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View Full Version : Convert Encore ENC to Finale MUS/PDF (ENC file/MIDI provided)

February 9th, 2008, 09:45 pm
I found a concert band arrangement for One-Winged Angel here:


But there are several changes I would like to make, and my demo of Encore can't print (so I can't PrimoPDF it) so I was wondering if any of you could convert it or get me a PDF of it. I tried to just transcribe it with his MIDI but it was too messy for my liking (I can deal with messy, but not when I'm trying to reproduce a specific sheet from it). I've attached the ENC as a ZIP and also attached the MIDI from that site if any of you want to do it that way. You can refer to the link above for the JPEGs but they're hard to read. Please try to reproduce it as closely to his sheets as possible so I can make my own changes directly off that.

I much, much would prefer MUS, but PDF is very much acceptable if you can't convert, and are able to make one from the ENC file.

Thank you so much if you help,

February 10th, 2008, 01:00 am
Here you go.

February 10th, 2008, 04:05 am
I have the full version of Finale, so I can get that from the MIDI on my own. What I need is a more legible version (i.e. PDF or MUS) of the sheets that are already pretranscribed into a specific arrangement on the above site. He gives them in a more legible format than his JPGs, but they're ENC (Encore notation) files, which I can only VIEW, not print or convert. I can transcribe MIDIs just fine, but there are things I need to change based on his specific arrangement.

April 30th, 2008, 08:08 am

I am having a problem with ENCORE. I would like to convert .ENC files to Midi or even mp3. Who can tell me if this is possible?

Thank you so much!

Jan van Thiel
Utrecht, The Netherlands