July 28th, 2008, 02:40 pm
i'm looking for sheet music of Arima Souchiro(piano, slow) Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou
i'm trying to play it by ear.. but there are some chords, passages in left hand that are difficul to understand.. please anybody can help me?
i'm really interested in playing this song... and i've searched in Internet.. but the sheet music of this piece dosent exist.. even a midi file :(
song is here> http://www.airmp3.net/download/-slow_it_up/mp3/dlXa1_3661_65
please help ^___^ you are my last hope..
i'm looking for sheet music of Arima Souchiro(piano, slow) Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou
i'm trying to play it by ear.. but there are some chords, passages in left hand that are difficul to understand.. please anybody can help me?
i'm really interested in playing this song... and i've searched in Internet.. but the sheet music of this piece dosent exist.. even a midi file :(
song is here> http://www.airmp3.net/download/-slow_it_up/mp3/dlXa1_3661_65
please help ^___^ you are my last hope..