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View Full Version : Games that make you mad...

August 5th, 2007, 01:25 am
I know i made this thread along time ago but i feel like it should be brought back. ..

Are there games that you thought would be awesome then turned out to be really crappy? Maybe save some of you some money in the long run....here's a couple of mine...

Vampire Rain
tenzu z (SP)
Final fantasy 12
Final fantasy 11

Remember these are all just my opinion You are aloud to disagree with me.

August 8th, 2007, 03:12 am
ninja gaiden

Sudeki was a christmas present, and while it was not bad, it was too linear for my tastes. The graphics were gorgeous. This is a renter, but not a buyer.

Ninja Gaiden actually should be tried out and played. I just put it on the list because it pissed the hell out of me because it was so hard. But, yeah, play this game.

Usually its a good idea to check rating of games from ign/x-play/etc for reviews. It gives you a good scoop of the game and usually you won't be dissapointed.

August 8th, 2007, 04:07 am
SOCOM III- Long anticipated on my side, got it and everything was different than good ol' SC2. :cry:

Tony Hawk's American Wasteland- Being a veteran of the online community, and long-time fan, this was really disappointing. . . the whole game engine was different and they added too many new-noob tricks and levels to the game.

August 8th, 2007, 11:41 pm
The Sims, (har de har har, Satoshi), since it's a pointless game. Spending hours to give life to a made up family when you could have a life on your own.

And then also most free MMORPG's, since they're all crap. I must say Blizzard made a success with World of Warcraft, an ex-WoW player myself. But a 30€ fee each 2nd month is way too much for my taste.

August 10th, 2007, 02:09 am

I was excited because I loved FFX...I actually never beat the game because I got bored of playing it.

August 12th, 2007, 02:22 am
(to mods for some reason the old thread just came back up so if you want to get rid of this one go ahead..:)