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View Full Version : Do you ever plan on being a VG composer?

September 16th, 2004, 02:31 am

I was wondering if anyone here has plans or hopes of becoming a video game music composer. Well? :) I'd love to! But I dunno if my compositions are good enough... :( I've been getting better lately and have been leaning more toward a typical video game style of music, but it's still just a dream I have.

I'm hoping to compose VG music as a side-job or just something fun to do... :) But maybe if I'm good enough I can make it a full-time job... :) We'll see!

Anyone else have aspirations like these? :)

September 16th, 2004, 02:44 am
Since I'm working on becoming a Video game developer I was hoping to put a little bit of my own music in to one or two of the games I work (like what Miyamoto has done ) but I've never really thought about going exclusively for music composition for games.

September 16th, 2004, 02:47 am
If you you mean for a game that isn't being developed by a huge company, but rather a group of friends, then I might have unofficially. I wouldn't be that good of a composer because my songs sound too action-ish most of the time :(

September 16th, 2004, 02:58 am
*shakes head* no no, not for me, there would be too many songs I'd have to compose for the game. I run out of ideas quickly, and I write too slowly, hehe . . . though I wouldn't mind contributing a song or two to a vg or a movie, hmm . . . I know I have been asked by my friends a few times to write music for their rpg, but their project never got off, haha.

September 16th, 2004, 05:23 am
vg composer? hmmm...... that can be a possibility. i was more hoping for as a contemporary writer, but i guess vgc would do too. I do know however that a song written and published and produced can grab about an average of $10,000 to $100,000! but, of course, that's if your a really good composer. most of the time, composing is a part time job, so you probably may have to think of another job, like teaching music.

if i do get into it, i may have to get back into theory and finish harmony 3 and history 3 if i want to skip the written test for university...

September 16th, 2004, 12:35 pm
I would like to compose 2 or 3 songs for a really famous movie, like the Starwars movies or some other movie where you actually recognize the music. Like, main theme compositions for a game, anime or a movie. I'm not capable of composing a whole soundtrack X_X

September 16th, 2004, 06:04 pm
Yes you are, check out the thread "My soundtrack" :)

As for me, I don't plan on becoming a VG composer, more of a programmer. And I was hoping to do some composing as a side thing, and maybe even get an oppurtunity to add a few of them in a game or two. But being a composer for video games would be much to boring for me, as I progress in composing slow because I have trouble, and cranking out melodies is hard for me, and working myself like that would get much too tiring.

Alfonso de Sabio
September 18th, 2004, 01:23 pm
I plan on teaching at a university and composing on the side as my publishing and also to get some side cash. All the great composers were teachers as well. Proof that no matter how good you are, it can't hurt to teach. I don't know about video games. One of my friends really wants me to, and it might be fun to do once or twice. I'd really like to compose for movies and operas. There are some regional opera houses that are always commissioning operas and symphonies. And besides all that, I'm already composing and arranging hymns and mini-oratorios for my church. But that's all free of charge. They have a sweet deal.

September 20th, 2004, 04:09 am
It seems like it'd be a load of fun, but when I look at an OST piano book, I realize just how many songs Nobuo or Mistuda makes for just one game... For the SaGa Frontier OST Solo Piano Book, there are like 187 songs, I think... :s Even though some are only one page, even short songs like that are so thematic and moody that they'd be considered worthy... Many of the shortest songs in VGs are strokes of brilliance, IMO... I hope I can do it, though, someday.

Anyone else know what I'm saying? :P