May 31st, 2008, 04:13 am
I'm working on a big project putting well known video game medleys together in one large hefty arrangement for a big orchestra. Listen to my incomplete mp3 arrangement.
What I have so far (the brackets are themes on top of the main theme playing at the same time):
Super Mario Bros.- Main theme [Underworld SMB]
Super Mario World - Overworld [SMB Main theme and Underwater SMB]
Super Mario Bros. - Underwater [Overworld SMW and a bit of the sun song from the legend of zelda]
Super Mario World - Credits
Yoshi's Island - Athletic Rag will come after Credits
Note: Subject to change
Wanna help? Just request your favorite song. The rule is that it has to sound good for an orchestra. Not a rock band. If there are songs you know that are similar, then suggest a theme. I may be able to overlap them together, or it can transition very nicely. When suggesting a theme, please include every variations of that song if possible. ei. there are hundreds of Super Mario Bros. main theme songs, all sounding slightly/totally different. Again, it would Really help if you can find similarities between different songs or suggest how to combine themes.
Edit: Second rule is that you must provide me a suggestion on 2 conditions. 1. You know 1 or more songs that can transition nicely into your own picked favorite song or 2. you know a song that can overlap nicely with your picked favorite. Do NOT suggest a standalone song. If I have no idea what to do with it, then it may end up in the recycling bin.
I also am hiring arrangers to do there part in arranging for orchestra. Must have some knowledge in music theory if attempting to combine themes.
What I have so far (the brackets are themes on top of the main theme playing at the same time):
Super Mario Bros.- Main theme [Underworld SMB]
Super Mario World - Overworld [SMB Main theme and Underwater SMB]
Super Mario Bros. - Underwater [Overworld SMW and a bit of the sun song from the legend of zelda]
Super Mario World - Credits
Yoshi's Island - Athletic Rag will come after Credits
Note: Subject to change
Wanna help? Just request your favorite song. The rule is that it has to sound good for an orchestra. Not a rock band. If there are songs you know that are similar, then suggest a theme. I may be able to overlap them together, or it can transition very nicely. When suggesting a theme, please include every variations of that song if possible. ei. there are hundreds of Super Mario Bros. main theme songs, all sounding slightly/totally different. Again, it would Really help if you can find similarities between different songs or suggest how to combine themes.
Edit: Second rule is that you must provide me a suggestion on 2 conditions. 1. You know 1 or more songs that can transition nicely into your own picked favorite song or 2. you know a song that can overlap nicely with your picked favorite. Do NOT suggest a standalone song. If I have no idea what to do with it, then it may end up in the recycling bin.
I also am hiring arrangers to do there part in arranging for orchestra. Must have some knowledge in music theory if attempting to combine themes.