View Full Version : Naruto Shippuden Sheet Music!!!!!!
May 12th, 2008, 04:01 am
:unsure::unsure: YO dogs, I think everyone knows that there are no topics about Naruto Shippuden Sheet music-and everyone knows that they need them-for whatever reasons.
Anyways, this is a great topic for peeps who are looking for naruto shippuden sheet music so they can just get the links, instead of searching on google and stuff for ten hours-what i did, and i didnt like it.
Please, give peeps access to the links for naruto shippuden sheet music
Also, naruto (original) sheet music would be accepted pleasurably as well@_@ @_@ :\ x_x
So.. Please give me the links or acces to the following
P.S. i dont want websites such as alphtrance or stuff(they are uselss, cant find stuff-if you guys help me find it, that would be :sweat:)
1. Distance
2. Naruto Main theme song(i said origional naruto songs would be accepted too)
3. Sasuke's theme
4. Lonlinnesss
I want these for pdf format (no mus) for piano-only!!!!!!! No flute!!!!!!!
Of course, others can ask for other instruments as well....
Please submit and :heh:
May 12th, 2008, 06:45 am
P.S. i dont want websites such as alphtrance or stuff(they are uselss, cant find stuff-if you guys help me find it, that would be :sweat:)
Honestly, if you can't find them there in that "useless" site. Then good chance it does not exist.
Off topic, I made a few shippuuden sheets for the violin.
May 13th, 2008, 09:05 am
P.S. i dont want websites such as alphtrance or stuff(they are uselss, cant find stuff-if you guys help me find it, that would be :sweat:)
Ouch... it's true though.
Try this link ( instead.
May 14th, 2008, 01:33 am
Honestly, if you can't find them there in that "useless" site. Then good chance it does not exist.
Off topic, I made a few shippuuden sheets for the violin.
Omg.... Noooo waaay...
I dont need any violin/flute pieces for Naruto Shippuden/original musics...
Just want pure piano- Kapiesh? :cry:
Plz.... I just want the the piano sheets...
And alphtrance is useless.. I try to search Naruto Songs and all they had is Sadness and Sorrow and Ai to Shui-which i alreadly ackknowledged the skill of playing it...
Plz... I was really appreciate if some1 awould actually give me links to some
Naruto Sheet Music sites for pianio-or just give me the pdf format of songs i want....
By the way.... no foreign websites plz
Thank you...
May 14th, 2008, 06:22 am
As I said already, they DON'T EXIST, if not already on josh's site.
Otherwise prove me wrong.
The violin sheets I mentioned are for the people who are looking for them.
May 14th, 2008, 09:38 am
Plz... I was really appreciate if some1 awould actually give me links to some
Naruto Sheet Music sites for pianio-or just give me the pdf format of songs i want....
Have you tried the link I posted?
May 14th, 2008, 12:34 pm
Omg.... Noooo waaay...
By the way.... no foreign websites plz
hmm... i wonder what was meant by foreign websites. -_-?
May 14th, 2008, 05:45 pm
In other words he wants the sheets presented to him on a silver platter. =)
But as a general idea concerning searching methods, the Japanese community is probably way more active than the overseas community is in transcribing and arranging anime sheet music. So it doesn't hurt to find out the Japanese names of the songs you're searching for so you can widen your scope of searching a bit.
Concerning the topic at hand, if the sheets aren't linked on Josh's website, chances are they aren't available at all to the English speaking community, or for that matter, haven't been transcribed/arranged at all. The only solution in that case would be find someone willing to transcribe them for the piano.
May 14th, 2008, 10:46 pm
Hey guys....
Thx for the "wise" advice you guys gave me...
Pretty interesting you guys were in the same page...
However, I searched Josh's website (like already a yr ago, and that's where i got some of my naruto song sheets) but apparently, they dont have the stuff that i was looking for....
Anyways, distance for piano and some other naruto music not found in josh's web does exists.... I mean, cmon, you see them play those music in youtube (apparently, they always give the excuse that they dont have the links... sad...)
So plz.... Guide me to a website (other than joshs, soda, alphtrance, google)...
I accept your appreciation and good day sir/maam
Also, the sheets are available in the eng websites. There is no way that i can get in some foregin web-you clear?
Peace out my anime buds... May God be with you...
May 14th, 2008, 11:09 pm
Anyways, distance for piano and some other naruto music not found in josh's web does exists.... I mean, cmon, you see them play those music in youtube (apparently, they always give the excuse that they dont have the links... sad...)
So plz.... Guide me to a website (other than joshs, soda, alphtrance, google)...
I accept your appreciation and good day sir/maam
Also, the sheets are available in the eng websites. There is no way that i can get in some foregin web-you clear?
hmm... not meant to be harsh, but the most common excuse i have seen in youtube is that they simply don't have the sheets (usually played by ear).
if you know they exist on some eng websites, why bother asking here? -_-" it seems that none of us here know of those websites, so i wonder if you will be kind enough to share with us as you seem to have found some already? (so foreign means non-english, i see.)
as Gotank suggested, you should probably try instead to find someone to transcribe / arrange them if you don't like the ones already found. it might also help the transcriber if you provide some youtube piano arrangements for reference. ^.^
May 15th, 2008, 10:58 am
Hey guys....
Thx for the "wise" advice you guys gave me...
Hey, you'd better tone it down a little.
I guess you don't know since you're new here, but *every one* of those who replied to you in this thread can transcribe at the level of a Kage (! (Hi InfinityEX, sperion, Gotank)
But the way you're asking doesn't really make us want to help you. I was actually working on one of the songs you're demanding, but I guess it can wait for now...
May 15th, 2008, 05:02 pm
Also, the sheets are available in the eng websites. There is no way that i can get in some foregin web-you clear?
If they are available then find them yourself?
May 17th, 2008, 01:29 am
Sorry dudes/dudets..
Geez... I really gotta work on my word choices (looks like every1 here is polite-sorry to be so harsh)
Anyways, I am saying that I can't get the sheet music cuz i dont have the links or the websites to go to them, and you guys just totally missed that point
" If they are available then find them yourself?" -wow, dude, or dudet
This topic was to get helpful hints and advices from peeps where to get those requested sheet music....
If i knew where to get them, why do I even ask in the first place???
Geez, im just here to ask you guys for a favor....
And by the way, it would be an honor and great pride and love if you, Josh, plz make those songs you said your gonna make... Sorry for the misunderstanding and harsh/offensive language...
And when i meant by foregin websites, this kid gimme the links to a French Naruto Web, which wasnt even worth to search for sheet music... So that's what i meant by foregin web...
Plz, Im sorry for the offense and misunderstanding....
Plz, help me find those sheets, or just like josh said, make some for me or somethhing like that... Plz
I love you (jk)
July 23rd, 2008, 11:48 am
I too am looking for Shippuden Sheet music.
Since it is really quite hard to find them, I'm going to hijack the thread.
Please, if there are any people out there willing the transcribe for Flute/Piano/Violin...(anything in the Melody sort of range C-minor is it?). I'm not too fussed.
I don't mind which Shippuden music, any should do! ^_^
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