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August 26th, 2008, 10:41 pm
Okay. Well, uh, I'm kind of nervous. Even though I'm new to this whole thing I don't want to disappoint you. I just started a few little projects here and there. This first composition is going to be a whole easy listening tune. Just a few themes thrown together. It sounds a little dull to me. It's pretty, but I think it has been done before.

The link is, uh, just a minute....

Here you go. A mp3 file...

August 27th, 2008, 12:58 am
Maybe you should improve/polish the melody or to re-work the harmony, and to look for chords that can help the piece to sound more interesting. A ritardando would make the ending to sound less abrupt. If you're not going to elaborate an ending of 2 or 4 measures.

Hurray for finale2005 piano soundfont!

September 22nd, 2008, 11:00 pm
Is nobody else planning a comment?

September 23rd, 2008, 06:36 pm
If this were my piece, I would add more sixths in the right hand, make use of more syncopated rhythms in the left hand, and add extensions to the suggested chords.

October 4th, 2008, 10:56 pm
Gotta tell ya, I don't know what you mean. Extensions? Remember I'm new.

October 5th, 2008, 05:22 pm
There's your basic triad chord, which consists of the root, the third, and the fifth. An Extension would be adding a seventh, ninth, etc...


October 9th, 2008, 09:25 pm
I actually really enjoyed the song. Your melody had a lot of good ideas in it, even if it never realized itself exactly, and was clumsy at moments. Few tips:

Be careful of separating your hands too much, although it can make certain parts of songs stick out in a good way, it's a bit of over-contrast for the listener.

Simply approach the whole thing a bit less intellectually. Others may argue with me saying that you need better chords and such, and a more mature sense of progression, but based on what I heard I think you just need to relax and be okay with making mistakes. Your song was very nice, but also very safe, try something unique next time, take a chance, and you may be pleasantly surprised.

Lastly, your song is simply begging for a cello part. It would make your left hand make a lot more sense, since it would sound as though it were outlining a double bass and supporting the cello. The cello would also (if used right) make your melody much more interesting at certain points, as well as really fill out those chords.

All in all; it was a very nice, simple composition. Good luck with your future writing, and I look forward to hearing them! :lol:

October 9th, 2008, 10:20 pm
I certainly understand what you are saying about the whole cello thing.

I have written for string groups for a very long time. I have finished about 50 works for string orchestras. What I meant to say in my opening statement was I have only been writing piano music for a little while. I played this in C as part of an impromptu. Thank you for your help.

I hope you write back in the future. The way I played it was originally much more syncopated. I just simplified it for this somewhat basic score.

Thank you again.

October 15th, 2008, 08:33 pm
Anything else?

October 16th, 2008, 12:38 am
I really liked it. It was a nice song. I can't go on anymore than they have. xD
I have the same exact comments as they do. Otherwise, this song was really good on your part. <3!

October 16th, 2008, 07:16 pm
Hmm... it's (the progression is) a bit too simple for my tastes... it probably wouldn't hurt to put a few accidentals around the piece, and add extensions where one wouldn't expect them; however, it sounds restrained, or as poozer115 said, "very safe." Try playing an instrument, and just simply improvising... if you hear something nice that comes from improvising, then write it down.