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View Full Version : [General] - Downloading Unlicensed Anime

November 18th, 2007, 02:06 am
So, it appears that more often now people are being requested to stop downloading unlicensed (outside of Japan) anime. The first I case I remember hearing lately was the cease and desist letter for the Romeo x Juliet series. Now, I understand that Comcast internet customers are being request to stop downloading some series.

What are your thoughts or feelings about this?

Information From:

November 18th, 2007, 02:50 am
Actually this was happening much before Shinsen Subs's Romeo x Juliet letter.
Back when i was fan subbing Digimon Savers with [WtW] With the Will, we received a letter that the site will shutdown unless we cease fansubbing (it was a community forum of digimon fans). Not sure if it was the internet website provider or Bandai, but we were notified about that by one of our staff members. Soon after we disbanded the site and we made a new website and escaped (lol x]).
Anyway the point is that soon in the future, they will try shutdown the entire community of fansubbing, which to us is a big concern because we'd have to buy anime, AND wait 4 or 5 years after it is licenced until we are able to buy it, eg, Dragon Ball series was made in 1989'ish BUT released in region 1, like 10 years later around 1999 -2000.
ISP's though really shouldn't be monitoring what you're downloading, unless their contract allows them to.... Which kinda sucks eh....
My estimate is by year 2030, fansubbing will cease to exist, unless some 1337 hax0rz are able to make a new revolution of fansubbing....


Then again, who can say that people may not fansub "underground".
I mean people still download music illegally and "they" obviously can't do nothing about it, otherwise it would of already been done. That just shows the limits of the internet.... there is none.

Neko Koneko
November 18th, 2007, 08:15 pm
Fansubs will never die as long as there are companies who accept them as free publicity outside Japan. The problem is with subbers who continue subbing after the anime's been licensed.

November 18th, 2007, 10:09 pm
What I see happening in the future is a deal between fansubbing groups and anime producers that create an unofficial digital versions of the anime. It will be in fansub-like format and available to the public for a price; which is set by the fansubbing group. Very similar to the way how modern business is right now for buying anime, only it's the fansub group that you're paying, rather than ADV's voice acting, DiC's/4Kids massive edits, and the DVD media. You are literally buying the fansub.

November 19th, 2007, 03:51 am
Yeah, this has been a huge thing since back when illegal video downloading was released. And as everyone knows, youtube deletes and forms of fansubbing everyday at around 10 p.m. As for other video broadcast sites such as Veoh or DivX, I haven't a clue. Though it is true about post-fansubbing after a legal license. e.g. Bleach and Naruto, both were started about 2000, Naruto maybe late 90's. But now they've been recently legalized for broadcast in U.S 5-10 years later as earlier explained. But yet, people within and outside Japan post fansubbing all over the web of even later episodes of the series. The U.S. Naruto viewed on A.S is in about the 100s with their episode trek. As to where webwise, it is in the mid 200's, about a 100 episode jump. And I believe anime fans who are really anxious about what happens next in an episode would match rather watch the fansub vers. then end up being hooked up on watching that than the legalized English dub series.

Also, I don't know if you have realized it, but for those of you whom know of the great site http://www.tv-links.co.uk, I believe has been terminated, which is no great suprise because it was bound to happen, it had every illegal downloadable video type thing you could think of. Wide varieties of Anime, movies, tv shows, MUSIC VIDEOS, hell I wouldn't be suprised if they had porno. But , it seems they got discovered and got the letter I presume. Which is a pity, because I really loved that site.


What I predict, is that Japanese anime companies will begin to cease legalizing anime for worldwide viewing due to fansubbing. And only allow it to be viewed in Japan.

November 19th, 2007, 06:36 pm

Some more food for thought that was posted today on ANN.

I'm still up in the air about all this. Continue discussion!

November 21st, 2007, 11:02 am
Woops! Good Game Odex!


ps. read the whole thing if you can.

November 22nd, 2007, 02:01 am
Any of yall know of any great fansub site that supports a vast variety of animes? Tv-links was my only hope, I really loved that site, had so many animes you could watch. And I'm sad to see them go. So I'm left to move on, can any of you provide me with a site?

November 22nd, 2007, 02:12 am
chosen anime has a pretty good community.
and streaming from what i remembered..... only for good anime's though

November 22nd, 2007, 02:16 pm
Illegal content distribution is still illegal.

November 22nd, 2007, 07:49 pm
lol that link is kinda perverted lmao.... It won't work btw... I've tried googling, and only came up with sime sites that have just a few episodes, I've also tried fan sites for certain shows... same thing... And that's not the only ones they have out. Last thing I remembered, I was on episode 17 of Black Cat, as to where others are on just episode 9...

December 15th, 2007, 07:31 am
if they wanna stop the fansubbing communities and stop ppl from dloading anime, they should make it available to everyone fast and affordable.

December 15th, 2007, 05:24 pm
if they wanna stop the fansubbing communities and stop ppl from dloading anime, they should make it available to everyone fast and affordable.

How do you propose they do this?

Nate River
December 15th, 2007, 05:36 pm
I say they should just phase out tv already and air everything online so everyone everywhere can watch whatever they want, whenever they want. If the show isn't in your language, you can turn on the subtitles. I'm not gonna say commercial free because even though they're annoying as hell, they pay for what you're watching.

*sigh* Not in my lifetime... :no:

December 15th, 2007, 10:47 pm
I say they should just phase out tv already and air everything online so everyone everywhere can watch whatever they want, whenever they want. If the show isn't in your language, you can turn on the subtitles. I'm not gonna say commercial free because even though they're annoying as hell, they pay for what you're watching.

*sigh* Not in my lifetime... :no:

Satelite TV, works with Chinese and Thailand's broadcasts, but yet to be released for Japan. Japan is already using Digital broadcast so its more difficult to manufacture the equipment.

February 5th, 2008, 05:12 pm

This article offers some promise, but likely nothing will come of it. Though I too would like to see fansubber's abilities put to good use for the good of the community.

In other words...

What I see happening in the future is a deal between fansubbing groups and anime producers that create an unofficial digital versions of the anime. It will be in fansub-like format and available to the public for a price; which is set by the fansubbing group. Very similar to the way how modern business is right now for buying anime, only it's the fansub group that you're paying, rather than ADV's voice acting, DiC's/4Kids massive edits, and the DVD media. You are literally buying the fansub.

...I think M was pretty close in thinking to Masakazu Kubo's idea.

February 5th, 2008, 07:04 pm
If they start charging for fansubs, I'm going to miss out on (and not buy) a lot of anime I would have otherwise watched.
My general anime watching/buying habits go like this:
I hear about an anime.
I find the fansub and being watching it.
If it's decent, I continue watching it.
If it's great, I continue watching it, and then pay my respects to the creators by buying the DVDs when they come out.

If fansubs start being charged for, I'll never make it past step one legally (or, aren't they illegal already? I guess I mean to say that if companies start cracking down more on illegal subs, my viewing habits will be changed.), so my anime buying will be cut down significantly. Companies following that model will lose money, at least when it comes to me... = \

I think fansubs are good for the market in general; they give consumers incentive to risk their time on lesser known (and potentially brilliant) anime. I think fansubs help good (but lesser known) anime like Hidamari Sketch to build a paying fanbase. I'd be sad if free fansubs were made even harder to come by than they are already. :(

The Hidamari's of the world deserve just as much of a chance as the Death Note's and Suzumiya's!

February 5th, 2008, 11:06 pm
But what if the fansub was actually affordable (Like $3-5 and episode) and release within days of it being release in Japan? This would in my opinion cut the cost to the consumer to buy DVD's. So instead of paying $40.00 for two episodes (caughcaughTrueTearscaughcaugh) you can support the community and not put a damper on your pockets.

February 6th, 2008, 01:36 am
But what if the fansub was actually affordable (Like $3-5 and episode) and release within days of it being release in Japan? This would in my opinion cut the cost to the consumer to buy DVD's. So instead of paying $40.00 for two episodes (caughcaughTrueTearscaughcaugh) you can support the community and not put a damper on your pockets.
I don't really care how soon after Japan I get my anime; I don't talk to Japanese people, so I don't hear about anime until they're fansubbed anyway, so that point is null. I don't know whether or not I really like an anime until I'm like eight episodes in (many series start out slow, but then blossom a bit later on), so I'd have to spend forty bucks on each show I was mildly interested in finding out more about. This would still make me pick only mainstream, "safe," anime for downloading, as I really don't have much money to spend, and I couldn't see spending $40 on a show on the off chance that I might find it decent.
So once again, a lot of good, lesser known shows would be losing money on me with that business model. I don't think that's right; both the anime studios and myself would both be missing out on something!

Of course, I might think about paying for anime downloads instead of buying the DVDs if they were offered at a reasonable price, and came included with the random bonus features we've all come to expect from our anime DVDs. I'm not against online distribution as an alternative way to buy anime, it's just that if companies completely crushed free fansubs, I would never buy any anime anymore, because I'd have no idea what shows I'd want to buy. So, for example, I've already watched Kare Kano online; I still wouldn't mind paying for a well done fansub download in high resolution with director's commentary at all, as long as they were priced decently lower than the DVDs.

I think high quality online distribution services can coexist with the same old fansubs we're all familiar with. I actually think the fansubs would help advertise their higher quality, pay-to-download siblings.

July 22nd, 2008, 09:47 pm
Man I hope I will never have to pay for anime we already pay for the bandwidth to download them o_o...
I understand companies need $ to survive but thats me I guess...
I hate companies like CLAMP, but that is MY PERSONAL OPINION :/...

July 23rd, 2008, 12:05 am
If you support only the trader and not the supplier, the supplier will vanish. By exclusively downloading anime, you're doing quite a bit of harm to the developer. The worst part about your statement is that you're justifying your internet bill as payment for the anime. Remember that the internet is just a method used to obtain it, but not pay for it.

July 25th, 2008, 08:38 pm
Meh... As much as I sympathize with the original anime license holders, I'm not sure which way I'm leaning on this issue. Anime and its related products are like one of my few sources of entertainment, and putting a price on that would likely make my life very very dull. Instead of charging for anime, I'd much rather that it's paid for through advertisement, but that might be difficult to enforce.

As for the local distributors of the anime... I really can't say I support what they're doing. While I can't speak for Singapore, I know that official English dubs of majority of anime pales in comparison to subbed versions. Therefore, it's not solely matter of users choosing not to pay, but rather preference over superior quality product, which just happens to be free as well.

Any news on American government's action regarding that formal request from Japan in October?

July 26th, 2008, 01:16 am
I don't mind watching dubs if there were good, but the dubs are edited really bad, and sometime the voice acting really stinks. I say the anime distributers should put subs themselves, and put it on the internet like geneon did with tower of duraga(however you spell it).