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View Full Version : Poozer115's Compositions 2.0

February 17th, 2008, 01:30 am
Here's a piano concerto I'm working on, it's likely that I'll eventually orchestrate all three movements, but for now it remains a rough sketch. I'm playing this on my horrid piano, so sorry about the tone, and well ah...playing =D. Anyways, any feedback beyond the sucky sound and lack of Midi would be quite sweet. Thanks.

February 17th, 2008, 01:38 am
Here are the songs in order 1-2-3.

February 17th, 2008, 09:36 pm
...nobody? :\

February 19th, 2008, 01:23 am
Bump (until at least one person responds.. :\)

February 19th, 2008, 02:13 am
I really enjoyed it! The second movement is my favorite I think. It reminded me of something from star wars, but maybe that is what you were going for considering the titles. What exactly do they mean anyways?

February 19th, 2008, 08:26 pm
Thanks for commenting! If by asking what they mean you want to know what their purpose is then well, here it is. The Ibicus concerto is actually based on a story that me and some friends are working on in Gaia. In the story the Ibicus is the main airship. My songs are pretty much the abridged life of the airship. Starting with the characters boarding it, a battle between it and another airship, and the death of a character, ending with the airship flying off into the sunset and a freeze frame (just kidding about the last part.. :)). Yeah, hope that helps somewhat.

February 19th, 2008, 09:17 pm
Boarding the airship- it has a Chinese feeling, It make me thing of a Chinese romantic love couple then a farewell when the guy needs to leave the girl. Oh, that intro you did to this one didn't sound very well as for piano to do it, If was a Chinese instrument it could make it sounds good, I think.

Battle of the titans- it seemed to me like the starting of a war, getting ready all for start it.

The Fallen Hero- I did hear this one but I don't remember it. The tittles you put to the pieces looks like following the story of the man leaves his woman to go to war or fight then confronting the enemy for end falling not getting his victory.

That is all my opinions respective about what it made me visualize or made me think the pieces.

About the performance of your own compositions it sounds quite poor (Not meaning the piano sound quality).

About the harmonization, structure, etc. I will let it to someone else better than me to comment in those things. ;p

By the way... Where is someone singing there for call it a song?

February 22nd, 2008, 06:15 pm
Thanks for the comments.

February 24th, 2008, 02:20 pm
I like battle of titan most. I disagree with Nyu about the poor performance. It is VERY difficult to self perform anyway.

February 26th, 2008, 01:45 am

March 20th, 2008, 04:55 am

March 20th, 2008, 05:23 am

Boarding the Airship
Sounds like a title to a Led Zeppelin song. XD I like this one. You had some nice emotion in there. I just think in some sections expression and articulation could use a little work, but then again...it is being played live.

Battle of the Titans
I really liked the idea of this one, but I don't know if it was the music or just the performance but it got a little hairy (mushy and blurry sounding) somewhere there in the middle.

The Fallen Hero
This had some nice moments in it. It was pretty good but some part just seem to drag. In one place it sounded very similar to me like one of the themes from Super Mario RPG. XD

Overall nice job! Keep composing!

March 20th, 2008, 06:27 pm
greaaaaaaaaaaaaaat! i love your music

March 21st, 2008, 12:38 am
Interesting pieces... *nods* As for the piano... sounds like a honkytonk piano XD

Boarding the Airship -- Sounds like you like the black keys, eh? Heh. I say this, cause it has a very Eastern flare to it. If I make the suggestion for you melody... use non-harmonic notes. Just to fill in some of those leaps, have a few consecutive notes going up and down every now and then :) I really like the beauty of this piece, it's not too complex sounding (harmonics-wise) and it's very expressive.... my one regret is that I can't hear too much bass response. Light and airy is good for that's flying feel, but in some of the richer sections lower sustained notes would enhance the majestic feeling (better in orchestration, not so possible on the piano =_= ).

Battle of the Titans -- Very videogame-esque, which actually works. Can't say there's much of a melody, but for something as unpredictable as a battle a melody isn't all that needed imo. Very brash and bombastic, suspensful and energetic. Not the *best*, mind you, but a damn good piece. (I'm a sucker for fight scene music)

The Fallen Hero -- To me, this might be better suited for a symphonic sound rather than piano... dunno if that's good or bad, but<_< ... I swear I've heard the fisrt theme (the melodic theme) from somewhere else... it's annoying I can't remember where. As an observational note: Dissonance is your friend in this piece :) It sounds so full of remorse. As a stylistic suggestion, for the ending half of the piece... maybe experiment with the arpegios in the right *above* the chords in the left? ...in other words keep the moving chords in the same place, but make that the right hand part, and have the moving "cello-like" part (that what it reminds me of) in a higher register for a more angelic sound. Could work, could sound like crap. Who knows?

If nothing else, I enjoyed this piece. Thanks for sharing it with us :)

April 3rd, 2008, 01:03 am
Well i got Logic Express today!!! W00T!!!! I tried writing a techno piece, and got a minute into it. This is my first time writing techno, so it's a bit awkward, and it cuts off quick. Yeah, any feedback rocks as usual.

April 3rd, 2008, 03:34 am
I shall say this...

Way too much saw.
Not enough effects.
Very little supporting counter melodies.
Un-original drum pattern.
More variation required when you move out of the intro.

Keep at it. ;)

April 3rd, 2008, 08:28 pm
I shall say this...

Way too much saw.
Not enough effects.
Very little supporting counter melodies.
Un-original drum pattern.
More variation required when you move out of the intro.

Keep at it. ;)

Thanks for the due comments

April 9th, 2008, 12:00 am
Here's some new stuff. It's a violin/cello/piano ensemble. I'm playing a semi-improvised piano reduction =). Tell me what you think.

May 3rd, 2008, 07:30 pm

May 4th, 2008, 01:05 am
Well, I'd much rather hear a notated version of the full score rather than a reduction. The beginning is somewhat boring as piano. It sounds good for an improvisation, but I'm not sure what more to say until you post the whole score. BTW, there's not very much dynamic variation. Was what you were playing on an electric keyboard?

May 7th, 2008, 02:29 am
Yeah, we need the real thing and not as piano reduction. :heh: