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View Full Version : My first ever composition

September 11th, 2007, 08:04 pm
hello everybody, I'm charlotte, and I'm here to try and improve my music skills :)

This is my very first ever composition, so critique and such a like are apreciated, but be kind please. I'm sorry if it doesn't sound right either :heh:

Update one: I've had another go, and am currently writing a piano sonata, the first movement (not yet complete- so advice is apreciated while it's still in early stages) is now attatched ;)

September 12th, 2007, 05:28 pm
It is pretty good if this is your first time. I am not going to judge it because I want you to be incouraged. It is hard to compose when you start out. It took me at least two weeks to finnish mine.

September 12th, 2007, 07:22 pm
thank you for the encouragment :) I'm currently working on a piece, trying to improve the faults I saw in my last attempt, so hopefully that should be up soon.

September 19th, 2007, 05:16 pm
I didn't feel any sense of direction in your first piece, maybe try deciding on what direction you want to go in (what you want your audience to feel when they listen to your piece, what moods you want them to experience) and take it from there.

A good first try- but I would suggest some more theory practice, it can really make composing a whole lot easier.

good luck.

September 19th, 2007, 05:22 pm
I didn't feel any sense of direction in your first piece, maybe try deciding on what direction you want to go in (what you want your audience to feel when they listen to your piece, what moods you want them to experience) and take it from there.

A good first try- but I would suggest some more theory practice, it can really make composing a whole lot easier.

good luck.

Thanks for the comment toaster :)

I am really trying with my music theory (hoping to do grade 5 in november), so hopefully my composing will improve along with it :).

Following sir dotdot's advice, I renamed this a sonatina (first movement only), took out the trills,changed the dynamics and tryed to improve the harmony a little... so hopefully this may be a little improvement. (I'm so embarassed! Please be kind, but truthful).

thank you so much everyone x