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View Full Version : mass effect

June 7th, 2008, 06:28 am
Honestly, why do politicians and anti-gaming idiots like hillary complain about the sex scenes in this game? :huh: It's M-rated, plus, they don't even show anything in most of them, except for the one with liara+shepard and kaidan+shepard. :bleh:

ANYWAY. I've beaten the game about 4 times, and still need some achievements. :heh: I kinda realized the 3rd time around that you need to have the 2 allies for the whole game in order to get the quarian and soldier ally achievements. XD I have a level 53 soldier, vanguard, and the one character that's a tech and soldier. (don't remember what it's called) I'm also in the process of beating the game with an adept character, which I think is at level 25 or 30...:shifty: What about everyone else? What's your best character(s), and what part do you think was most annoying? I would have to say that the stupid puzzle to unlock the mira core in noveria is pretty damn hard! Plus, (don't click if you haven't beaten the game) at the end, when you are fighting saren's machine form is hard, especially if you haven't maxed out on ranking up most of your powers.