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View Full Version : Let It All Out

October 17th, 2008, 11:37 pm
Right, its time to tally up the score once again...

As I recall, Ichigo's Forums opened its door somewhere around March 2004! The end of 2008 being close upon us, I will allow myself a slight exaggeration and say that five whole years have passed since we were all brought together in our love for music, anime, and (insert other).

This being a round anniversary and everything, I feel that the time is ripe to look back and see how far each of us has come in this field trip called "Life". Wrong turns have been made, luggage lost, people hurt. Running out of further clever metaphors, I'll be blunt and say that certain members have Fucked Up!

On the other hand, I still have faith that there exists happiness, and perhaps some of us have reached it (damn you)... I will allow for the possibility that some members have had it all perfect as perfect can be, and are now Happy and can wish for no more.

Let it all out! What happened during the past five years, what mistakes did you make (be specific, in the hope that others won't repeat them)? And, for those who are apparently Angels in disguise, happiness - how in the world did you find it (please submit detailed maps in .jpg or .png format)?

Neko Koneko
October 18th, 2008, 07:53 am
Ichigos has been around much longer as you can see here: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.ichigosmusic.com

Just because you joined in 2004 doesn't mean the forum didn't exist before then...

But what is the use of this topic? If it is for saying that back then ichigos was a much more interesting community with much more interesting members, I agree, but that was before the domain became ichigos.com. I'll also tell you, if I got things my way, this forum would get completely removed for a brand new restart and some people would be banned from the start, just to make sure they don't pull the level down again. But since I don't always get things my way, I can't do that unfortunately :(

October 18th, 2008, 12:09 pm
Ichigos is not as interesting as it was before not because standards have dropped or anything, most like cuz we've changed and don't find sifting around the forums as interesting as we used to.

I probably had my best days when I was around doing the RP, or before that when I lived in GC and spammed away 15 posts a day.

By no means that means this place sucks, It still holds a place in my shortcuts tab, (and I have such high standards - this one's been on the list longest)

Also present is apathy factor. I keep saying I'll rejoin the RP but haven't even looked there for yet again close to a year. If I really wanted to, I could always chuck in 15 minutes before I sleep to do it like I used to (and bitch that I don't have enough for it& get kicked out, pfft)

So is anything wrong? I dunno. Maybe something else could motivate me to turn around and be more active, but for the moment it seems like I'm doing the turn-up-once-a-day-or-so-and-say-something-random-at-general-chat thing. Timezone doesn't help, When I'm around everyone's passed out :mellow:

*Alone if you're looking for my RanTs I makes them on the occasion at GC now. Having its own thread didn't gain enough publicity ~_~

October 18th, 2008, 12:40 pm
dude honestly if you think about what you've said. It's been around for more than 5 years and i've been around for just over 4. we've done alot of growing up in those 4-5 years maybe even longer. so of course we're not going to be the way we were. I mean you'll still get para goin omgwtfbbq and m will be old enough to officially be classed as a lolipedofin!!!!
but hey that's life!

October 18th, 2008, 02:14 pm
Why did I get mentioned? That whole omgwtfbbq thing was only because someone had mentioned it a few posts before me. XD

But seriously,

I've been around for a... longggggg while, as I'm sure Neko will vouch for me. 2004? pssssh. I've been with these people and these forums through good times and bad, through spammers and porn links, through hell and high water, I've been banned, unbanned, although I've never been giving a warning for anything (which kind of weirds me out.). In all honestly? This forum is what you make of it, the pieces of yourself or your persona that you leave behind in your posts, and how people absorb it... That's all it is, how YOU see it, you may see things dying down, not the same as before, but in the eyes of another older member things may be picking up, getting better, more amusing, et cetera.

I think V said it best:

Creedy: Die! Die! Why won't you die?... Why won't you die?
V: Beneath this forum there are more than words. Beneath this forum there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof.

October 18th, 2008, 02:26 pm
ahh the warning system, good ol days. think mine only reached 20% and that was a sentence in german with no translation. the forum was alot stricter on rules back then as well

October 18th, 2008, 02:37 pm
Warning system? we actually got warnings for breaking those rules? :mellow:

October 18th, 2008, 02:42 pm
yea don't you remember it was 5 lil bars that was underneath your avatar. when it reached 100% then you got banned

October 18th, 2008, 04:22 pm
I think Alone meant how the members fucked up or succeeded in our real-lives these past 5 years.

On another note, many members have busy lives and grew out of the online drama we were addicted to when we were younger.

October 18th, 2008, 08:22 pm
I think Alone meant how the members fucked up or succeeded in our real-lives these past 5 years.

Thank you! Did you really think I was referring to the dramas that happen here?! <_<

Ichigos has been around much longer as you can see here: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.ichigosmusic.com

Just because you joined in 2004 doesn't mean the forum didn't exist before then...

I explicitly stated Ichigo's Forums which started operating in April 29th, 2004 (http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://forums.ichigos.com)


But yeah, nice start guys! I mean, "happiness - how in the world did you find it"... why in the world did you think this was about forum activity? Since when does a forum board provide you with happiness?! Damn! Next time I'll be less vague <_<

Neko Koneko
October 18th, 2008, 09:40 pm
Sorry, but ichigos has been around way longer than that :whistle:

Out of all active members, I'm pretty sure I'm the one who's been a member for the longest time. Spoon's been around even longer (obviously) but I don't consider her active anymore.

October 18th, 2008, 09:50 pm
Yes. I know.

To clarify:

I've had a lot of stuff happen these past 5 (yes, I said 5) years. I have majorly f***ed several time, and the past 4 months have been hell. A hell I'm still in...

I assumed that all of you also had some shit happen, some thing that is still bothering you. Letting it out is a) entertaining b) educational c) makes it a bit easier. That's all. Honestly, I never expected you to all jump out and start crying or complaining, but... Anything you say will most likely stay here, and sometimes it helps when you get comforted or bashed for your actions by someone other than you.

October 18th, 2008, 10:09 pm
kind of like a kou's rant thread but for everybody

October 18th, 2008, 11:47 pm
My way to cope is to just not think about it. I find that I go into really deep thoughts that just make me down in the dumps for months at a time. So instead I just try to ignore it or move on.
When I can't escape shit I accept it and act strong for the others arround me. This however gives me the image of an imotionless asswipe to some people. We're all different and I'm sure a lot of us don't want our personal problems plastered all over the internet. thosethat do can go ahead. It will help them.

October 20th, 2008, 04:27 am
its gotten quiet. *lol eternal way to state the obvious*
theres no random people joining us anymore, no one for Angelic to wave his banstick at, no one new who'll stick around keep us company.

I actually see a resession where all the oldies come back and hang instead of a new people. Like Sephy and Kou who've been MIA for long periods of time.
I do think we need a revival of the forum D:

*back to the actual meaning of the thread*
I've turned from a straight 4.0 student to an incompetant extra piece of luggage barely scraping by each A and B. I think I would make a good hobo one day cos im so damn great at barely scraping by.
Its not low self esteem its modest. lol lemme keep telling myself that.

October 21st, 2008, 11:45 am
I joined sometime in 2004 when I was a raging fangirl weeaboo. Loads of stuff happened, for one, I grew up. Gasp shock horror. I'm pretty darn happy with where I am now, though I wish I were less lazy. And if that don't work, I wish that my assignments would magically complete themselves.

@Eternal: I'd be happy if I were scraping A's and B's :'D I used to be such a good student. Then I got a life (that is, become a nerd).

@Zero: Ooooh no. Still online drama. Even more irl drama D: Though the llama drama seems to be biting people around me more instead.

I know my interests have shifted quite a bit. No longer an avid consumer of anime (I still read a select few manga series), I've moved onto console and PC gaming, expanding my ever-growing cd collection and generally nerding out with friends and learning to take life a little less seriously and to make the best of everything. Man, I've become so optimistic I spew sunshine and fart rainbows.

I'll always love you, Ichigo's Forums :'DDDD

October 21st, 2008, 02:06 pm
Everything is going according to plan...

Now, all that's left is a mandatory post from random tangent, M, myself, and then I can finally explain the real reason for this thread ^_^

October 21st, 2008, 03:03 pm
You just got me at the right place, right time :P I haven't been back to ichi's in a loooooong time XD

October 22nd, 2008, 01:32 am
Oh all right, all right, I'm here!

What have I done in the past 4 years, since Ichigos first made its way into my online life? I've finished High School, started and finished College, gone overseas and come back home, and started University. Inu, Des and I are still good friends (guys, I haven't seen you in nearly a week, we're due a meet-up again. Three Ichigos Unite! Not that Dessie looks on Ichigos anymore) - I still work at the same place I did back then, even if I'm now a supervisor as opposed to just a lowly checkout chick. Sometimes it feels like nothing at all has changed, and sometimes it feels like everything has!

I don't think I've made any huge mess-ups! I kind of regret not having learned to drive when I had my L's the first time, but I can fix that once I stop being lazy. And taking a Gap Year was the best thing I could have done (even if Angelic and Spoon never did make it to the London meetup when I was there... :P ) So, um, I don't really have anything to let out at the moment, lol - other than stressy, why am I typing this instead of figuring out how to do my Database assignment that's due in 2 days! But meh, procrastination is great!

Does this classify as a mandatory post from me, Alone? :P

October 22nd, 2008, 02:01 am
Sorry, but ichigos has been around way longer than that

Out of all active members, I'm pretty sure I'm the one who's been a member for the longest time. Spoon's been around even longer (obviously) but I don't consider her active anymore.
I'm pretty ancient, too. You were around when I got here though, so you're still a bit older. We fought way back then, too. I was too stupid to notice that you were a mod, and said some horrible things to you, hahah. You weren't very nice to me back then, either. ;)
Fun times, fun times. Anyway, I don't think this place has gone downhill. I like it as much as I always have. We don't seem to see as many new members anymore, but whatever I guess. Maybe it's just that I'm such an old member that I already know everyone here who's worth knowing...
Anyway, my life over the past five years has been okay. I fucked up a lot, but who doesn't? I'm working hard and moving in the right direction, at least. I think I'll end up a lot happier than most people with my optimistic attitude and improving work ethic. Good luck, everybody! =D

October 22nd, 2008, 03:52 am
Er... things that've happened... In terms of age here, I'm still kinda young aren't I? I liked it better with the religion thread around~

I've sort of lost direction, but things here seem stable. I also messed up a lot, but I know it'll be okay. Consequence has left me in a place I don't really understand, but it's definitely not a place to stay. I'll start moving forward soon, but it's that first step that's scary.

After saying this I move back to lurking and being obscure.

October 22nd, 2008, 04:06 am
@ inu
but yeah I do take life way too seriously, idk I just wanna give it my all and somehow still land a 9-5 routine job and take life easy afterwards y'know?

November 13th, 2008, 07:17 pm
eternal's a genius
shush lil lady you'll do fine
what has happened to azn?
ichigos ruined his innocence that's waht xD
*shakes fist*
i suppose i'm technically still young...ish
i've graduated HS, gone and realized i fail at life, and continue to tutor for sub-minimum wage xD

November 14th, 2008, 11:30 pm
My life's a god fucking damned mess. XD

I liked it better with the religion thread around~
Me too. :3

November 16th, 2008, 01:29 am
My life's a god fucking damned mess. XD

Me too. :3

Congratulations now you're at where I was 3 years ago.

get your shit together and it'll be fine

November 16th, 2008, 02:48 am
Congratulations now you're at where I was 3 years ago.

get your shit together and it'll be fine
Yeah, I'm at the point where I know what I have to do to clean up my act, and I just need to do it. I just need to stop procrastinating and do the things I know I'm going to have to do sooner or later anyway.

It's kind of like I just came home to find a pile of meat sitting in the middle of my parlor. It's gross, and I'm kind of surprised that it's there, but it's not a huge problem. I just need to clean it all out before it starts to rot...

Analogies are retarded.

Basically, I'm not worried, but I need to get worried, before I really have something to worry about. I'll be fine, hahah.

November 16th, 2008, 05:16 am
Some that are less fortunate would actually rejoice at randomly finding a pile of meat...

You ungrateful... you...


November 17th, 2008, 04:29 am
maybe it's just me but I thought Kou was more stable 3 years ago... maybe not *remembers Kou's ranTs* intelligent insight~

November 17th, 2008, 08:23 am
I was refereeing a hockey match just now and some fucking asswipes of the loosing team started calling shit at me, nearly skitz at it and started a brawl, but before that happened one of the by-standers called the manager and some staff and cooled me and the other guys down.......I wanted to brawl at them soo fucking bad grrrr.....

Neko Koneko
November 18th, 2008, 08:42 pm
So when is Alone gonna tell us what this thread is all about?

November 18th, 2008, 10:31 pm
Prolly after I post (which I will not as my life is not something I like to share).

Now, all that's left is a mandatory post from random tangent, M, myself, and then I can finally explain the real reason for this thread

November 18th, 2008, 11:36 pm
Some that are less fortunate would actually rejoice at randomly finding a pile of meat...

You ungrateful... you...

Well, of course! I'm sending it all away to the less fortunate. I wouldn't just throw good (albeit mysterious) meat away! D:

Neko Koneko
November 19th, 2008, 08:06 am
Then I think we can close this topic because some idiots consider it as yet another spam topic -_-