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View Full Version : Piano Duet Request

February 5th, 2008, 03:58 am
My school is hosting something called Cafe Night on March 6. It's where my school will set up an area like a cafe. My friend and I want to do a piano duet, but I need to be a bit picky about this. Any genre is fine according to my band teacher. Here are the things that must be fulfilled:

1) It needs to be able to be played on ONE piano (because it's outdoors and my school only owns one piano and the rest are keyboards)
2) It needs to have an easier part and a harder part (I've only played a year of piano, and I have to memorize a bunch of stuff for my CM test, but my friend on the other hand has a lot of time)
3) My friend is EAR TRAINED, he can't read notes, the harder part is for him, I'm requesting the music this early, so if he doesn't play his part correctly, I can fix it
4) The song needs to have a MIDI of both parts separate and together (again because my friend is ear trained)

February 13th, 2008, 06:32 am
I suggest the classical songs. I think they playing duets.