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September 15th, 2004, 05:29 pm
ok people this aint going to be no self glorified thing, this is a assignment from college in which i will be graded for in order to pass my multimedia class, i have a year to do this and im gonna be given loads of other things to do but 1 of them is flash animation movies.

So what i have in mind is a flash animation of a fight scene of Sephiroth and cloud, this is what i have planned so far.

Cloud walkin through the woods and through the far distance he can see the shadows of what resembles sephiroth, he then runs after this image.......he comes out of the forest and see's sephiroth on the edge of the cliff

* ok now this bein the forest is on the cliff so when you come out of the forest if you was to walk to far youd fall off the cliff......jus wanted to make the image clear*

When sephiroth turns round to face cloud it then goes to a short view of just clouds eye only then goin to a flash back scene of when aeris dies..........Cloud becomes mad and casts a bolt spell on sephiroth which has no affect, cloud then charges at sephiroth with his sword drawn out, whilst doin this sephiroth faces cloud side on and shoots a fire spell at him. *ive got the drawin done for that and it looks perfect *

Sephiroth and cloud clashes blades then after some battling cloud does omnislash............sephiroth now injured and blood trickling, his black wing comes out and he flies off to the distance *dont ask me how with 1 wing he's sephiroth*

ok the setting is night time with a thunderstorm in the background.

now I was hoping if people would do me the honours of either comming up with suggestions, tweakin the idea or story or even coming up and posting they're own images.

September 15th, 2004, 10:37 pm
Sounds great so far! ^^ Hmm, maybe add something to the ending, like getting Cloud's reaction on Sephiroth flying away?

September 15th, 2004, 10:50 pm
Yea, what Alphonse said. It seems that the story just drops.

You have to post it when you're done. Can't wait to see it.

October 24th, 2004, 02:10 pm
ok here's a screenshot of the bit at the start where he's walkin through the woods.
Im goin to be posting screenshots rarely as to show my progress but also not to give too much away

The Picture isnt complete there's a few touch up things to do to it but just to let everyone know that its on the way

October 24th, 2004, 04:25 pm
Why is one arm Immsensly(Sp) bigger than the other?

October 24th, 2004, 04:29 pm
ok 1st of all the drawing isnt complete im still workin on it as im typin this...dont talk about 2 things at once coz thats childish.

the reason why 1 arm is suppose to be bigger than the other is because the arm on the left is further back and half of it is hidden behind the body. ive now spent like 15 hours on this and its nackerin me i can tell ya. i'll update the pic once ive made some major changes and additions on it.

October 24th, 2004, 04:34 pm
I didn't talk about two things at once but k..I see your point about the arm thing

October 24th, 2004, 04:52 pm
lol dude i didnt mean that you would say i thought that someone might try and get smart and say how can you be postin and workin on your flash at the same time......i didnt mean that you would say it, sorry dude

October 24th, 2004, 06:22 pm
ok after 17 hours ive updated it and im happy. still havent done the eyes but its time to start animatin

edit- then again need to make that scarf longer

November 20th, 2004, 09:28 pm
double post i know.

ok people bad and good news. the bad news is im scrapping the final fantasy flash movie. i spent roughly 40 hours on it and now im scrapping it. my bro reckons im nuts but hey im the one who worked on it. i felt i couldnt get enough movement on it and it was lookin shit (to me that is everyone else reckond it was good) it just wasnt what i wanted it to be.

The good news is Ive got me a new flash animation going which is looking better than my 1st 1 already. I havnt come up with a story script yet. But when the times right which should be in the next 2 months by about new year im going to be asking for voice samples from some people. Im going to be doing a megaman flash animation with megaman, Bass, Zero, Sigma and some side characters and bosses that I havnt decided on yet. (well duh i havnt even done the script)
I have a mini flash going at the moment which will be done in 2 weeks but its gonna be really short. its just to meet assignments requirements then i can get on with the real stuff. To show what its looking like ive posted a image below which took me 10 hours to do.

Guys I hope you'll like what i do and i hope your willing to participate and help out in any way you can. Thanx