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September 13th, 2004, 01:51 pm
Yea im back, with one new piece, a very short one im afraid ( as usual my pieces are very short). I do hope you enjoy, all negetive and positive comments (im expecting more negetive) are welcomed :D

September 13th, 2004, 02:34 pm
Even though this has some structure, it sounds too random. You should be more self-critic when you compose. Try to think "Hey, is this really that good..?" I asume you're after good quality (of the song, not in sound quality) so I think you should try thinking of it that way. If you're after making tons of songs like this, and the 3.5 billion other half-assed songs out there you don't have to develop your skills. Right now I'd say you're medicore, and if you do some thinking you'll soon end up with better compositions. Hm, the "half-assed" term sounds so vulgar and bad, but if you read it and think about it, that's what most songs on the net are. X_X 6.5/10

September 14th, 2004, 02:58 am
the song does seem to go around places alot. it does have a nice sound to it. it would be nice if it could be worked on it more, but if you think its finished, hey, your the composer and it's your song so it's what you want it to hear. but right now, it sounds okay. keep it up!


September 14th, 2004, 07:51 am
it not that bad....but it'll be better if it has more originality in it....the beginning is a nice start, but perhaps a little bit too simple....kids like?!!? please dont feel offended!! it doesnt really match with the rest of the song....the end trails off, made me feel(just ones opinion) is it finished already?


September 14th, 2004, 09:52 am
Purry appreciates your comments, Purry would do better next time and will improve by considering all your comments.

September 14th, 2004, 09:05 pm
it's pretty nice flowing... i know this kind of songs sound a whole lot better when you actually play them on piano with more feeling/expressions maybe a bit rubato, it doesn't sounds so dull (?) then ^_^
ok, when i imagine it beeing played on a piano i would rate it around 7/10 :)

September 17th, 2004, 03:38 am
Overall it's nice, but it's hard to follow. Although I like the flowing, we can't depend on that for the melody; hard to remember and keep up.