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View Full Version : Tennis no Oujisama

September 1st, 2004, 08:12 pm
This is most definately, without a doubt, my favorite anime (-ANIME- not manga) of all time. So what can I say about it?

First, in my not so humble opinion, the music rocks. I'm not very into BGMs and insert music, but TeniPuri's music caught my attention. It's energetic and fast-paced and presents the overall theme of the anime.

Did I mention there are a lot of cute/hot boys? Running around and playing tennis? XD That itself is worth something. Like at least 75% of the anime's characters are junior high tennis players, who are really really talented.

The animation is pretty good, and if you watch it and happen to be a rabid (shounen-ai/yaoi) fan, then you'll probably see what the real charisma of the series is. ^^ Mwahahaha.

September 10th, 2004, 02:28 pm
Hey I'm obsessed with Tennis no Ojisama too! Where you're up to? I cannot find any of the discs in shops so I watch by download (subs) so only on episode 128~ I wonder are there many Tennis no Ojisama fans out there that joins this chat...

Seigaku is the Best!!!

September 11th, 2004, 06:12 am
Heloo! I'm kero_girl and I'm a new member. I love Oushisama no Tennis too! My fav are Fuji, Eiji, Tezuka, And Ryoma Echizen!