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View Full Version : REQUEST Beautiful Peach Girl and Sailor Moon sheet music

July 29th, 2008, 05:07 am
Hi everyone! I'm new to the forums, but I have always appreciated what you all do on the ichigo site ^_^ I would like to ask for a transcription too please! :lol:
I hope I am doing this right. Please let me know if you require more information. I will send the mp3's via whichever method works best for you. Thank you so much!!!

Anime Title: Peach Girl
Song Title: Kanshimi no Shizuku
Format desired: midi, mus, pdf
Instrument desired: piano solo
Extra info: This song is already a solo piano instrumental, but there is a small guitar part that I would like omitted (I only know how to play the piano :heh: ) You can google the song if you would like to preview it before I send the mp3. It can only be listened to via media stream, though.


Anime Title: Sailor Moon
Song Title: Forever Longing
Format desired: midi, mus, pdf
Instrument desired: piano solo
Extra info: This is also already a piano solo and thankfully there are no other instruments involved. :P This can also be googled (or youtubed) for preview


I am hoping that someone will be willing to transcribe these songs b/c they are so beautiful and I have been searching for YEARS for the sheet music but to no avail :cry: Thanks to anyone who would like to help and thanks to all the transcribers for all their hard work! I never run out of things to play ^_~

September 30th, 2008, 11:16 pm
Please? :cry: Someone? :cry:

October 1st, 2008, 09:59 pm
Searching for a midi of the Forever Longing song right now. Is there another name for this song or if you can provide a midi for it I might give it a try. :heh: It'll be much easier to transcribe this way since I'm kind of lazy:heh: :heh::heh:

October 3rd, 2008, 04:34 am
Believe me, if there was ANY WAY I could find a midi to make it easier for someone to transcribe, I would have found it! :sherlock::heh: I searched EVERYWHERE for this song and the only one is the one on youtube :cry:. It comes from a Sailor Moon video game.

I don't know much about transcribing, but if I can't find a midi, please let me know if there is anything else I can provide to help you out. Did you check out the youtube? What did you think of the song? :)

Thank you SO much for responding! I was beginning to give up hope :ichigo:

October 3rd, 2008, 03:54 pm
The song sounds kind of cool I guess. I wouldn't even bother transcribing it if it didn't. :heh: Do you mind sending me the mp3 for it?
My email is Keiichiikun@yahoo.com
It might take me a while to do this one since I'm bsuy with school and work. Only have time on Saturdays to do it plus thats my only game day:heh: So yeah this might take a while (couple months maybe) but I'll try to do it as fast as I can. I'll start tonight if you get me the mp3 :lol: But yeah if anybody else wants to transcribe this song go ahead and do it (man I'm lazy :cry:) Since you've been searching for years you wouldn't mind waiting a few months would you? :heh::lol: Hopefully it won't take that long though...

October 11th, 2008, 03:53 am
Oh no, it's totally cool! Take your time. Like you said, I've been searching for YEARS lol, so I don't mind a few more months! ^_~ I have school, work and video games too so I know how that goes LOL I'm in no hurry :P Whenever you get the chance, just let me know how it's coming along so far ^_^

Thank youuuuu! You're awesome! :thumb:

December 11th, 2008, 11:32 pm
Hey, how are u doing? How's it coming with the song? ^_^ Happy Holidays!