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View Full Version : Please write me a letter!

October 25th, 2008, 01:42 am
This post is in Sheet music requests because those who are concerned are there :)

I want to change my first name from Jill, Jénn to Jill-Jênn, but I have to prove that I'm indeed known as this name.

So, to all those I know, or who know me and like my transcriptions, could you please send me a letter (Edit: with what you want in it)?
- Preferably, put your Ichigo's username in it :D,
- Please write it in your own language with an English translation (I prefer) or only in English,
- Postal card or letter, I prefer postal card if your message is short.

That is also a means to get letters from the whole world :D

I'll give you my postal address if you send me a PM.


November 6th, 2008, 08:48 pm
Could someone put this post as sticky? :P