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View Full Version : Request: Aladdin "friend like me"

June 10th, 2008, 10:12 am
Hi guys, this is my second request in this month :heh:

After the request about chocobo racing, i was wondering if some of you can tell me (or post) where i can find the piano sheet of "a friend like me" from the disney's animated movie : Aladdin.
I can't find it . :cry:
Thanx really, hope that this topic is not against the rules of the forum (Aladdin is not a Anime/game...but actually it's a videogame too :sweat: )

June 10th, 2008, 01:28 pm
I made an arrangement, but I haven't transcribed it yet.
But I've recorded it ^^ I'll upload it. It was a [The Mask] Hey Pachuco + [Aladdin] Friend Like Me (a kind of medley).

Edit: Actually, it was already there (http://mickay.jill.free.fr/piano/beta/medley1.mp3) ^^