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October 3rd, 2007, 02:50 pm
Could somone arrange Fountain of Dreams from Super Smash Brothers Melee for Concert Band on FinaleNotepad. But in individual Sheets (i.e. A sheet for Flute 1, a sheet for Flute 2, A sheet for Trumpet 1 etc.) I'm going to need 2 flutes, 2 clarinets, 2 trumpets, 1 alto sax, 1 french horn, 2 trombones, 1 baritone, and percussion. If somone could help me out on this I would forever grateful!

Oh there should be a midi here: http://www.vgmusic.com/

October 4th, 2007, 01:57 am
I am no Proffessional at this but I have worked on a similar project where I arranged the mario theme for concert band. It turneed out pretty good and we are going to play it next week. Anyhow I will do my best to try but it will take time and I need to know if you want like first and second flute and first and second trumpet. I am also currenlty working on a legend of Zelda strings quartet on this forum take a look at it.

October 4th, 2007, 03:34 am
Yeah I meant like a compoition for First flute and one for Second flute etc. and when I said I'll need 1 french horn I only need like First french horn not a second french horn I am making any sense?

October 4th, 2007, 12:07 pm
This may take some time to do. And and the beggining of the song it start off slow and then aceelerates to a quiker tempo. I don't think the unpaid version can do that. Oh well the final product won't sound the same but I can add Words and symbols so when it is played by a real concert band they will know where to speed up and slow down.

October 4th, 2007, 05:52 pm
This is a Concert Band Fountain of Dreams that's all on one page. I thought it might help you.

October 5th, 2007, 12:14 pm
The song you have shown me was done on a paid version of finale. I will only be able to to 8 parts in a big score like that for a sample on what it will sound like. But I will have every part on an idividual sheet. The other problem is I can't write out percussion, I am no good at that. But I will have everything else for you.

October 5th, 2007, 12:24 pm
Ok I guess I don't reallly need percussion anyway.

October 9th, 2007, 12:04 am
I went on a trip this weekend so I wasn't able to work on it. But I will start this week and I will finnish it hopefully before the end of this month lol. Jk I'm hoping to finnish it within 2 weeks. anyways have you taken a look at the Zelda Strings quartet on this forum yet? I have been working on that project for a while.

October 9th, 2007, 12:51 am
This is a Concert Band Fountain of Dreams that's all on one page. I thought it might help you.

Ummm...this is my arrangement...you could just ask me for the parts you know...:P

October 9th, 2007, 01:21 am
How about you give Music_Otaku your parts and if the parts just don't mix right with those alone I'll do a new one ok?

October 9th, 2007, 03:06 am

October 9th, 2007, 12:46 pm
Okay first of all THANK YOU VERY MUCH. But second I have no oboes in my band :cry: so no one can play that oboe solo near the end. Could maybe some other instrument play it?
Oh I'm sorry PorscheGTIII I didn't know that arrangment was yours. I just found it when I googled it.