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July 5th, 2007, 02:46 pm
You can find a few of my compositions now in youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/Nyu001x
__________________________________________________ ______
A recollection of some of the pieces I have posted in this thread:

-Victory and Military Strategy (2007)
-Lullaby in G major (2007)
-Intro (2007)
-Unfinished Work in C minor (2007)



-Alone Far Away (Short animated film) (2007)



-Disastro di mente (2008)



-Nyu001's Melody (2008)
-Fiddle tune for Piano (2008)
-Waltz for Piano (2008)
-Fiddle tune Original
-Waltz Melody Original



-The unfinished game of a hero (Retro music) (Around 19mins long) (2008)



-Dangerous Seduction (2008)



-Intro (2008)
-Emptiness (2008)



-Oboe and Clarinet Duet (2009)



-Estrella (Entry for Noir7's contest)



-The child found the monster!
-The singing of a lost soul


July 5th, 2007, 02:52 pm
Edit: Midis were took off from here.

July 5th, 2007, 02:55 pm
Edit: Midis were took off from here.

July 5th, 2007, 05:45 pm
"01": Avoid putting the lowest strings in octaves with the highest strings (I didn't say you have to, just avoid it). The lowest strings are just used too weirdly in my opinion (one dotted quarter note, then switch to the next measure, etc...). It didn't seem to go anywhere...

"02": Very good for a beginner. But the second time needs some variation in that eighth note part (meas. 39-43). Minor key switch?

"03": I strongly suggest not putting the whole brass section in 7-9 note chords (same with strings) :mellow: .

"04": DO NOT ever give brass instruments technical stuff (there's not much you can do with valves, compared to a woodwind instrument). I noticed it repeats... a few times.

"05": The intro repeated again was a bit too much, in my opinion.

I'll comment on the rest later -_- .

July 5th, 2007, 05:48 pm
"04": DO NOT ever give brass instruments technical stuff (there's not much you can do with valves, compared to a woodwind instrument). I noticed it repeats... a few times.

Brass instruments are as versatile as woodwinds, therefore I proclaim that statement false.

July 5th, 2007, 05:58 pm
Haha, Thank you so much for the critize but I am bit confuse about the brass :P 2 differents comments :b

Btw there are other mistakes in those piece, Cause still I have no much knowledge. I hope to hear more. Thx n_N

July 5th, 2007, 06:02 pm
"02": Very good for a beginner. But the second time needs some variation in that eighth note part (meas. 39-43). Minor key switch?


Yeah it change from C major to G minor

July 5th, 2007, 06:08 pm
oh! my bad that part is G major lol First C major second G minor and third G major. oops :b

July 5th, 2007, 06:51 pm
Use the edit button instead of doub... wait, triple posting. Welcome to Ichigos =)

July 5th, 2007, 10:25 pm
Ah ok. Thx n_n
Aloja! my threat is so dead. lol

I really don't know what to post I have too much hmm "crap" but this two are the last things I did xP btw I repeat too much I know o_o; I need to stop of do that xD anyway! I want to see comments *_*

August 2nd, 2007, 03:04 am

August 2nd, 2007, 03:24 am
I like your style! Keep it up. It would be really cool to hear it live

August 2nd, 2007, 11:14 am
Piano theme in F# minor:

It has a solid opening, but the pedal sounds awefully overused and not shut down when it should be. It also lacked interesting variety in chord progression.

Music Box:

The piece sounds too 'dry' in a technical sense. Try using a different reverb. Also, the Music Box sounds less attractive when it goes down that low register you used. The best parts where the ones before the middle, where it had no accompaniment.

August 2nd, 2007, 05:33 pm
Ah thx. n_n

Piano Theme in F# minor:
I fixed a bit the pedal thing, and I really get stuck with same chords, I try to not to do that but when I see I have longs parts with the same chords lol.
Btw the ending should not be the one that I left there, I think it should be different and the piece need to breathe a bit I think lol.

Music Box:
What if I transpose it to 1 octave higher o,o? and yes it sound dry, It will be better if I record it with my keyboard, it sounds better there than the soundfont I used lol

Thx for the comment Mr.Noir7 n_N

Edit: The piece Music Box has accompaniment in every moment o.o

August 2nd, 2007, 06:13 pm
I think the 13 above sounded quite nice. You definately delivered atmosphere with those. I think you should just write these themes as digital music instead of trying to hear what it might sound like if played in real life because some of those music have some impracticalities as I listen for what it might sound like if it was live. I think it's good the way it is if listened to as computer music. The quiet one was too simple. Had nice parts but all together felt incomplete.

August 2nd, 2007, 08:13 pm
Oh I see =O those are old things I did long time ago. Here are more works the lullaby it repeat alot I know as I said I get stuck with the same chords xP

September 15th, 2007, 02:56 pm
These sound very good. Just way to synthetic of sounds.

September 15th, 2007, 04:18 pm
Lullaby in G major:
Too much like Canon in D in my opinion. Really hard for me to like it when it uses that chord progression.

This could actually be really interesting, but not as only an 11 second long song. Add onto it and turn it into a real song!

Work in C minor:
This reminds me of battle music from one of the Final Fantasy games. It's actually really good if that was your goal. In other words, you could just have it loop instead of finishing it.

September 15th, 2007, 07:53 pm
Thx for the comments ^.^

I just know 1 or 2 battle themes of FF, I was not thinking in FF when I was doing that and don't have a melody, I never finished it but I wanted to put a melody in that one (Unfinished Work in C minor) But I didn't know how to do it because it feel already full, the last section of that one was just filling a bit, but if I continue it I would erase that last part lol

The intro was just a simple idea I had and just wanted to use it to see how it sounds.

September 15th, 2007, 09:20 pm
nr.2, 6, 13, the musicbox and DreamNight's Piano theme in F# minor were my favourites. Its nice to hear some some gamemusic-style compositions.
Your "stuffs" remind me of my own early works, the will to experiment alot is very prominent... in other words: Me like.

keep on making good stuffs! =)

Victory and Military Stragegy, Lullaby in G major, Intro and Unfinished Work in C minor were all very RPG´ish I like this more than anything I´ve heard on ichigos for a long time, especially the unfinished work piece... get it finished!

Btw I like synthetic sounds.

September 15th, 2007, 10:07 pm
Thank you. That's the best quality I can get of sounds at the moment, unless I work soundfonts for get a better quality but I didn't use soundfonts with all of those works.

I have lots of things in my hard drive over 1gb of my stuffs Lol. Lots of things but a lot to learn and to improve. haha

September 19th, 2007, 12:55 am
Hiya, I had 2 days free where I took a little time for compose short and simple pieces.

The first one I did was "Come back Idiot" Maybe it will remind you to Ranma 1/2. Practically what I visualized before write it was a girl chasing a little Silly boy that stole food for eat, she chase him everywhere and don't get to catch him until a moment she speed up and jumps on him and catch him. Then when he looks at her she see he already ate it all while she was chasing him. then she pity him when he make a sad face and let him go. hmm very anime style the thought haha.

00:00-00:33= The chase
00:34-00:43= She speed up and catch him
00:44-00:49= When he looks at her and she see he ate it all and making a weird face
00:50-1:10= Pity moment

The second one was "A Gypsy Dance for Piano in A minor" its just 2 sections with repetitions, A fast one and a slow one with black notes doing staccato for Contrasts. The dynamic of both hands are the same on this piece I didn't fix it, so both will sound the same loud sorry about that.

Third one I did was "Infiltrating in the Tower" A group of young people infiltrated in an enemy tower for attack and destroy. it start when they infiltrate in the tower and taking care of no one see them. So later of have all sure they start their strategy and that is when they start to put bombs there everywhere for destroy the enemy tower and attack. Not a perfect piece but didn't bother to fix it like the rest.

The last one I did was "Headache" Why the tittle? Well it gave me a headache lol. Different ideas and not worked correctly. Thought to put a crazy climax to this one but didn't do it. Also if you notice the section that starts 0:26 there, the left has is playing the same of the right hand but inverted and later both hands interchange the notes.

Anyway! Those where the short pieces I did while I was free. I know they are not perfect and have mistakes lol.

September 19th, 2007, 12:08 pm
What can I say? I enjoyed listening to them all a lot, especialy the Russian dance thingy that was awesome. I can´t really give you any critisism exept that you need to work on a solid melody for "Infiltration in the Tower".

By the way I can´t see how you could get a headache from "headache"...

Good job!


September 19th, 2007, 06:38 pm
Could you give me the sheets of the Russian dance in a minor? :D I LOVE it!

September 19th, 2007, 07:46 pm
There is. Btw thx for the comments. n_N

September 19th, 2007, 07:55 pm
Thank you very much :D
Gonna try to play it tomorrow :P
PS. Have you got a record of yourself playing it? :)

September 19th, 2007, 08:00 pm
Haha no, unfortunally no, I have a mic but is dead lol.

To One_Winged: The reason why "Headache" give me a headache is because of the intro lol. when I was doing it I was playing and writting, played a part then wrote it. then listening to it in finale it give me another headache lol dunno hahah maybe disturb my brain. I know its weird and stupid but dunno why it happen.

October 19th, 2007, 02:37 am
The Weird World of Music is just some things I did with a cheap soundfont, there is nothing special but just thought to post some, I Doubt any will call the attention.

November 5th, 2007, 01:06 am
The intro sets the mood for a surealistic monster game of some sort.
the wierd world of music 1: Im not sure what to make of this one it sounds like game music out of the amiga era. hmm do I hear the chord progression of "sweet dreams" (I don't know if that's the name of the song Im thinking of)? some of the swiches from major to minor seems a little random sometimes.

happy belated halloween.

/von wingde

November 5th, 2007, 01:13 am
Haha thx, The music is not supose to be or make the sense of anything. Sweet dreams by eurorhythmic? I didn't notice of that, but I will check lol.

EDIT: Yeah I just checked it has the same chord progression, Dminor, Bmajor, Amajor.

November 25th, 2007, 06:46 pm
Can any one tell me comparing the old with the new is there any difference and if it show progress or I am stuck? (all the midi/mp3 posts I did not just this)

The Weird World of Music IV: This is just part of the other Weird World of Music(WwM). It say Incomplete because I didn't arrange it for follow a good pattern also there is some section that I use for fill some parts. Wondering what you people think of it? I guess iack xD The piece is 5mins and there is another one of WwM but is a mix of all the others connected but the connectors are another sections of music so its over 12 mins long Unfinished, the WwM just entertain me haha was not for show but anyway I was wondering.

Maria's Theme: Just remind me to another piece I had that was for a story and that is why I put the same name both are the same short this is different but bring to me the same sense that is why.

Presto: just played it in the piano and felt to write it you will see the soft part lack of creativity lol.

Wee: Did it before sleep, Don't like the section that I repeated 1 8va higher, I could changed at least the accompaniment haha.

Note: The old things are the midis that I put here with numbers 1,2,3,4, etc, the rest are half new and new.

November 25th, 2007, 10:24 pm
Maria's Theme is really nice though it doesn't sound new to me. especially the beginning was nice! kinda simple and beautiful at the same time. but maybe you could have added some hightlights in the middle part?

November 25th, 2007, 11:26 pm
Thx, Any other comments? and can someone answer my question also, please.

"Can any one tell me comparing the old with the new is there any difference and if it show progress or I am stuck? (all the midi/mp3 posts I did not just this)"

November 26th, 2007, 12:03 am
All I can I say is, If I was a pianist, I would kill you. But aside from that they sound very good.

November 26th, 2007, 12:08 am
Loool Why?

November 26th, 2007, 12:47 am
Glisandi should only be used by Liszt, and in jazz music. At least, that's what I would say. . .its incredibly unfitting, so I'd just use a creative arpeggio instead of the glisandi. Other than that, the piano part isn't really enough to say, "I'd kill you." No piece is too hard for the piano. =)

The other stuff is, interesting. Good effort.

November 26th, 2007, 12:52 am
Thank you so much Mr.Mazzepa, Why Glissando should be only used in jazz music?
The piano one is easy, just need to be precise with the notes and fast fingers the notes are just the notes of the chords and there is no complex rhythms. Btw I was addicted doing glissando that day that is why I insert them there haha.

November 26th, 2007, 01:37 am
Well, it's one of those "common sence" deals when you have a dark-esque theme going on, and then you have a c-major scale glis. . . . it just ruins any seriousness in it. Also, in the "soft" section, eliminate most of those repeated notes, it will give it that "soft" section quality.

Simplicity is the key, don't be afraid of it. Remember that. =)

November 26th, 2007, 01:50 am
Thx for explain. :D


"Can any one tell me comparing the old with the new is there any difference and if it show progress or I am stuck? (all the midi/mp3 posts I did not just this)"

Can any one?

November 26th, 2007, 01:45 pm
Wee & Presto
"Too many notes young Mozart, too many notes..."

Maria's Theme
Reminded me somewhat of William's theme for Luke and Leia. Anyway, this shows more compositional value than the nonsense midi files. The D major at 1:04 really turned me off though (Bminor would do the trick), but the following soft tremoli were a nice addition. If you decide to continue this, try opening up a climax somewhere after you ended this version and introduce a distinct 'main' melody. I think it would benefit this piece greatly.

The Weird World of Music
This piece has got a style which isn't always common here on Ichigos, which I like. I can't help but feel that the bass ruins this song so terribly. In the beginning section at 00:14 for instance (and the numerous repetitions of that bassline later on) is simply a pulsing FFFF CCCC C#C#C#C# BbBbBbBb when it could do so much more. Perhaps a simply run like FCGF# (for the F#minor starting chord) should do. This sort of bassline will often make or break a song, in this case, it does enough damage to destroy much of yours. It works a bit better at 01:22, bu then again, it should develop a better run when the percussion pops in at 01:36.

The entrance of the harp was pleasing on the latter third part, but when the 'rockier' part followed, I felt that some sort of uplifting feature such as a good modulation or a nice counterpoint was needed for this piece to soar and stand out a bit. Ending was... solid.

If you still wonder about the bass-writing, please tell me and I'll record a small sample for you and upload it here.

November 26th, 2007, 06:55 pm
Damn right, Thx for that comment!

I didn't pay much attention to the bass until now that you comment of it and those repetitions you heard I don't want them there in special where the ending appear in between sections of the piece, also the ending I really want for that one is the last chords progression of the Intro of the Weird world of music, and I wanted to have a main theme on this one because lots of parts and not a center where all will run.

Maria's Theme I feel to make it longer and wantto use a cello solo but not fiting this short version if not a longer one.

Anyway Thx! and wonder of bass-writting? Sure if there is no problem, upload and show me :O

November 26th, 2007, 08:23 pm
Okay, I wrote a short simple repetetive rock section. Notice that the bass doesn't pulse like in yours piece, it is more alive, does occasional runs up-and-down the chord etc.

November 26th, 2007, 08:53 pm
Yeah, I notice, I have done it before with pieces but rarely, Generally I leave it pulsing or doing a repeated rhythm and forget of it, not intentionally. Uncreative with the bass.

Thx Mr.Noir7 for the sample.

December 11th, 2007, 12:31 am
Hi everybody this is a score I did for a competition in another forum, it was to score a short animated film of 3mins. I did it the day after the deadline in a rush. So what I have there is the first ideas I had in that moment with some changes and arranges I could do in that moment and the hours before the deadline. My target was more to synchronize the music with the visual and that was all I was thinking so I ignore some other aspects like a main theme or a center for the music, in other words is diffuse. But anyway! that is a bit of what I think of mine but what do you think? Any comment please?

Animated Film created by: Ilias Sounas
Music by: Me
Competition: 12th CGEmpire Music Competition.

Giving credit to the creator of the film and the competition I did the work.

Note: The ending has the same last chords of Maria's Theme.

Here is the link:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2p6I7H3ellw (Youtube)

Anyway! Any comment?

December 11th, 2007, 02:00 am
To tell you the truth, I loved this quite a lot! Everything was right on--very impressive.

The only thing I could change is when the Robot Boy dies, have the music be more delicate. You had a fairly heavy intro, and when the two were dancing around the meteor. . I liked the piano part, maybe make a very simplistic melody? Then, when the chip lands, continue on from what you had with the timpani introducing the rest of the ochestra. (That's just what I would do. I've been into a lot of simplicity for sad/expressive moments. . . cherishing is the feeling you get from delicateness; you'll learn one day.) =)

Good luck with that competition!

December 11th, 2007, 02:10 am
Not bad at all! I must say, the way that the timpani was always the antagonist felt too cliched. However, visually speaking (I'm not quite a visual person, however), it is kind of sweet and 'fluffy'. I guess I would say the way you structured it (I'm avoiding the word orchestration because this piece is too soundtrack-y to be considered orchestral) is rather predictable. However, if I wasn't a composer with a strange taste, I would probably be quite pleased with its production. The synchronization felt really appropriate (especially the wind chimes in the end). However, like you said, nothing is too memorable. Which in this case, is not a bad thing at all, I mean, you have a visual which tells a story, and you can't really have the music to dominate it. So production wise, it's good. I just can't really criticize it musically.

Edit: I guess I should also comment on Maria's Theme since I wanted to comment on it a while back but never got the chance to...

Yes, peaceful, and shiny stuff are pleasant, but then don't make it so slow that it sounds 'dead' and drags on. The entrance of the flute, harp and the others was too much of a surprise. I rather you build into it. In my opinion, if you want to write pretty pieces, your approach would be trying to make your audience cringe little by little, if you give all your good stuff to them at once, then you'd eventually lose the audience. I didn't mind the progression though, it works and it isn't predictable, and I'm glad with that.

December 11th, 2007, 02:21 pm
This short film was the best I've seen in a couple of days now, very impressive writing and execution. The music is fabulous, but in my opinion it doesn't match the majority of the scenes in this film.

December 11th, 2007, 03:47 pm
Thx for the comments! The short film is very nice, I like it and was good to get a chance to score it even if was in a rush :D If I was to re-make it, I would try to bring the feeling of Loneliness which mine lack it, and to insert a theme that can Identifies the music bringing it begging and ending the short film and for the contrast to have the happy part better worked which is when they meet with each other. Also to keep some parts with 1 or 2 instruments playing a simple melody is something that I would have done for help to bring that Lonely feeling, it could be better with less music :D Anyway that is what I think. xP

Thx Mr.Dot for your comment on Maria's theme. :)

EDIT: Holy pie! ...Those ugly teeth! I didn't want them to appear. lol

December 15th, 2007, 12:53 am
Today I felt to try something orchestrated so I did a little theme fast in my free time, It start with the main theme then a second section with a melody played by the Flute then oboe then back to the main theme but tried to make it feel that was going to the same tone but then put it 1 up. Is quite simple and short I really don't know much of orchestration n_n; how I did my work, is it ok? o,o

December 15th, 2007, 02:26 am

First of all, when you ask for those sudden pizzicati, you didn't give the strings enough time to change from arco and prepare. The timpani roll in the beginning was also quite unconvincing. At :52, that mallet instrument... It just won't cut through in your texture. Your brass section also plays this monotonous figure in the background that keeps repeating itself, so that was kind of boring. Your last timpani note also sounded fishy. You usually shouldn't end with timpani alone even if you want a booming sound to stop all the other sounds. Double it with a bass drum or just use a bass drum alone since it does not have a definite pitch. Also, I didn't hear much of the bass strings. Did you even have viola, cello and basses at all? Where are the clarinets and bassoons? Overall, the piece sounded more like a straight line than something artistic.

December 15th, 2007, 02:44 am
Haha Thank you, there is no clarinets and bassoons yet. I am going to re-do it again but..tomorrow when I come back from the conservatory! Thank you for your comment I will see with what I come. =)

December 16th, 2007, 07:04 pm
Here is what I did, is it worse or at least a bit better?
I added the bassoon and the clarinet but just play in the second part, I thought I can replace part of the strings notes with those 2 but I thought it mins ago later of recorded it in mp3. There is no big difference in the timpani in the beginning not sure if that is better now? o.O I replace the long notes of the brass part and make them do something more interesting, still repeat the same background in the last part. And yes there are violas, cellos and C.basses. I put 2 other mp3 in low quality here where one is the background of all the strings and the other of the brass with some of the others background if anyone can't hear them completely in the edited mp3. That is all I did anyway was not much but is it worse or better that the first one o.O?

December 20th, 2007, 04:37 am
I don't like the chord progression at :32 or again at :45. It feels like it really ruins the mood of that section of the piece to suddenly move to that major chord. I think the trills are a bit obnoxious, but I'm not one to like excessive trills; the trill at 0:09 really obscures your chord progression and I think that when you are introducing the theme that this hinders you. I think you should make the intro longer so that you have more time to crescendo into the theme of the piece.

December 20th, 2007, 10:33 pm
Thx for give me your opinion of the piece, I will edit it agian when I get the time for this one, will be last editing cause I am not so fond with that kind of tune xP

January 13th, 2008, 02:15 am
Okay, this is not final product, but is what I have done so far and won't touch it again in a while since I have to work in another piece in a rush. This is not perfect, this have lots of mistakes; and I was just wanting to recreate an idea.

February 17th, 2008, 11:34 pm
I guess no one bothered to listen to Disastro di mente Lol.

This is what I did between yesterday and today.

Nyu001's Melody: This is the one I did the original melody on the Thread "Music Game" Here and harmonized it.

Fiddle tune for piano: It's the harmonization of a melody someone posted in another forum for the same purpose of harmonize it and do anything to it.

Waltz for piano: The same

The last two are the original melody they did for the game in another forum.

Sorry about the pedal and dynamics!

February 19th, 2008, 10:33 pm
I didn't think the Disastro di Mente sounded odd as much as it sounded incidental. It could feel right at home in a scary comedy I think. I really enjoyed it. I also liked your Piano Waltz. Very pretty!

February 19th, 2008, 11:14 pm
Well for most people it would be Odd music ;) It is actually representing the mind of someone and other things, and I ended using part of it in a competition. But is not done yet, there is a lots of material I want to add and organize it all since there are lots of mistakes that I want to arrange too.

Thanks for take your time to listen to it and for the comment!

February 28th, 2008, 06:09 am
I watched the short film today and I gotta say you did a really good job. Although the music doesn't always match the mood 100%, it was always enjoyable (plus the film was so darned adorable)!

February 28th, 2008, 11:10 pm
Where were the scenes where the music didn't match the visuals of the film? I am not going to arrange it but I am going to re-make all the music for have a different version approaching elements that I didn't do or express with the original. I don't know when I will do it but I will one day!

February 29th, 2008, 02:59 am
Just checked out Disastro di Mente - man, what an screwy-awesome piece! I especially liked when things really started going realyy off-the-wall during the second half or so. Too bad about the audio itself, though - seems like everytime some crazy happens, the waveform clips badly. But I'm sure you'll get that fixed for the final version, right? Anyways, I'll be looking forward to it. Keep it up!

February 29th, 2008, 12:01 pm
Yes I will try to fix the audio, Some parts were recorded with a mic so unnecessary sounds appear or cuts. The piece is going to be longer because I want to organize it properly of how I want it to be and new sections to fit it better. but! I don't know when I will! like the film I want to re-make it but I don't know when. So much things I always have to do that I don't know when I will get a good chance and mood for work on it lol. Thank you for your comment Shizeet. :)

June 1st, 2008, 11:01 pm
Hello people, this is a retro piece I did some months ago for a competition where the theme was "Retro". I did it thinking of old video games and wanted somewhat to paint a story with the music. So, I tried to make this like a small soundtrack of an old video game that doesn't exist.

The piece is 19mins long and was done in 2 days and half. I did this in a horrible rush so there are mistakes around and is unfinished (That is the reason of the tittle). It is missing a final boss battle and last moments "scenes" when the Evil guy is defeated and all turns in peace and joy again.

I worked this typing all the score in finale for import it in a midi format to FL Studio where I added effects and other stuffs for the final product. I wanted to stay with just 8-bit sounds but I felt the urge to use a soundfont with choir and the drum set in some parts. So, is not so retro like to simulate the old sounds of 8-bit of games.

Here is a list of how goes the music:

I. Logo Music
II. Prologue
III. Evil Theme
IV. Start Menu (Main Theme)
V. Village & Gypsy Dance Theme
VI. The village is attacked, Evil Theme & hero theme (The village is attacked by the evil guys, the leader of them does the apparition when his theme is played; The hero appears stopping the theme counter-attacking them, here his theme is played. After this there is a small theme of worry)
VII. Journey Theme (The hero goes in a journey to search the leader of the evil guys to defeat them and to finish with the horror he is causing in the village).
VIII. Battle Theme (The hero confront bad guys whiles he is on his journey).
IX. Victory Theme (This was recycled from something I did prevously).
X. Dungeon Theme
XI. Mini-Boss theme (Deadline time was killing me, so, here I rushed everything more and decided to bring the Evil theme for then...)
XII. Game Over (Last hour was ther so needed to give a Game Over for give my entry).
XIII. End Credits (The End credits appears and short recapitulation of some of the themes).

Actually with the missed parts the piece is over 30min long. The last boss battle is more that 5min long plus the Mini-boss theme fixed and extended & the Last moments scenes it turn it in a longer piece. By the way the last boss battle theme is the Evil theme arranged completely.

Anyway even if I was in a rush of hours I really enjoyed composing this, it was fun for me to compose music of 8-bit sounds.

Here is the link:

June 2nd, 2008, 01:57 am
Bad link.

June 2nd, 2008, 02:29 am
Ok! Sorry about that! Now is working! Check again!

Edit: I made the file allowed to download now. So you won't need to listen to it in the page.

June 6th, 2008, 06:01 am
1: piano kinda sounds weird with orchestra in the beginning, but the rest of the song is fine! not bad!

2: BADASS! If i didn't suck at piano so bad, I would play that. xD I would recommend making that song longer by adding on to it, as I see potential for a really nice piece there. ^^

3: Pretty cool, but at 0:13 (or around it, give or take a few seconds) try getting rid of the tremelo (i know i spelled that wrong XD) strings.

4: That is a really catchy beat, I can see that in a racing/sonic the hedgehog type of video game! I myself am having trouble using a drum set and an orchestra in my music at the same time while still sounding good, but you really pulled it off! nice.

5: The first few seconds sound awkward, try fixing the guitar part a bit to get rid of that. Also, towards the middle, it gets REALLY repetitive.

All problems aside though, that was really badass for a beginner. ^^ Have you ever considered being a composer for video game music? Because for all those 5 songs, they reminded me of the stuff that's in video games. Your music is really cool, try finding someone that makes flash games or something that needs music for it. :D

June 6th, 2008, 06:38 am
"04": DO NOT ever give brass instruments technical stuff (there's not much you can do with valves, compared to a woodwind instrument).

OK, brass instruments are not incapable of playing technical passages. Any trumpet player worth his/her salt would be able to play most of that passage within about a week's practice. The only problem arises from the notes that go below the staff. Although it is true that brass players can definitely handle technical parts, the ability to jump from the high register to the low and back up at that speed is a skill that even professionals do not necessarily have.

To Nyu001:
When you write for any instrument, you must keep in mind the range capacities. The trumpet cannot go below the E under the staff reliably. And should rarely reach over the E above the staff (Bb above for intermediate players). The same goes with the trombone and baritone (but an octave lower). jumpy-noted technical passages should stay under the 1st or 2nd line above the staff and over the bottom line for treble instruments and under the 4th line above the staff and over the second space for bass clef.

Also, DO NOT write for "brass section." Write for the specific instrument you want. you can set the sound to brass but the staff should be titled and written for the appropriate instrument.

A note: Trombones do not be fast passages unless the part is written for a professional or for someone you know can play it.

June 6th, 2008, 01:05 pm
Thank you so much for the kind comments of both of try to help. But those composition you checked are quite old of years ago. Now I have gained knowledge and would have liked to hear comment of the late works of mines and not works of years ago. But thanks for take the time to comment them! :)

July 6th, 2008, 02:22 am
Sorry I didn't comment sooner, I forgot that I hadn't already because of the bad link!

If an NES game had had this music it would have pretty awesome! It's really varied and interesting, and keeps the excitement going!

I'll be back in a while to give some more specific comments.

July 16th, 2008, 02:26 am
Thanks deathreaider. I will wait for that comment.

Now, I want to know if this is worth to spend time to improve it or to send it to the trash?

This was for a tune contest where the theme was "erotic" (In another forum). And I did this theme based on the seduction. I decided to go with a simple pattern of 4 chords running through all the track. You may see it is a very common pattern, but I found it perfect as I wanted to represent the theme.

There are some changes I want to do, in special to add a modulation when the saxophone ends of play it first phrase for not have it all straight in the same key which I am finding it tiring. Also to expand the repetitive chord progression there for have a bit of variety.

Is it worth or forget of this?


July 16th, 2008, 04:03 am
It made me smile so I say worthy!
And the way I look at it, any practice composing will make you better no matter how worthless the piece may seem. Maybe by using such a common chord progression you will have to make the other elements even more original. That way you get practice writing interesting melodies etc.
Good Luck!

July 16th, 2008, 07:42 pm
Yeah! That worked really well! I could just imagine the slightly funny scene of seduction! XD

July 17th, 2008, 03:19 pm
Thank you two. I guess this won't get more comments. So I will go with yours. I will keep it in my files of pendent works for arrange it. And hoping to get a better Sax sample!

What I visualize with it is a woman approaching a man slowly for seduce and tempt him. Then they go a bit far...

August 2nd, 2008, 05:28 pm
I think the most important factor when it comes to mixed orchestration is that though brass instruments are just as capable of ornaments as woodwinds, you have to consider who would be playing the piece. If you had an elementary school play it, of course they wouldn't be as versatile as possible. A state orchestra like the one I'm in is full of trained musicians taught to tackle the music no matter how complicated it is.

August 6th, 2008, 02:05 am
Considering the level of a piece is considering to destroy the piece. You should write a musical score as you want it to be, and let the level of the work come naturally, otherwise you'll be thinking more about the limitations of the piece than the actual feeling of the piece.

Then again, that's just my $0.02 on the above.

August 6th, 2008, 02:22 am
I am somewhat lost with the comment. Is it to me about the "Dangerous seduction" piece I did and my comment?

Btw I think I will stuck with the soundfont I used for the sax. I don't know where I would find a free and better sax sample for it. Hard instrument to emulate. ;_;

August 6th, 2008, 07:11 am
I'm liking the overall feel of the piece, and the little additions like the finger snaps and string glisses really help to enhance the "erotic" mood of this. The mixing feels a bit off to me though - the bass feels somewhat too loud and the sax is too much in the background. Also, for these type of pieces, I image a lot more legato-ish part in the sax, with the player constantly changing the timbre during those long held out notes. And maybe try swinging/shuffling the tempo a bit to give it more groovy feel.

But overall, rather enjoyable piece. Good job.

August 7th, 2008, 04:47 pm
Erotic theme! I find it amusing since I was toying with the idea not long ago (Although, I called it pr0n music XD). The composition overall is wonderfully done, sounds more like seduction music back in the 70's. You know, woman in the red dress approaching to the man dressed like a detective in a semi dark room.. maybe I get that feeling because of the percussion.
Why is that the sax is so friggin seductive? That and the cello are the instruments that I find most seductive.
The ending with the woman's moan was defenitely a nice touch.

Keep that up!

August 10th, 2008, 05:53 pm
Really nice! One thing though...

You have some balancing problems between your instruments. Too much bass, to much background music, not enough sax, and more cowbell (Wait... there was no cowbell but I had to say it. XD ). Just fix that and you should be home free.

August 11th, 2008, 04:22 am
In that seduction piece... aside from an echo of "lower the bass", you might want to fiddle with that "bell" instrument that comes in at 00:24. I think Vibraphone would sound much more jazzy than something sounding like a glock. (ditto goes for the end when it shows up again)

Sounds like something out of Lupin the Third, which makes it damn fine! =D

August 11th, 2008, 01:30 pm
Thanks for your comments people. They are appreciated.

I don't notice much the bass because I have one speaker working. But I have thought will change the bass sample for one more "jazzistic". Also I think I found a better soundfont of a sax between my things. I will try it later in some days when I finish of fix my pc problems. Oh and the vibraphone is playing in unison(Or different octave) with a glockenspiel in low velocity and volume.

December 25th, 2008, 03:10 pm
Reviving this, I decided to upload 2 small composition I did long time ago. I did not feel to upload anything bigger because of my internet. Maybe later I will upload something more interesting.

Intro: An extremely small piece I did using pianoteq demo, originally was going to be just chords with a rain effect in the background for serve as intro of a game's text. But after that I decided to add other elements. Note, is not a saxophone what you are listening here.

Emptiness: Just something I wanted to do for relax me with that kind of mood.

December 25th, 2008, 06:43 pm
Hmm. Sounds very much like a saxophone. lol
I think both pieces were very well done. Intro was nice I has a kind a smooth jazz feel. kinda like something from an old-school late night club. I feel emptiness was kinda creepy. The dissonances were well done, Which I think made it more tense and suspenseful than relaxing, but that's just an opinion.

December 26th, 2008, 02:31 am
HI NYU :wave:

Intro: Hmm, not a sax? Maybe a clarinet or just some synth sound? Very nice and easygoing, I can just smell the cigarettes and feel all woozy and drunk.

Emptiness: I like how the reverb makes it contemplative. I second the creepiness, though, I feel like I'm an evil mastermind sneaking upon someone to kill them. Nice use of dissonance.

Btw, I'm liking how pianoteq sounds. :)

EDIT: That seduction piece is GREAT!

December 26th, 2008, 05:33 am
Reviving this, I decided to upload 2 small composition I did long time ago. I did not feel to upload anything bigger because of my internet. Maybe later I will upload something more interesting.

Intro: An extremely small piece I did using pianoteq demo, originally was going to be just chords with a rain effect in the background for serve as intro of a game's text. But after that I decided to add other elements. Note, is not a saxophone what you are listening here.

Emptiness: Just something I wanted to do for relax me with that kind of mood.

Intro: It's an alright piece, being mostly a test one. It sounds like you have a pad thing going on but I can only clearly make it out near the end; the bass a bit loud and seems to taking a lot of the lower to mid frequency space, which might be. I'm also hearing some crackling, which may be clipping.

Emptiness: I liked the mood in this one - it has a really hollow and unsettling feel, especially with those panning echo and such. The soft, almost muted sound of the piano really worked well for that. Really nice harmony too - it's certainly dissonant but the the melodic line works well on top of it. Great job.

Oh, and the piano sample is really impressive for being apparently full-modeled. Have you tried TruePianos by the way? It's also a lighter-weight piano engine, which is either fully-modeled like this Pianoteq, or is a sampled/modeled hybrid. Very nice sounds from that one as well.

December 26th, 2008, 10:36 pm
I have no tried Truepianos but I have heard the demos. What I like of Pianoteq is that you have a freedom of manipulate the sound and fit it to your needs. Quite versatile for just have a small size!

The first track I posted there was with Pianoteq but the second one no. I think Pianoteq could have achieved a better effect if I used it in that one.

December 27th, 2008, 04:00 pm
I enjoyed the Intro piece. I am curious what I AM listening to other than the distinct Saxophone sound. XD

I am digging this Emptiness piece!! I have been experimenting at my own piano (well, acoustic pianos, if you will) trying to get similar fade effects, and after a while I have been able to get that "waver" which you can simply put panning echos and phasers on them. Like the subtle use of the whole-tone scale. =)

Good job, keep it up!

January 9th, 2009, 11:21 pm
Haha, It's a soundfont; suppose to be a "Turkish clarinet".


Whiles looking to see what can I do with Porsche's melody, I came with this short piece in a waltz time. I keep it simple for an Oboe and Clarinet with an harp filling the background. Yes, the harp sounds wet. x_x

January 10th, 2009, 05:41 am
In my opinion, great piece. You're not afraid of using conventional chord progressions and you're not forcing yourself trying to be unique, and you made it work well. Okay, 'the sound' is very Finale-ish and it screams of MIDI notation, but the music behind it is simple, intelligent and nice =)

January 10th, 2009, 01:19 pm
Thanks for your kind words Noir7. The piece I record it directly from Finale, so that is why; I used finale's soundfont. The synchronization seem a bit strange when was recorded, my PC was doing clips and not performing correctly whiles recording it.

January 11th, 2009, 06:34 am
Haha, It's a soundfont; suppose to be a "Turkish clarinet".


Whiles looking to see what can I do with Porsche's melody, I came with this short piece in a waltz time. I keep it simple for an Oboe and Clarinet with an harp filling the background. Yes, the harp sounds wet. x_x

Yeah, that's a pretty wet sounding harp alright - but it blends in fine with the other instruments mostly. And though it's short, it's a pretty little duet - nice job.

January 11th, 2009, 07:29 am
Sounds sweet, very nice job :)

And btw, thank you for naming the soundfont, I looked videos up of a turkish clarinetist, and wow, they sound amazing!

January 11th, 2009, 03:10 pm
Thanks Shizeet & ajamesu.

I would like to re-show this old work I did, and that seem to not have grabbed attention before. Is one that I really liked, I find it fun to listen and to compose. And for the lovers of retro-videogame music:


There is an option that says "download", you can download it for not to listen to it in the site.

January 11th, 2009, 06:15 pm
I listened to every minute in awe and admiration. To be able to do that in only two and a half days shows you will go great places with your talent. I can't give you feedback per say seeing that it was 19 some odd minutes long XD, but my overall impression was edgy, fun, and retro. :lol:

How did you do in the contest you submitted this to?

January 11th, 2009, 11:58 pm
It's BRILLIANT for 2.5 days, fantastic job! I like all those evil laughs and growls, haha. Maybe if you set it to mono instead of stereo (idk how to do that, maybe set the pannings to 0?), it might sound more realistic, but it sounds great as is, I can totally imagine gamers in a dark corner jamming out to this on an NES xD

January 12th, 2009, 02:52 am
How did you do in the contest you submitted this to?

I ended tied first place. But there just could be one winner. Due the competition was sponsored by http://www.toontrack.com/ (Toontrack) and they were giving one copy of EZdrummer & Claustrophobic expansion kit to the winner. So, I went in a tie-breaker where I lost. Mostly the reasons why I lost was because of a rule that says: "One entry per member". I was not aware of this and some competitors did not like that(My entry was accepted and got the vote of the person in control anyway). Also another reason why I lost is because of how long my entry was. :P

January 12th, 2009, 03:10 am
Also another reason why I lost is because of how long my entry was. :P

'Cause Beethoven's Fifth Piano Concerto sucked too because it was too long. :glare:

What were they thinking! You most definitely should have won!

January 12th, 2009, 02:02 pm
Eve if I did not win, I am very content with the result I got composing it. I love 8-bit music now!

January 13th, 2009, 08:35 pm
The length of the piece is not bothering me at all, and the compositional value is actually relatively high. However, the piece is clearly rushed as you yourself admitted in an earlier post, so I won't comment on this seriously before you post something that is meant to be taken seriously.

April 12th, 2009, 11:12 pm
"The child found the monster!"

I found this old piece I did last year, and thought hey I should arrange and fix this! But when I opened the file things where missing... So I will just present it like this.


It's bed time for the child, so his mother send him to bed and cover him giving a goodnight kiss. Then she leaves the room and turn off the light. After she closes the door the child hear a strange voice in his room. He all scared but at the same time curious looks around; he see nothing. So... he leaves his bed to find from where came that strange voice. The child moves slowly from his bed then moves faster to look in places of his room, he finds nothing... But still very curious he keep searching. Then he heard the voice again... it came under his bed. He starts approaching his bed and lift up the sheet slowly... BOO! The monster appears and grows! Scaring the child. The child runs to a corner of his room whiles the monster goes to him. But suddenly his mother call him and the monster minimize till disappear... The child goes to tell his mom but she does not believe him about such monster under his bed... he holds her tight all scared whiles he hear the monster's laugh.

"The singing of a lost soul"

This track is mostly to create an atmosphere in an lonely place, in a distant planet where no one else can be found, but just this "lost soul" that was left there all alone.

April 13th, 2009, 01:10 am
Ok, the monster one was awsome! did you get that laugh from instruments of digital sound effect? I thought it was very well done.

Lost Soul: This song gave me chills lol. Are you getting ready for halloween early this year? :heh: What program do you use.It feels like this was done with a synth then a composing program. you have quite a bit of gliss and I can't tell if its a voice doing the melody or a saw. The ending felt a bit dragged out to me. Other than that, great piece.

April 13th, 2009, 01:42 am
The laugh actually... was my own voice, lol. I recorded myself and put it in audacity changing its frequenze and trying to clean it a bit. Disastro di mente also has many clips with my voice changed, but forgot to eliminate the clippings in that one.

The other one started in my piano then was done in FL studio, I use there just the synths of that software. And yeah there are glissando in the melody. No voice, it's a synth, lol. I do agree about the ending, and I am considering to try and do something else with that.

Thank you so much for your comment, it is appreciated!


The voices screams and the laughs in my retro piece of 8-bits was by Microsoft Sam plus screams from a soundfont.

April 13th, 2009, 10:34 pm
LOL, I was listening to Twilight Princess music before this, and this music was in such a similar style that I had to check to makes sure I was actually listening to your music. Well done!

PS, I wish I had your soundfonts...

June 13th, 2009, 09:37 pm
You can find the soundfonts I use at sf2midi. But I use a mix of soundfonts and vst. I never played Twilight Princess or heard the music of it. So no idea, lol.

Anyway! I am reviving this for a little bit! My internet is very slow and I am having problems with it, making it impossible for me to upload something long or download something big (That can explain why I have checked other pieces around here a lot less, plus job).

And well, here is a short melody that was inspired when Mazeppa started his new thread. This is just the melodic sketch of it. I am using it for a piano piece that I am working by hand (just playing it) and another version of it that is for woodwind quartet with a playful mood. The melody seem to share some elements with my entry of Noir7's contest.

Kevin Penkin
June 14th, 2009, 01:59 am
Ahh! Perfect Melody! I love it! It's so beautiful and innocent :) I also really liked The child found a monster. It's like the music you get for some high budget TV shows in Australia hehe. It's great! :)

The singing of a lost soul really sealed the deal. You are really developing. You perfectly keep the mood throughout the song and fantastically to. I'm jealous haha :P


June 15th, 2009, 03:33 pm
I'm honored to be an inspiration, Nyu001. :)

And I'm even more honored that you've written that little sketch! I absolutely love that music-box instrument, and have been obsessed with the sound of those simplistic melodies and glockenspiels/music-boxes since I heard the soundtracks to Cowboy Bebop and .hack//Sign. I wish to hear more, sir. Keep up the fine work!

June 15th, 2009, 06:58 pm
Haha, this seems to always happen with your music, but right after your piece, a Mozart piano piece came up which was was in the exact same key, so I thought it was part of your piece for a moment. Anyway, sounds good. Keep going with it.

June 16th, 2009, 02:01 am
Yeah, it's sounding great! :heh:

August 7th, 2009, 12:26 am
Another little revival to my threat. :heh:

This is something I was working today which turned to be a "failure" to me. But I ended liking it. It's just based in 4 chords with a melody of 4 bars.

At Mazeppa: There is another piece that the idea started from you, after a listen of one of your pieces.

August 7th, 2009, 01:02 am
The beginning somehow reminds me of an 80s pop ballad (in a good way). However, the melody when it came in was a little disappointing for some reason...

August 7th, 2009, 01:47 am
What kind of thing was you waiting after the introduction? Maybe I can get an idea of what you thought and do something with it. But I hardly can think of a 80's pop ballad, haha.

August 7th, 2009, 01:51 am
Well, vocals would help :P. I dunno, just a sort of traditional 80s melody like you would get from David Bowie or a-ha... I guess it would probably be better if the cello was switched to bass guitar instead, though.

As it is, though, I think the melody just seemed a little short in material and it seemed a little unfocused (i.e. it didn't feel like the melody had much of a driving factor or the ebb/flow that a good classical melody needs).

August 7th, 2009, 03:26 am
I am not so familiar with that music, but I already got an idea for a more pop oriented piece with it!

The melody indeed is quite short. I did not plan to extend it but to add other elements in the music that complement it, if you get what I am saying (which I think sound weird). I liked that short melody, though. In special the fragment of the last bar.

August 7th, 2009, 12:39 pm
hmm this is interesting coz it sounds almost like little pop oriented melodies being put into a baroque like contrapuntal texture. i really liked the little melody/motif u introduced at around 0:43 (especially 0:43-0:48) in the high string part if u know what im talking about hehe. am i wrong? or is this introduced somewhere else before? i think its the way it harmonized with the other parts at that very moment that made the mood seem different and was refreshing. :) However i did notice it was quite metric (i dont think thats the right word oops) like there was a constant pulse accented on the strong beats. perhaps u could try introducing ur little melodies on the offbeats at times to blend it out and give it more flow since u are using short melodies? just a thought! :)
i havent been on the site for ages! i just listened to a few of your other pieces too and i really like them^^ very pleasant ~~~ makes me want to try something pretty now! (since i've spent my last 4months or so composing about 'mass extinction' of humanity o_0 i think im going crazy...)

August 16th, 2009, 07:07 am
You are very talented. I'm impressed by your work. I can't wait to hear some more! :D

August 21st, 2009, 06:06 am
Nice piece there, Nyu! I love that background/introduction. It almost reminds me of the ending credits theme of "Outlaw Star" (actually, most of the piece reminds me a lot of it). Anyway, there's not much I can say about this piece. It's simple and it builds up. I wish I could say more, but I guess all I am saying is this,

"Great job, keep it up; I wanna hear more!"

Kevin Penkin
August 21st, 2009, 08:24 am
It's sounding really cool! It's reminding me of Canon in D, but obviously not the same. >< It builds really nice! I would love to actually see more layers! :) how much can you build on what you already have?

August 21st, 2009, 01:53 pm
Nyu, I think you are the first person to have me stuck for words (applauds). Very nice, I could definitely visualize "The Singing of a Lost Soul" being a part of a game. Phenomenal work, hope to hear more from you soon:lol:

December 20th, 2009, 10:30 pm
Hey, I have never stopped composing in case you think that. ;)

I want to know how can I improve the instrumentation for the melody in this piece. Nothing really come to mind, so I guess maybe someone else thoughts may help to bright my brain. I feel the melody is not showing too strong because of how I orchestrated it with various instruments. Any other comment about the piece apart of that is welcome also. :)

December 22nd, 2009, 02:56 am
Hey, I have never stopped composing in case you think that. ;)

I want to know how can I improve the instrumentation for the melody in this piece. Nothing really come to mind, so I guess maybe someone else thoughts may help to bright my brain. I feel the melody is not showing too strong because of how I orchestrated it with various instruments. Any other comment about the piece apart of that is welcome also. :)

It works fine for me for the most part, I think it's just the balance that's off. The melody really sounds soft compared to the bass (pizz), so I'd definitely try to adjust those. Also, you might want to cut back on the glockenspiel a bit more, and maybe drop out those higher pizz parts when that low horn gets the melody (to allow it to penetrate a bit more). Other than that, very nice job so far, I'm enjoying it :).

December 22nd, 2009, 09:56 am
Hey, I have never stopped composing in case you think th...

Hehe, very nice work :lol:.
It makes me think of a little village in the middle of the woods XD, something you might see in a Zelda game opening sequence.

To be honest, right now I can't think of this piece with a different instrumentation or even different dynamics/ balance so I can't help you with that @_@, I just love it the way it is.
Congratulations and thanks for sharing.

PS: Hehe, I'll surely have to make some time to check all the works people post in this forum, there are very talented composers here =D.

December 22nd, 2009, 08:52 pm
Hey, thanks! Shizeet, thanks for point that out. Maybe that is what I need to do!

Here is another piece that I was working today for relax me of another piece that was giving me a headache yesterday. The mix is not the great in this one. O.<

Edit: I decided to add another piece I did today for piano. This one is quite slow. Its purpose is to deliver a mood of Emptiness in someone.

December 23rd, 2009, 11:14 pm
Olulz, I listened to the first one and I thought you meant that the first one was to deliver a mood of emptiness... -_-

What was the instrument that you used to make the "buzz" sound in the background of the first piece? Together with the drums, they completely set the tone of the piece... both of the pieces are really good. As with the first one, the drumthingythatprobablyisn'tadrum in the background also set the mood in the second one, although they were completely different...

December 24th, 2009, 01:18 pm
The "buzz" is a bass and a modified synth playing in unision.

December 24th, 2009, 02:34 pm
City of lights is fun. I like it.

Would you mind sharing with us the complete list of instruments that you used in it?

Empty Room's nice too.

You definitely have professional quality in these works.

December 24th, 2009, 03:41 pm
I think the quiet empty room was well done but too short. It didn`t really settle for me before it ended. I liked city of lights alot actually. I think the loop worked quite well.

December 24th, 2009, 04:16 pm
Yeah, I feel is too short after a couple of listens. I did not want it to drag on, since is a slow piece. But I may add a little bit more to the piece.

About the other one, I used drums, bass, string section, synths, piano bass notes, a plucked, horns, percussion and inferno from FL studio. There is around 18 or 19 channels used.

December 26th, 2009, 01:01 am
Today I felt to extend Rushing in the City of lights. I still feel to add another section. But feels like too much is going on already.

January 12th, 2010, 09:49 pm
I like the piece that you last posted. The main criticism I have is that the drum set it too repetitive. It has its good points, but it sometimes seems like copy and pasting. Certain fills seem a bit overused to me. At 2:09, I wish that the brass instrument (horn?) was brought out more. It's too subdued in the mix.

January 12th, 2010, 10:09 pm
Yeah, the mix is not great. I agree about the drums. I have thought to do alterations to it. But have no done it yet. My main thing is the structure, I feel it weird.

January 13th, 2010, 01:16 am
You definitely have some good ideas and nice progressions going on, but I wanted to hear more contrast. Around 2:10, I think that a fresh chord progression would have been nice before the electric guitar thing. Just a thought. Also, at the beginning, the attack on the strings seems to be a bit slow. Do you have any samples that might fit that part better? The last thing I'll say is that a little bass guitar love would be nice for this style. Like some cool patterns other than just playing the roots. I really like the song though.

February 4th, 2010, 03:52 am
I wanted to get repetition and not have a new part there. But maybe some alterations would work in that part. I agree about the bass. But I am thinking to have 2 basses, one that will keep playing in unision with the synth and another bass doing something different. But not sure if that would work in that piece. After that piece I implemented that in other pieces which I liked the result. Here an extract of them:

And thanks for your suggestions, those are good ones to think. :)

February 4th, 2010, 07:06 pm
haha, are you trying to come out with a demo disk now? Your music all sound so fun, makes me smile!

February 6th, 2010, 12:03 am
:O Were those separate pieces or one unified?

February 6th, 2010, 12:17 am
Those are extract of two separate pieces. And KKK, no, I am not trying to come with a demo reel, but I can see them fitting for one, haha.

I feel to do a demo reel now, to see how it turn out, lol.

February 6th, 2010, 02:50 am

Anyways, I like the first part better than the second part. I guess the second half seems kind of boring because it feels like you have a foundation (piano) and rhythm (drums), but no lead part to make it exciting.

February 6th, 2010, 03:21 am
Lol, oops.

The second one actually has a melody. It was just off there.

I tried to make a demo reel, and I must say is not easy to choice the pieces and what part of the piece to show, and how to mix them with other pieces. And to keep it short... I ended with a demo of 12mins, which is too much I think.

February 6th, 2010, 03:40 am
Oh, OK. Yeah, I guess I would suggest putting in a part with melody, then.

February 6th, 2010, 09:16 pm
Taking the dust away of an old piece from 2008 that never saw the light. I did not compose anything new to it, except I added a few things in what I already had done and fixed other things in it.

February 7th, 2010, 01:58 am
:O That was interesting! I didn't even notice the transition between the themes... your pieces are too light-hearted XP

February 10th, 2010, 03:46 am
Interesting. It reminded me of some of Stravinsky's Neo-classical stuff. There were a couple little spots where the melody was obscured by the accompaniment. Was that intentional?

February 10th, 2010, 10:38 pm
I took a re-listen again. And yes, it was half intentional. I should have leveled up a little bit more the melody when the accompaniment wanted more attention.

February 28th, 2010, 05:13 am
This is not so much of a complete composition but more of 2 parts.

February 28th, 2010, 06:54 am
This is great! Sounds like a light situation, or something funny. It makes me think of Moogles haha. Great work! So what do you use to make your music sound so realistic? It's very impressive!

February 28th, 2010, 05:37 pm
There are some options that can help you to make something to sound more natural.

One of the most important is the dynamism of each instrument. Not all notes will sound 100% the same. So you must go note per note modify its velocities slightly, to stress the ones you consider more important and to distress the less important. This will avoid you a mechanic sound. To perform each part with a midi keyboard is helpful for this. There are also options in some sequencer that can randomize the velocities. But I would prefer to choice myself the levels.

Another important thing is to give each instrument a separate level of reverberation. And to have balanced the volumes of each instrument for all not to sound at the same loudness. Panning the instruments also is a good option for space and the position of an instrument.

March 1st, 2010, 02:53 am
...Wait, what software did you use to make this...?

...I agree with Ele, it sounds really... light, and enjoyable. Sounds like a disney piece :P

March 1st, 2010, 07:47 am
Your pieces are always so upbeat and quirky! This one is certainly no exception. It's really fun and refreshing.

March 1st, 2010, 04:08 pm
I used FL Studio.

I think I should go to the dark side...

Alfonso de Sabio
March 1st, 2010, 06:24 pm
Yup. This is lots of fun. And I'm way impressed with your patience and ability to make it sound so realistic.

March 1st, 2010, 07:49 pm
I think I should go to the dark side...

We have cookies! You should definitely try it out... :shifty:

March 23rd, 2010, 06:00 am
Something I did before go to bed now. It's short, but was fun. Anyway, bed time!

Alfonso de Sabio
March 24th, 2010, 01:37 am
You must get tired of hearing this, but I really like how quirky your pieces are. I especially like how rhythmic this one is. It gives it some really cool drive--especially after 0:44ish. Also, really, really cool harmonies.

March 27th, 2010, 02:40 am
Quirky, lol.

April 19th, 2010, 02:45 am
I just listened to the 3 pieces you posted since my last post. Right now...I see Disneyland! I see kindergarten kids bouncing around mickey mouse and Cinderella. Very nice....just very nice!

PS: Thx for always commenting on my new posts btw!

April 19th, 2010, 10:39 pm
I do not see how I can related my music to the Disney's feeling. But thanks. xD

April 30th, 2010, 05:25 am
I got asked to compose music for an ad that will be submitted in a contest by someone else. This was my first attempt that I decided not use because is too serious and heavy. And because it does not work well with that last silly part also.

Kevin Penkin
May 1st, 2010, 09:25 am
wow.. lol.. didn't see that coming.. lol. umm.... yeah i dun know how to talk about this i don't think lol

May 2nd, 2010, 03:46 am
...That could work as an ad, if it was dark and creepy at the start and moved into "BUY THIS PRODUCT BECAUSE IT'S HAPPY" at the end...

May 2nd, 2010, 04:04 am
The ad started with a old style thing (that why you hear a cracking sound) and a semi serious mood of something of explorer or searchers that are actually dogs. The white noise is when the ad show the dogs doing something silly. I was asked this the day before the deadline. I decided that I did not like it for the ad because is too heavy and serious so I dumped it and went with something different the day of the deadline. Which was horrible rush since I get back to home at 6pm exhausted. x_x

May 30th, 2010, 12:42 am
Yesterday a company added me to facebook and I was checking their products in their website. And they have this free and fantastic little thing for download...

H2O! Water sampled! :D How cool, eh?

I did this composition/test with the sampled water I downloaded from them. I think it can work very nice in compositions.

This track is just percussion. I used H2O, whale drums sticks, circle bells untuned, axatse, ewe drum ensemble and cymbals.


May 31st, 2010, 05:33 am
O_O That is such an awesome sound.

One of my favorite sounds in the WORLD is the extensive library of sounds made by water.

And this is a great composition in itself >_>

Kudos. ^_^

Is that for download anywhere by chance? Or is that against forum rules... :x

May 31st, 2010, 05:53 am
Thanks, though it need re-working with a few rhythms, ending and clean up.

I posted in Composition General Chat the link of H2O Library for anyone that want to use water sampled. They have other Free samples also. So it is worth to check it. :)

July 2nd, 2010, 04:25 am
First time using MOR. I toyed for a few mins with the lead guitar. And I am attaching the melody's sketch of the alternate entry I was going to use for KKK's contest that I started a few hours before deadline... :heh: . I will post "soon" the actual piece(around 3:30 at the moment) and maybe the original piece I was going to enter(Around 4mins at the moment).

July 6th, 2010, 05:36 pm
what does ske mean?

July 7th, 2010, 05:58 am
Ske was sketch.

I notated yesterday the "piano piece 2008". I am not sure if I should keep the 4/4 or if notate it as 2/2.

Any suggestion?

July 7th, 2010, 06:22 am
On Ske, I really like the kind of off-kilter tonality you have going. The only suggestion I have is that I think the ending should leave you just as much off kilter. I feel like you could end it similarly to the first section, or perhaps on the chord at :58?

July 7th, 2010, 03:26 pm
Oh, what does "off-kilter" means? :heh: not perfect in balance? Or this:

the state of being weird. often the result of staying up extremely late. activities include: watching educational programming, smoking many cigarettes, and having random dance parties.


July 7th, 2010, 03:32 pm
Well...the first part of the second definition. :P

July 30th, 2010, 05:53 am
Hmm... I don't know what to say, lol...

July 30th, 2010, 11:01 am
were you offered a Job to write music for a scary movie??

July 30th, 2010, 04:06 pm
Nop. Is it that scary? :heh:

On the other side I changed the cheap soundfont of an old piece I posted when I first started around here. I called the piece "In the box", I had no better title to put to it. But I ended thinking of a little dog in a box. :heh:

July 30th, 2010, 04:52 pm
I just think that music would fit perfectly for a scary movie. Idk, thats just me. lol

As for in the box. I really don't have much to say. It was really nice and simple. and I like it. =]

July 30th, 2010, 10:13 pm
i like that london bride's falling down part. it all sounds crazy! BUMPH! and SCREEEESH! and harp i think. lol. i don't think you need to say anything really.

July 31st, 2010, 01:23 am
Antea 2 is definitely my favorite.

Ander, what part are you talking about with the London Bridge thing? I'm trying to find it because I'm curious...:P

July 31st, 2010, 03:08 am
maybe it's not the london bridge's falling down. but it's a very familiar melody. around 1:38 in antea 2. now that i think about it.... i think it's rain rain go away, come along another day. there we go. ;)

July 31st, 2010, 03:22 am
A man, that cracked me up a bit, LOL.

Never heard the rain song and did now:


I did was hinting something at that part and I have used it in other pieces for fun. It's the mocking thing.

July 31st, 2010, 04:12 am
Oh, and here I was thinking I might have inspired you to write something using London Bridge...

July 31st, 2010, 04:15 am
Well, you did inspired me to write the Anteas last night. Now I should do something with them! :P By the way "Antea" does not mean anything.

August 1st, 2010, 10:42 pm
nevertheless.. it was a creepy insition.

August 3rd, 2010, 06:41 am
I think I am getting attached to the melody of Antea(Now Anthea, I discovered is a Greek name). I keep thinking what to do with it. So far I am just thinking of that melody, I have no done any development yet. But I am thinking to incorporate in some way the previous "anteas".

What I attached here is what I probably will take as the intro of the piece. I am not sure if I will take an orchestra + electronic path or just orchestra... :heh:

Alfonso de Sabio
August 3rd, 2010, 04:08 pm
I'm so jealous of your technique. I'm sure I've asked you this before, but what program do you use? I think it would sound fine if you kept it just electronic.

August 4th, 2010, 06:44 am
^ If you are referring to the audio quality, there is nothing special unless is a sound made up. I use FL Studio for sequence and Finale for notate.

This other piece I did it tonight, I don't know how to name it yet. :heh:

August 4th, 2010, 09:14 am
Oooo, jazzy! <3 I need to do a nice jazzy piece for choir one of these days...

August 4th, 2010, 11:21 am
Jazz isn't one of my favorite things BUT...

I was snapping along. Therefore, it was good. =]

August 5th, 2010, 11:46 pm
ahhh... a pair of beige leather gloves.
a cigarette.
a cup of cooled off coffee.
... and a bunny with a pair of dancing feet, snapping its paws.
a sly fox snatches the bunny out of nowhere.

pretty weird thing to make someone imagine.

August 13th, 2010, 03:32 pm
^ If you are referring to the audio quality, there is nothing special unless is a sound made up. I use FL Studio for sequence and Finale for notate.

This other piece I did it tonight, I don't know how to name it yet. :heh:

This is kind of strange sounding piece. There's sort of a jazz/funk feel to it, but at the same time it's hardly like those. Actually it feels a bit muzaky at parts, but with more variety and such.

December 15th, 2010, 10:10 pm
Nyu's Horrible Music

I want to enter the ToneHammer's Contest. I am searching in my archives what compositions would annoy, disgust or tire people. I have not found anything totally terrible yet... :( But this are ones of the worse I found.

Please tell me which one you dislike more. :sweat:

8-Bits Loop:
Short loop of 5 secs. I find it annoying! (Download it and put it in repeat).


This is when I did not know much, lol. Years, years ago. Very crappy.


Bad production, lack of coherence, no dynamism, etc. :sweat:


I hope I can find something that I am totally ashamed! :D

December 15th, 2010, 10:51 pm
That 8-bit one is REALLY annoying... So is the third one. Actually, the third one would be kinda cool if it was toned down just a little. As it is it is literally painful...

December 16th, 2010, 12:30 am
I think your worst one is the 8-bit one and your best one is E0f-vi-010, though all of them are pretty mediocre. XD

December 16th, 2010, 02:22 am
Thanks! :D I took the 8-bit one and remixed it to make it more annoying, I HOPE.

8-Bit Remix:



Ah! I should have slow it down!

December 16th, 2010, 10:18 pm
you should gradually make it faster. other than that... i think i can tolerate it.... though i found some blood coming out of my ear... oh no wait... it's just a piece of my melted brain.