October 9th, 2007, 09:52 pm
Hi everyone! Sorry if this may seem a bit too much to request for, but I was wondering if anyone could help me find a copy or source (guitar chords)for these songs as i've checked various guitar sites (google and other search engines included):
*Fukuyama Yoshiki - Makka na Chikai (Busou Renkin op)
*Tackey & Tsubasa - One day, One Dream (Inuyasha 5th op)
*Day by Day - Itazurana Kiss (Inuyasha 6th ed)
*Fukuyama Yoshiki - Aozora no Namida (Blood+ 1st op)
*UVERworld - Colors of the heart (Blood+ 3rd op)
*Jinn - Raion (Blood+ 4th op)
*Ima Made Nando Mo (or "Nan domo" not sure... Naruto 5th ed)
*Flow - Remember (Naruto 8th op)
*Aqua Timez - Sen no Yoru wo Koete (1st Bleach Movie ending theme)
*Kinya - Blaze (Tsubasa Chronicles 1st op)
*Yuuki ga Areba (Yaiba op)
*Shinchigakunaki Tatakai (Yaiba ed)
Thank you in advance for your replies... ^^ I do hope I can help in some way or another... ^^
*Fukuyama Yoshiki - Makka na Chikai (Busou Renkin op)
*Tackey & Tsubasa - One day, One Dream (Inuyasha 5th op)
*Day by Day - Itazurana Kiss (Inuyasha 6th ed)
*Fukuyama Yoshiki - Aozora no Namida (Blood+ 1st op)
*UVERworld - Colors of the heart (Blood+ 3rd op)
*Jinn - Raion (Blood+ 4th op)
*Ima Made Nando Mo (or "Nan domo" not sure... Naruto 5th ed)
*Flow - Remember (Naruto 8th op)
*Aqua Timez - Sen no Yoru wo Koete (1st Bleach Movie ending theme)
*Kinya - Blaze (Tsubasa Chronicles 1st op)
*Yuuki ga Areba (Yaiba op)
*Shinchigakunaki Tatakai (Yaiba ed)
Thank you in advance for your replies... ^^ I do hope I can help in some way or another... ^^