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View Full Version : Violence In Video Games

April 20th, 2004, 11:21 am
I have been around with my parents on this topic for a long time and I need second opinions... I feel that Video games, no matter how violent they may be, should never be banned from sales. If you like to play the most Bloodest games, (like manhunt) leave you be. All of this was created thanks to the few people being extremest after the shooting at colembine in the US. Please answer this to the best of your ability.

April 20th, 2004, 01:04 pm
Ummm...... I believe........ ahhhhh.... ow......... they should put some in........... But not that much........... just enough that it sells.......... I like games............

April 22nd, 2004, 02:57 am
I know that I'm not a violent person, and nothing could influence me to do anything violent, so I should be able to play whatever I want (I don't even like those types of games)

April 23rd, 2004, 06:50 am
I hate this, in America, the parliament claim that the reason gun crime is so high is because of their violent computer games, Japan have violent games but hardly anyone gets killed there! I think its because of the freedom to hold a gun within your home, it really gets to me how they blame it on games, movies and anime etc.

April 23rd, 2004, 06:05 pm
Yeah, they do blame games and television for the violence. As if free will never existed. Games/tv/guns dont kill People. People kill people.

And have you ever seen "Bowling for Columbine"? It's quite the interesting. Even if you don't like Michael Moore. I really recommend seeing it....NOW! jk. But no really, it's pretty good.

I don't think violent games are a problem. Unless it's small kids playing. I've played violent games. Anyone remeber how crazy everyone went about the blood and all that in Mortal Kombat? I played it all the time and I have never thrown someone off a bridge into spikes below. Or decapitated someone. lol. I know it may sound stupid. But it's not the games that cause violence.

April 23rd, 2004, 07:18 pm
Some of these games have an option to turn off the blood. I think that makes it worse. I guess that if you show blood, it indicates that it's dangerous; if you turn off the blood, it somehow makes it better, even though the characters are doing the exact same things.

April 23rd, 2004, 08:22 pm
Violence should be censored by the parents not the store. There should however be restrictions on some things like you can't have a naked girl on the front of a video game. That kind of thing is a store-based choice.

April 24th, 2004, 09:51 pm
I think that if parent's don't want their kids playing violent games, then they should keep their kids from getting them. But no, that's too easy, right? They have to go and ban them completely so responsible adults can't play them too! What a great idea! -_- I think that is so retarded. That's like the whole free speech on the radio being limited now. They're charging half a million dollars (a fine) to the stations if anyone curses. Even if it's a caller and not the stations fault. For God's sakes, If you don't want to listen to something, then DON'T. Don't ruin it for others. Jesus Christ.

April 24th, 2004, 10:11 pm
Wow, that was a rather angry reply there...

Um...yeah, I agree that it should be the parents censoring what their kids watch, but then parents aren't always there.

that's why you can't have cussing on the radio and such as you said....
Although, a fine that huge seems wild...I mean, is it necessary for it to be so high?

April 24th, 2004, 10:13 pm
Games don't dictate how I act. The only thing games have done for me are boost my visual skills and maybe my intelligence.

April 25th, 2004, 01:04 am
Honestly, if someone is to be influenced by playing a video game, there must be something wrong with them in the first place. Lovely_Spirit mentioned Mortal Kombat, which is a rather violent game, fun nonetheless. Little kids shouldnt be playing games like this anyway. Shouldnt the age restriction sorta exclude them? Howver, if an adult was to be influenced from the game, its not the games fault. There may have been a psychological disorder with the person to begin with.

I think the best thing to do, is put MA games behind the counter of the shops and stores. That way, little kids wont see them, and adults know where to find them if they want to play them.

This was in effect at Kmart near my house and it seems to be working well. They have a cabinet behind the counter with all the more mature games in there and stuff like Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon on the shelves so little kids can look at them.

But yeah, if a 20 year old was to go and steal a car after playing GTA3, then there must be a mental disorder process where they cant differentiate right from wrong. I'd recommend they maybe don't play the game then @_@ Which brings up the point how do we keep games like GTA3 away from them...

I like Video Games

May 6th, 2004, 10:49 pm
I see my position is on the plus side, Nice to know others support my decision. Thank you.

kage no tenshi
May 6th, 2004, 11:34 pm
I think there is no problem with violent games if the people that are playing them aren't little kids, because I don't think anyone would kill someone because they saw it in a video game. But little kids shouldn't play them because I heard that some little kids were going into those things under ground where there is gross water (can't remember what it is called) because they were looking for the teenage mutain ninja turtles, little kids are influenced easily so as long as little kids don't play violent games than they should be ok.

May 7th, 2004, 09:22 am
ho.. i live in New Zealand.. if we can get stuff like unreal, then we can get stuff like GTA III.. the grading is just stupid..

May 7th, 2004, 06:23 pm
Humanity has been doing a lot of horrible things to eachother LONG before any sort of media existed. (like, since the dawn of time). Violence in games, movies, TV are not the problem.

May 7th, 2004, 07:53 pm
Violence in games is just the loveable scapegoat of conservatives. Maybe someone does see violent things in video games and goes out at commits them, but thats not because they saw it in the game, its probably because they hate their government or something. I rest my case.

May 8th, 2004, 12:32 am
Originally posted by Kou@May 7 2004, 03:22 PM
ho.. i live in New Zealand.. if we can get stuff like unreal, then we can get stuff like GTA III.. the grading is just stupid..
Is it true that GTA: Vice City was banned in New Zealand? People in school were talking about it and I was curious as to how the government was dealing with it

May 9th, 2004, 01:57 am
Originally posted by Mies@May 8 2004, 12:32 AM
Is it true that GTA: Vice City was banned in New Zealand? People in school were talking about it and I was curious as to how the government was dealing with it
don't think so, cuz I can see loads of shops selling it.. and I saw a shop selling GTA III too.. but no advertisements in magazines..

May 9th, 2004, 07:24 pm
Think it was Brazil Vice City got banned in, New Zealand banned Manhunt

May 24th, 2004, 05:11 am
Originally posted by Hawq@May 9 2004, 07:24 PM
Think it was Brazil Vice City got banned in, New Zealand banned Manhunt
Loads of countries banned GTA: Vice City, in fact, I think it was one of the most commonly banned games ever!

Neko Koneko
May 24th, 2004, 05:21 am
I don't think banning violent games will solve anything. People also killed each other before video games existed. Governments can't handle it, so they look for something they can blame, like television. Once that's totally proven wrong, they start blaming something newer, like video games.

May 24th, 2004, 08:44 pm
Originally posted by BlackMage@Apr 23 2004, 12:50 AM
I hate this, in America, the parliament claim that the reason gun crime is so high is because of their violent computer games, Japan have violent games but hardly anyone gets killed there! I think its because of the freedom to hold a gun within your home, it really gets to me how they blame it on games, movies and anime etc.
i agree =_= :angry:

May 26th, 2004, 11:25 pm
bah blaiming videogames/tv is the most stupidist thing ever infact videogames are a good way to release aggresion on something innatimate and it hurts no one. if anything it should stop violence i mean cmon wtf government? if someone does crime cus of a vid game its because theyre screwed up already kinda like that evangelion thing he totally had to of been crazy before he did what he did <.<

Divine Shadow
October 20th, 2006, 07:23 pm
I don't see the point either. I mean, there's are loads of violence in movies and tv but because you're the one causing it, it's totally different. Also, what's the different between war world 2 games and this. You'll still killing people but I guess since it has you usually killing nazis, the government doesn't mind.

October 20th, 2006, 10:04 pm
wow you've revived a very old topic :unsure:

well... GTA III?

which one is that?

October 21st, 2006, 01:48 am
shootings such as columbines are proven to happen when people have a psychosis. they didnt start killing people because of video games. they did it because they WERE F***ING NUTJOBS.

Voice of Violence
October 21st, 2006, 06:27 am
Whoa, this is old. 0_0

I say that video game violence is okay. Unless the kid playing it is extreamly young.

A video game is a video game and nothing else. It's not a guide book. Any teenager that can't see that already had some mental problems to begin with.

October 21st, 2006, 04:32 pm
meh...IDK my bro is 6? and he's been playing MK/Halo/SSMBM since I can remember...

Hes not any more violent than most his age...hes pretty average (bossy little bugger tho) so I gues it really depends not on the game, but how much the kid plays the game and his other influences.

My bro knows people shoulnt shoot innocents for the fun of it.. (altho he sometimes does it in halo...when hes VERY stuck and bored).

I been playing games since...IDK I was 6 or 7 some of my favorites being FPS...that dosent mean Im specialy violent.

October 21st, 2006, 10:20 pm
Hey, game violence is okay as long as it's kept to some limit. A great example would be Socom 3. That's the right amount of violence. Turok Evolution is overdoing it a little, but that's just to sell more. I say yes to game violence! To an extent. *cough* *votes no*

October 21st, 2006, 11:40 pm
More violence does not = more sales...too much violence gets boring, and quick.

October 29th, 2006, 02:45 pm
too much violence is funny tho RESI 4 HAHAHAHAHA.... oh god those chainsaw scenes.... OWNED!!!
*you may have a level 2 handgun with 52 bullets left, BUT HE JUST RIPPED YOUR HEAD OFF WITH A CHAINSAW*

October 30th, 2006, 01:39 am
Yes, but there are strange and even stranger people out there. Deluded, vile, not going to go there, people. I guess it's just opinion. My opinion is to agree with you, nnn.

October 30th, 2006, 02:48 am
If the child can get the game without the parents stopping the child then theres bigger problems in the childs life then video games. A parent should be the biggest influence on the child, not somthing on the TV, and if fiction on the tube influences a child enough to do somthing violent in real life, theres also somthing wrong with the child and probably family.

Final note: people go and shoots people in a school because of a long time of mental trauma, not because of an hour or so of God of War.

October 30th, 2006, 06:17 pm
if you check this out, i believe you will find the answer:


Divine Shadow
October 30th, 2006, 07:26 pm
Interesting... I think it's funny that crimes w/ kids actually went down when these violent games came out and the only increase were the adults themselves. Thanks for the site Fate, it gave me a good laugh learning that.:lol:

October 30th, 2006, 07:27 pm
thanks for the great link Fate!

"Even if true, this does not necessarily mean violent media has created aggressive people. It is more likely that aggressive people are attracted to violent media. Blaming violent media would be like going to the opera, noticing that most people there are rich, and concluding that opera makes people rich." Gotta love this analogy! ^_^

EDIT: This is a bit off topic but still rather interesting http://www.overcriminalized.com/studies/2004.01_ZT2.html

November 1st, 2006, 07:28 pm
ya know what the amazing part is ?? i found that site when i was writing an essay on "video games make people violent". ironic, eh ?? :P

Divine Shadow
November 2nd, 2006, 05:18 am
It sure is. I hope you got an "A" on that.:)

November 2nd, 2006, 09:23 pm
90 out of 100. i rock XD