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View Full Version : Death Note Alumina Sheet Music

November 5th, 2008, 01:21 am
First post, ya :heh:

Now then, i was curious if someone could find the sheet music for Death Notes first ending theme "Alumina" for the trumpet. Now, i know it's not piano sheet music :bleh: but i would really appreciate if anyone were to help me with this. Tbh i'm trying to get trumpet first and then for other instruments so my band can play it for my senior year concert :rukia: so yeah. Primarily i would like it if someone can find Alumina for trumpet but if you can/have enough free time/just need something to do, can you find it also for alto sax, clarinet, flute, tuba, trumbone, percussion, and french horn. THANK YOU :sweat:

November 5th, 2008, 03:24 am
If you request the song separately for all instruments and then plan on putting the parts together, it's going to sound terrible because every single instrument is going to be playing the same melody...

November 6th, 2008, 08:52 pm
Why don't you just take the piano version and assign left hand and right hand? :)

November 13th, 2008, 02:23 am
i think i downloaded one of the Alumina midi's from here.

i separated the left and right hand
left hand for bass, of course
and separated the right hand for two guitars

i don't play drums, so... no drums.