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December 11th, 2007, 03:46 am
Hey all. I am conducting a survey for my high school Sociology class, and I need some input from you guys. It's a survey over all ethnicities and races, asking questions about discrimination because of their race.
I know that most Ichigites are pretty low-key, and so I would greatly appreciate it if you could PM me your answers, or if you feel comfortable, post them here on this thread.
You don't need to go into great detail unless you really feel the need. Here goes:

1) Your name, age, country/area, and specific race or ethnicity

2) Did you ever experience racism, bigotry or discrimination in some form in your society?

3) If so, what was it?

4) Can you remember the first time you were hurt in some way?

5) Can you remember a more recent time?

6) How did you respond?

7) How would you have liked to respond?

8) Have you ever discriminated against someone unlike you, intentionally or not?

NOTE: If you do choose to answer, I would appreciate it if you would provide information of some substance, though I still say that you don't have to go into too much detail if you don't want to. Basically, none of this: "Did you ever experience racism, bigotry or discrimination in some form in your society?"

Thank you.

December 14th, 2007, 05:08 am
1) Your name, age, country/area, and specific race or ethnicity
Miranda/ 19 / caucasian I s'pose

2) Did you ever experience racism, bigotry or discrimination in some form in your society?
All the time

3) If so, what was it?
A bunch of guys that shave their heads bald and get tons of crazy tattoos and piercings. They discriminate against anybody different from them. They are some kind of gang or cult that my friend was introducing me to, they are quite intimidating.

4) Can you remember the first time you were hurt in some way?

5) Can you remember a more recent time?

6) How did you respond?
Quite often I suppress my true emotions on the subject and eventually I forget what it is.

7) How would you have liked to respond?
I don't know. I prefer not to mull over things already done.

8) Have you ever discriminated against someone unlike you, intentionally or not?
Yes, it's a very arrogant thing and I let it happen all the time. I rarely allow myself to consider discrimination as being such a colossal affair.

Did I even do it right? :sigh:

Divine Shadow
December 14th, 2007, 08:44 pm
1) Your name, age, country/area, and specific race or ethnicity
Michel/20/California/Mixed(but considered to be called African Amercian)

2) Did you ever experience racism, bigotry or discrimination in some form in your society?
Nope, none at all.

3) If so, what was it?

4) Can you remember the first time you were hurt in some way?
The first one I remember (in detail and feeling) is when I got cut on my finger by a razor blade. >.< (It was so different I could never forget it. It was like someone was pushing the blood right out of my finger real hard)

5) Can you remember a more recent time?
When I fell down and injured my left knee on my neighbor's sidewalk. I ended up getting 2 gashes (scars now) and I remember how painful it was when my mom was cleaning my wound.

6) How did you respond?
By crying of course. :\ (they hurt like hell)

7) How would you have liked to respond?
Probably not crying to look more manly but it helped soothed the pain.

8) Have you ever discriminated against someone unlike you, intentionally or not?
Not that I can recall. ._. Though when I was younger and not as int., I'm pretty sure I did to one person or two. (used to pick fights)

(nods w/ X) I hope I did it right too. (not sure about the first time being hurt question being a certain thing)

December 15th, 2007, 12:15 am
1) Your name, age, country/area, and specific race or ethnicity
Nicole, 19, Australia, caucasian (British)

2) Did you ever experience racism, bigotry or discrimination in some form in your society?
Yes. Australia may be a multicultural society, but there's still a lot of bigotry from some people.

3) If so, what was it?
There are many instances, but there is a lot of racism directed towards Aboriginal Australians, in that people quite commonly call them good-for-nothing, and see them as second-class citizens. Also, there tends to be negativity towards people who cannot speak English - and that even goes up to our government, who has brought in a 'citizenship test' now, which is in English and asks questions about the history and culture of Australia that those of us who have been brought up here cannot even answer. Personally, I have seen people bullied because of their race, physical characteristics, etc.

4) Can you remember the first time you were hurt in some way?
Um, does being teased for hanging out with the boys because I was a girl when I was in kindergarten count? XD

5) Can you remember a more recent time?
I was discriminated against in high school because certain people there were threatened by the fact that I was beating or matching up to them in certain things - so I guess I suffered some hurt due to discrimination.

6) How did you respond?
Um, probably got mad on both count - if there's one thing I can't stand, it's people picking on me, or on anyone else. I know I used, um... some rather descriptive language towards the idiots on the latter account, lol.

7) How would you have liked to respond?
I don't know - I would probably have liked to get in more of my views on what they were saying/doing, but that probably wouldn't have been smart in the first place!

8) Have you ever discriminated against someone unlike you, intentionally or not?
Probably. The thing with doing something unintentionally is you don't necessarily realise you've done it. I have never discriminated against someone intentionally though.

If the two above didn't do it right, I didn't either, but hey, you need all sorts of info for surveys XD

December 15th, 2007, 04:45 pm
:lol: XD

Thanks a ton for doing this for me, I really appreciate it. BUT!

The questions about being hurt are referring to emotional hurt that had something to do with bigotry. Sorry, I should have clarified that.

December 15th, 2007, 10:48 pm
I was WONDERING about that, lol.. it's why I didn't do it til someone else did. Edited to suit, I hope :)

December 21st, 2007, 02:24 pm
1)Your name, age, country/area, and specific race or ethnicity
Alex, 17, USA/ NJ Chinese
2) Did you ever experience racism, bigotry or discrimination in some form in your society?
Of course starting in middleschool
3) If so, what was it?
The usual racial slangs common to all asians.
4) Can you remember the first time you were hurt in some way?
smashing my head because of a fall down a staircase
5) Can you remember a more recent time?
i twisted my ankle 3 months ago
6) How did you respond?
pain pain pain no crying but much pain. i needed crutches for the first time in my life
7) How would you have liked to respond?
the same way i believe it was correct
8) Have you ever discriminated against someone unlike you, intentionally or not?
yes no further comments

December 21st, 2007, 08:59 pm
Thanks for the help, guys - the project is over, so please close this.