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View Full Version : New Composition ^^

September 12th, 2004, 02:41 pm
I decided to substitute the vocal part for a Piccolo instead, since it got drowned out by all the other instruments. The only thing I don't like about it is how sharp the appogiaturas came out *sigh* It's a song... yeah, I'm stating the obvious. It's for my composition assignment for this term in Music class... I'm kinda done already :sweatdrop:
Tell me what you think ^_^ I know it a bit long! (it was nine minutes at one point...)

September 12th, 2004, 03:39 pm
I like the rhythm, and the melody. This song got my attention right from the beginning actually. The piccolo&#39;s volume is too low though...especially since it&#39;s the melodic instrument. I don&#39;t know about the piano though...it seems off somehow, and doesn&#39;t match well with the piccolo. The drums are a nice addition, but I would still prefer it without them. >.< Overall, this is a good song, even though it gets a bit dull and repetitive after a while.


September 14th, 2004, 11:15 am
It will be a great song. Sounds like martha&#39;s harbour btw :P.

September 14th, 2004, 01:08 pm
Very nicely done song, but some imporvements can be made though :) It does get repetive, a good climax would be suitable for such songs, introducing some new percussion other than drums could bring out the melody much more (some harp perhaps? Strings are good too&#33;). Purry likes such songs though, Good effort you get 7.5/10 from me :neko: keep composing more songs&#33; :D

September 15th, 2004, 02:36 am
wow... awesome song&#33; hope you got a good mark on it for your music class&#33; well, yes, it&#39;s repetitive, but sometimes repetitiveness is good to have, and of course, it&#39;s your song. so basically if you feel like having it sound this way, then it&#39;s really good. i like it the way it is right now&#33;


September 17th, 2004, 03:30 am
Nice song&#33; To deal with the length and repetition, give it a strucuture and form. Use the music to tell a story, and you&#39;ll naturally fix all your problems.