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View Full Version : Tsubasa sheet music request

March 18th, 2008, 10:43 pm
While listening to Kizuna (Syaoran character song, sung by Irino Miyu), I noticed the piano chords in the accompaniment. I know it's near impossible to understand what it's playing, but can someone get those chords down on paper? I'd really love to play the accompaniment piano part just for the jazzy chords.

March 20th, 2008, 10:58 am
hi I dont know wheter this will be the thing you searched, but I found a side were you can donwload the notes of tsubasa. download it, it is free, and look for yourself.
hope it will help you
bye bye
p.s.: this is the link at the page which you have to click 751-anime-sheet-music-tsubasa-chronicle-pdf

March 22nd, 2008, 04:10 am
I'm pretty sure that's the sheet music of the first and second OST'S, and Kizuna is a character song, not found in the OST'S at all. Thanks for the effort though =\ I'm hoping someone will come along with an accompaniment arrangement.