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July 10th, 2008, 02:18 pm
well ive been playing the violin for about 9 years now (since i was 4) and so far the hardest piece ive played was the Dvorak violin concerto in a minor with the national youth symphony orchestra of ireland.... but i also think that Giuseppe Tartini Devil's Trill is pretty damn hard i must say lol....!!

July 11th, 2008, 07:43 am
Well, Devil's Trill is definitely hard (I swear I'll play that someday)... but I think Sarasate's 3rd and 4th movements of Carmen Fantasy are near impossible @_@

I've seen a man on youtube playing it, I couldn't believe the speed...

July 12th, 2008, 02:30 am
Totally out of my league... :heh:

The hardest piece I played was Senna from Bleach, but even I make mistakes on it sometimes ><"

July 22nd, 2008, 11:16 pm
all time hardest piece has to be the tchaikovsky ciolin concerto.

July 27th, 2008, 12:11 am
Tartini's " Devil Trill " is probably the most demanding piece I 've played on my violin.
However, I play violoncello in a string quartet and we play concerts of Mozart. It doesn't take a lot of notes to make a piece hard to play. Mozart terrifies even the greatest of musicians.

July 31st, 2008, 12:47 pm
i tink this... "bee" or something like this.. is hard to play!^--^´´
but it´s far away from me right now.. im playing accolay´s co. no 1 ... shame*
but im trying hard to become better!!^--^ i promise to give everything i can..

July 31st, 2008, 12:48 pm
btw... geschwind?^--^ is this tasuke??^----^
and.. yould it be that..you re germanö..ö it sbecause of your name!

August 1st, 2008, 05:37 pm
btw... geschwind?^--^ is this tasuke??^----^
and.. yould it be that..you re germanö..ö it sbecause of your name!

tasuke? german? xDDD
sorry, I didn't get anything you said

August 2nd, 2008, 03:24 pm
Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto, Devil's trill which were mentioned above and Paganini works mostly his caprices, Beethoven's String quartet Große Fuge. Can't think of anything else.

August 8th, 2008, 12:21 am
I'm not a violinst, but, I was asked to play Violin I for the musical My Fair Lady. And some of that music was insane. Like, just...ridiculous. Haha. But, all in all, compared to all the peices you guys mentioned, it's nothing. =P

August 14th, 2008, 03:48 am
the hardest violin piece that i know is spring by Vivaldi.


August 14th, 2008, 12:29 pm
the hardest violin piece that i know is spring by Vivaldi.


Isn't that a beginner's song? If you mean the full on hardest one ever made...it's still quite easy even for a nubcake like me o.0....

August 15th, 2008, 06:10 am

I haven't been playing for very long, sorry, don't know my violin pieces that well. I would say that there are harder pieces than spring. ha, now that I think about it, there is always going to be a piece harder than spring.


August 15th, 2008, 10:14 pm
I find the Summer and Winter the hardest of the Vivaldi's 4 seasons .-.

Summer is veeery hard, Winter is actually easier when you get used to speed... just like many other Vivaldi's concertos.

I love Vivaldi <3

December 30th, 2008, 09:53 am
Isn't that a beginner's song? If you mean the full on hardest one ever made...it's still quite easy even for a nubcake like me o.0....

I know this is an old topic,
But lol the the comment above.
Far from a beginner's piece.
Have you ever heard the original concerto?


April 26th, 2009, 09:02 pm
AH! i like Carmen! that's a pretty awesome song!
hardest i've played....well its not that it's hard, it just hard keeping together....it's beethovens prometheus. Bach's double violin concerto in d minor is pretty easy, but again i have issues staying on beat with the other person. =D.
Unfinished symphony by Schubert is pretty cool
i'm looking for the music for Symphony No. 9 in E minor 4th movement by Dvorak. that song's pretty tight.
Do any of you have the music for it?

April 26th, 2009, 09:13 pm
yeah it's cool but not too difficult. do you mean the orchestral part?

anyways, the sibelius violin concerto's 3rd movement is pretty rediculous my teacher said it's about as hard as the Tchaikovsky

May 3rd, 2009, 01:35 pm
Touhou - Night of Nights

May 3rd, 2009, 03:28 pm
I think I remembered reading an online discussions that rank concerto's. IMO Bach, Vivaldi, Seitz are student concerto's. If you wanna say try out for an youth orchestra then a Mozart concerto [still considered student] would do just fine for some. Professional orchestras look at like Mendelssohn, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Vieuxtemps, Paganini.

I think Beethovens violin concertos and Mendelssohn are harder then the Tchaikovsky even tho the Tchaik has an A 3 octaves above the A string which is 8 ledger lines up.

May 3rd, 2009, 10:38 pm
i would disagree that the Mendelssohn is harder. Anyways, Sibelius and Dvorak are also about same lvl as Tchaik.

May 3rd, 2009, 11:53 pm
i would disagree that the Mendelssohn is harder. Anyways, Sibelius and Dvorak are also about same lvl as Tchaik.

I dunno if Lalo's Symphonie Espagnole is as tough as mendelssohn then Tchaik isn't the same level since both Lalo and Tchaik hit the same high note ^_^

May 5th, 2009, 03:13 am
you shouldn't judge a piece's difficulty by the highest note played :(. Anyways, I think that Lalo and Mendhelsson are about the same. Maybe the Lalo is slightly higher. However, the Tchaik is much more difficult than both. Just wondering, how long have u played violin?

May 6th, 2009, 10:10 pm
5 years give or take.

May 7th, 2009, 04:41 am
there's more to the difficulty of a song than how high it goes -.- chords, speed, and playability are also facotrs to take into account.

May 7th, 2009, 10:08 pm
Ya I know. But ofcourse this topic is just on Opinion base.

June 19th, 2009, 03:17 am
lol you guys are funny. Highest note hit? lmfao...

I played for 14 years, 17 concertos, god knows how many other pieces. My mentor always told me I don't play with any emotions, so for competitions my only chance to win is to play songs of high difficulty to make up for my lack of musicality. Here are my rankings for the 10 most difficult concertos:

Mozart -> Mendelssohn -> Bruch -> Wienawski -> Tchaikovsky -> Sibelius -> Brahms -> Beethoven -> Paganini -> Shostakovich

No need to list key signature etc, they're all pretty famous. That ranking takes into account all those relatively easy 2nd movements. Sure Tchaik 1st and 3rd mvt are pretty hard but Canzonetta? come on...alot of 3rd graders can play it.

Hardest violin solo, actually an etude, in my opinion The Last Rose of Summer by Ernst. Close second is Capprice 24 by Paganini. My teachers couldn't even play Last Rose cleanly, nor can most concert masters of city orchestras. It was too hard for me and I gave up on it. decided to put my high dexterity to better use: finance, more specifically market making for exchange traded funds. Plus, a music degree is useless unless you're hilary hahn or some musical genius. Otherwise, you eventually have to give it up anyways.

Edit: I don't mean to discourage the younger violinists in any way... I think one member mentioned he was only 13 years old. It's true but most kids, even child prodigies give up violin when they go to college.

June 26th, 2009, 03:20 pm
^ lol indeed rofl for trying to judge a piece by highest note. Esp since there are methods to "cheat" and get a really high note on a lower part of the instrument. ^^ Guess it all depends on what you have the most troubles on, ie speed, chords, high notes, rhythms, which will affect our individual opinions.
Of songs currently played/will play soon, Hardest for me is Sibelius violin Concerto and the tchaik. From stuff I have listened to, I would probably agree that Paganin caprice 24 sounds like it would be one of the top 5 or so but you never can tell til u have played them right ^^?