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View Full Version : In a bit of a pickel...

April 30th, 2008, 10:15 am
I'm currently in year 12 (last year of high school) and am currently taking piano lessons every week. I'm so overloaded with homework it isn't funny, don't ask me how i get time to even turn my comp on, you might get scared :P

Anyway, what do you guys think i should do? Should i stop (or radically reduce) my playing time and discontinue lessons for the next 2 terms or continue playing even if it means damage to my end of year score?

Edit: Yes, it's meant to be pickle :)

April 30th, 2008, 10:25 am
Well first what is more important to your future/career?
I recon that you could even reduce both slightly instead of one heavily. This is the sort of question that you soul search alone first.

May 1st, 2008, 04:53 am
Well, what do you want to do in your future? Also, exactly how many hours is your music taking out of your schedule? And how MUCH is your grade suffering as a result? Even if you do plan to pursue music in the future as a career or path of study, colleges won't be pleased to see low grades. It's a sad truth, but at this point, school is probably a main priority and will be until you graduate from college, unless you're a celebrity or something. XD But then again, I'm assuming that you already got accepted into a college, but even so, I'm sure you probably have to send in midterm and final grade transcripts, and any huge drop might be interpreted as slacking off. Honestly, though, I wouldn't suggest STOPPING completely if playing is really something you want to do. Perhaps somehow reduce playing time, or as HanTony suggested, find a midway point. Or if you're particularly bogged down, take a couple days off to catch up on schoolwork and/or sleep. I'm sure you can get in playing time while impacting your grade a little--perhaps a couple percentage points that won't change your GPA, unless your school operates differently than ours, where a 92% and a 98% are both enough to earn you a 5 (or a 4, on the scale of most other high schools, as we operate on a 5 point system).

I guess it all boils down to what you want to do with your life. :)

May 1st, 2008, 06:03 am
Well, i have no mid terms (only 1 called the GAT[General Assesment Task] which is an exam used to measure your level in each area). My grade isn't suffering terribly (averaging b's across all my subjects) and i don't practise THAT often. Maybe about an hour and half a day. I dont' really measure it to be honest but i would guesstimate it to be around there.

I don't know what to do as a proffesion ... yet. If there was an occupation mixed between economics and multimedia i would be the first to sign up :P

May 1st, 2008, 06:06 am
I'm currently in year 12 (last year of high school) and am currently taking piano lessons every week. I'm so overloaded with homework it isn't funny, don't ask me how i get time to even turn my comp on, you might get scared :P

Anyway, what do you guys think i should do? Should i stop (or radically reduce) my playing time and discontinue lessons for the next 2 terms or continue playing even if it means damage to my end of year score?

Edit: Yes, it's meant to be pickle :)

Your in the same boat as me except I'm a violinist (From Melb too!)
Just keep practicing; I still do, and still have time to play ice hockey

My point is, there is always time in year 12, to relax and have fun, it keeps stress levels down (for me anyway) and help you to keep active so you can manage during exams.

My orchestra teacher said, that when playing an instrument, your mind is and should be clear of thoughts, thats how it really helps you tackle reality.

May 1st, 2008, 06:20 am
Well, im sorry if this isnt much help,
but if i were you i'll probably lessen the amount of time i spend with the piano as in like practising, etc. but then i'll still continue to attend my piano lessons (or you can stop attending your piano lessons and practise on your own at home) either way, you'll still be in touch with music...
But i would concentrate more on studying anyways, i mean with music you will have many chances to play and learn it afterwards.... but you wont get another chance to redo your exams and get a better score... so yeah...
im not even in year 12 and i barely touch the piano anymore... i only spend 1 hour on the piano during the whole week excluding the hour with my piano teacher...

May 1st, 2008, 09:48 pm
I'm in the same boat you are. I've got 2 AP tests next week, Piano Guild competition after that, a piano solo to learn and perform in 3, and on top of that work (not really anymore). All I can say is priortize.

Be honest with yourself. How much time are you spending not on piano or on your studies? If that time is too much, you need to cut back on it, unless its important. I hate to say this, but unless its on my day off I need to limit the amount of time I spend on ichigos and other web sites and the amount of time I spend on the television (including video games). Thankfully I don't play any spring sports, but I still run and workout.

For me keeping with piano is dead important because that's my major. School comes next, (at least until the AP tests are over), then band/choir, then work, then working out, so on and so forth.