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View Full Version : [REQ] Kazemachi Jet for violin

September 12th, 2008, 06:56 am
I'd like to request a violin sheet for this song...

Anime : Tsubasa Chronicle
Song Title : Kazemachi Jet (by Maaya Sakamoto) (Season 2 ED)
Instrument : Violin

I searched everywhere for this piece for violin but I couldn't find it.

I hope someone can transcribe this.
You don't have to transcribe if it's too hard, though. :lol:

And I kinda need it urgently, because I need to use it for something. But you can take your time to transcribe it, though. :lol:

This is only my second time at making requests, so please correct me if I'm wrong.

Thank you! :lol:

September 13th, 2008, 12:30 am
When and what do you need it for? If its valid, I could maybe squeeze it in.

September 13th, 2008, 03:20 am
When and what do you need it for? If its valid, I could maybe squeeze it in.

Me and some of my friends were planning to use for a music assignment at school, which is a presentation next week...but it's OK though, if you can't transcribe it. Take you time, if you're planning to transcribe it. LOL~

P/S~ I love your site!! :lol:

September 13th, 2008, 04:02 am
I'll do it today after I finish Uninstall, so check up on my site in 8 hours time.
After that I might do Canon Rock :lol:


Starting on it now... be done in 2 hours after this edit.

September 13th, 2008, 11:47 am
FINISHED. Uploading now... transcribed 4 songs today @.@

Make that 6....

uploaded, done and done.... next song....here we go Canon Rock..no wait..storm and fire.... arght @.@

September 13th, 2008, 11:52 am
FINISHED. Uploading now... transcribed 4 songs today @.@

Make that 6....

Thank you~ Thank you so much! It's such a great help! :lol: Thank you! I'm so sorry for all the trouble...because you had to transcribe it and all. Sorry for all the trouble! Thank you so much for your hard work! :lol:

I'll be sure to check your site often! :lol: