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November 29th, 2007, 04:40 pm
There's little doubt the election of the next US president affects the entire world. Anyway, the campaigns by the different parties and candidates are currently running, and I thought it would be wise to establish a dedicated thread about it here on Ichigos. This goes out more for our american members, granted, but it's still a matter for everyone to discuss and debate.

The republican party debate was held recently, and the participants were given questions by YouTube users. Here's a link: http://www.youtube.com/republicandebate

Neko Koneko
November 29th, 2007, 11:04 pm
I personally would find it interesting if Hillary or Obama won. I don't give them much of a chance though, as most Americans seem to be quite conservative when it comes to having women in power. However, if she can pull it off, that would be great. Same for Obama who would be the first black president. Just having those two people in the election instead of two old men is really interesting in my opinion.

As long as it's not going to be a republican, I'm satisfied.

edit: and I cleaned up this thread. Don't mess it up again.

November 30th, 2007, 01:18 am
Well Obama has the best... non-traditional media coverage.
I think Hillary might get a bit more support after they looped those radio shows where Republicans said women should stay in the house and leave the control of power to the men.
I think people are getting a bit distracted from the issues again this year. Hillary has the most focused campaign so I'm putting my lot in with her. Rudy and Obama who have high stats are just playing off cheap tricks and theatrics =/

Neko Koneko
November 30th, 2007, 05:44 am
But isn't that what presidential elections are about anyway? It's all about show and who looks best on telly, really.

November 30th, 2007, 06:34 am
I personally would find it interesting if Hillary or Obama won. I don't give them much of a chance though, as most Americans seem to be quite conservative when it comes to having women in power. However, if she can pull it off, that would be great. Same for Obama who would be the first black president. Just having those two people in the election instead of two old men is really interesting in my opinion.

As long as it's not going to be a republican, I'm satisfied.
Don't worry about the republican thing; all of the swing voters are all mad at bush, so they'll all vote for a democrat. And, even if the Conservative support is higher than I thought, The republican party is currently too divide to make it useful. The highest supported candidate only has about 30% or the party's support. The top liberal has about 45%. I'm lookinf forward to this next election. I think we may see a splinter party from one side. It'd be interesting to see how that plays out.

Personally, I'd like to see Obama in the white house. Hilary needs to get her issues and positions straight before she has my support.

December 1st, 2007, 11:47 am
I'm curious, does the whole democratic party oppose the war in Iraq?

December 1st, 2007, 11:51 am
None of them oppose it, it makes them look better XD

If they were morally behind it, they'd suck it up and take some of the blame even if it wasn't their fault. It'd end the debate about democrats blaming republicans and help win people over.

December 2nd, 2007, 10:26 pm
If I was of voting age, my vote (for now) would go to Republican Mitt Romney for his no-exceptions-to-illegal-immigrants, pro-life and tax relief views and plans. However, Romney is known for changing his position on things quite frequently so I'd have to wait and still what his finally standings are :p

December 5th, 2007, 04:09 pm
If I was of voting age, my vote (for now) would go to Republican Mitt Romney for his no-exceptions-to-illegal-immigrants, pro-life and tax relief views and plans. However, Romney is known for changing his position on things quite frequently so I'd have to wait and still what his finally standings are :p
What I wonder is, if the US government deports all illegal immigrants, would it benefit the economy or stall the country? :think:

December 5th, 2007, 10:10 pm
It would force companies and agriculture workers to actually increase wages so that fellow american's can make an honest living.

December 6th, 2007, 01:27 am
Until inflation kicks in and we all go down with our standard of living ._.;;; Despite the fact that it isn't supposed to change prices because they aren't supposed to be using outside workers. Though actually our larger products and corporations outsource anyway =/
So it'd probably just mean more outsourcing and automation. Possibly more business in mexico @_@ Resulting in their gain and our loss. Not to mention all the money we'd spend trying to enforce the laws. The resource strain would definitely not come out of our bloated military budget, so that means more taxes @_@ and since a lot of the states will say "not in our backyard" California will continually bitch that they don't get enough help on something that affects the whole nation. So many possibilities... none of them good...

December 6th, 2007, 02:50 am
As far as I'm concerned Hillary already has the presidency in the bag.

She's going to get the nomination, because Obama doesn't have enough experience.

And there's no way America's gonna let more republicans ruin the country.

December 6th, 2007, 03:06 am
I'm betting on Hilary too, for the same reasons as Cinderella.

December 6th, 2007, 04:54 am
I think Obama will make it. He is higher in the polls.

December 6th, 2007, 05:47 am
What polls? Obama might win the youth polls because he has a little bit of flair, but I don't see him leading much else. Even here in his "hometown" he doesn't have that much concrete support.

December 6th, 2007, 01:04 pm
What polls? Obama might win the youth polls because he has a little bit of flair, but I don't see him leading much else. Even here in his "hometown" he doesn't have that much concrete support.

Meh, I'll find the source later today.

December 8th, 2007, 02:12 am
Are you referring to the recent polls in Iowa? Those were the only major polls he's ever led in. Besides, even if he is popular in the Iowa, we have no way of knowing just how many of those polled will actually show up for the Iowa Caucus. He's currently begging and rallying for younger people to show up, mainly college students, so who knows, if he can win Iowa and a few other states, he might look more electable, with or without major experience.

December 8th, 2007, 06:43 pm
Am I the only one cheering for John Edwards? ;) He's the only one who said that he respects the separation of church and state thus far. I'm worried that Hilary Clinton may feel like invading other countries to prove that woman leaders can be strong too....
I don't really like Obama, he said he'd cut the budged for NASA and invest more in education. What the education system in America needs isn't more money, but a complete and utter radical reform. The NASA budged (sadly) is low enough already.

December 9th, 2007, 02:28 am
Oprah Winfrey endorsed Obama.

December 9th, 2007, 03:10 am
Oprah Winfrey endorsed Obama.

Just playing devil's advocate here, but she also endorsed that surgeon who had numerous malpractice suits filed against him.

While Oprah's basically Goddess, she does make some mistakes.

December 9th, 2007, 05:57 am
Just playing devil's advocate here, but she also endorsed that surgeon who had numerous malpractice suits filed against him.

While Oprah's basically Goddess, she does make some mistakes.

It was just a simple statement.

December 9th, 2007, 07:41 am
So... what's the latest scandal with her schools? It really seems like she's building her own army. Once again Land... that's still just a showy move. It will influence a lot of people, but Obama is still taking the back door.

December 9th, 2007, 09:25 pm
Just playing devil's advocate here, but she also endorsed that surgeon who had numerous malpractice suits filed against him.

While Oprah's basically Goddess, she does make some mistakes.
I've always hated Oprah. She seems like such a fake person to me. > <

December 12th, 2007, 03:33 am
I've always hated Oprah. She seems like such a fake person to me. > <

<3s for Oprah! >:O

Neko Koneko
December 12th, 2007, 01:37 pm
Please, this is not a topic about Oprah so go express your love for her somewhere else.

Nate River
December 12th, 2007, 09:46 pm
I'll never understand American politics. Bush won even though most people didn't vote for him, but certain states count more than others and he apparently had those states. Seems a bit silly. :P

Anyway. I know I don't count at all (go canadia, eh!), but I'm kinda rooting for Hilary. Alot of people think she's a great big b*tch, but sometimes that's what it takes. I'm hoping she'll take notes from Bill (loved him) and really, even if she doesn't, I'm sure she'll still do pretty well. Heck, -anyone- with the guts to try to clean up Dubya's mess must have a kickass plan. I just like her cause Bill rocked and she'll be the first woman elected. And that's just swell. ^_^

Please, this is not a topic about Oprah so go express your love for her somewhere else.

I think she has a church somewhere in Chicago. I heard there isn't much parking, but you can just drive your car into the harbor cause she'll probably be giving everyone new ones.

December 14th, 2007, 03:25 pm
Hillary is still better than Obama imo (and Bill was the best president the US had in years!)
I like her plans for science education and science in general.

December 16th, 2007, 11:02 pm
Anyone going for Ron Paul? ((or even heard his name?)) He's the only candidate not backed by corporations, he's completely aware, and opposed to the North American Union, and wants to abolish the income tax and the IRS.

December 17th, 2007, 04:09 pm
This is just my opinion but... abolishing the income tax is a very bad, bad, baaaad idea! It's good for vote catching, but not very practicable in, y'know, reality.

December 17th, 2007, 04:50 pm
This is just my opinion but... abolishing the income tax is a very bad, bad, baaaad idea! It's good for vote catching, but not very practicable in, y'know, reality. Well, tax cuts are never good, yet what do politicians keep promising? Tax cuts, tax cuts! Bush, "I got a B in Econ 101... but I got an A in keeping taxes low." Yet the general public buys into it and thinks of nothing else.

Just goes to highlight the conflict between the narrow self-interest of the individual and the broader interests of the group.

I'd be surprised if Hillary or Obama doesn't win. The race was already set since the very beginning. Jon Edwards seems promising, but is really the third choice in public mind.


What the education system in America needs isn't more money, but a complete and utter radical reform. Know any ways to do this? This is one hell of a task with the fundamental flaws in modern education, society, and politics. Few people realize that corrupt governments are no longer worth fighting for. There's only one thing left... and that's, the future.

Full Moon
December 17th, 2007, 10:50 pm
Lord help us all if Hilary is elected (which she probably will DX)

Neko Koneko
December 19th, 2007, 06:22 am
Lord help us if another war-monging republican is elected :/

December 21st, 2007, 01:20 pm
or a religious fundamentalist republican :/

Know any ways to do this? This is one hell of a task with the fundamental flaws in modern education, society, and politics. Few people realize that corrupt governments are no longer worth fighting for. There's only one thing left... and that's, the future.I'm not sure...there's just so much wrong...
I guess I'd start by banning home-schooling. Home-schooling is the best way to raise your child as a doctrine-abiding fundamentalist, without any sceptical reasoning whatsoever. The only authority these children have to rely on are their parents (and who knows whether they are even qualified to teach?). Teachers are generally qualified to teach their subjects (and these subjects only), I don't see any way for a parent to be as qualified in one of these subject, not to mention ALL of them. Basically home-schooling enables parents to have full control over the education of their children and this responsibility shouldn't be allowed to be focused on only one or two persons, it's important to include the society into the educational process. And anyway, who knows what crazy ideas they teach their kids? :/

EDIT: It's also effectively keeping the kids away from other people with other believes (which is why many fundis do it), which is not a good way to teach your children how to be tolerant. It also restricts one's horizon dramatically.

Neko Koneko
January 16th, 2008, 07:57 am
John McCain sounds like Bush, and he has a really nasty little laugh x_x I don't trust him. He sounds like a child molester or something.

January 16th, 2008, 06:53 pm
I'm not sure...there's just so much wrong...
I guess I'd start by banning home-schooling. Home-schooling is the best way to raise your child as a doctrine-abiding fundamentalist, without any sceptical reasoning whatsoever. The only authority these children have to rely on are their parents (and who knows whether they are even qualified to teach?). Teachers are generally qualified to teach their subjects (and these subjects only), I don't see any way for a parent to be as qualified in one of these subject, not to mention ALL of them. Basically home-schooling enables parents to have full control over the education of their children and this responsibility shouldn't be allowed to be focused on only one or two persons, it's important to include the society into the educational process. And anyway, who knows what crazy ideas they teach their kids? :/

EDIT: It's also effectively keeping the kids away from other people with other believes (which is why many fundis do it), which is not a good way to teach your children how to be tolerant. It also restricts one's horizon dramatically.
Signed, to quote yourself.
I think homeschooling is a horrible thing to do to a kid. Where are they supposed to learn social skills and such if they're hanging out with their parents all day?

January 16th, 2008, 09:11 pm
In all honesty, I'm part of the Democratic Party and I'm voting Hilary, I mean she honestly can't screw things up as much as Bush has.

January 16th, 2008, 10:05 pm
Gah, of all the democrats, Hilary is the only one I dislike. She sounds and looks so fake. And she has this attitude as if it's her god given right to be there. But, besides from looks, I high dislike her plans for this country, further more, I doubt she will even go through with half of them.

January 16th, 2008, 11:35 pm
I'm not very read in foreign politics, but from what I can gather, I too (if they asked for a vote) would go for the democratic party.

Obama seems very young and inexperienced but his attitude and politics are seemingly decent. Hillary I'm sure has a penis. McCain, as Angelic said earlier seems like Bush 2.0 and Edwards screams of the qualities of a slick attorney. The only one who my intuition speaks for is Barack Obama at the moment, the others I cannot really trust.

January 17th, 2008, 12:02 am
Hillary I'm sure has a penis.
What's wrong with having a penis? I have one, and I manage to get by. = \

January 25th, 2008, 08:08 pm
I'm rooting for Obama. Having Hillary in office would be like a repeat of the Wicker Man. Not to mention, I'm pretty sure she has a penis as well, and should return it to Bill when she gets the chance.

I have to say that its over to the Republicans, and it has been over since the rigged elections in the past. There is too much of a liberal movement going on to deny the popular vote. Thats one thing I never liked about the presidential election, it isn't up to the people to elect a leader but rather give us the idea we are. <_<

One last note. In both Bush elections Michigan has voted democrat. We'd rather shoot at each other over coke money than shoot up other countries for oil XD

January 27th, 2008, 05:05 am
I'm voting for Ron Paul (WOOOO!) in the primaries, but he's not going to get the nomination. Says he's not going to run as an independent.

So my backup is Obama. I'm not a Democrat by a longshot, and I disagree with him on many things. But he's way more acceptable than Romney, McCain, or Hitlery Klingon. He won't do much to shrink down the size of the government, but it's not like anyone else besides Ron Paul would do that.

February 5th, 2008, 02:45 am
I actually Australian, but if I could vote in the US, I'd go for Obama. He's surely the Kevin Rudd of the States XD *knocks wood* Plus, from what I've read and seen in the news, the stuff that comes out of his mouth I actually listen to, no think the words are coming out of the wrong end.

February 5th, 2008, 03:20 am
According to what I saw on TV, Hillary is leading by 4%. However, 20% of voters are undecided. In New Hampshire, the most undecided voters voted for Hillary.

:3 Hillary 08!

February 5th, 2008, 10:13 am
I don't really care about whether Obama or Hillary wins, as long as it's a democrat. Their plans are rather similar anyway. (I like Hillary's science policy more... but she seems to have a more aggressive foreign policy) Anyway, another republican president would push the US over the edge I guess.

Neko Koneko
February 5th, 2008, 09:48 pm
It's funny that as things stand now, the next president of the US is either going to be a black man, a white woman or a guy who looks and laughs like a child rapist.

I know who definitely wouldn't get my vote XD

edit: I mean, you wouldn't vote this guy right? (http://msnbcmedia2.msn.com/j/ap/058461a3-60c3-47b0-b9e9-efed38173839.widec.jpg)

February 5th, 2008, 10:49 pm
But wouldn't it be refreshing to have a rich white man with power for a change?

February 5th, 2008, 11:16 pm
Chuck Norris called me today and told me to vote for Mike Huckabee. I shit you not. He called alot of people around where I live.

February 6th, 2008, 08:23 pm
I don't really care about whether Obama or Hillary wins, as long as it's a democrat. Their plans are rather similar anyway. (I like Hillary's science policy more... but she seems to have a more aggressive foreign policy) Anyway, another republican president would push the US over the edge I guess.

Hillary wants free universal health care, Obama does not support it, but offers an alternative.

I'd rather not vote for Hillary, considering that free universal health care is a bad idea (Although it sounds good). If everyone recieves the same public health care from a federal government, doctors that work for the feds will be paid around the same amount (i.e. a dentist with a Ph.D would be paid the same as a dentist with a masters degree, because everyone recieves the same service.) In addition, private health care will be eliminated, therefore there will be no work incentive for doctors to work harder than what they need to do.

February 6th, 2008, 08:50 pm
Also, I'm not quite sure if my assumption is valid, so please correct if it isn't. Free health care will be part of an increase in our tax (this is what I assume), so, say you are rich and are forced to pay an additional tax on your health care, wouldn't it be cheaper to just not have health care and get a tax deduction based on that? Especially if you are a person who rarely needs to go to the doctor and stuff, it'll be cheaper to just pay up front at the doctor than have a surplus taxed away from you.

February 19th, 2008, 03:13 am
If people vote for Hilary or Obama
Would it be because,
"Im voting for Hilary because i am a female"
"Im voting for Obama because i support my race"

i dont know much about this because i dont live in the US
i am probably very wrong, so please correct me

February 19th, 2008, 03:20 am
That's probably the most ignorant and truthful statement in this entire thread. Then again, my opinion holds for the democratic party being idiots this election. Putting up two abnormal cases — by abnormal, I mean never been in office — for presidency is like saying "take it, Republicans".

Neko Koneko
February 20th, 2008, 01:18 pm
If America ever wants a female or black president, there has to be someone to be the first. Now is a good time because every person in the world with a bit of brain left in their skull hates the republicans to bits.

February 21st, 2008, 02:06 pm
I guess Obama. The outcome of the election should be most entertaining.

February 21st, 2008, 05:00 pm
Super Delegates rock! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbHfNlpmbjY)

February 22nd, 2008, 06:20 am
I lol'd hard. Like many people have said before, he's all talk. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGeu_4Ekx-o)

Also, know facts about a candidate you're supporting! Especially if you WORK with him. Honestly! This "I LIKE him" thinking got us GWB.

February 22nd, 2008, 06:39 am
HAHAHA "He inspires"

February 25th, 2008, 02:12 pm
I'm stuck in the middle once more.

On the republican side
I get a pay raise every year a republican is in office, and it is substantially more than what a democrat is forced to increase.

On the democrat side
I hate republicans, I'm not a conservative myself. Democrat means better policies (in my opinion) and also means that I won't have to sit on a ship outside of Iraq for a month before going to another port.

February 27th, 2008, 03:46 pm
Economically speaking, choose democrat for now. Save the money, bring more money back into US and repair the economy. Then choose Republican to go for war again! Plus a pay raise does not gurantee increase in REAL income ( your real income might have even fallen if your rate of pay rise is slower than the rate of falling US currency). Vote for Democrat for higher chances and quicker US economic recovery, and so possible economic growth which might mean increase in REAL income. There should possibly be a tax cut even if you choose democrat because most porbably they would want to use expansionary fiscal policy so you don't even have to worry so much about tax. Currently, there seems to be no contest between Democrats and Republicans, Democrats will win and most people outside America probably hope for the Democrats to win and perhaps reduce the trade deficit which is scarily threatening the global economy.

Further reading: http://hnn.us/articles/8301.html

February 28th, 2008, 11:24 pm
I find it kinda funny how Bush (indierctly or directly) endorses Clinton and one of her favorite things to say was "I was one of the first senators against Bush"

I say Obama :)

February 29th, 2008, 01:43 am
between clinton and obama- obama.

I went to an Obama rally at St. Johns on the OSU campus (not because I support him, but it got me out of school (our band played and) yeah I know shallow). Two things I didn't agree with : closing Guantanamo and his phrase "American's know the value of hard work and given the opportunity will work hard."

Guantanamo- I don't know if there's torturing going on there or not. If there is it needs to stop, but we shouldn't close it. First off, I don't want the criminals there on American soil (yeah technically they are but they aren't in America). I just don't think that closing Guantanamo is a very smart move for our defense at this point and time.

the other issue- This one peeves me off more than Guantanamo. According to Obama (now I heard it straight from the horse's mouth) American's know the value of hard work and will work hard given the opportunity. Bull shit. I've seen it. My mom used to work for a low income preschool and while some of the parents were working their butts off to pay for their childern and lives, there were some problems with other people. First the director squandered the money she got from the kids from the state. That building she was in had no closed classrooms, 1 bathroom in the back, and was breaking every fire code in the book. There were no proper supplies for the kids to learn and everything my mom taught with was her personal stuff ( including supplies like paint/paper/crayons) and nothing was supplied or reembursed by the director. I don't know what she was doing with the money, but it was obvious that it wasn't going toward the preschool. If she were given more money by the state to educate the kids, I guarentee that she wouldn't use the money for what it was supposed to go to. Some of the parents are the same way to an extent. Given the money, they're not responsible with it, they only end up hurting themselves. Now I'm not saying everyone is like that, but Obama is very naieve to believe that everyone is going to better their lives if given money to do so. At least not long term better their lives.

Some policies I do agree with like giving tax breaks to companies that invest in America. I want to see industry return. There's a plan in Chillicothe that was the biggest paper industrial center in Ohio that was recently shut down. For 9 years my dad worked for that company, 7 of them at that plant. Thankfully God was looking out for us and my dad took a position in utilities before the plant went out. Thousands were laid off. That's the stuff we don't need to see happening.

I was very happy to see Obama smoke Hilary in Cleveland. =]

If I had to predict I think its going to be McCain and Obama and Nader (You have to include him just for a chuckle or two) (But seriously Ralph Nader?). In that case I think I would vote for McCain, although I hate his immigration policies. But he would appoint conservative judges.

I'm for a little debate, but I don't want to be flamed just because I have different views. This is just my opinion.

Oh and All I really want is a fucking wall between us and Mexico.

February 29th, 2008, 10:51 pm
between clinton and obama- obama.

I went to an Obama rally at St. Johns on the OSU campus (not because I support him, but it got me out of school (our band played and) yeah I know shallow). Two things I didn't agree with : closing Guantanamo and his phrase "American's know the value of hard work and given the opportunity will work hard."

Guantanamo- I don't know if there's torturing going on there or not. If there is it needs to stop, but we shouldn't close it. First off, I don't want the criminals there on American soil (yeah technically they are but they aren't in America). I just don't think that closing Guantanamo is a very smart move for our defense at this point and time.

the other issue- This one peeves me off more than Guantanamo. According to Obama (now I heard it straight from the horse's mouth) American's know the value of hard work and will work hard given the opportunity. Bull shit. I've seen it. My mom used to work for a low income preschool and while some of the parents were working their butts off to pay for their childern and lives, there were some problems with other people. First the director squandered the money she got from the kids from the state. That building she was in had no closed classrooms, 1 bathroom in the back, and was breaking every fire code in the book. There were no proper supplies for the kids to learn and everything my mom taught with was her personal stuff ( including supplies like paint/paper/crayons) and nothing was supplied or reembursed by the director. I don't know what she was doing with the money, but it was obvious that it wasn't going toward the preschool. If she were given more money by the state to educate the kids, I guarentee that she wouldn't use the money for what it was supposed to go to. Some of the parents are the same way to an extent. Given the money, they're not responsible with it, they only end up hurting themselves. Now I'm not saying everyone is like that, but Obama is very naieve to believe that everyone is going to better their lives if given money to do so. At least not long term better their lives.

Some policies I do agree with like giving tax breaks to companies that invest in America. I want to see industry return. There's a plan in Chillicothe that was the biggest paper industrial center in Ohio that was recently shut down. For 9 years my dad worked for that company, 7 of them at that plant. Thankfully God was looking out for us and my dad took a position in utilities before the plant went out. Thousands were laid off. That's the stuff we don't need to see happening.

I was very happy to see Obama smoke Hilary in Cleveland. =]

If I had to predict I think its going to be McCain and Obama and Nader (You have to include him just for a chuckle or two) (But seriously Ralph Nader?). In that case I think I would vote for McCain, although I hate his immigration policies. But he would appoint conservative judges.

I'm for a little debate, but I don't want to be flamed just because I have different views. This is just my opinion.

Oh and All I really want is a fucking wall between us and Mexico.

You look to me to have made an Obama-bashing post, but claim you support him.

When did Obama "smoke" Hillary? The debate was a draw, with maybe a slight edge to Hillary.

Hillary will be best for the economy. It's no contest.

March 1st, 2008, 01:07 am
We really need that better economy >_> ours is just going to hell

March 1st, 2008, 02:38 am
We really need that better economy >_> ours is just going to hell

Well that's putting it mildly, actually.

March 3rd, 2008, 05:24 am
We really need that better economy >_> ours is just going to hell

I think it's already there. ._.

March 3rd, 2008, 02:02 pm
actually, i rely wished tt McCain had won... i thnk America rely nids 2 send extra troops 2 Iraq. i mean... alot of ppl object 2 america being dere in the 1st place n tey blame america 4 e trouble in iraq... but i thnk its e iraqis who r using this opportunity to kill the other racial grps. If Anerica rely sent more troops, it would definitely bring more peace. And i believe American soldiers r soldiers in the 1sy place coz they love being 1... no point tellin a soldier not 2 go 4 war coz itz the soldier's job 2 go 2 war. itz like telling a doctor not 2 do his job n save a patient's lives.

juz a lil of wat i tot... =/

March 3rd, 2008, 04:45 pm
actually, i rely wished tt McCain had won... i thnk America rely nids 2 send extra troops 2 Iraq. i mean... alot of ppl object 2 america being dere in the 1st place n tey blame america 4 e trouble in iraq... but i thnk its e iraqis who r using this opportunity to kill the other racial grps. If Anerica rely sent more troops, it would definitely bring more peace. And i believe American soldiers r soldiers in the 1sy place coz they love being 1... no point tellin a soldier not 2 go 4 war coz itz the soldier's job 2 go 2 war. itz like telling a doctor not 2 do his job n save a patient's lives.

juz a lil of wat i tot... =/


March 3rd, 2008, 05:05 pm
and out of Afghanistan as well while your at it. ;) And the US Government should STOP DEMANDING EUROPEAN PARTICIPATION IN THE FRIGGIN WAR!
I mean seriously, from a historical point of view the US couldn't have messed up that region more and now they demand we should help them fix it? Maybe the US troops should just do the same as the German troops there there... help building the infrastructure. /rant

Anyway, offtopic xD

March 3rd, 2008, 07:53 pm
actually, i rely wished tt McCain had won... i thnk America rely nids 2 send extra troops 2 Iraq. i mean... alot of ppl object 2 america being dere in the 1st place n tey blame america 4 e trouble in iraq... but i thnk its e iraqis who r using this opportunity to kill the other racial grps. If Anerica rely sent more troops, it would definitely bring more peace. And i believe American soldiers r soldiers in the 1sy place coz they love being 1... no point tellin a soldier not 2 go 4 war coz itz the soldier's job 2 go 2 war. itz like telling a doctor not 2 do his job n save a patient's lives.

juz a lil of wat i tot... =/

I'm pretty sure this poster is posting this to make Republicans look bad. You know how people pretend to be fundies and go all "JAYZUHS! JAYZUHS!" everywhere. Yah.

At least I hope so.


March 4th, 2008, 08:57 am
hmm... hav you thought of the chaos it would cause to the area if the USA pulls out? the killing wont stop. itll just continue.

Neko Koneko
March 4th, 2008, 09:12 am
Well, I hope for your sake that whoever becomes the next president they'll do something about the schools since you obviously didn't learn proper English there x_x

March 4th, 2008, 10:02 am
LOL... Fyi... im didnt receive my education in america... =.=... im just american born but i spent most my life living overseas......... =.=

March 4th, 2008, 06:47 pm
hmm... hav you thought of the chaos it would cause to the area if the USA pulls out? the killing wont stop. itll just continue.

The middle-eastern nations have been fighting for thousands of years... what makes you think they are going to stop because of the USA? If anything, we are making it worse. We should have never stuck our noses in it to begin with.

March 5th, 2008, 06:18 am
yea true... but since its already started, n e USA has alrdy messed up a otherwise relatively almost peaceful country. pulling out so fast would not help... i mean... the USA wuld definitely pull out 1 day... but nt nw... maybe nxt yr or round october... n definitely nt to pull out in a matter of weeks... the diff racial grps will use e excuse and start killing every1 else... =.=

Neko Koneko
March 5th, 2008, 11:04 am
Could you please use proper English?

March 5th, 2008, 01:51 pm
owh right, sorry, my bad. I'm too used to typing abbreviations that i didnt notice when i typed it. :heh:

March 10th, 2008, 09:31 pm
That's just a habit you'll have to break.

As for the post, yeah, I'll admit I was pretty much bashing Obama. Most of my typing stemmed from the fact that earlier that day I was at an Obama rally and just heard him speak (free day out of school, what do you expect). Support probably wasn't a good word, becasue I don't like him or Hilary, but I'd rather have him then her.

March 11th, 2008, 03:28 am
That's just a habit you'll have to break.

As for the post, yeah, I'll admit I was pretty much bashing Obama. Most of my typing stemmed from the fact that earlier that day I was at an Obama rally and just heard him speak (free day out of school, what do you expect). Support probably wasn't a good word, becasue I don't like him or Hilary, but I'd rather have him then her.

Might I ask why?

Neko Koneko
March 11th, 2008, 08:47 am
You just can't accept that not everybody loves Hilary to death don't you?

March 11th, 2008, 02:06 pm
yea, i would prefer Obama to Hillary. But either one of this two would start a revolution in the history of the world. and revolutions usually involve people dying... =/

Neko Koneko
March 11th, 2008, 05:05 pm
If it's republicans I don't mind :P

March 11th, 2008, 06:44 pm
You just can't accept that not everybody loves Hilary to death don't you?

I can accept it, but I want to know WHY.

Nate River
March 11th, 2008, 07:22 pm
I can accept it, but I want to know WHY.

I love Hilary. I'd vote for her just because of this line:

"It took a Clinton to clean up after the first Bush. It'll take another Clinton to clean up after this one."

I don't follow politics at all and make no attempt to research any of the candidates, but to me she's sticking out for some reason. Obama (and the rest) just seem boring to me. Honestly though, I'll just be glad to see Bush out of office and back in his treehouse with the other chimps.

But in the end it really doesn't matter what I think since I'm a Canuck. Go free healthcare, eh! :cheers:

March 12th, 2008, 06:21 am
If it's republicans I don't mind :P

True that.

Neko Koneko
March 12th, 2008, 08:54 am
Clinton seems to be more of a mudslinger than Obama. I don't know what Americans think of that, but I hate mudslingers.

March 12th, 2008, 11:53 am
Clinton seems to be more of a mudslinger than Obama. I don't know what Americans think of that, but I hate mudslingers.

I agree but obama has been doing a fair bit of mudslinging himself. Seeing as I can't vote (Underage) I haven't been paying a great deal of attention to the election but I can say that I noticed that Obama is good at making speeches, really great speeches, but I haven't really seen him back up what he is saying. Maybe i'm not looking hard not but George Bush was a good speaker, and you see the crap we are into at the moment. (can't blame it ALL of him though)

March 12th, 2008, 12:22 pm
George Bush is good a speaking? Nuclear?


Sorry but Bush has made too many mistakes, along with an unlucky card, to be included with the word ``good''.

March 13th, 2008, 04:26 am
Clinton seems to be more of a mudslinger than Obama. I don't know what Americans think of that, but I hate mudslingers.

That's why, even though I'm a Mormon, I stopped liking Romney earlier on (well, and because he supports No Child Left Behind). However, I hate the way McCain ran his campaign, too, so I won't vote for a Republican.
I don't like Hillary Clinton because I get so sick of her saying "SHAME ON YOU, BARACK OBAMA." Not to mention that she seems questionable in other ways...actually, I'll just say it: She seems like a total Hobag to me. If you're going to have a woman running the country, I don't think you want it to be her; get yourself a good candidate.

I'm very much a moderate, so I think I'll vote for the moderate policies of Obama.

March 14th, 2008, 10:54 pm
Clinton seems to be more of a mudslinger than Obama. I don't know what Americans think of that, but I hate mudslingers.

She does sling more mud. And when the November actual election happens, mudslinging WILL have to happen on both sides. And if Obama slings mud, it's hugely out of character for him, whereas Hillary could get away with slinging mud fine.

March 15th, 2008, 05:41 am
Why does it HAVE to happen on both sides?

March 15th, 2008, 06:27 am
Mud fight XD

Neko Koneko
March 15th, 2008, 07:58 am
She does sling more mud. And when the November actual election happens, mudslinging WILL have to happen on both sides. And if Obama slings mud, it's hugely out of character for him, whereas Hillary could get away with slinging mud fine.

That such bullshit. If she can do it, he can do it.

Ah well, the way things are going Hillary is going to lose from Obama anyway. I used to be in favour of her but now I'm more in favour of Obama. Not that it matters much since I can't vote or anything.. XD

March 15th, 2008, 11:59 am
I'm happy with anyone in this campaign so long as the two-terms-only rule stays in affect, keeping Bush away. But I'm more for Obama than Clinton (mainly because of the Jack Thompson thing a few years ago).

March 15th, 2008, 11:47 pm
Whoo~ Michigan is going to spend 10 million dollars of its already red zoned budget to do a revote for the Democratic Canadates and to try and regain its Super Delegates.

I think I'm going to puke.

March 16th, 2008, 09:46 am
sounds like the american states/goverment :P I get the impression anyway, that the american states and goverments are kinda bad at that thing called economi

March 16th, 2008, 12:57 pm
Either way, we're going to witness the 1st non-white president or the 1st female president in the history of the USA. and Bill Clinton is going to be the 1st 1st man. O.O. What a weird title.

Nate River
March 16th, 2008, 04:29 pm
Bill Clinton is going to be the 1st 1st man. O.O. What a weird title.

Wow... I really don't mind having a lady president, but a "First Man" is just weird. Do you think they'll come up with a new title? Will he keep "Mr.President"? Or will that just be too confusing? :P

March 16th, 2008, 05:54 pm
Bill has said that his Scottish friends suggested he be called "First Laddy", and if he gets the position, I'm pretty sure that's what he'll use.

March 16th, 2008, 06:29 pm
In a position of that level of professionalism, Cinderella, I doubt that'll ever, EVER, happen.

March 16th, 2008, 07:29 pm
In a position of that level of professionalism, Cinderella, I doubt that'll ever, EVER, happen.

Official terms and what he'd go by are entirely different things. Officially, he'd probably be the First Husband or something, but he'd be referred to as the First Laddy by friends/the press.

Remember, this IS Bill.

Neko Koneko
March 18th, 2008, 11:48 am
And even Bill has a professional reputation to keep in mind. It'll probably be first man, first husband or something like that. First laddy is just plain stupid.

March 19th, 2008, 04:33 am
And even Bill has a professional reputation to keep in mind. It'll probably be first man, first husband or something like that. First laddy is just plain stupid.

Many people find it endearing, actually.

And like I said, it won't be his official title, but rather a nickname.

March 19th, 2008, 11:12 am
And the presidential position has a nickname outside of "Mr. President"? The positions of people up at the top are of respect. Names that are "Endearing" are unnecessary and idiotic. How would you feel if the First Lady wanted to be called "Aunt Jemaima" because she thought it would be endearing to the public?

March 19th, 2008, 07:23 pm
And the presidential position has a nickname outside of "Mr. President"? The positions of people up at the top are of respect. Names that are "Endearing" are unnecessary and idiotic. How would you feel if the First Lady wanted to be called "Aunt Jemaima" because she thought it would be endearing to the public?

This is completely different. Laddy is lady with an extra d. Not just something random.

April 18th, 2008, 04:36 pm
They all suck. none.

April 22nd, 2008, 08:32 pm
They all suck. none.Agreed. I'd still choose the lesser evil though (ie. democrats).

April 22nd, 2008, 08:44 pm
Eeee! Pennsylvania's today! I'm sooo excited!

April 23rd, 2008, 12:15 am

April 23rd, 2008, 03:45 am
Or you know, the DNC could stop being an ass and award the proper delegates from MI and FL.

April 23rd, 2008, 03:50 am
I was just posting it because I saw it on the news earlier today.

I've already made it known in this thread that I'm rooting for Hillary. ^_^

April 23rd, 2008, 03:53 am
I was just posting it because I saw it on the news earlier today.

I've already made it known in this thread that I'm rooting for Hillary. ^_^

Aha. We did good tonight. We won PA, even with the Obama campaign spending obscene amounts of money.

I honestly think that either has a chance at cinching the nomination, and Hillary a LOT more than the Obama supporters claim.

April 23rd, 2008, 04:04 am
A lad? Isn't that an English soldier? War on independence?


April 23rd, 2008, 05:34 am
A lad? Isn't that an English soldier? War on independence?


Lad means boy, with kind of a Scottish feel to it.

May 1st, 2008, 03:04 am
I'm not voting for either... most of our nations presidents are the same... they say this and say that, but when they actually have the whole big apple in their hands... they realize that it is an even more powerful job than it actually is... And I do believe being president is of the upmost stressful, risk-taking, and decisive job in the world. And some of our presidents take advantage of that power, or don't have the ballz to know how to use it... But any president will find it a lot harder to fufill all their chatter in the speeches than the actual taking action itself.

I mean, especially with America's debt that has been lasting and building over the last few decades is too much to recover... there are just too much to be done, and a single man cannot rely on feeding all of America's needs.

Little Arrow
May 1st, 2008, 12:14 pm

May 1st, 2008, 09:54 pm
I love watching the Democratic primaries. Its just so exciting.


So there's a classmate of mine that's doing a presentation on the Republican party. Now, I'm a Republican too, but this guy is so Republican it makes anyone, including me, sick. I'm really interested in what he's going to have to say. I just hope my teacher will let me out of class.

May 1st, 2008, 10:25 pm
I don't believe we have such great candidates this year... I'm sorry all you supporters..