko
December 5th, 2005, 10:09 pm
QUÉ MIER... Yo estaba posteando en español (traducido) como esto, y Angelic me dio la advertencia!!!
(WHAT THE...???!!!! I was postin' in (translated) spanish like this and Angelic gave me the warning!!!)
Another thing: Miranda, I do live in Chile

The point is that other people didn't translate. And still, this isn't a Spanish forum, I don't want threads in every single language even if they get translated to English. It just makes no sense.

Talking about the Spanish language is fine though, just like we have a thread about the Japanese language. I wouldn't want a thread for the soul purpose of speaking Japanese though. If you want to speak Spanish, use an instant messenger or something, but don't do it here. There's no need to, people on this forum can speak English and if they don't know English they are in the wrong place.

December 10th, 2005, 03:02 am
I speak spanish, but I can't write very well in spanish.I was riased speaking spanish, but the school put me in english classes when I was 7.<_<

December 10th, 2005, 03:41 am
lol. Your not alone.

>.< TV was my teacher of english. Not the school. I learned it pretty quick though and at a really early age.

December 10th, 2005, 09:24 am
taking Spanish 2 now planing to go for 2 more years ^^

December 10th, 2005, 03:04 pm
ahhh spanish 2. the good ole' days.

December 12th, 2005, 05:09 am
I like your signature

December 12th, 2005, 06:28 am
wow I'm in Spanish 1, its fun though. we're jus now learning the verb tener (to have)and the phrases tener que (to have to) and ir a (to go to).

So we're learning sentences such as tengo que escribe en la clase de espanol (I have to write in the spanish class) or voy a el centro comercial (I go to the mall)
I think thats right.

It's fun though, and it helps that I have the highest grade in the class, even higher then some of the spanish kids (why are they in this class)

December 12th, 2005, 10:21 pm
im in spanish 4 and next year ill be in spanish 5, most of the things we learn we forget the next day after the test... but our teacher is enforcing us to remember (all we did until now is literature and culture/geography) we recently started grammar and remembering a few things is a pain for some. After the grammar she wants us to begin writing paragraphs and answering questions in essay format. lots of memorizing :(. Luckily i also speak french so when i become confused i mix english and french and voila espanol :P (btw in that last sentence i was jk)

December 12th, 2005, 10:25 pm
Spanish CAPTs.


(CAPT= Connecticut Academic Performance Test).

December 14th, 2005, 01:43 am
That sounds scary.

And trust me I thought that our exams were scary. :ninja:

January 5th, 2006, 01:20 am
When I learned Irregular English Verbs, I thougth that those were hard... but when I knew what Irregular Spanish Verbs were...

So we're learning sentences such as tengo que escribe en la clase de espanol (I have to write in the spanish class) or voy a el centro comercial (I go to the mall)
I think thats right.

That's almost right. You have veeeeeery little mistakes: "Tengo que escribir en la clase de Espa&#241;ol" " Voy al centro comercial" (Anyway, we don't say :"Centro comercial" it became large, we call it "Mall")
You put "escribe" in the first sentence. I know it's hard to conjugate Spanish Verbs when yours are almost all the same.
In the 2nd sentence you put "a el". You should use the contraction: "Al"

January 6th, 2006, 09:37 pm
btw, subjunctive tenses = @_@

so basically, for regular verbs,
ar=er, er=ar, and ir=ar?

endings suck ><

January 6th, 2006, 11:53 pm
Eeeeehhh... What?

January 7th, 2006, 12:07 am
in the subjunctive tense, the conjugations for regular verbs are all screwed up. ar verb conjugations are turned into er verb conjusgations,

like, esuchar(to listen),

it conjusgates to
escuche escuchemos
escuches escucheis
escuche escuchen

and er/ir verbs turn into ar verbs

January 7th, 2006, 12:44 pm
Ah! OK, You said verbs -er/-ir in subjunctive tense become -ar verbs in indicative tense.
That's right, but not completely right. You can use that to Escuchemos, escuches, escuch&#233;is, escuche (the 2nd one) and escuchen, but the 1st escuche isn't like -ar indicative.

Miguel Aiman
January 7th, 2006, 10:25 pm
no hablo espanol

Como Estas?

January 7th, 2006, 10:29 pm
try not to carry on a convo in a foreign language here at ichigos. if you do decide to say some short phrases in a froegn language, translate it in a spoiler or something.

^'s translation:
I do not speak Spanish.
How are you?

..i think.

January 8th, 2006, 12:59 pm
I feel confused when anyone says:"He likes Spanish" I don't like Spanish, it's the language I've in my country. I don't like Spanish, I like English.

@Muffin: The translation is perfect

January 17th, 2006, 11:28 pm
I speak spanish..

Marty chan in your location do you mean .. El fin del mundo?
(the world end?)

Just wanted to say hi *waves*

January 17th, 2006, 11:37 pm
Um...I'm in Spanish Advanced...Last year Sanish Intermediate was too easy so I dropped that class instead of being smart and going to Spanish Advanced...Next year is Spanish SI b/c I'm in Spanish Advanced this year...But at least I learned the piano! ^^. W/E Only two more years of spanish to go...

*waves back to Siul1313*

January 19th, 2006, 09:12 pm
@Siul1313: The world end sounds creepy? We've the most southern point on the world (I guess. Antartica doesn't count ;))

January 19th, 2006, 11:13 pm
I dont know, but it sounds like you literaly translated "El fin del mundo" and got "The world end". I personaly would say its as " The end of the world" but thats just me.

*not trying to sound like a smartass.

Neko Koneko
January 19th, 2006, 11:18 pm
You're right there, lol. Literal translation are evil. Language is about interpretation.

January 20th, 2006, 12:35 am
You're right there, lol. Literal translation are evil. Language is about interpretation.

Yup, kinda how: fusiles = firearms... but it doesn't sound as normal as it does in Spanish...

January 20th, 2006, 12:43 am
i just take fusiles to mean guns. sounds so much more natural

January 20th, 2006, 01:50 pm
So... Which one sounds creepier? The World End or The End of the World?
(Those Spanish translation are the same, that's why I'm confused)

January 20th, 2006, 03:51 pm
Well when I read the world end it sounded like "El mundo fin" or "el mundo acaba" but when I think The end of the world it sounds like "el fin del mundo".

So I dont know.

I feel confused when anyone says:"He likes Spanish" I don't like Spanish, it's the language I've in my country. I don't like Spanish, I like English.

Yeah I like English alot more than spanish .. (evil punctuation)

January 20th, 2006, 04:47 pm
And what about:"The World's end"?

January 20th, 2006, 07:22 pm
heey..you guys finally got a female president over there in Chile.

la presidente.

January 20th, 2006, 10:37 pm
heey..you guys finally got a female president over there in Chile.

la presidente.

Ummm... I think it's "la presidenta..." :heh:

January 21st, 2006, 12:03 am
@Marlon: Yep!

You've got words that have more than one translation to spanish (I mean in genre)

The = El, La, Los, Las. A/an = Un, Una, Unos, Unas.
So when translate we can only guide with the noun/pronoun

January 21st, 2006, 07:20 pm
Yeah I like English alot more than spanish .. (evil punctuation)

January 30th, 2006, 07:27 am
I'm taking Spanish next year as one of my options. Anyone here speak Spanish, who'd like to educate me? ^______^

January 30th, 2006, 05:06 pm
Si buscas a alguien que hable espa&#241;ol, estoy disponible...
(If you're searching for someone who talked Spanish, I'm available)

January 30th, 2006, 10:09 pm
pretty much everyone in this thread speaks spanish, chii.


February 2nd, 2006, 10:47 pm
I wouldn't mind helping ya, Chii - I mean, Aeris. ^_^

February 3rd, 2006, 12:50 am
Me neither but I'm pretty bad at it so never mind. I could use some tutoring too since I'm really bad at it. Mainly in grammar and vocabulary.

February 3rd, 2006, 12:51 am
everyone needs tutoring in vocab.
I dont think anyone knows every single word in their language.,...

February 3rd, 2006, 12:55 am
I mean I have really, REALLY por vocabulary. My dad seems to know every word in the spaniish language and then he gets REALLY mad when my teacher teaches me slang instead of REAL spanish. THE LECTURES HE GIVES! Ahhh! But he is the only one I can ask for help.

February 12th, 2006, 04:58 pm
And what about:"The World's end"?
That sounds a little more .. well right.

Id be happy to help in anyway I can

February 17th, 2006, 08:57 pm

hey, could someone translate some of this for me (apart from the spanish is hot part). It's pretty funny.

February 23rd, 2006, 10:20 pm
Students of Spanish class 5h present "espanol is hot"

When your in spain -Espanol is hot x3
When your in class- espanol is hot x3
When your with friends -Espanol is hot x3

(asian guy with cap)

With a pencil in my hand, I have a notebook, I get good grades cause Im smart.
Cause Im a studen with good grades (holds up paper with A+) I like cars (holds up car) I like boats ? (sounds like boot but is prolly a pronunciation mistake) Im smart and very strong, If you dont know spanish then good luck.

5h class of (something), Im not kidding this aint a joke, Spanish Ill teach you E-S-P-A-N-O-L, I speak it on the street, I speak it in class I speak it wiyth my friends from 5h

Come in here and say "hola"
Ill say how are ya
You come in
Why dontcha stay? this is a party

it takes you a second..
viva espana

when your in Spain - espanol is hot x3
When your in class - espanol is hot x3
when your with friends- espanol is hot x3

with a pencil in my hand, and a notebook, I get good grades cause im smart.

(Guy in hood)

Something something I like soccer, I like balonmano (like soccer but w/ your hands) I dont drive I have a bike.

The teacher is very nice, but the class is early ad Im tired,

When your in spain- espanol is hot x3
when your with friends- espanol is hot x3
when your in class - espanol is hot x3

with a pencil in my hand, and a notebook, I get good grades cause im smart.
(in backround)

(guy in glasses)

Im a gangster? my name is mukari
I have a spanish flag, something about how he rhymes about his life, i dont care if you dont like my style, 1, ,3 and to the 4, E-S-P-A-N-O-L

When your in spain -espanol is hot x3
when your with friends- espanol is hot x3
when your in class - espanol is hot x3

with a pencil in my hand, and a notebook, I get good grades cause im smart

AND ITS OVER! mightve missed little bits cause I couldnt hear them correctly, hope you "enjoy". damm I think this is the longest post ive written in my life

February 23rd, 2006, 10:21 pm
OMG I Translated the whole thing and wasnt logged on, now its gone!, damm Ill do it soem other time (its 11:20 and I have 2 test tomorow)

sorry an-kun, damm longest post iv ever written 2

oops :heh: guess it did get posted hope you understand it, now it looks alot shorter

March 5th, 2006, 05:09 pm

..*scared to take spanish 5*

who cares.
just gotta take spanish 4 next year, go to spain, and never hear the word 'spanish' again.


March 16th, 2006, 01:44 am
I believe the first thing you think when you hear the word 'Spanish' is Spain... but when I do it, I think about my country

I can say I'm lucky I grew up with a so hard language... I ever've knew Spanish, but you must learn it

March 16th, 2006, 07:01 am
I can speak spanish, moahahhaha
Feel the pain geeks :shifty:

October 25th, 2007, 05:51 am
I just started Spanish III this year.

October 26th, 2007, 02:35 am
Is it like really hard? Are you that good at learning spanish? Im only in my second year of Spanish, they do have a course for Spanish 3, but its not being taught this year.

October 26th, 2007, 04:20 am
I don't know, we just started and my teacher spends a long time on each topic.

October 26th, 2007, 06:34 am
You could learn pretty good spanish in 4-5 years I think. I got friends that moved here from other countries and 3 years later speak pretty good spanish (they have normal conversations with me every day) I say 4-5 years because they're in a spanish speaking country which always helps.

October 26th, 2007, 08:50 pm
I started Spanish II this year, but I apparently know (almost) all of the tenses (except the past perfect and the past participle), and a lot more vocabulary than what I'm noticing here. Oh well. ._.;

http://youtube.com/watch?v=ngRq82c8Baw Just some humor for us that understand Spanish. :lol:

October 28th, 2007, 10:07 pm
i think spanish is not that hard! i like it really much but the c like in ciudad is annoying sometimes ^_^

October 31st, 2007, 08:14 pm
I speak Spanish, its the native language here.

November 1st, 2007, 03:19 am
Cool... Spanish is the native language in Hell... XD
Does anybody know Spanish localisms? (sp?) I mean, words that only Mexican, Peruvian, Argentean or Cuban people use; I know a lot (duh)... But I wanna know if American/English schools teach localisms... like Pendejo, Gamba, Guagua, Huevon, Cachar, etc. (there's hell a lot more, but they're mainly swear words)

November 1st, 2007, 03:51 am
Cool... Spanish is the native language in Hell... XD
Does anybody know Spanish localisms? (sp?) I mean, words that only Mexican, Peruvian, Argentean or Cuban people use; I know a lot (duh)... But I wanna know if American/English schools teach localisms... like Pendejo, Gamba, Guagua, Huevon, Cachar, etc. (there's hell a lot more, but they're mainly swear words)

We only have learned them when a student mispronounces a word and says one on accident :heh:. However, they do teach us which phrases are more common in certain areas (i.e. Coche and Auto are more common in Spain and Carro is more common in Mexico).

November 1st, 2007, 10:09 pm
Cool... Spanish is the native language in Hell... XD
Does anybody know Spanish localisms? (sp?) I mean, words that only Mexican, Peruvian, Argentean or Cuban people use; I know a lot (duh)... But I wanna know if American/English schools teach localisms... like Pendejo, Gamba, Guagua, Huevon, Cachar, etc. (there's hell a lot more, but they're mainly swear words)

No they don't, I think, I mean the local bad words, I don't think they teach them, but the rest like "coche"/"Carro"/"auto" yes.

You mean hell because is hot?

November 1st, 2007, 10:13 pm
No they don't, I think, if someone know of those words are people that learn it from others there, not from teachers that teach Spanish. But there can be exceptions. Its just what I think, or maybe they really teach them? :O

Some do. The thing is (at least in the case of the U.S.), it's not emphasized much. :\

November 1st, 2007, 10:17 pm
I just changed what I said there haha

November 2nd, 2007, 12:20 am
No they don't, I think, I mean the local bad words, I don't think they teach them, but the rest like "coche"/"Carro"/"auto" yes.

You mean hell because is hot?

No, my Spanish teacher from last year lived in Spain for about seven years. One day, a student mispronounced the name of a city in Mexico and ended up saying s**t. They indirectly teach them.

November 2nd, 2007, 01:14 am
That's one way to do it.

Woot for AP Spanish! (5 years)

any one else notice that the spain in spanish is spani? Kinda wierd.

November 2nd, 2007, 01:35 am
any one else notice that the spain in spanish is spani? Kinda wierd.

:blink: It is weird

November 3rd, 2007, 08:22 pm
It's "España" I undestand you don't use to use ñ, ´, ¿, ¨, but they're vital in Spanish; "¿Estás aquí?" (Are you here?)

November 3rd, 2007, 11:04 pm
It's "España" I undestand you don't use to use ñ, ´, ¿, ¨, but they're vital in Spanish; "¿Estás aquí?" (Are you here?)

I think Sondagger was referring to the English "Spain" not the Spanish «España.» Spain • Spanish

Who doesn't use [´ ¨¿ ¡ ñ]s? I know they are vital (i.e. mierda=s**t and Miérda is a city in Mexico).

November 4th, 2007, 05:36 pm
same here. I was just commenting on the english part. Obviously español comes from España. Whatever.

November 4th, 2007, 09:56 pm
You mean hell because is hot?

have a look at your location ^^

November 6th, 2007, 01:23 am
Well... sorry :sweat:
But when I meant you don't use ´,¨, ¿, etc, I meant English doesn't use accents, tildes or what'sitsname, and the upside down question mark..., but here we don't use ' (no idea what it's called)...
Anyway, French uses them all, plus the ç.

November 6th, 2007, 01:31 am
Well... sorry :sweat:
But when I meant you don't use ´,¨, ¿, etc, I meant English doesn't use accents, tildes or what'sitsname, and the upside down question mark..., but here we don't use ' (no idea what it's called)...
Anyway, French uses them all, plus the ç.

:heh: I understood it after I thought for awhile. Yeah, we do use them for borrowed words sometimes, but very rarely (i.e. naïve, façade, résumé, piñata, à la, etc.). The apostrophe (') is kinda weird though. :lol:

November 6th, 2007, 01:46 am
have a look at your location ^^

lol, in the hell! :b

P.R. temperatures generally are from 75-95 grades. Tropical Island!

November 10th, 2007, 04:20 am
Does anybody know how to say Spanglish in Spanish?

November 10th, 2007, 02:46 pm
Does anybody know how to say Spanglish in Spanish?

XD I remember talking about this. *checks Wikipedia*

"el Spanish broken" (I guess one could say "el español broken" :think:), ingleñol, espan'glés...

In Mexico, in order to refer to Spanglish words/phrases, one says "pochismo".

The verbs platicar and charlar mean "to chat", to make small-talk. However, to have an on-line conversation by means of IRC (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IRC) is chatear.


November 10th, 2007, 06:39 pm
Pochismo sounds funny the word for me lol, Here ppl always say spanglish.

Btw Here in P.R. the word "Bicho" ppl don't use it precisely for "bug", People means the things between the leg of a guy:

(\ /)
(> <)
O u O <---The banana of the bunny.

November 11th, 2007, 06:11 pm
I say "Spanglish" to refer words like "procrastinar" or "froggear", I mean words I've made up, but "cachar" or "chatear" are spanished Engilsh words that I use everyday, so I don't refer them in a specific way. Chile doesn't say "pochismo"... and it sounds funny too :D