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View Full Version : [Huge Request for School] Kingdom Hearts People Gather... This is a Big Order...

July 17th, 2008, 03:08 am
Instead of me just giving the straight forward request let me give you the story towards this... (You may skip but... Eh there is no heart warming tale to it xD)
Im Also New here so if this go into the wrong forum... My Fault, I Read the rules and Ill learn ASAP.

So at my School of course im in Band, Wind Ensamble. Im 1st Chair French Hornest, I also play alot of instruments but thats off topic. Anyways I have the Instrumental Version of Passion/Sanctuary on my phone and I decided 1 day what is stoping me from showing this to my band director? He has never heard of kingdom hearts and what not but I played it anyways since it was music and he turned it up on full blast so it echoed through the music halls and the orchestra teacher ran in with a few of his students and a few of my band peers came in and they were all amazed by it...
I Was asked to find all the sheet music for every instrument to play in our Senior Graduation... and for ME to conduct it. But Ive never conducted/ made anything besides what had been given to me. So... I heard a big Recommendation to this site. Think you guys can help?

Sanctuary/Passion By Utada Hikaru. Ensamble

Piano (Got it... its every where ._.)
French Horn
Bass Clar.

Also... I Did snag the MIDI version of the song and I have the MP3 for it. Ill edit those onto here in a sec, I Just wanna post this.

I Also want to Request ANY type of Programs that all of you might find useful to a new guy at this type of musicianship stuff...

Let me please say THANK YOU to all of you who can even help in just 3 words of encouragement to me. I Really want to make this Happen for the class of 2010. I know its very weird to play something like this for a school function... :heh: Mabeh if it goes well Ill even get him to let me do Simple and Clean :shifty:

Feel free to butcher this or ask anything Ill be checking this everyday for a while now.:sweat:

July 17th, 2008, 06:06 pm
Interesting... I'm sure with an midi version already available, this shouldn't be too difficult for someone to make an arrangement.

Although I'm curious, when you say you already have to piano part, do you mean you have a piano solo version for this song? Because if that's the case, I'm not sure if it'll be suitable for an orchestral arrangement. As a solo, the piano must carry the main melody as well as the accompaniment lines, but as part of an ensemble, the piano is more often seen playing one aspect of the accompaniment instead.

Nonetheless, since you have a midi of this song already, you can also try to request an arrangement of this in this (http://forums.ichigos.com/showthread.php?t=8060) thread.

Edit: Btw, your midi version has a lot of instruments in addition to your list... And wow, the person who made that midi wrote in the solo violin's vibrato manually with volume midi messages!

July 17th, 2008, 09:16 pm
Hey there, I think I can help you out and save you a lot of time. There's an arrangement for concert band with all the parts you'll probably need right here (http://www.finalfantasymusicscores.com/FFMS/-KH2-Passion-4Band.html).

Also, in regards to your other request for programs, there's a great thread on composition programs here (http://forums.ichigos.com/showthread.php?t=1209) if that's what you're looking for?

I can't really help or give any advice to you on conducting, though... Anyways, good luck with everything! ^_^

July 19th, 2008, 03:13 am
Thanks you two,

As for that piano part, I'm thinking I might just ditch that part since its not in the MIDI for Passion, in Simple and Clean however I think there was a small part with it for percussion (xylos and what not)

and you said there were more instruments in the MIDI then listed? Those are the instruments that my band currently hold (In the list I provided) but im sure I can smack a few of my friends around to play something else lol my band is always playing instruments that we don't even need to play xD we have one kid on flute playing tuba while the baritone is playing sax lol
But if you could tell me some of the instruments in the MIDI that I kinda need, I realize Strings are something I forgot to put in that list and they are VERY crucial....

EDIT: Btw, Tooboo that website with the song for concert band was a BIG help, however on Encore it will open it but when I push play to hear it.... Nuthin. Anything im missing? The speakers are on and all that I checked that lol. Is it because its the demo version or do you have no clue?

Thanks again guys!

July 19th, 2008, 04:24 pm
K, you're missing the following:

Trumpet II
French Horn II
3x Strings

That's all I think.

July 20th, 2008, 01:17 am
EDIT: Btw, Tooboo that website with the song for concert band was a BIG help, however on Encore it will open it but when I push play to hear it.... Nuthin. Anything im missing? The speakers are on and all that I checked that lol. Is it because its the demo version or do you have no clue?

Hmm... I ran into the same problem myself. I checked on the GVOX forums (company that made Encore) and found this thread (http://www.gvox.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=627&p=2781&hilit=sound#p2781). I tried to fix the problem on my own computer by following the suggestions there, but I'm running Windows Vista, so the commands are a bit different than what's listed in that thread and I can't figure out what to do at this moment. So, I'm not sure if what's in that thread will help solve the problem, but I guess it may be worth a shot to try. Good luck!

July 24th, 2008, 01:42 am
PM me your email, i have some Passion sheet music (3 page, 5 page, and 8 page) check it out if you like, just pm me your email and i'll send it to you
or email me at Dymind_dragon@hotmail.com with the subject Passion sheet music or something like that, and i'll get back to ya

July 24th, 2008, 01:43 am
the sheet music however is for piano, just in case you needed to know

July 25th, 2008, 12:37 pm
Alright, I need to re download encore again which im in the process off because I just got a new computer, Anyways thanks for your help guys. Ill be sure to post again if I need any more assistance.