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August 10th, 2006, 01:52 pm
Has anyone seen this movie? If you haven't then I highly reccomend it. If you have, come and discuss.

This movie had everything. It made me laugh, cry, cringe, shake, worry, hope, anticipate, clap and so much more. My family never to see it again because it is so sad. It even my you sister (who never cries for any movie) cry. Not a movie I recomend for younger kids as it can be quite rough. It's not too bad visually but the emotional part is extremely hard. I cried through out the entire movie with the eception of the break when we laughed and that lasted for only around five minutes.

THis movie focuses on the journey of two Ney York cops, in and...out? Watch the movie and you'll find out. That is, if you don't walk out of the theater because you can't take it. It also shows how the families suffered. Worrying about their loved ones. So many scenes give you that pang in your heart. Especially when you remember it's all true. I remeber it throughout the entire movie. At the end, my eyes hurt and my cheeks were sticky from dried tears. My eyes hurt now.

August 10th, 2006, 10:16 pm
Nice way to make money for the producers. Really, if you feel sorry for the victims then just donate that 9 bucks it costs to see the film to the families who were victims of this catastrophe instead.

August 10th, 2006, 10:57 pm
Geez...I'm sorry. And it only cost 7.

August 10th, 2006, 11:44 pm
I havent watched it but it does look good. 7 bucks??? A ticket for an adult here is 5-6 dollars I think. Maybe 10. :)

August 11th, 2006, 12:05 am
Its just a movie. You watch movie for entertainment (god what a bad movie to make that statement for). If its such a bad topic to make a movie on, what about all those war movies? True crime movies? Real life movies?

I havent seen it. My brother says its to soon for it to come out and I think so too. But hey, some people want to see the movie..

August 21st, 2006, 12:48 am
Nice way to make money for the producers. Really, if you feel sorry for the victims then just donate that 9 bucks it costs to see the film to the families who were victims of this catastrophe instead.

I agree. I'm not going to watch this movie just for that simple fact.

August 22nd, 2006, 01:10 am
I don't think it's a good to make a movie about this incident..not yet anyway. If they made a film about September 11th like say, 20 or so years later, then yeah...maybe. But it's far too early to make a film on this, plus..I don't think the family would be too happy either.