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February 6th, 2007, 05:01 pm

Ok, this has been bothering me for the past month or two. My computer can't listen to MIDI files anymore, and I can't comment on more than half of the compositions here. :cry:

Help? I've tried a lot to do stuff.

February 6th, 2007, 05:05 pm
:) I can help. I'm pretty good with this stuff...

First of all:

A. Mac or Windows? If Windows, what type? (XP, 98, 2000, Me, etc...)

If using Windows:

~Get the latest "Windows Media Player"~ now 11 is out. If you're using 9, it's probably why.

Are all of your sound plugs in?

February 6th, 2007, 05:08 pm
Uh, that wouldn't do anything for me. I have XP, and 11. :heh: And I think all my plug-ins are in. I'll check yet again another time.

February 6th, 2007, 05:09 pm
Just wondering: Do you use the "SW Synth" for MIDI? Check it in the volume settings. It may be turned down all the way...

February 6th, 2007, 05:11 pm
No fucking way. I did another one of those things my brain does. Looks over absolutely everything, and misses the most obvious thing.

Use Default Devices

God, now it works. Anyway, clari, thanks for getting my ass to check my settings again. Lol. You did help--in a way. :heh:

February 6th, 2007, 08:09 pm
I have sibelius.
Is there a way to make the damper pedal sound in sibelius as i have searched the manuals and the only thing i found was that you could insert the "symbol" for it but it doesnt make the damper pedal sounds

Click 'L' > double click the pedal line symbols you want to use > drag your line through bars you want it to be applied to.

As for the MIDI problem: it doesn't matter what media player you use, MIDI is always in either one of the formats: GM or GM2. And most MIDI you hear is in GM, and all media players you use support that format, and even if you have a GM2 MIDI, media players naturally treat them as GM as GM2's difference is that it has 128 instrument banks as opposed to 127 which GM supports. If you have problems again with your MIDI, check your soundcard. Computers like to mute the MIDI playback option for no reason.

Violinist of Aquios
March 19th, 2007, 12:40 am
Sorry if this's already been asked, but how do you convert .mus to .pdf and vice versa?

March 19th, 2007, 01:36 am
.mus to pdf: http://forums.ichigos.com/showthread.php?t=9025

.pdf to .mus: Well, you would have to type it in manually.

Violinist of Aquios
March 19th, 2007, 03:11 am
.mus to pdf: http://forums.ichigos.com/showthread.php?t=9025

.pdf to .mus: Well, you would have to type it in manually.

Thanks a bunch! :D

Violinist of Aquios
March 26th, 2007, 12:17 am
Okay, how do you change clefs in Finale Notepad?

March 26th, 2007, 01:40 am
^You can't... you'd have to buy one of the programs that are $100 or more...

April 6th, 2007, 12:48 am
I need help inputing data from a keyboard into Noteworthy Composer

Violinist of Aquios
April 9th, 2007, 09:00 pm
I'm transposing a score, but I want to add a piano part to the score. Is this possible, or will I have to create a whole new file with all those instruments, and paste the notes onto that? That would be a pain. >.<

April 9th, 2007, 09:04 pm
Are you transcribing or 'transposing' (they're two different things)? And what program are you using?

April 9th, 2007, 11:07 pm
I'm transposing a score, but I want to add a piano part to the score. Is this possible, or will I have to create a whole new file with all those instruments, and paste the notes onto that? That would be a pain. >.<

Transcribing is the act of listening to song "x" and putting it to sheet music. Transposing is where you have the sheet music and put it for another instrument (related to "arranging"). I believe you use Finale Notepad, right? Yes, you'll have to copy and paste :\ .

April 9th, 2007, 11:10 pm
Transposing is where you have the sheet music and put it for another instrument (related to "arranging").

Untrue. Transposing is when you put a concert pitched melody as the transposed form for transposing instrument (i.e. the concert pitch 'C' would be a Bb for a Bb Clarinet).

April 9th, 2007, 11:12 pm
Untrue. Transposing is when you put a concert pitched melody as the transposed form for transposing instrument (i.e. the concert pitch 'C' would be a Bb for a Bb Clarinet).

Oh, so it's always in concert pitch? Didn't know that. :heh:

April 10th, 2007, 02:26 am
I'm transposing a score, but I want to add a piano part to the score. Is this possible, or will I have to create a whole new file with all those instruments, and paste the notes onto that? That would be a pain. >.<
Ah, a great example of how limited notepad is. I would get a better version, if you can afford it; or switch to noteworthy. It has a different type of interface, but if you can get used to it, it works much better without many restrictions. I found noteworthy first, so finale is awkward to me.

@ albinoechidna: I'm so sorry, but I don't have a MIDI keyboard, so I do all of my composing with the standard QWERTY keyboard. So I can't help you. :cry: Sorry again! :( .

April 10th, 2007, 03:42 am
Instead of copying and pasting each individual page, you could just click next to the staff you want to copy (this should highlight the entire staff) and press copy and then paste it whereever. Remember to add enough measures to the other file though so it doesn't get cut off. Repeat for all the staves, which shouldn't take long cuz it's limited to only 8 :P There ya go. However, the text isn't copied, so you'd have to rewrite any notes you made on the side. Lolz, I remember the pains of copying each page before I figured this out :P

If you want to copy the entire thing exactly as it is, press Ctrl+A and it'll highlight the entire score and you can copy/paste, but you have to make sure the staves are in the same order and the piano part doesn't interfere with the order (put it onto the bottom). Hope this helps :)

April 10th, 2007, 07:52 pm
Just ditch Finale and get Sibelius, people. It's much more intuitive and user friendly and all those silly stuff Finale can't do, Sibelius does better. :ph34r: *Not biased*

April 10th, 2007, 08:14 pm
Just ditch Finale and get Sibelius, people. It's much more intuitive and user friendly and all those silly stuff Finale can't do, Sibelius does better. :ph34r: *Not biased*

Yes, even I agree :P . Even though public schools use Finale Notepad for composing, the teachers still know that Sibelius is better :) (I'm not kidding either).

I'm already impressed by the demo of Sibelius :o .

April 10th, 2007, 10:59 pm
I've tried downloading Sibelius, but it never works... Let's go try again!!

April 23rd, 2007, 04:41 pm
Yes, even I agree :P . Even though public schools use Finale Notepad for composing, the teachers still know that Sibelius is better :) (I'm not kidding either).

I'm already impressed by the demo of Sibelius :o .
For some unknown reason, schools isit on paying buckets of money for software that, in many cases has an equally featrued freeware equivalent.
Operating Systems are a great example. Why use windows when you can use school-geared Edubutnu? Or why use M$ Office when you can use open office? I just doesn't add up sometimes.

Although, on the contrary, .mus is a hugly popular file format and will probably never go away. The best solution is to get more people to get the most expensive version so they can charge less for their products.

Ops! Ranting. So sorry. (_ _)

April 23rd, 2007, 09:22 pm
*Prepares self for Sibelius Vs. Finale debate*

Notation programs are highly different from word processors or operating systems. Notation programs are mostly What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get kind of programs, unlike your OS or word processors where you can fine adjust them with fancy computer scripting things or whatever. Furthermore, since notating music is such an annoying task (don't forget music notation has like gazillions of symbols and what not, and it's mandatory for playback to be compatible with all those symbols and whatnot), it's not easy to get a program that does every nuance of music the way the composer wants. Asides from that, organizing all the symbols, and whatnot is also an important factor. I personally think Finale does a bad job on that, and Sibelius has a clearer interface.

April 24th, 2007, 10:44 pm
Finale may be less efficient or organized than Sibelius, but as Isantop said there are many .mus files. It is kind of like the Windows/Mac thing, a lot of software is Windows friendly, but not Mac friendly, so more people have Windows. To make Sibelius even greater more people would have to use it so that its files can be easily found and incorporated (if that's the right word...).

Also: Can someone help with my midi keyboard issue?

April 24th, 2007, 11:43 pm
Also: Can someone help with my midi keyboard issue?

I don't know how to, sorry.

*Prepares self for Sibelius Vs. Finale debate*

Notation programs are highly different from word processors or operating systems. Notation programs are mostly What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get kind of programs, unlike your OS or word processors where you can fine adjust them with fancy computer scripting things or whatever. Furthermore, since notating music is such an annoying task (don't forget music notation has like gazillions of symbols and what not, and it's mandatory for playback to be compatible with all those symbols and whatnot), it's not easy to get a program that does every nuance of music the way the composer wants. Asides from that, organizing all the symbols, and whatnot is also an important factor. I personally think Finale does a bad job on that, and Sibelius has a clearer interface.

I am going to compare Sibelius 4 (the Demo) and Finale 2007 (Demo). The thing I can't compare is GPO playback, obviously.

So here's what I've heard:

From my band director:

Sibelius is much more user friendly than Finale Notepad, which we use in this school for composing -_-, but then, Finale (the full version), I believe, has more options than Sibelius. Notepad is used just to save money.

Now for the comparisons. I tried to stay unbiased as much as I could, and tried to only present the facts.

1. Comparing the Notation of the Sheet Music (specifically for Large(r) Ensembles):

Finale: Input all of the instruments you want. There are also options for Full Orchestra, etc... that are already inserted into a tab where you can just click on. (For example, click on the Tab and click "SATB+ Piano"). Tempo markings can also be made by inserting word (or words) into the text box provided, and metronome markings can be added. Concerning choosing Time Signatures, there is a scroll bar to switch durations, etc... For pick-up measures, Finale is very limited. It only allows about 16 options. If you want more than that, you would have to know the EDU of the duration of the pick-up measure you want.

Sibelius: Same as Finale. The option for the ensemble selection(s) are also available, BUT there is something even better that you can do. The setup allows you to chose from many more ensemble options than from the tab that Finale has. Even better, you can also add or insert instruments with much more flexibility than Finale. Concerning tempo markings, Sibelius is also better. It comes with "built-in" tempo markings, such as Moderato, Adagio, etc..., so you don't even need to type them. Even better, when you do click one of the tempo markings, look at the metronome marking box. It already inputs a set value for every tempo marking, something that Finale does not have (you can also change them). Time signatures can be accessed even easier; you don't have to go through a scroll bar and guess where the time signature is, like in Finale. Just choose the top number and the bottom number. That's it. Sibelius is also better with pick-up measures. Just click a note, then just keep clicking other simple notes and you have a pick-up measure as long as you want (what I mean is, in Sibelius, you can just click and eighth note and a sixteenth note and a quarter note, and then you have a pick-up measure with 1.75 beats). Sibelius even allows beam and rest groups, something Finale does NOT have.

Conclusion for #1: Sibelius is better. The program lets you chose from more ensembles than Finale, plus, you can also add or take out any instruments from the default notation of the ensemble(s) that are already inputted into Sibelius. Pick-up measures are harder to execute in Finale than Sibelius.

2. Key Signature Access

Finale: Use a scroll bar. Going up adds one sharp to the key signature (sharps and flats cancel out) and going down adds one flat to the key signature. To switch from Major Key --> Minor Key, you use a tab. Click Minor Key. There is also a nonstandard key function, but it is very confusing to understand.

Sibelius: Flat keys are shown on one side and sharp keys are shown on another. Instead of having to search for it, just click it with not much of a scroll. To switch to a minor key, just click on "Minor Key". No tab needed. Unfortunately, I don't think there is a Nonstandard Key Signature function like in Finale. Sibelius also allows you to not show key signature(s) in the middle of a song.

Conclusion for #2: Sort of so-so. Sibelius can do some things Finale can, and vice versa, but Sibelius may be a bit better, for one that does not use Nonstandard Key Signatures too often (like almost no one does :P ).

3. Access to articulations, special effects, etc...

Finale: For expressions such as rit. , cresc. , etc... just type it in. If you want to control how much to cresc, etc... insert an invisible expression with the highest/lowest value wanted (for example, cresc... from mp to f. If the velocity of a mp is 85, and f is 100, just put the last note to be f with a key velocity of 100), plus a line tool that can be accessed. If you had to click the glissando or trill tool, you'd have to click those, and for the other expressions, you would have to go to the line tool, and then there's the expression tool. So it's hard to learn which is where. <---- is the easiest way possible to control a cresc. or rit.

Sibelius: The expressions like the ones I just mentioned are all in one spot; no typing needed. Plus there's a plug-in to control how much you want to control it.

Conclusion for #3: Sibelius is better. All of the special effects, articulations, etc... are all in one or two spots, and you don't have to repeatedly keep clicking stuff.

Can someone tell me how to get the live playback to work with trills on Sibelius? (which I will be analyzing next). Also, what is the key used to select all the notes of a chord in Sibelius?

Through analysis, I noticed that Finale relies on tabs a lot. @_@

Finale may be less efficient or organized than Sibelius, but as Isantop said there are many .mus files. It is kind of like the Windows/Mac thing, a lot of software is Windows friendly, but not Mac friendly, so more people have Windows. To make Sibelius even greater more people would have to use it so that its files can be easily found and incorporated (if that's the right word...).

Yes, true, but not all .mus files are compatible with Finale :o . In fact, most .mus files I have heard of aren't even made from Finale :o .


x_x So that's it for me today. I'll probably go more in-depth some other day. *logs off*

April 25th, 2007, 03:09 am
Sibelius sounds better, but are there any cheaper/free versions for those amateurs that don't need all of the features? Sibelius is more of a professional's tool while Finale caters to musicians and composers of varying skill. It just depends how much you're willing to spend or what features you're willing to use.

April 25th, 2007, 06:40 pm
I personally think that one should get notepad for the .mus finale files, then get Noteworthy as long as you know what you're doing. Noteworthy doesn't start a new file with a bunch of rest measures (or even bars, for that matter); you get one blank score. It has 1 staff; 1 measure, 5 lines; and you have to add bars and measures and staves yourself. You need to know how music works, since in noteworthy, you can have a 4/4 time signature with 5 quarter notes in it. (This obviously is not possible)

On tempos, with noteworthy, you enter a base note, then the numeric value for that base note. (default is Quarter base with 120 numeric value). You can then enter an optional text expression.

Things such as dynamics have to be controled on each staff, but you can have it hide such markings on all but the top staff.

However, uless you buy the full version ($30 or something, maybe $40), the words "Noteworthy unregistered score print" when the music is printed.

April 25th, 2007, 07:03 pm
Yeah, Noteworthy was my first program (used the Evaluation, which is pretty much the full version). Thing is, it's only really good for making MIDI files, and nothing else. Printing is horrible; it's the same in the full or evaluation, just without the marking of "evaluation" on it.

But I really love Finale 2007. The only thing that sucks is you can't mix the good GPO soundfonts, with the other set ones. It sucks because you can't have choirs, guitars, drumsets, etc. Then half of the $$$ you spent is useless, since GPO is only GPO compatable. Just one thing to think about.

I don't use Sibelius, but I hear it's good--I guess.

April 25th, 2007, 07:58 pm
Sonar > All. I've yet to see a program of its versatility and simplicity.

April 25th, 2007, 08:04 pm
Somewhere in the debate between Sibelius and Finale, there's a question of preference and a question of how deep you're willing to make use of the program's capabilities.

For starters, both have shortcut keys and once you get used to the mechanical aspects of using the program, using the program boils down to how used you are with it.

And the complexity statement is quite similar to debates surrounding Adobe Photoshop on Windows. You can have the latest CS2 version, but it won't make a difference whether you use that one or an older version if all you use the program for is removing red eyes from digital photos. And so unless you're really composing for a living and really need specific functions (like mathematical looping in serial music @_@), the music writing program you're using shouldn't make that much of a difference.

April 25th, 2007, 08:26 pm
I really need some help soon... if someone has Finale (2006 or 2007), please contact me if possible.

(Finale Printmusic <_< . It's never useful if you are notating music for an actual performance.)

April 25th, 2007, 11:23 pm
I really need some help soon... if someone has Finale (2006 or 2007), please contact me if possible.

(Finale Printmusic <_< . It's never useful if you are notating music for an actual performance.)Alright, here you go! I hope it turned out somewhat how you hoped. :heh: Good work by the way. (Though the style isn't exactly my "cup of tea") ;)


April 27th, 2007, 09:54 pm
=/ Im having trouble getting the music files from finale notepad 2007 to ichigos.. Any1 know hwo to do this?
Thanks so much ^^<3

April 28th, 2007, 12:38 am
I really need some help soon... if someone has Finale (2006 or 2007), please contact me if possible.

(Finale Printmusic <_< . It's never useful if you are notating music for an actual performance.)

Thanks for the midis n_n

April 28th, 2007, 12:49 am
I'm wondering, how can you write Cadenzas in Finale?

April 28th, 2007, 01:32 am
I'm wondering, how can you write Cadenzas in Finale?

Finale is the WORST at cadenzas.

Here's what you do:

1. Click the "Simple Entry Tool" (the one where you input notes).
2. Click the "Simple" tab that appears (next to "Window").
3. Click "Simple Entry Options".
4. Uncheck "Check for Extra Notes", "Fill with rests at end of measure".
5. Repeat step 2.
6. Click "Use MIDI Device for Input" (if it is checked).
7. Then just go to the measure where you want to input a cadenza. The thing is, you have to move notes when needed (using the note position tool in the Special Tools), if the notes "float" out of the page margins (so you have to do a bunch of notation editing).

That's it :\ .

April 28th, 2007, 01:05 pm
Thanks clari! ^.^

April 28th, 2007, 01:59 pm
Mazeppa, when will I be able to listen to your new stuff? You haven't posted anything for a while now :(

April 28th, 2007, 02:22 pm
Well, after this weekend I'm getting all my music 'datelines' out of the way for at least until summer, when I might schedule to play at my church a few times.

I did a 10 min improv after my lesson for my teacher yesterday, and he mentioned Hal Lenard Publishing. He said that if I could write some of my stuff down, send it into Hal Lenard, they'll like it. x_x I was astonished. And remember, my teacher has been in with music since '58. Also, Hal Lenard is based 26 miles from here. ^_^

May 28th, 2007, 03:02 am
Does anyone know if it is possible to hide rests in Finale so they are not visible and do not print? It would help me clean some stuff up if it is possible.

May 28th, 2007, 03:18 am
Right-click and click on "show/hide"

May 28th, 2007, 03:43 am
Wow, now I feel dumb XD

Thank You!

June 13th, 2007, 01:34 am

Sibelius 5 is out!!!!! :O Should I upgrade or wait for GPOA?!

June 13th, 2007, 01:49 am
If I'm correct, the Marching Band library is included with it :0 . But I would upgrade when Sibelius 5 has GPOA; it's cheaper :). Like with Finale, the Finale GPO includes the Strad Violin and the Gofriello (sp?) Cello, and a bunch of other stuff, and this happened when they were released.

June 25th, 2007, 07:27 pm
Hey, if anyone could spare a minute, I've got a quick question. Currently, I use Sibelius, because that's what I'm used to from school. However, it's sounds...aren't the best, compared to some others that I've heard on this site. So, I was wondering if anyone could recommend a program that's easy to get the hang of but will get me better some better sounds.


June 25th, 2007, 07:33 pm
Read my sampling tutorial: http://forums.ichigos.com/showpost.php?p=286846&postcount=128

I'm pretty sure that will give you some ideas on what to do to get started. ;)

If you have any other questions, you can ask me or just generally anyone here acquainted with sampling.

June 25th, 2007, 08:40 pm
Thanks, that's a great help!

June 25th, 2007, 11:27 pm
Is there a way to run Transcribe! and TiMidity at the same time? I can't get NoteEdit's playback to work without running TiMidity as a server, but when I do that, Transcribe! can't use ALSA, so it can't play. (Absolute newbie at Linux here :P)

Alternatively, does anyone know whether Rosegarden is easy to use?

June 25th, 2007, 11:34 pm
All those programs you use seems so... primitive... ._o But no, I have no knowledge about them whatsoever. ._.

June 26th, 2007, 04:16 am
While the interface isn't exactly user friendly, NoteEdit is hardly "primitive" featurewise, especially for a free program. It supports key and time signature changes (including nonstandard signatures), clef changes, grace notes, MIDI input (both electronic keyboard and .MID files) and output, dynamic and tempo changes, functional repeats, accidental reduction, transposition--all features that Finale Notepad lacks (but PrintMusic evidently has--for $100). Plus, it can export Lilypond files, which means you can take those exported files and tweak them to have just about any kind of notation you can imagine (except strong pizzicato, whatever that is...).

I'd recommend adding this one to the composition program list--maybe once more people start using it, we'll get a solution to the TiMidity problem :P

Linux only, development frozen. Its developers are now working on an editor called Canorus, which is in beta right now, but is and will remain free and will be cross-platform.

NoteEdit: http://noteedit.berlios.de/index.html
Canorus: http://canorus.berlios.de/ (in beta, and definitely not ready for serious use (unless you have no problem with the lack of an undo button and similar critical features), but keep an eye on it)

June 26th, 2007, 07:55 am
:O i was just looking for composition programs. Thanks much for putting this together!

June 26th, 2007, 03:14 pm
While the interface isn't exactly user friendly, NoteEdit is hardly "primitive" featurewise, especially for a free program. It supports key and time signature changes (including nonstandard signatures), clef changes, grace notes, MIDI input (both electronic keyboard and .MID files) and output, dynamic and tempo changes, functional repeats, accidental reduction, transposition--all features that Finale Notepad lacks (but PrintMusic evidently has--for $100). Plus, it can export Lilypond files, which means you can take those exported files and tweak them to have just about any kind of notation you can imagine (except strong pizzicato, whatever that is...).

In my opinion, the interface is very important for a composition program, because if your tool looks confusing, you'd have a harder time getting through work and gettiing your idea. I also think you should consider the printing quality (since you're a transcriber), and most of the time notation programs print poorly. But yes... I still suggest getting more professional programs like Sibelius, Finale and Notion if you're a serious amateur, but if you're broke, save up for Finale's Allegro (which is relatively cheaper)!

June 26th, 2007, 05:36 pm
The printing quality is pretty good, if you ask me. (http://forums.ichigos.com/showpost.php?p=363103&postcount=126) Lilypond is a separate package devoted entirely to high-quality engraving. Check out the essay on their website: http://lilypond.org/web/about/automated-engraving/

In any case, Canorus's interface looks a lot nicer, and its development team is aiming for it to be a competitive open-source alternative to Sibelius and Finale (full versions). Whether that becomes a reality, we'll have to see.

June 26th, 2007, 05:52 pm
Even though Lilypond may look nice for print, I find it quite confusing to use, due to the fact that Lilypond bases on scripting, besides, compositions require more than just scripts, we need an actual manuscript. ;)

As for Canorus, it looks extremely limited (sure it can do basic piano scores, but when it comes to fancy orchestral stuff and more advanced notations (i.e. neumes, 20th century scoring and etc...) it looks very limited). I don't know what it will become of in the future, but from what I saw, it's impossible to compare with Sibelius or Finale right now. Well, since you're more of a transcriber than a composer, you don't really seem to realize the needs of composers.

Forgive me if I'm being a nuisance, but I'll say this again: if you're really serious about getting your music done right, get Sibelius, Finale or Notion!!!

June 26th, 2007, 05:54 pm
Lilypond?! x_x (Yes, I have used it before)

I can never understand how the programming stuff works. But the notation isn't too bad.

Then again, everyone's opinions vary. No notation program (or any program) is perfect; for example, Finale has some things that Sibelius does not have, and vice versa.

June 26th, 2007, 09:17 pm
Lilypond IS nasty to use directly. The thing is, NoteEdit and Rosegarden generate Lilypond files (and other notation formats as well). As a result, you get the "point and click" or midi keyboard input for easy editing, and when you're all done, you convert it to a Lilypond file for nice printing. That's why I'm talking about NoteEdit and Lilypond as one unit.

As for more obscure notation, Lilypond has support for those, which would lead me to assume that Canorus will put those features in. Remember that Canorus is at a very early stage of development (version 0.3), so the "limitation in features" is mostly due to the developers not getting to that part yet. Finally, if Canorus is missing something, there's this nifty little section called "Feature Requests."

I'll repeat: NoteEdit is free, and Canorus will be as well. In the class of free notation software, they are comparable to, if not better than, the programs listed so far.

Is NoteEdit lacking in features compared to Finale (full)? Of course. Is NoteEdit comparable in features to Finale PrintMusic? I'm inclined to think so. Is taking an extra hour or so to learn the interface worth saving $100? Given that I don't make $100 an hour, I'd go for it.

June 26th, 2007, 09:40 pm
Lilypond IS nasty to use directly. The thing is, NoteEdit and Rosegarden generate Lilypond files (and other notation formats as well). As a result, you get the "point and click" or midi keyboard input for easy editing, and when you're all done, you convert it to a Lilypond file for nice printing. That's why I'm talking about NoteEdit and Lilypond as one unit.

As for more obscure notation, Lilypond has support for those, which would lead me to assume that Canorus will put those features in. Remember that Canorus is at a very early stage of development (version 0.3), so the "limitation in features" is mostly due to the developers not getting to that part yet. Finally, if Canorus is missing something, there's this nifty little section called "Feature Requests."

I'll repeat: NoteEdit is free, and Canorus will be as well. In the class of free notation software, they are comparable to, if not better than, the programs listed so far.

Is NoteEdit lacking in features compared to Finale (full)? Of course. Is NoteEdit comparable in features to Finale PrintMusic? I'm inclined to think so. Is taking an extra hour or so to learn the interface worth saving $100? Given that I don't make $100 an hour, I'd go for it.

For a transcriber point of view (where artistic freedom is not a consideration, at all), then sure, go ahead. But if you're working on something that requires creativity over learning curve, then no, they won't work. Besides, can they support soundfonts? samples? Are they capable of new notation markings that composer made themselves? Do they have those little intuitive tools that composers need? Can they add musical nuances to the composer's accordance approprately? Well, I don't really think so from what I saw, thus, I can conclude to the point that Finale, Sibelius, Notion, Overture and Encore gives composers more freedom.

We're talking composition here, by the way. ._.

June 26th, 2007, 10:04 pm
Besides, can they support soundfonts? samples? Are they capable of new notation markings that composer made themselves? Do they have those little intuitive tools that composers need? Can they add musical nuances to the composer's accordance approprately?

Yes to all of those. Remember, Lilypond, NoteEdit, and Canorus are all open source, which means that ANY feature you could possibly imagine, you can add in yourself (or ask a programmer to add in for you).

And if this thread is only about top-tier notation software, why, may I ask, are Noteworthy Composer and Anvil Studio listed (and NWC at the top, no less)?

And is a composer any less of a composer if he/she only uses standard notation, or even if he/she only composes for piano? Especially, is a composer any less of a composer if he/she cannot/will not spend hundreds of dollars on a composition program?

Again, if NoteEdit or Canorus is missing something you'd like, why not ask the developers to put it in? It's like complaining about getting soaked in the rain when someone down the street is handing out free umbrellas.

June 26th, 2007, 10:21 pm
Yes to all of those. Remember, Lilypond, NoteEdit, and Canorus are all open source, which means that ANY feature you could possibly imagine, you can add in yourself (or ask a programmer to add in for you).

And if this thread is only about top-tier notation software, why, may I ask, are Noteworthy Composer and Anvil Studio listed (and NWC at the top, no less)?

And is a composer any less of a composer if he/she only uses standard notation, or even if he/she only composes for piano? Especially, is a composer any less of a composer if he/she cannot/will not spend hundreds of dollars on a composition program?

Again, if NoteEdit or Canorus is missing something you'd like, why not ask the developers to put it in? It's like complaining about getting soaked in the rain when someone down the street is handing out free umbrellas.

I never stated that only top-tier programs are allowed. I state again, these programs you recommended require a lot more learning curve than the standard ones, and this, may I exaggerate, kills the creativity for composition. I also never said that composers must use expensive programs (I certainly wouldn't recommend it for newbies, since they don't even know if composition is their passion), I just said, get something that's easy to use. In my opinion, the programs you recommended seems quite poor in quality for newbies. Asking the developers may sound like a great idea, but realistically, will they really do it? I highly doubt that they'll make your programs VST-compatible or incorporate decent sounding samples for the programs. You do not realize how much it costs and how much effort it takes to get all those functions, apparently. I mean, if they are free, then all the other companies would be running out of business by now.

I don't know any program scripting, even if I do, it's all on MIDI scripting, no more, so how do you expect me to write a script for the program? Besides, you can't ask the developers to develop all the requirements for you for free. It's a little improbable... It's like asking the food bank for caviare.

Well, I find it a little pointless debating over which is right and which wrong. It's really up to the users' discretion whether if they like certain programs. But I'm just here to say: if you're fresh at composing, get something easy to use, something with poor user interface will just make your musical experience worse.

PS: It's a little funny when you said they can support sampling when they don't even have a host of some sort (especially Lilypond, which isn't even capable of playing back music).

June 27th, 2007, 12:20 am
You do not realize how much it costs and how much effort it takes to get all those functions, apparently. I mean, if they are free, then all the other companies would be running out of business by now.

You could say the same about an operating system. Yet here I am, on Ubuntu, with all the features I could have ever wanted from Windows, and I didn't have to pay a cent. If a good operating system (which is an order of magnitude larger codewise than a notation package) can be free, why not a good notation package?

Believe it or not, there are still people out there willing to put forth their best work, whether or not they get paid.

Besides, you can't ask the developers to develop all the requirements for you for free. It's a little improbable... It's like asking the food bank for caviare.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. The Canorus project is being developed and supported by people who have used Finale and Sibelius, so I'd imagine they'd put in any features of Finale and Sibelius they found particularly useful.

NoteEdit hooks into TSE3 and TiMidity, which (I believe) allow you to specify soundfonts and samples.

In any case, NoteEdit fills a niche not covered by the current list. It runs on Linux (Finale, Sibelius, and many of the others do not), it's free, and it has a comparatively large feature set. In short, it caters to people like me who have a fair amount of computer experience/interest combined with a mild to moderate interest in music. For that audience, the learning curve is no worse than, say, Finale Notepad.

June 27th, 2007, 12:34 am
You could say the same about an operating system. Yet here I am, on Ubuntu, with all the features I could have ever wanted from Windows, and I didn't have to pay a cent. If a good operating system (which is an order of magnitude larger codewise than a notation package) can be free, why not a good notation package?

Believe it or not, there are still people out there willing to put forth their best work, whether or not they get paid.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. The Canorus project is being developed and supported by people who have used Finale and Sibelius, so I'd imagine they'd put in any features of Finale and Sibelius they found particularly useful.

NoteEdit hooks into TSE3 and TiMidity, which (I believe) allow you to specify soundfonts and samples.

In any case, NoteEdit fills a niche not covered by the current list. It runs on Linux (Finale, Sibelius, and many of the others do not), it's free, and it has a comparatively large feature set. In short, it caters to people like me who have a fair amount of computer experience/interest combined with a mild to moderate interest in music. For that audience, the learning curve is no worse than, say, Finale Notepad.

You can't really compare notation softwares with operating systems, it's totally two different things.

Secondly, when you said that they put in any features that Sibelius and Finale may have, do you have any evidence? Do they support Kontakt Player 2 that is a major highlight of both notation softwares? Do they support all the plug-ins Finale and Sibelius have? Do they have the capability to add custom symbols? Well, from what I saw no. So no, by that it can't be compared.

As for the NoteEdit sampling statement, you said you believe. Can it incorporate midi messages? Do you have evidence that it is compatible with samples and soundfonts? Does it require connections with other midi devices(i.e. Midi Ox)? Well if it does, then it's already waaaaaaaay far behind Finale and Sibelius, cos they already incorporated Kontakt Player that supports a lot of sampling formats.

I guess the only bright side I can get from these programs are the fact that they run on Linux.

Well, one final comment, tanonev, you really don't really debate with me on this matter because it's really up to the users' choice, not ours. I'm saying all these just to give whoever that's reading this a heads up on how to choose a program or software they want, not to say my opinion is any better than yours. No matter what you say, my opinion about those programs retain as it is, unless their next updates are really groundbreaking.

June 27th, 2007, 04:29 am
You can't really compare notation softwares with operating systems, it's totally two different things.

Actually, I can. Remember, the context (that you set up) was in the amount of effort involved in coding functions. Unless you're claiming that coding an operating system is substantially easier than coding a notation software package (and as you yourself admitted, you are in no position to make such a claim), the parallel is perfectly valid.

Secondly, when you said that they put in any features that Sibelius and Finale may have, do you have any evidence?

Perhaps I was unclear. "They'd" in this case means "they would," not "they had."

Well if it does, then it's already waaaaaaaay far behind Finale and Sibelius, cos they already incorporated Kontakt Player that supports a lot of sampling formats.

Of course NoteEdit doesn't use Kontakt; Kontakt is a Windows and Mac program. That's what TiMidity is for.

Do you have evidence that it is compatible with samples and soundfonts?

A quick Google search reveals not only that it's possible, but also all the necessary commands to do so. Like I said, with a reasonable amount of computer interest, NoteEdit is quite capable.

Well, one final comment, tanonev, you really don't really debate with me on this matter because it's really up to the users' choice, not ours. I'm saying all these just to give whoever that's reading this a heads up on how to choose a program or software they want, not to say my opinion is any better than yours. No matter what you say, my opinion about those programs retain as it is, unless their next updates are really groundbreaking.

I'm surprised that you can form such a thorough evaluation of a program without even trying it out. Such a method of analysis would revolutionize the world of HCI.[/tongue-in-cheek]

I have not used the full versions of Finale or Sibelius, so I can't give a fair comparison with those. I can repeat, however, that if I lack the money to buy those, the choice is obvious. I can also add that I have used Finale Notepad and NoteWorthy Composer, and I will claim from personal experience (having physically used all 3) that it is comparable in features and usability to NoteWorthy Composer (but WITHOUT the $40 price tag) and more full-featured than Finale Notepad at a small cost in the learning curve.

Finally, my entire argument was made in favor of adding NoteEdit to the list of available composition programs. It was not an argument for using NoteEdit as opposed to any or all other composition programs. It is sufficiently different in features and target audience from the other programs listed to warrant mention. As you said, it is the user's choice, but the user deserves to at least know about it. Do you agree with this point?

EDIT: Oh, just to clarify, I do appreciate your feedback on the program. It's always good to get several viewpoints on a product to assist with evaluating it. Of course, since it's a free program, there's no risk in taking a "try it and see" approach, but it still helps to have a good sounding board.

June 27th, 2007, 02:24 pm
Perhaps I was unclear. "They'd" in this case means "they would," not "they had."

Of course NoteEdit doesn't use Kontakt; Kontakt is a Windows and Mac program. That's what TiMidity is for.

A quick Google search reveals not only that it's possible, but also all the necessary commands to do so. Like I said, with a reasonable amount of computer interest, NoteEdit is quite capable.

I have not used the full versions of Finale or Sibelius, so I can't give a fair comparison with those. I can repeat, however, that if I lack the money to buy those, the choice is obvious. I can also add that I have used Finale Notepad and NoteWorthy Composer, and I will claim from personal experience (having physically used all 3) that it is comparable in features and usability to NoteWorthy Composer (but WITHOUT the $40 price tag) and more full-featured than Finale Notepad at a small cost in the learning curve.

Finally, my entire argument was made in favor of adding NoteEdit to the list of available composition programs. It was not an argument for using NoteEdit as opposed to any or all other composition programs. It is sufficiently different in features and target audience from the other programs listed to warrant mention. As you said, it is the user's choice, but the user deserves to at least know about it. Do you agree with this point?

EDIT: Oh, just to clarify, I do appreciate your feedback on the program. It's always good to get several viewpoints on a product to assist with evaluating it. Of course, since it's a free program, there's no risk in taking a "try it and see" approach, but it still helps to have a good sounding board.

You do realize I never compared operating systems with notation programs, right? Besides, I have no knowledge whatsoever on how to script or write an OS, so I can't make the comparison either way.

When you said they would, then it means they have not, meaning they currently don't have the capability of Sibelius or Finale. As for your Timidity comment, well, with computer interest, what if the user is just someone who wants to write music and set it up with a nice sets of sounds but not getting more trouble on learning how to use the program?

When you said you haven't used Sibelius or Finale, then I guess you haven't really realized their power and capabilities to write music, thus you can't really directly compare them to, say, NoteEdit or whatever.

I do agree that you should tell people about these programs.

So I guess the debate should end here: it's really pointless to continue to counter each other's point, since you think I haven't tried your programs yet and already jumping to conclusion, but I also think you haven't tried Sibelius or Finale yet and you're jumping to conclusion that those programs can be compared to Sibelius or Finale.

June 27th, 2007, 02:32 pm
Guys guys guys!

Paper and pen will solve all your program problems =)

Edit: One-on-one chats are a no-no, haha.

June 27th, 2007, 03:25 pm
Add Garageband and Logic Pro to that list for all of us Macintosh users out there. Greatest programs in the world, I use them for all my writing.

June 27th, 2007, 07:34 pm
Garageband doesn't count as a composition program!

June 27th, 2007, 09:01 pm
True! Like I mentioned before:

What are all of your opinions on GarageBand? I believe that GarageBand does not promote creativity as much; you just drag a bunch of stuff . You can't make up your own notes/rhythms. The closest I can get to notation on this program is the Piano part. You can control volume, but when you need a crucial chord (minor chord, in my case), you have to cut it out of one of the already-made GarageBand tracks.

Especially when you are trying to blend a Bass with Orchestral Strings and Piano, it doesn't work out .

June 27th, 2007, 09:02 pm
Garageband doesn't count as a composition program!Yes it does. Although the program includes premade loops, it also allows you to record from third party software. In my case, I borrow the programs instrument sounds to record with my M-AUDIO keyboard. All of my music is 100% original, and I use garageband.

June 27th, 2007, 09:04 pm
True! Like I mentioned before:
Clarinetist, may I ask if you own and are fluent with this software? The clicking and dragging accounts for only the tiniest fraction of the program, and is meant to please young children for the most part. You just essentially called Photoshop Kidpix =D. Garageband is a full music composing program. You can create original music with hundreds of instruments without ever touching a premade loop. Check out my music for some examples, I've never used a loop in my life, and I only use Garageband.

June 27th, 2007, 09:09 pm
Clarinetist, may I ask if you own and are fluent with this software? The clicking and dragging accounts for only the tiniest fraction of the program, and is meant to please young children for the most part. You just essentially called Photoshop Kidpix =D. Garageband is a full music composing program. You can create original music with hundreds of instruments without ever touching a premade loop. Check out my music for some examples, I've never used a loop in my life, and I only use Garageband.

Really? I've never learned how to use that "Musical Typing" function in the program :heh: . I don't own it, I had to do it for a school project.

June 27th, 2007, 09:13 pm
Really? I've never learned how to use that "Musical Typing" function in the program :heh: . I don't own it, I had to do it for a school project.Yeah, that's fine. No offense taken. It just bothers me how people always think I cheated writing my music when I share it cause I use garageband =(, one of the evil misconceptions I have to battle as a mac user =(.

June 27th, 2007, 10:22 pm
I never really understood Garageband. Is it more of a sequencing program or is it a notation program? Because sequencing programs are subsequently harder to use (in my opinion) and is not as 'musical' as notation programs, since notation programs actually makes you write the song, not sequencing it. However, sequencing programs can still create some amazing pieces and recordings with samples, and can be used by musical people, but I'm just saying that notation programs should be employed if you're more serious with writing classical styled music.

June 27th, 2007, 11:11 pm
Well, not really actually ^^. In the modern world classical music is being replaced by show music and movie music, the sort of stuff that I try to write. All that I do is take the hastling step of writing the notes away, and play them instead. This capture both the notes, beats, and expression I'd imagined much more easily then using notes. Don't think I'm not a fluent musician theoretically, I most certainly am. I just use that theory to invent on my piano, and then carry those riffs over to garageband where I assign them to different instruments. It's different yes, but not less. This is only my opinion though.

June 27th, 2007, 11:17 pm
Well, not really actually ^^. In the modern world classical music is being replaced by show music and movie music, the sort of stuff that I try to write. All that I do is take the hastling step of writing the notes away, and play them instead. This capture both the notes, beats, and expression I'd imagined much more easily then using notes. Don't think I'm not a fluent musician theoretically, I most certainly am. I just use that theory to invent on my piano, and then carry those riffs over to garageband where I assign them to different instruments. It's different yes, but not less. This is only my opinion though.

Off topic: But what if you're writing something to be performed? ;) You can't have the performers listen while they play. It's always better to have a hard copy of your music, in my opinion.

Sorry for the off topicness~

July 10th, 2007, 05:54 am

I have multiple tempo changes in this composition I'm working on. I use the Tempo Tool to change the tempo. When I do, I can't get any of my tempo expressions to work (in this case rit.). How do I get playback to incorporate this data?

July 10th, 2007, 06:18 am

I have multiple tempo changes in this composition I'm working on. I use the Tempo Tool to change the tempo. When I do, I can't get any of my tempo expressions to work (in this case rit.). How do I get playback to incorporate this data?

Same question actually. x_x Except, actually changing the tempo, not adding rit. or accel.

July 10th, 2007, 12:44 pm

I have multiple tempo changes in this composition I'm working on. I use the Tempo Tool to change the tempo. When I do, I can't get any of my tempo expressions to work (in this case rit.). How do I get playback to incorporate this data?

Same question actually. x_x Except, actually changing the tempo, not adding rit. or accel.

Porsche- Basically, the tempo tool is not the best thing to use, especially when there are so many tempo changes, but, they can be useful if you want a rit. done at a certain rate. If you use the tempo tool, as you figured out, the other tempo expressions do not work, for the tempo tool is more suitable for transcription/arrangement (in other words, MIDI data), as you and I know. :P

Try using the rit. that is already in the expression tool. If that doesn't work, create a new one, italicized, but do not copy and paste the text in the one that is already there. As soon as the new rit. works, in order to guarantee that the tempos will be there, go to Plug-ins> Playback> Apply Human Playback. Before you do anything else, click "Preferences". Then go to "Tempo Variations" in the menu on the left. Under "Any Tempo Variations", check (not uncheck) "Don't Randomize (Exact Timing)". Go back to the "Apply Human Playback" window, and click the circle right next to "Apply Specific Elements". Be sure that all checkboxes are checked (including "More Settings"). I strongly suggest not playing around with the other stuff until you know if it will crash your computer or not :P , because if the bars' percentages are set too high, Finale will just crash.

Mazeppa- Use the expression tool. Click at the note/rest (yes, note/rest, not point, otherwise it will be pretty messy) of the song where you want the tempo changed at. If you want to type something in the text field, go ahead. Go to "Playback". Right next to type, scroll down to "Tempo". Right next to affect, make sure that the circle next to "Set to Value" has been clicked on. Basically, the box right next to it is how fast you want it, in terms of beats per minute.

If you are using a time signature that does not have the bottom number on 4:

- Right next to Tempo, switch the next box to:
Half Note, if it ends in a 2.
Whole Note, if it ends in a 1.
Dotted Eighth Note, if the top number is divisible by 3 (excluding 1) and the bottom number ends in an 8.
Eighth Note, for those that do not follow the form of the dotted eighth note listed above.If it ends in 16, PM me.

I don't even have Finale, this is just based off my knowledge of the Demo x_x .

July 21st, 2007, 03:41 am
Hey, I'm having an issue with Sibelius that I'm wondering if anyone could help me resolve. The playback for piano does not sustain very well. Even with the pedal, it barely sustains for half as long as it should, and it sounds nothing like a real pedal. Even, without the pedal, a whole note basically lasts for only 1-2 counts. Can anyone help me make the piano notes sustain for longer, both with and without the pedal?

July 21st, 2007, 03:44 am
Hey, I'm having an issue with Sibelius that I'm wondering if anyone could help me resolve. The playback for piano does not sustain very well. Even with the pedal, it barely sustains for half as long as it should, and it sounds nothing like a real pedal. Even, without the pedal, a whole note basically lasts for only 1-2 counts. Can anyone help me make the piano notes sustain for longer, both with and without the pedal?

If it's midi, then it can't be helped.

July 21st, 2007, 04:04 am
Well, I use Kontakt Gold also - any hope?

July 21st, 2007, 03:26 pm
The normal line/pedal/whatnot tools should work on Kontakt Gold equally as on midi... But I'm not sure if there are other controls like other samples. Check the help guide on Kontakt Gold if you have one.

July 31st, 2007, 08:44 pm
I currently have Finale2007 and GPO but I'm not sure how to put those two together. Finale came with some GPO samples but the full GPO has so much more and I want to use it instead. Little help?

PS: Long time no post, how's everyone doing lol

July 31st, 2007, 08:47 pm
Did you update your Kontakt Player to Kontakt Player 2? If so, then most of the procedures of setting up should be quite easy since Finale is supposed to integrate into Kontakt Player 2 seamlessly.

And God, I wonder when GPOA and Garritan Choir will come out... Not to mention I seriously need to update Sibelius. ._. Although, old softwares doesn't stop me from composing bigger works.

July 31st, 2007, 09:13 pm
And God, I wonder when GPOA and Garritan Choir will come out... Not to mention I seriously need to update Sibelius. ._. Although, old softwares doesn't stop me from composing bigger works.

Finale GPO with 2008 comes with choir samples.

July 31st, 2007, 09:15 pm
Finale GPO with 2008 comes with choir samples.

... with the lyrics actually working; not just oohs and aahs.

July 31st, 2007, 11:02 pm
I know, but I want the full version, however.

August 1st, 2007, 12:10 pm
^ Loving the new set.

Is the GPO choir able to sing lyrics like the EWQL one?

August 10th, 2007, 03:56 am
Another Finale Question.

How do you add an echo effect to a MIDI channel? Thanks!

August 10th, 2007, 07:29 pm
My guess is using reverb. :think:

August 19th, 2007, 02:35 pm
Finale Question xD. How do you save the file so that it will playback with the GPO sounds? (I Have Finale 2006 and saving as an audio file just doesn't seem to work.)

August 19th, 2007, 06:03 pm
I would have to say to keep trying that. Heh, I have 2007, but I think it would have to be some sort of .WMA or .mp3.

Good luck. x_x

August 19th, 2007, 07:36 pm
Here's another method:

Use a program that records things, like what I use: Smartmusic 10. Go to your volume control, click "Options" then "Properties". Click "Recording", make sure everything is checked, then click OK. Under "Wave Out Mix", click the checkmark next to "Select". Open your "recorder" and Finale. Start recording and click the play button on Finale. When Finale is done with your song, stop recording, and click the stop button on Finale. Then save it as a .mp3, which Smartmusic can do.

August 19th, 2007, 09:02 pm
Finale Question xD. How do you save the file so that it will playback with the GPO sounds? (I Have Finale 2006 and saving as an audio file just doesn't seem to work.)

Finale 2006 Requires a program Called "Garritan Studio" for playback in finale and it also does the recording. It's a free program from their main site...

For Windows (http://www.garritan.com/support/GarritanStudio0002.zip)

For Mac (http://www.garritan.com/JABB/GarritanStudio003.dmg.zip)

August 22nd, 2007, 06:43 am
Or you could perform an automatic update. Unless you have version C, recording doesn't work for GPO.

I can't figure out how to use the human playback options such as mutes in Finale 2008 :(

September 16th, 2007, 07:03 pm
Hey guys. Quick little question about Finale. Let's see I'm composing a score in both treble and base clef, and then, I want both hands to become base clef. Is there a way to switch it in the middle of the song, and if so, how? o_o... also, is there a way to change the time signature after you selected it and begun working?

September 16th, 2007, 09:27 pm
Not on Finale Notepad, if that's what you have.

September 16th, 2007, 11:37 pm
Eh, I need some Finale 2007 help. I configured it so that I could use the uhm...GPO samples, but now I can't use the normal Finale MIDI sounds (Smart Synth or whatever it uses.) It's pretty annoying, as I can't play MIDIs or anything anymore without first converting all the instruments over to the sampled ones. Does anyone know how I can just reset my sound settings to their defaults?

September 17th, 2007, 08:15 am
Try to uncheck the box that says "Play through virtual instrument..."-something option.

September 17th, 2007, 11:29 pm
Ah, thanks Noir! Problem solved. :3

September 19th, 2007, 04:44 pm
Can any one help me if know how to move the last bar/bars of a piece? I mean the last measure that sometime appear in another page alone. I don't like to have just 1 measure in a page and the rest empty lol. For Finale 2006.

September 19th, 2007, 05:55 pm
Just use the Measure tool, there's an icon for it among the others. Then you simply mark + delete.

September 19th, 2007, 06:06 pm
I got it, Thank you Mr.Noir7.

EDIT: Wait no I didn't get it lol.

EDIT AGAIN: No is not for delete the measures I want to move the last measure that appear in the last page alone.

September 19th, 2007, 11:59 pm
You could click the Staff Tool (the one with the treble clef), right-click (or option-click, if you use MAC), and click "Hide Staff".

September 20th, 2007, 12:36 am
Hmm I still don't get it lol what I want is to move the last measure to the page before because in the last page just appear the last measure and there is lots of empty space so I want to move it to the page before, like the sheet music I posted in my thread where the last measure appear in the fourth page alone. *Shakes head* sorry lol

September 20th, 2007, 12:45 am
:think: That's what I thought you meant... for a second. XD

Here are your options:

1. Click the Measure Tool. There's a square that will appear to the right of the measure you want to move. Drag it to the left.
2. Click the Page Layout Tool. You'll see numbers that appear to the left/right. Go to the number before the one (system) containing your measure. Count how many measures there are in the system and memorize the beginning measure number of the system and the last measure number. Click "Page Layout" on the top, then click "Fit Music". Right under "Change", type in the measure number that starts the system, and your last measure. Right next to "Lock Layout", type in how many measures are in the system, and add one (the one being the last measure). Then click "OK".

September 20th, 2007, 12:49 am
Yay thank you so much! *tries it*

EDIT: Thx I got it finally. ^.^

September 23rd, 2007, 06:49 pm
Does Finale have a tool for invert all the notes for not write them again inverted?

September 23rd, 2007, 06:55 pm
Press "L" (without caps). If you want to get specific about the note size (after pressing "L"), click "Window", then "Special Tools Palette", then click the "Stem Length Tool".

September 23rd, 2007, 07:35 pm
I discovered some tools I didn't know what for was before but it was not what I wanted to do ^^; I am not good explaining lol. I want to reverse the notes in a measure like I wrote Do re mi fa then reverse it as fa mi re do for not lose time writing them again. Thx for the help before n_N;;;

September 23rd, 2007, 07:49 pm
I discovered some tools I didn't know what for was before but it was not what I wanted to do ^^; I am not good explaining lol. I want to reverse the notes in a measure like I wrote Do re mi fa then reverse it as fa mi re do for not lose time writing them again. Thx for the help before n_N;;;

You can't do that. :\

September 23rd, 2007, 07:55 pm
Oh haha ok thank you :b

October 9th, 2007, 03:33 am
A slightly different question...

If you have an MP3 of 1 instrument (ie Piano), can you convert it to MUS for finale, so it can display the sheetmusic for it? o.o

October 9th, 2007, 03:41 am
A slightly different question...

If you have an MP3 of 1 instrument (ie Piano), can you convert it to MUS for finale, so it can display the sheetmusic for it? o.o

To make a long story short, no.

October 9th, 2007, 02:48 pm
Well that figures XD

Guess it's back to the hard way ._.

October 13th, 2007, 03:46 pm
MP3's aren't instrument based like midi, and there's no way in hell (even if the piece is, say a midi of 1 instrument converted into mp3) can you get the note pattern off it directly no matter what.

There are ways (..such as, in the lucky example case) of converting the MP3 into a midi file (very inaccurate process but with the settings tuned, sometimes you get good results) and then ripping it off the midi (I personally haven't used finale but seeing as how most composition tools support taking patterns directly off midi it should be fine)

.. but yeah, it's probably a lot easier just to write the midi yourself while listening to mp3

October 13th, 2007, 03:54 pm
Hmmm... this would be so much easier if I had an ear for this stuff D: -goes to grab music-major roomate-

Thanks for your help :P

October 15th, 2007, 12:48 am
I don't know if this question is appropriate in this topic. Anyway, my friend recently installed Encore on her computer, but no sound is audible when she uses it. But the sound card can't be defective, as her Finale works and all other sounds work on her computer. Any ideas?

October 15th, 2007, 01:57 am
In order to put volume up:

1. Go to Volume Control.
2. If you do see a controller noted "SW Synth", disregard steps 3 to 5; go to 6.
3. Go to "Options", then to "Properties", on the top left of the window.
4. Click the circle next to "Playback".
5. Right under "Show the following volume controls", check off "SW Synth".
6. Turn the "SW Synth" controller up.

It always happens, even on Sibelius. The reason why it doesn't happen on Finale is because Finale does not use the SW Synth volume control. Instead, Finale uses its own soundfont.

October 15th, 2007, 02:11 am
It doesn't happen to me on Sibelius. :mellow: And I don't think it's the MIDI device's fault, it's probably the playback settings of Encore itself.

October 15th, 2007, 07:00 am
That's God's subtle little way of telling her (and subsequently you) not to use Encore :)

October 15th, 2007, 11:44 am
It doesn't happen to me on Sibelius. :mellow: And I don't think it's the MIDI device's fault, it's probably the playback settings of Encore itself.

Weird. @_@ It happens to me when I use Sibelius 4 (or 5).

October 16th, 2007, 01:11 am
In order to put volume up:

1. Go to Volume Control.
2. If you do see a controller noted "SW Synth", disregard steps 3 to 5; go to 6.
3. Go to "Options", then to "Properties", on the top left of the window.
4. Click the circle next to "Playback".
5. Right under "Show the following volume controls", check off "SW Synth".
6. Turn the "SW Synth" controller up.

It always happens, even on Sibelius. The reason why it doesn't happen on Finale is because Finale does not use the SW Synth volume control. Instead, Finale uses its own soundfont.

IT WORKED!! Thank you, you have no idea how much I appreciate it.

October 17th, 2007, 04:54 am
I think I might be having the same problem, but I'm on Sibelius (on Windows Vista, so I'm not sure how to follow your steps :P)

I can't have sound come from Sibelius, but it comes from everywhere else that uses a MIDI o_o

I think I might need to follow the same steps, but since I'm on Vista, I'm not sure what to do ._.

EDIT: Also, when I go to play --> playback devices, there's an available device that says Microsoft Wavetable Synth... but when I click activate, it says

Error: 206
There is no driver installed on your system.

October 17th, 2007, 08:17 pm
I think I might be having the same problem, but I'm on Sibelius (on Windows Vista, so I'm not sure how to follow your steps :P)

I can't have sound come from Sibelius, but it comes from everywhere else that uses a MIDI o_o

I think I might need to follow the same steps, but since I'm on Vista, I'm not sure what to do ._.

EDIT: Also, when I go to play --> playback devices, there's an available device that says Microsoft Wavetable Synth... but when I click activate, it says

Error: 206
There is no driver installed on your system.

To put it simply microsoft windows vista is not for home recording
musicians, my adivce is to stay with xp or dual boot your system which you
really shouldnt have to do, the main problem with windows vista audio is that
they have removed hal "hardware acceleration" and also removed the ability to
choose which audio device is used for midi playback "ie you cant select your
soundcard as the playback device for the midi playback, and also have removed
3d directsound as well, the audio playback on vista is faster than xp but as
i have said they have removed the basic functions with which us home
recording musicians use to create midi based music, thier is no work around
no patch, driver or update to resolve this, i have work with microsoft to
resolve this issue and they have admitted this is a mircosoft problem and not
my hardware after weeks of regedits & a whole list of other things nothing
worked to fix this problem

So, in other words, you can't fix it. :\ So much for Vista. ._.;

October 17th, 2007, 08:32 pm
AHA! I fixed it XD

That was obnoxiously difficult to figure out how to fix :P

October 18th, 2007, 11:10 pm
I need some help with Finale >_<
Ok well I've been trying to figure some things out..and I can't seem to figure it out on my own.:\

1) How do you change the key signature? Say I am using an E flat major, and I want to change in the middle of a song, into an A flat major? How would I do that without changing the ENTIRE piece? Or..is it not even possible o.o

2) I don't know what they're called:heh:, but you know those little notes that you play SUPER fast? Usually it's just one note, say if it's next to an 8th note. You play the little one really fast and play the 8th note, which counts as just an 8th note all together. Well, if you know what I'm talking about, any idea how to use them on finale?

I've been trying to figure out these two things for a long time, if you could help, thanks, if not, thanks for reading at least. :heh:

Thanks ahead!

October 18th, 2007, 11:16 pm
I need some help with Finale >_<
Ok well I've been trying to figure some things out..and I can't seem to figure it out on my own.:\

1) How do you change the key signature? Say I am using an E flat major, and I want to change in the middle of a song, into an A flat major? How would I do that without changing the ENTIRE piece? Or..is it not even possible o.o

2) I don't know what they're called:heh:, but you know those little notes that you play SUPER fast? Usually it's just one note, say if it's next to an 8th note. You play the little one really fast and play the 8th note, which counts as just an 8th note all together. Well, if you know what I'm talking about, any idea how to use them on finale?

I've been trying to figure out these two things for a long time, if you could help, thanks, if not, thanks for reading at least. :heh:

Thanks ahead!

By looking at the questions you have asked, you have Finale Notepad. Notepad, as opposed to Finale, is free. Finale, on the other hand, is $600.

1) Not possible.

2) Also not possible, and it is called a grace note. :P

October 19th, 2007, 12:05 am
Aw darn..
Well, thanks though
AHH GRACE NOTE, thats what it's called. Haha..

October 19th, 2007, 12:20 am
They are, however, quite possible on the full version of Finale.

And remember.. if you PM me, I would never give you illegal links to Finale downloads. I'd never do such a thing.

Don't PM me about this, as I would never help you get Finale 2008 in matter of hours, practically untraceable and for free. And also, if you'd like amazing instrument samples to go with it, I wouldn't help you by giving links to them either. I'd never give the links to these overpriced, although amazing, products for free and help you install them properly.

So don't PM me about it.

October 19th, 2007, 01:20 am
Wow. A *wink wink* moment? XD

Anyway, I'm having Finale trouble too. I have the full version of 2007 in Vista.

When try to play a file I didn't make, It won't play. The control knobs, things on the left show the instruments playing, but no sound. System Volume is up and working, and Vista's sound mixer says that sound to Finale is unmuted, and up.

Then, when I play a file I made, It plays great.

If I goto the MIDI setup dialouge box and select Softsynth1 as my playback device, then Configure, or whatever it is, It says that it can't open softsynth and that another app may be using the sound device.

Any ideas?

October 19th, 2007, 01:23 am
Did you use the GPO samples without loading them properly? If you want a MIDI sound, make sure your Finale's playback settings are set to MIDI instead of GPO.

October 19th, 2007, 06:12 am
They are, however, quite possible on the full version of Finale.

And remember.. if you PM me, I would never give you illegal links to Finale downloads. I'd never do such a thing.

Don't PM me about this, as I would never help you get Finale 2008 in matter of hours, practically untraceable and for free. And also, if you'd like amazing instrument samples to go with it, I wouldn't help you by giving links to them either. I'd never give the links to these overpriced, although amazing, products for free and help you install them properly.

So don't PM me about it.

Quite possible? The only possible way that I managed to get a grace note on my composition was by finding someone else's work with a grace note on it. I then copy and pasted that one measure, deleted everything else in it except the grace note, and then put it on mine O.o
Only thing was that it was somehow a 16th note grace note..
I couldn't change it, only the note itself up and down.
And don't worry, I won't PM you or bother you about trying to get a free version of the full Finale. I know it's really expensive..I won't complain, even with the FinaleNotepad I've got.
Well anyways, thanks!

October 19th, 2007, 10:21 am
Here is a quick demonstration of grace notes and key changes. (In the full version of Finale, which I still, by the way, aren't allowed to help you get it for free in about a few hours by PM:ing me about it)

October 20th, 2007, 12:08 pm
Wow. A *wink wink* moment? XD

Anyway, I'm having Finale trouble too. I have the full version of 2007 in Vista.

When try to play a file I didn't make, It won't play. The control knobs, things on the left show the instruments playing, but no sound. System Volume is up and working, and Vista's sound mixer says that sound to Finale is unmuted, and up.

Then, when I play a file I made, It plays great.

If I goto the MIDI setup dialouge box and select Softsynth1 as my playback device, then Configure, or whatever it is, It says that it can't open softsynth and that another app may be using the sound device.

Any ideas?

Click "Show Advanced". If any of the others below "Softsynth1" display "Softsynth1", or any are the same, make sure they're all different...

There may be another solution to this. It's 7 A.M. right now, so I'm just saying what's on the top of my head. :heh:

*EDIT: If that doesn't work, check your Control Panel and see if your hardware is active.

October 23rd, 2007, 02:46 am
I have the basic version of Finale. Whenever I try to playback something, it gets all jumpy and it isn't as smooth as it should be. Can this be fixed, or is it normal?

October 23rd, 2007, 02:57 am
I have the basic version of Finale. Whenever I try to playback something, it gets all jumpy and it isn't as smooth as it should be. Can this be fixed, or is it normal?

Since this is happening on Notepad, I would refrain from opening too many other programs. It can't really be fixed...

*waits for what is in store in Notepad 2008*

October 25th, 2007, 02:00 am
Click "Show Advanced". If any of the others below "Softsynth1" display "Softsynth1", or any are the same, make sure they're all different...

There may be another solution to this. It's 7 A.M. right now, so I'm just saying what's on the top of my head. :heh:

*EDIT: If that doesn't work, check your Control Panel and see if your hardware is active.
Didn't work, and I know the hardware is active since I still get sounds from other apps.

Here are my choices for MIDI out:
Default MIDI output device
Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth
SmartMusic SoftSynth 1-8

The first two work, but sound like crap (i.e. default MIDI)
It's the other ones that I want to work

October 25th, 2007, 02:34 am
Didn't work, and I know the hardware is active since I still get sounds from other apps.

Here are my choices for MIDI out:
Default MIDI output device
Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth
SmartMusic SoftSynth 1-8

The first two work, but sound like crap (i.e. default MIDI)
It's the other ones that I want to work

Things to check for:

1. When you click the toolbar "MIDI", be sure that "Play Finale through MIDI" is checked, not "Play Finale through VST".
2. Be sure that the MIDI Out settings match. (MIDI In will vary.)http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j266/Bbclarinetist/Noname2-1.png It may be reading off the wrong channels, which I suspect... (note that the MIDI Driver Version is different on 2007.)
3. Go to the MIDI toolbar, click "Tablature MIDI Settings". Be sure that all typing spaces match the number to the left of it.
4. MOST COMMON PROBLEM: Go to the MIDI toolbar, click "MIDI Thru". Try the "Smart" one, and if that doesn't work, try the "Off" one. This has happened to me before. If you have to click "Off" to get it to work, let your speakers rest for a while; it may work later. :heh:
5. Your soundfont may be corrupted; PM me for a newer one.

So basically, I'm going in-depth as I can with Finale sounds. You may want to contact MakeMusic if nothing works (there's a e-mail support system on the Finale website).

October 26th, 2007, 10:15 pm
Wow. @_@ Finale Notepad 2008 has a lot of the features that Finale Printmusic 2008 can do.

October 27th, 2007, 01:18 am
Wow. @_@ Finale Notepad 2008 has a lot of the features that Finale Printmusic 2008 can do.

@_@ It's amazing compared to last year's version!

October 27th, 2007, 05:27 am
What's cool about it?

October 27th, 2007, 10:45 am
hi im a newbie can anyone send me the sheet music to sanctuary! PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAASE!

October 27th, 2007, 12:52 pm
Nope, but I can send you here: http://forums.ichigos.com/forumdisplay.php?f=11

October 27th, 2007, 01:41 pm
What's cool about it?

I thought I would never see Notepad being able to open MIDI, and add reverb. :heh:

October 27th, 2007, 05:05 pm
Things to check for:

1. When you click the toolbar "MIDI", be sure that "Play Finale through MIDI" is checked, not "Play Finale through VST".
2. Be sure that the MIDI Out settings match. (MIDI In will vary.)http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j266/Bbclarinetist/Noname2-1.png It may be reading off the wrong channels, which I suspect... (note that the MIDI Driver Version is different on 2007.)
3. Go to the MIDI toolbar, click "Tablature MIDI Settings". Be sure that all typing spaces match the number to the left of it.
4. MOST COMMON PROBLEM: Go to the MIDI toolbar, click "MIDI Thru". Try the "Smart" one, and if that doesn't work, try the "Off" one. This has happened to me before. If you have to click "Off" to get it to work, let your speakers rest for a while; it may work later. :heh:
5. Your soundfont may be corrupted; PM me for a newer one.

So basically, I'm going in-depth as I can with Finale sounds. You may want to contact MakeMusic if nothing works (there's a e-mail support system on the Finale website).

Thanks. I'll try all that. I'm not at home now, but as soon as I can.

October 28th, 2007, 01:31 am
Can any one help me and make a .mus format of this midi please? For some reason my finale can't process it. if anyone know can explain me please? Hope anyone can open it.

October 28th, 2007, 08:34 pm
My Windows Media Player can't process it either. You must not have converted it right. What did you do?

October 28th, 2007, 08:49 pm
Can any one help me and make a .mus format of this midi please? For some reason my finale can't process it. if anyone know can explain me please? Hope anyone can open it.

HOW many measures are in this?! *Printmusic counts 60,000 and ascending* *does a virus scan* *Printmusic crashes* *switches to Notepad 2008*

*checks notes that come out by canceling after the 300th measure* I don't think I'd better show you this as a .mus. It's a mess. @_@ Here it is as an image, though. :heh:


I'm assuming that the reason Finale can't process it is because it doesn't even have an ending. (unless it's like 100,000 measures down. :\) There's a piano, and some string instruments involved in this, all into one stave. @_@

October 28th, 2007, 08:54 pm
I guess whoever created this MIDI file doesn't want it to be opened, hence the reason why it turns out to be absolutely insane when you attempt to. There are two kinds of MIDI files: 0 and 1. And one of them (I forget which) being made so that even if people do open it, it'll turn out disastrous.

October 28th, 2007, 08:58 pm
I guess whoever created this MIDI file doesn't want it to be opened, hence the reason why it turns out to be absolutely insane when you attempt to. There are two kinds of MIDI files: 0 and 1. And one of them (I forget which) being made so that even if people do open it, it'll turn out disastrous.

I'm bored :heh:, so getting specific:

Format "1" is where all of the MIDI sounds, when opened into a notation program, will be split into their respective staves.
Format "0", on the other hand, compresses all of those staves into one (or two).

The thing is, I've transcribed MIDI for about 3 years now, and I have seen and have transcribed from both of these formats. I just don't get why this one takes so long to finish loading. :\ :think:

October 28th, 2007, 09:01 pm
It's probably because the creator took the time to code it properly.

October 28th, 2007, 09:48 pm
Holy Pie!!! Wow Thank you so much ppl for take your time with this. The midi I found it in a page and the name is "Felitsa" by Yanni. I wanted to open it for organize and other things for play it, for not bother to try to play the original piece by ear. Crazy o,o I never let it finish to process all the measures here was going to 10,000 then started again, then I stopped it and all crashed. Anyway Thank you so much!!!

October 30th, 2007, 01:26 am
Hey, I bought Finale PrintMusic 2007, and I have been having installation problems.

I installed it on my home computer with complete ease. Then around some time later in the year, I got a laptop for my birthday and tried to install it on there, but it won't let me.

After I complete the Authorization Wizard, it says "all slots are filled for this serial number".

Do I need to uninstall it on my home computer first?

October 30th, 2007, 01:28 am
Hey, I bought Finale PrintMusic 2007, and I have been having installation problems.

I installed it on my home computer with complete ease. Then around some time later in the year, I got a laptop for my birthday and tried to install it on there, but it won't let me.

After I complete the Authorization Wizard, it says "all slots are filled for this serial number".

Do I need to uninstall it on my home computer first?

Yes, but follow these directions:

1. On the computer you installed it on (your home one), click Help ---> Deauthorize Printmusic. Follow anything that appears.
2. Then, in your laptop, authorize it using the serial number of the software you have. :)

October 30th, 2007, 01:30 am
All right, I'll try that.

Thank you, Clarinetist! I appreciate it! :D

EDIT: Argh, when I tried to deauthorize it on my home computer it says, "An unknown error has occured while trying to deauthorize".

I guess I'll just have to work from my home computer. =/

October 30th, 2007, 11:09 am
All right, I'll try that.

Thank you, Clarinetist! I appreciate it! :D

EDIT: Argh, when I tried to deauthorize it on my home computer it says, "An unknown error has occured while trying to deauthorize".

I guess I'll just have to work from my home computer. =/

Make sure you're connected to the internet on both computers.

(Apparently, I tried to deauthorize, and it didn't work for me.) :think:

December 3rd, 2007, 07:46 am
hey... i have a problem with Finale Notepad 2k8..

I can't play any piece and I always get this errors:
1. Error Loading MIDI driver FINMIDI: This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this Problem.
( i already tried that )
2. When Installing I get this "pls verify the folder that bla bla bla access it already"
(I don't get this)


December 3rd, 2007, 11:33 am
hey... i have a problem with Finale Notepad 2k8..

I can't play any piece and I always get this errors:
1. Error Loading MIDI driver FINMIDI: This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this Problem.
( i already tried that )
2. When Installing I get this "pls verify the folder that bla bla bla access it already"
(I don't get this)


First of all, with these programs (Finale Notepad, Printmusic, Songwriter, Guitar, Finale, etc...), you have to delete the folder itself after uninstalling, then reinstall.

Go to My Computer ---> C:\---> Program Files ---> Finale Notepad 2008. Look for a file titled "FINMIDI" (not the .dll one; the one that has "Configuration Settings" below it). Open it. Delete ALL of the text in here, and paste the following:

OutName1=SmartMusic SoftSynth 1
OutName2=SmartMusic SoftSynth 2
OutName3=SmartMusic SoftSynth 3
OutName4=SmartMusic SoftSynth 4
OutName5=SmartMusic SoftSynth 5
OutName6=SmartMusic SoftSynth 6
OutName7=SmartMusic SoftSynth 7
OutName8=SmartMusic SoftSynth 8

Save it. Open Finale Notepad. If it doesn't work, go back to the same folder. Open the file titled "NotePad" ("Configuration Settings" below it). Delete all of the text off that. Paste the following:

MIDIEcho0=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
MIDIEcho10=10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
MIDIEcho20=20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
MIDIEcho30=30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
MIDIEcho40=40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
MIDIEcho50=50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
MIDIEcho60=60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
MIDIEcho70=70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
MIDIEcho80=80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
MIDIEcho90=90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
MIDIEcho100=100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109
MIDIEcho110=110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119
MIDIEcho120=120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 0 0
[Program Options]
g0=4 17228 2 1 1 1 1 1 256 110
g10=150 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1
g20=0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
g30=0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
g40=0 0 1 0 0 9 144 37 100 128
g50=37 0 1 3 0 176 64 127 0 0
g60=96 250 0 176 64 127 1024 2 0 0
g70=0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
g80=0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 128 60
g90=0 2 18531 360 1800 4 1 0 0 0
g100=0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
g110=0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
g120=0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
g130=0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
g140=0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
g150=0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
g160=0 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
g170=1 1 1 144 60 64 1 65 48 13
g180=20024 1024 0 0 2000 0 0 30 80 0
g190=0 0 0 1 900 1 0 1 0 12
g200=0 64 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
g210=0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1
g220=0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
g230=0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
g240=0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
g250=48 0 1 0 20 1 4 1024 0 0
g260=1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
g270=2 -1 0 0 1 0 0 -7 0 0
g280=7 0 0 1 1024 84 16180 1 1 0
g290=0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
g300=0 300 300 0 8 0 0 25 1116 4
g310=1 1 1 1 50 100 1 150 0 1
g320=0 1 -1 1 1 3 0 2 0 0
g330=0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 3
g340=4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
g350=14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
g360=1 0 4 0 0 1 0 1 1 1
g370=0 0 1 0 1 1 0 255 255 255
g380=255 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
g390=1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
g400=1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
g410=0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0
g420=1 0 0 1 1 1 0 4 1 1
g430=1 1 0 1 0 0 1 100 200 75
g440=2 0 -32768 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[Chromatic Spelling Tables]
g0=0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
g10=1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
g20=0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
g30=0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[Instrument List]
WindowPos=409 517 1038 754

If that doesn't work, PM me. I'll have to send you the .dll files through e-mail.

December 3rd, 2007, 11:54 am
it didn't work T_T

December 3rd, 2007, 05:25 pm
2 questions regarding Finale

1) If I'm composing, and then later I decide to add a new instrument, can I do so without starting over?

2) Is there a French Horn instrument in Finale, cause I can't find one.

December 3rd, 2007, 06:23 pm
Only if you have a version other than the free NotePad I believe.

Click the Staff Tool

In the menu bar, click staff

Then either New Staffs or New Staffs with Setup Wizard.

Afterwards, you are going to have to assign the new instrument its own channel in the Instrument List window found under then window menu bar.

And yes, there is most definitely a French Horn instrument.

December 3rd, 2007, 08:34 pm
2) Is there a French Horn instrument in Finale, cause I can't find one.

It should be in all of Makemusic's programs, noted as "Horn In F". :\

December 4th, 2007, 12:40 am
In Notepad, is it possible to change one of the instruments to another, if you selected the wrong one and you already started composing?

If not... I'll need someone with the full version to help me :P

December 4th, 2007, 12:48 am
In Notepad, is it possible to change one of the instruments to another, if you selected the wrong one and you already started composing?

If not... I'll need someone with the full version to help me :P

If you have Notepad 2008, you can open files in it and change the patch by going to Window ----> Instrument List. Otherwise, no.

December 4th, 2007, 01:02 am
If I edit something in 2008, will 2007 Finale users be able to read stuff?

December 4th, 2007, 02:52 am
If I edit something in 2008, will 2007 Finale users be able to read stuff?

Unfortunately, no. ._.; That's one of the problems with the Finale software.

December 4th, 2007, 02:59 am
Ew crap xD. Hmmm... *begs porsche to download Notepad 2008* :P

December 18th, 2007, 11:45 pm
I have a problem with my Finale Printmusic, because I'm stupid and don't know my music.

How do you make this on Finale Printmusic?

Yeah, I'm trying to make that one beat in a measure.

December 19th, 2007, 12:45 am
Yeah, it's really hard to get it to do that. You have to change the time signature so that there's room to put those notes in without the tuplet, and then you have to make it into a tuplet after that, and then you can change the time signature back.

February 15th, 2008, 02:21 am
Hey, how do you insert specific page breaks in Finale?

February 15th, 2008, 03:38 am
huh? I'm not sure what you mean.

February 15th, 2008, 05:34 pm
Like if I want measure 7 to be the first measure of age two how do I do it?

February 18th, 2008, 02:28 pm
From what I know, it can't be done that way. Here's how you do it:

(Ignore my explanations for what a "system" is; it's just one line of music.)

1. Using the measure tool, move measure 7 to a different system away from measure 6. (not Page #, system. A system is how the Page Layout Tool separates the music.)
2. Highlight, using the Mass Edit Tool, on the measures you want to put into one system (in other words, in one line of music including measure 6 [not 7]). On the toolbar, next to Window, "MassEdit" should show up. Click that, and go down to "Fit Music". Then click the circle next to "Lock selected measures into one system." That's it. Just adjust the pages using the Page Layout Tool if needed.

April 14th, 2008, 11:52 pm
or you can use the measure tool to manually shorten or lengthen the measures to fit.

just use the cursor the drag the measures

Edit: Moved from another thread because I was told it was more appropriate here
I myself am having some different trouble with finale. It's giving me strange note heads when I enter the notes. does anyone have an idea what the problem is? This is the Finale 2007 Full version

a picture is attached below

April 15th, 2008, 08:00 pm
These notes are based off of a palette of fonts. The name of the font is maestro. If this font type is corrupted, then reinstall Finale so that it can replace the corrupted font file with a clean one. If it does not work then read below.

Go to Help and click Table of Contents. In the Table of Contents (TOC), Click reference. Click N. Then click Note Shapes. They'll tell you how to change the note shapes.

Note: I use Finale 2008. I don't know if it will work in 2007. You have the full version of 2007!? That version is buggy as hell. I feel sorry for anyone who owns Finale 2007. Expect random crashes and losing your work.

April 16th, 2008, 12:15 am
or you can use the measure tool to manually shorten or lengthen the measures to fit.

just use the cursor the drag the measures

Edit: Moved from another thread because I was told it was more appropriate here
I myself am having some different trouble with finale. It's giving me strange note heads when I enter the notes. does anyone have an idea what the problem is? This is the Finale 2007 Full version

a picture is attached below


If that doesn't work, contact MakeMusic Customer Support.

April 16th, 2008, 01:33 am
Woah. that's an old version in the picture on that forum. so this problem's been around for a while, huh?
Well thank you, clarinetist. I found the info I needed and got it fixed.

April 17th, 2008, 08:22 pm
Does anyone here know how to change the tempo in FL studio without affect the original tempo?

April 23rd, 2008, 04:27 am
You just click and hold the tempo and move it up and down with your mouse to change the tempo. You can also record an automation clip of yourself doing this.

May 1st, 2008, 06:20 pm
Thank you so much Car boy.

May 3rd, 2008, 08:18 pm
Errr... New question! How do I change the time signature in FL studio? is it possible? If yes Can I use various time signatures in one work?

Edit: I discovered how to change the time signatures but I still don't know if is possible to have various time signatures. Any one know how to have various signatures?

May 9th, 2008, 09:55 pm
Er uh...

Can you hook up a Midi keyboard onto Finale Notepad so that when you play something it records it?...If you can, then HOW?!
[I already have the software installed and everything...Just need to change the settings I guess]

May 9th, 2008, 10:23 pm
Errr... New question! How do I change the time signature in FL studio? is it possible? If yes Can I use various time signatures in one work?

Edit: I discovered how to change the time signatures but I still don't know if is possible to have various time signatures. Any one know how to have various signatures?

I don't believe so.

Er uh...

Can you hook up a Midi keyboard onto Finale Notepad so that when you play something it records it?...If you can, then HOW?!
[I already have the software installed and everything...Just need to change the settings I guess]

That's a negative. You can do that with the full version of Finale.

Rikatu Shadow
May 26th, 2008, 02:33 am
do these work for macs? XD

May 26th, 2008, 06:32 am
yes there are mac versions for finale. I believe it is a separate disk. It should say For Mac on the box.
Not sure for the other programs but many programs should come for both PC and Mac

June 6th, 2008, 07:06 pm
I'm having a problem with the FL studio 8 demo...when I play midis I made with printmusic, no sound comes out...:heh: Also, does anybody know of a good tutorial site that tells you how to use FL? because I'm totally lost and don't really know what the hell I'm doing most of the time. XD

June 6th, 2008, 07:39 pm
I guess is because they are opening with the midi out plugin generator. Just set the port to the same with the VST you are going to use. The VST you use will receive the instructions of the midi to play it.

If you want it to play from your sound card then go to Options>Midi Setting> MIDI>Choice your sound card and choice the port number you are going to use.

June 7th, 2008, 04:18 am
It's still not working...:heh:

June 17th, 2008, 01:57 pm
I just want to point out that if you have a torrent client you can get all these programs for free. *hinthint*

June 17th, 2008, 04:22 pm
lol. I don't think you're supposed to advocate that on a public forum

June 20th, 2008, 07:41 pm
I just want to point out that if you have a torrent client you can get all these programs for free. *hinthint*

And those 'free' programs often come with free viruses. :bleh: And they are usually the ones that cause you to pay the price of the program to fix your computer, so you are better off buying the programs anyway. XD

June 23rd, 2008, 12:00 pm
Nah, not if you download it from the right website. However, there's something to be said for a clear conscience.

June 23rd, 2008, 12:53 pm
I think just 1% of people will want a clear conscience. lol

June 25th, 2008, 12:07 am
I thought I might start a list of these in order to avoid having more of these threads all over the forums... more will be added as needed.


Finale Notepad, Songwriter, Printmusic, etc... Help Topics

How To Read .MUS Files: http://forums.ichigos.com/showthread.php?t=12178
Limitations of Finale Notepad: http://forum.makemusic.com/default.aspx?f=5&m=105373
.MUS ---> .PDF: http://forums.ichigos.com/showthread.php?t=11720 , http://forums.ichigos.com/showthread.php?t=10568, http://forums.ichigos.com/showthread.php?p=409686
Deleting Staves (NOT in Notepad and Songwriter): http://forums.ichigos.com/showthread.php?t=11901
Straight-line Glissandi Instead Of Squiggly (Finale only): http://forums.ichigos.com/showpost.php?p=385521
Notating Double Flat/Sharp in Notepad: http://forums.ichigos.com/showthread.php?t=12364
Adding Staves (NOT in Notepad and Songwriter): http://forums.ichigos.com/showthread.php?p=386672
Weird Symbols (fix): http://forums.ichigos.com/showthread.php?p=401275
Cadenzas (Finale Only): http://forums.ichigos.com/showthread.php?p=349202
Playing Garritan Sounds in Finale 2006 only: http://forums.ichigos.com/showthread.php?p=375624
Playing MIDI Sounds Instead Of Garritan (Finale Only): http://forums.ichigos.com/showthread.php?p=378547
Getting Rid Of Isolated Measures, i.e. one measure left in one page, separated from others (#1 applies to all but Notepad, #2 applies to Printmusic and up): http://forums.ichigos.com/showthread.php?p=378833
Deauthorizing Printmusic/Songwriter/Allegro And Placing It On A Different Computer: http://forums.ichigos.com/showthread.php?p=383110
Glissando Playback Without Delay: http://forums.ichigos.com/showpost.php?p=399970
Tempo Changes (1st part: Finale Only, 2nd part applies to all programs Printmusic and up): http://forums.ichigos.com/showthread.php?p=367093
Extracting MIDI notes (Notepad 2008, and all other programs in all years): http://forums.ichigos.com/showthread.php?p=352037&highlight=Finale#post352037
Inside-measure Clef Changes (Finale Only): http://forums.ichigos.com/showthread.php?p=282121
Unable to Undo (fix): http://forum.makemusic.com/default.aspx?f=6&m=221952&g=221954#m221954
Typing in rallentando and rall. in Finale Notepad*: http://forums.ichigos.com/showthread.php?p=409677

*If any other tempo changes, dynamic changes, etc. are wanted for Finale Notepad, please contact me or make a post.

Kadaj's Violist
July 4th, 2008, 06:14 am
Someone using Music Ease 8.2? I got mine for free and it works pretty well.

August 7th, 2008, 08:23 am
I can't use undo/redo anymore :cry:

Please help:cry:

August 7th, 2008, 10:07 am
Erm.... A little more detail :huh:

August 7th, 2008, 11:56 am
For example if I place a note I can't undo it :cry:

August 7th, 2008, 12:32 pm
I'm talking about what application you're trying to put notes into, and the activities you were doing just before the program started acting funny; that way we can try to replicate it, or inform you of a workaround.

August 7th, 2008, 01:04 pm
I use Finale 2008 and it happened yesterday.

I opened Finale and started to put notes and chords. When I want to undo a false note Finale didn't undo that.

August 7th, 2008, 01:25 pm
False note?

If the undo button is not working, do it from where says "edit" in the top bar. Or click Ctrl+Z for undo or Ctrl+Y for redo.

Try to re-open finale again?

August 7th, 2008, 01:48 pm
False note?

If the undo button is not working, do it from where says "edit" in the top bar. Or click Ctrl+Z for undo or Ctrl+Y for redo.

Try to re-open finale again?

I've tried this things already and I re-open Finale, but the Undo button still doesn't work :(

August 7th, 2008, 02:20 pm
I have no idea then. The only alternative I can think is to reinstall it. Or to look Finale forum or contact finale. Or maybe look the manual if tell something about those problems?

August 7th, 2008, 02:47 pm
I have no idea then. The only alternative I can think is to reinstall it. Or to look Finale forum or contact finale. Or maybe look the manual if tell something about those problems?

Then I will try to reinstall it...

August 7th, 2008, 05:32 pm
Hello, Kimmel: see http://forum.makemusic.com/default.aspx?f=6&m=221952&g=221954#m221954

Have you tried restarting the computer?

You might also try Go to Program Options->Edit and re-check "Allow Undo."

August 8th, 2008, 08:17 am
Hello, Kimmel: see http://forum.makemusic.com/default.aspx?f=6&m=221952&g=221954#m221954

Thank you!!!! :)

August 12th, 2008, 03:12 am
I wanna transpose a midi to a pdf...

NoteWorthy doesn't work.
Finale hasn't got tempo changes.
Guitar Pro was the closest one, but it can't link Left and Right Hands bars.
CutePDF... what the heck am I supposed to do there?

August 12th, 2008, 03:15 am
Finale does have tempo changes (if you're talking about the most expensive one). Use the Tempo Tool...

August 12th, 2008, 03:27 am
All those PDF programs usually work like printing a document. So go to print whatever it is you have in the program of your choice like you normally do. When the option comes to choose a printer, look for a printer that has some familiarity with PDF in the title. From there click print and some type of save as window should appear or that PDF program should open.

August 12th, 2008, 03:52 am
Holy... I didn't read CutePDF faq... so yeah
Thanks Porsche!

Anyway, is there any way to put a rallentando in a score in Finale NotePad?

August 12th, 2008, 04:39 am
Typing it out with the Text Tool?

August 12th, 2008, 01:35 pm
One could type it out with the Text Tool, but in order to make it play back, one needs to copy and paste (from a different .mus file that is made from Printmusic, Allegro, or Finale) the expression used. Attached is a Finale 2008 file containing rallentando and rall.. Note that they're assigned to the treble clef staff, so copy it off there. :) (rall2.mus is in case you have a 2007 Notepad.)

August 12th, 2008, 07:00 pm
I reformatted my hard drive a while back and forgot to deauthorize Finale. Now, I want to add it to a second computer but it won't let me. Do I need to contact customer support, or is there another way? :/

August 12th, 2008, 07:40 pm
Note that the User/Authorization Codes are computer specific, and will only work on the given computer
installation. Make sure that the Authorization Code is typed in using capital letters, and also verify that the
correct serial number has been entered. Your copy of Finale can be authorized on two computers
simultaneously. However, with an Internet connection, authorization can be moved from one computer to
another at will. Simply choose Deauthorize Finale from the Help Menu to open up a free slot. Your copy of
Finale can now be authorized on a different computer. When you Deauthorize, printing and saving are
disabled until authorization has been restored.Note that the User/Authorization Codes are computer specific, and will only work on the given computer
installation. Make sure that the Authorization Code is typed in using capital letters, and also verify that the
correct serial number has been entered. Your copy of Finale can be authorized on two computers
simultaneously. However, with an Internet connection, authorization can be moved from one computer to
another at will. Simply choose Deauthorize Finale from the Help Menu to open up a free slot. Your copy of
Finale can now be authorized on a different computer. When you Deauthorize, printing and saving are
disabled until authorization has been restored.

If you make a change to the computer (such as replacing the hard drive or motherboard, or installing a new
operating system), then you will need to re-authorize the installation. If you have already installed and
authorized twice, you will need to contact Customer Service directly by phone, FAX or standard mail with
your serial number and the location ID for the specific installation in question, and one of our
representatives can clear the previous authorization from your account. If the software is not "reminding"
you to authorize when you run the program, then the registration/authorization has been successfully

Yes. Reason being is that your license key is stored on one of finale computers with your unique ID. If someone tries to register the program with your key, the computers up at Coda Music will deny it. Because you didn't release the Product Key from your previous, it still holds your old install as valid.

It shouldn't be too difficult to devalidate it, though.

August 31st, 2008, 12:11 am
How the hell do I make a drum roll sound in Anvil Studio? I see snare drums, but they don't roll! What's the point of snare drums if I can't have them fulfill their militant marching roll destinies?

I don't see any timpani in here, either. What the hell?
Edit: Nevermind, just using Finale again, lol.

September 7th, 2008, 01:46 am
Is it possible to convert notation musician files (.not) to .mus files? I'm arranging through the fire and flames and would rather not have to manually click in every note to finale. T_T (seriously, that guitar solo is probably 3 pages long! O_O;) I would just open the midi I used into finale, but for some reason it got messed up. :heh:

September 9th, 2008, 12:42 am
Try to see if have a choice to save as .xml, I think if you save it in that format you can transfer the file to Finale. But I really have no idea of this nor if that is the correct format.

September 28th, 2008, 11:46 pm
For anyone who is wondering about Finale Notepad 2009 (or trying to open the 2009 .mus files):

Notepad 2009 will not be free, nor will any version of Notepad after that be ($9.95). Note that Makemusic Inc. will be releasing a new Finale Reader (which will be free) in order to open .mus files or XML files, but not edit them in any way.

Source: http://downloads2.makemusic.com/pdf/notepad/NP2009_Announcement.pdf

October 1st, 2008, 11:53 pm
I was wondering about that...that's rather annoying.

November 2nd, 2008, 06:19 pm
For Finale Notepad, is it possible to do quintuplets? Or any other tuplets besides the conventional triplet?

November 3rd, 2008, 12:52 am

November 3rd, 2008, 02:10 am
For Finale Notepad, is it possible to do quintuplets? Or any other tuplets besides the conventional triplet?

Actually, it is possible. Insert the first note of the tuplet and then click the Tuplet tool (NOT the triplet one; it looks the same, however). Click on the first note while still on the Tuplet tool. It says [ x ] amount of ________ in the space of [ x ] of ________. In the first blank, insert how many of ____ are in the tuplet; and in the second, insert how much it is in place of.

November 9th, 2008, 08:13 pm

November 16th, 2008, 02:37 pm
I need help with the pedal

How can I do that with Finale?

November 20th, 2008, 09:01 pm
I need help with the pedal

How can I do that with Finale?

Sorry for the late response.

You can't really do that; you're going to have to mess with lines and angle them correctly (in other words, it has to be done manually). And even if you do, you're still going to have to get the pedal to work, so you have to go to the articulation tool, click the pedal symbol once, and click "Edit." Check the box that says "Display on screen only (do not print)" (or something like that).

Note that this can only be done on Finale Printmusic and higher-end products.

November 21st, 2008, 12:34 am
Sorry for the late response.

You can't really do that; you're going to have to mess with lines and angle them correctly (in other words, it has to be done manually). And even if you do, you're still going to have to get the pedal to work, so you have to go to the articulation tool, click the pedal symbol once, and click "Edit." Check the box that says "Display on screen only (do not print)" (or something like that).

Note that this can only be done on Finale Printmusic and higher-end products.

Faster to right click on the expression with the expression tool and un-check Show.

December 4th, 2008, 11:03 pm
Help on Sibelius 5:

1) How can I put in dynamics that actually play correctly? >_<
2) How can I put in crescendi and diminuendi that play?
3) Is it possible to extend fermata length?
4) Concerning mouse input, is there any way to insert a chord (clicking on a note that is already inputted) without writing over it (like Finale)?

December 7th, 2008, 06:35 pm
Sorry for the late response.

You can't really do that; you're going to have to mess with lines and angle them correctly (in other words, it has to be done manually). And even if you do, you're still going to have to get the pedal to work, so you have to go to the articulation tool, click the pedal symbol once, and click "Edit." Check the box that says "Display on screen only (do not print)" (or something like that).

Note that this can only be done on Finale Printmusic and higher-end products.

Faster to right click on the expression with the expression tool and un-check Show.

Hm, I can do the lines now, but it doesn't work...

EDIT: If I want to use pizz., then it will go through the whole piece. But how can I do this for an area?

December 7th, 2008, 11:06 pm
Hm, I can do the lines now, but it doesn't work...

EDIT: If I want to use pizz., then it will go through the whole piece. But how can I do this for an area?

Use the ped. articulation for when you want it (and follow the directions I gave above).

For the pizz.: at the starting point, type pizz., and at the ending point, type arco for when you want to switch.

December 14th, 2008, 06:53 pm
Use the ped. articulation for when you want it (and follow the directions I gave above).

For the pizz.: at the starting point, type pizz., and at the ending point, type arco for when you want to switch.

Thank you again ^_^

I've a new problem (yes, I know, I have a lot of problems :P).

If I create an arrangement with 16 instruments for example, but If I want to print only three of them, how can I do that?

(I want to have it in one score)

For example

Flute 1
Flute 2
Flute 3
Basoon 1
Basoon 2
Basoon 3

And I want print Flute 1,2,3 in one score...
How can I do that?

December 16th, 2008, 03:25 pm
Hm, I can do parts now, but the name of the instruments aren't displayed on the parts... (-> example: Look at the attachment)

What can I do to show the name of the instruments?

December 16th, 2008, 09:23 pm
Hm, I can do parts now, but the name of the instruments aren't displayed on the parts... (-> example: Look at the attachment)

What can I do to show the name of the instruments?

Sorry for the late response; click the staff tool, and click on the clefs. Change the staff name through this.

December 17th, 2008, 11:59 am
Sorry for the late response; click the staff tool, and click on the clefs. Change the staff name through this.

Thx for the response.

But, I doesn't work. I can change/edit names but it don't want to display the name...

It works just by the score and I'm working with parts...

December 17th, 2008, 08:30 pm
Go to Document> Manage Parts. There you will see the staff names of all of them. Click "Edit Part Definition" then "Edit Part Name."

December 18th, 2008, 03:18 pm
Go to Document> Manage Parts. There you will see the staff names of all of them. Click "Edit Part Definition" then "Edit Part Name."

It doesn't work :\

Can you do it for me?

EDIT: I can do it now^.^

January 3rd, 2009, 03:19 pm
Finale Functionality- Differences from 2007 to 2008 and later:

For those who are using Finale 2007 and are considering upgrading (or have upgraded), there are a few things to note:

1) The Mass Edit Tool has been taken out.
2) Kontakt Player 2 and later are used instead of Garritan Studio.
3) Instead of using menus for most functions (e.g. the measure tool; when it is clicked, the measure menu appears), the right-click of the mouse is used. All of the following are found in the new "Selection Tool:"

Measure Tool (Including Barlines, Type of Measures, etc)
Mass Edit Tool (Cut, Copy, Paste, etc)
Repeat Tool
Key Signature Tool
Time Signature Tool
Clef Tool
Move/Copy Layers
"Transpose" Function
Multimeasure Rests

However, one can still use the Key/Time Signature Tool[s] and the Repeat Tool the same way as 2007. In other words, everything that is noted in the list above in 2007 is also found in the Selection Tool in 2008.

4) Mid-measure clefs do not work the same way as 2007. In 2008, one must select the part of the measure using the Clef tool in which a clef change is desired and choose the clef. Move it as needed with the Clef Tool.
5) Music Spacing is found in the "Utilities" menu.
6) "Allow Individual Staff Spacing" is found when one clicks on the Page Layout tool and right-clicks on the page. It is recommended that one clicks "Select All" from the Edit menu before clicking "Allow Individual Staff Spacing."

-anything else will be posted here-...

March 7th, 2009, 09:44 pm
Whenever I try to add VST's to finale, it always says something about not validating. Is there a way to fix this? A VST called super riff guitar worked, so it can't be because it's not one you pay for...

March 8th, 2009, 07:05 pm
Finale, by default, will not accept other VST instruments other than those that are built into it and GPO. In order to add new instruments, you will have to purchase Kontakt Player 2 or 3 (full version; I think Gold, at least).

March 8th, 2009, 10:12 pm
Are you sure? Because I got a few free ones to work. It's just that the ones that I NEED give me BS about not validating. <_<

March 8th, 2009, 10:23 pm
Finale, by default, will not accept other VST instruments other than those that are built into it and GPO. In order to add new instruments, you will have to purchase Kontakt Player 2 or 3 (full version; I think Gold, at least).

Wrong. I can use my Colossus pack and Symphonic Orchestra Gold pack from East West Quantum Leaps with Finale just as easily as GPO. You just need to be sure the program's VST is in Finale's VST folder. In your case zippy, are you sure you are using the right interface to load your samples? If your trying to load samples in Kontakt, you must first make sure they are registered to their original interface. I had that trouble at first too.

March 9th, 2009, 02:04 am
What do you mean by their original interface? :heh:

Is kontakt in finale 2009? Or just the garritan aria player?

February 18th, 2011, 04:48 am
Im using Finale 2011
Garritan Sounds didnt work for the first 3 days
Then suddenly it worked
Now its not working anymore
Anyway to fixthis?

February 18th, 2011, 06:41 pm
do you remember downloading anything in between those times to listen to? such as a .mus file?

February 18th, 2011, 07:41 pm
During the times it worked I had to make a new copying using garritan sounds when i made the document for it to work

January 5th, 2012, 06:32 am
I agree. :arnold: