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View Full Version : Kefresu's First Composition

May 18th, 2008, 10:55 pm
Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Kefresu (An abbreviation from my full name). I'm a junior and a viola player from my school's chamber orchestra. Personally, I tried most forms of art including drawing/painting, song, dance (don't laugh), photography, and even video. I've alway played music since I was in the 4th grade and now I'm trying to compose music for the enjoyment of it. I have some good ideas and I'm trying to make one piece in my life that's worth putting into my personal portfolio. One last thing... All of my compositions will either be in alto or bass cleft because that's all I know well. Treble, I can do, but I hate going that high in register.

This first piece I made (took me like 2 weeks or 3 months, I forget which) is a small memoir of a train station in the Philippines (and yes, I'm Filipino). It's probably the only train station or train that I actually rode other than NYC's subways. Be critical, I can take it!

May 19th, 2008, 11:53 pm
First of all, it's Cleff, not Cleft.

Second of all, what's with all the voice crossing? Some of it makes really unnecessarily difficult intervals for your string player.

Third of all, I think you could do a good string quartet if you tried hard enough.

May 20th, 2008, 01:34 am
Wow, I feel like an idiot XD I wasn't thinking when I was typing. But thanks for your response.

I never really thought of it that way XD I originally made the piece from small bits and parts from time to time and later I added a 2nd viola to compliment. I never thought of editing the music so that the intervals and possibly string crossings would be minimized. I'll probably fix that later. I think I'll change to to a quintet just to challenge myself. Thanks again XD

May 20th, 2008, 03:24 am
Also, your melody wasn't really interesting and went off on many "tangents."

Keep trying though. ^_^