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View Full Version : Looking for a romantic song...

November 19th, 2007, 01:37 am
Hey everyone.
I'm looking for a really romantic song right now, it can be anime, from a video game, or just a regular song...BUT IT HAS TO BE ASIAN! XD

I'm playing it for someone very special, so I want to play a beautiful song for her.

Also, she REALLY likes this song:

Artist : Ayabie
Title : メーフィッシュのうた、恋柄の水泡
Title [Romanji] : Hai kono no mori, samayoi sakana

Personally, it's a beautiful song, if you would like to hear it, you can watch this youtube video.

The video isn't related to the song by the way...

So if you have a romantic / beautiful song, I would LOVE the sheet music.
If you have the sheet music for "Hai kono no mori, samayoi sakana" I would consider marrying you...

Thanks again~

November 22nd, 2007, 05:04 pm
I think the link is rather http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qed6RkDVEcc
Edit: EKKK maybe not this one. But it has the same name.

If you have the sheet music for "Hai kono no mori, samayoi sakana" I would consider marrying you...Hey that's interesting! Do you hear this guys? Take a sheet and a pencil right now! :D

Edit: Wait, メーフィッシュのうた、恋柄の水泡 is "Meefisshu no uta, koi gara no suihou", not what you said...

November 23rd, 2007, 03:07 am
I think First Love might do it also

November 29th, 2007, 02:03 am
well, the link in my post has the full song in the backround. the youtube like u posted only has 30 seconds of the song T_T

i just hope i get some good recommendations! <3

November 29th, 2007, 03:37 am
Kodoku na Junrei from Stay Fate Night is a nice song :) I don't if it's romantic sounding enough though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwCRKD-N2lg&feature=related

and also this song from Gundam Seed Destiny :) I forgot what sounds like but I know it's nice :) http://www.alphatrance.com/0engine/music/anime/get.php?file=gundam-seed-destiny-kira-ai-no-theme.pdf[url]

Voices from Macross Plus :)

November 29th, 2007, 05:21 pm
But what's the link between Linkin Park and Ayabie? xD

December 7th, 2007, 08:06 pm
What about Eyes on me? ^^