October 23rd, 2007, 10:39 am
I searched everywhere for the intro theme of erementar gerad(elemental gelade) but I can not find it anywhere except for:
But she did it all by ear and did not write any sheet music for it. I tried to make my own sheet music for it, but as soon as I started I realized that was impossible ^_^.
If anyone can help I really appriciate it :)!
PS: You don't have to make it big with thousands of notes apart from the melody, because is probably the hardest I can play... So I would appriciate it if you could make it at around that level.
PS2: How do you write appriciate:\
But she did it all by ear and did not write any sheet music for it. I tried to make my own sheet music for it, but as soon as I started I realized that was impossible ^_^.
If anyone can help I really appriciate it :)!
PS: You don't have to make it big with thousands of notes apart from the melody, because is probably the hardest I can play... So I would appriciate it if you could make it at around that level.
PS2: How do you write appriciate:\