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View Full Version : Legato Tongue

September 15th, 2007, 03:02 pm
Ok. As you may or may not know, a slur marking for a trombonist means to legato tongue. That is something I am terrible at. And my all state solo this year, is predominantly legato tongued. Any advice?

September 15th, 2007, 04:10 pm
Just keep practicing your ability to tongue very lightly. You don't want the notes to be separated, but you also don't want a glissando effect. It takes a lot of control to keep your tongue in check. Another thing that would help is to keep your slide very greased up! If it's very willing to move in the direction you want, you can go from note to note without any jerking movements. A well greased slide would also help you to concentrate more on the tonguing. Another thing; make sure to take deep breaths, and sit up straight so yu can take in more air. A slur sucks worst when you take a breath in the middle of it... x_x

September 15th, 2007, 04:42 pm
Yes. True. btw Murder, which do you use, Slide Oil, Slide Cream, or water? Apparently Oil ruins your slide, and if you use the cream wrong it messes it up too.