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View Full Version : Decent piano under 1300?

February 27th, 2008, 10:32 pm
Okay, so I've got this really crappy digital piano, but I've played an acoustic one and I can feel tremendous difference. I've only played piano for one and a half years, but I was wondering if I should get a new one, and if I should, which.

I kind of want the resonating vibration you feel with an acoustic piano, and the kind of soft rebound you get when you press the keys, but I haven't really researched on anything I wanted to buy before, so I was wondering what kind piano I should start looking at, digital or not.

February 28th, 2008, 10:53 am
If you like the feel of an acoustic piano better than a digital one (who doesn't) and you have the room for it then i would recommend you getting one. Make sure everyone at home, mum, dad and whoever doesn't mind you banging away at it for a few hours a day first! They are a lot louder than digital ones.
Im not too sure which brand of piano you should buy, i suggest you go to a local piano store and test out as many as you can get your hands on. Don't just go by what other people think is good. Once you've found a nice brand then its time to go second hand piano hunting. Acoustics are going to be very hard to get for under $1300 brand new so it'll have to be second hand. Once and if you find a good one you then have to get it into your house. Or apartment. Or Igloo. Wherever you live make sure it fits through the door :lol:

Hope that helped.