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November 10th, 2008, 05:43 am
As title suggest, do you have some random question that just lingers around?
I guess you dont have to answer the questions since they can be random :huh:
Have a shot for random theories though! ;)

My question(s)

- Why do people eat toast/bread with the spread facing upwards when it should be downwards so you can taste it on your tastebuds?
-Which hero-of-all-internets out there invented the term "lol"?

November 10th, 2008, 06:18 am
hahah! your questions are awesome! :lol: .. now. my random thoughts about your questions =]
-hmm. i think people put the spread on top because it has something to do with the way you hold the bread... like if you put the spread downwards then your fingers might touch them anndd you'll get dirty fingers. ahhh.

-i've always wondered where 'lol' came from. i mean instead of lol it could have been sayyy... 'ial' standing for i am laughing. ('ial' just popped in my head while i was typing.. ><)

My random questions:
-'why are boys called boys and girls are called girls?' and this is the same with other stuff too... like chairs and donuts and etc.
-were people destined to know their future and do something trying to fix their future yet by doing whatever to fix their future it turned out to be exactly the same as they were told how their future turned out? .. hope that makes sense :)

November 10th, 2008, 12:26 pm
As title suggest, do you have some random question that just lingers around?
I guess you dont have to answer the questions since they can be random :huh:
Have a shot for random theories though! ;)

My question(s)

- Why do people eat toast/bread with the spread facing upwards when it should be downwards so you can taste it on your tastebuds?
-Which hero-of-all-internets out there invented the term "lol"?

1. Gravity. Lots of things you put on bread is soupy. Thus, to prevent it from falling off, you eat it so the bread catches everything rather than dripping off.

2. LOL originated in the internet communication hearth, Usenet. And, as the nature of usenet is, no one knows who used it first, as usenet is completely anonymous.

'why are boys called boys and girls are called girls?' and this is the same with other stuff too... like chairs and donuts and etc.
-were people destined to know their future and do something trying to fix their future yet by doing whatever to fix their future it turned out to be exactly the same as they were told how their future turned out? .. hope that makes sense

1. Everything used in communication needs a label to describe what we mean. Without them, describing a chair would be tedious. Thus is why they exist. How they came to existence, there's a more difficult question.

2. Well, humans have the ability to think ahead. With that ability, they are able to think of the future and postulate about it. As for actually knowing what befates you, that would require a thick discussion of metaphysics that doesn't have any strong backing.

So to answer this question, you provided a question that is syntactically incorrect and impossible to answer, as a future cannot be foreseen.

November 10th, 2008, 12:35 pm
... why does this thread exist?

is random choice made by humans really random? is it possible that they can truly make a random choice by neutralising bias? can bias truly be neutralised?

November 10th, 2008, 04:20 pm
Actually, I've been wondering this one for a while.

Does true randomness really exist?

I mean when you think about it, given enough information, the process of selecting anything random can be predicted. Computers use special formulas and seeds to generate pseudo-random numbers, the act of flipping a coin can be calculated if we knew all forces involved. Atoms bouncing in a container is just a matter of trajectory...

Edit: Lol, it really is a RANDOM question =)

November 11th, 2008, 03:43 am
Actually, I've been wondering this one for a while.

Does true randomness really exist?

I mean when you think about it, given enough information, the process of selecting anything random can be predicted. Computers use special formulas and seeds to generate pseudo-random numbers, the act of flipping a coin can be calculated if we knew all forces involved. Atoms bouncing in a container is just a matter of trajectory...

Edit: Lol, it really is a RANDOM question =)
Exactly. Determinism ftw. =D

November 11th, 2008, 07:12 am
... why does this thread exist?

I wanted to unleash the random and think of things not thought about before ;)

-Why did my dog eat Okonomiyaki (japanese pancake) when I cooked it yet it contained 0 meat and 75% vegetables and rest flour + egg + water?

Dogs arent supposed to like anything-that-isnt-meat?
He wasn't starving either so he must have liked it :huh:

November 11th, 2008, 08:03 am
2. Well, humans have the ability to think ahead. With that ability, they are able to think of the future and postulate about it. As for actually knowing what befates you, that would require a thick discussion of metaphysics that doesn't have any strong backing.

So to answer this question, you provided a question that is syntactically incorrect and impossible to answer, as a future cannot be foreseen.

hmm. I dont know for sure whether the future can or cannot be foreseen but my question was based on a true event. One of my cousin was told about her future by one of those cool people who can tell your future and my cousin told me what the future-seeing lady saw and BAM! 3 years later the exact thing that was told happened. But yeah. i guess this question really cant be answered. =]

@Furbob ~ I think your dog like jap pancakes :)

November 11th, 2008, 10:40 am
Your future lady had 3 whole years to make it happen.
In the next 4 years love shall find you, you will eat 6 pancakes in one go and you will also fight with a dear friend.

Am I right?

November 11th, 2008, 11:20 am
o0o0oo0o0 HanTony. you. must. be. the futureeee mannnn! :eek:
6 pancakes in one go... YAY!!!

November 11th, 2008, 11:10 pm
... why does this thread exist?

"Furbob" is a very bored girl... she plays poker with me and I own her all the time so she decided to make this thread. :P

o0o0oo0o0 HanTony. you. must. be. the futureeee mannnn! :eek:
6 pancakes in one go... YAY!!!


you will also fight with a dear friend.

Am I right?

Ah crap I triggered the future with my last quote response ._."

November 12th, 2008, 05:11 am
"Furbob" is a very bored girl... she plays poker with me and I own her all the time so she decided to make this thread. :P

very bored = I'm allowed to make my 1st thread here/sort of.
beating me in poker = what a filthy lie :\

November 12th, 2008, 10:54 am
Q: Does happy_smiles know how to play poker?
A: No. I gave up when my cousin said i was too slow to understand it.

November 12th, 2008, 08:19 pm
... why does this thread exist?

is random choice made by humans really random? is it possible that they can truly make a random choice by neutralising bias? can bias truly be neutralised?

Haha, first you questioned the thread, then you contributed to the discussion. Love it.

November 13th, 2008, 03:32 am
Except my profound question went unanswered, sad :mellow:

My dog (..aptly named Xbox360, pft) wants to go out for walk at 5pm sharp everyday.
And so on the occasion when no one's around the house I reluctantly get off the bed and bring out the leash and it runs the hell away from me.

When I approach again without the said leash it jumps at me welcome and admiring. I show it the leash and it bolts away home.

What The Hell?

November 13th, 2008, 05:10 am
It thinks its a whip.

February 9th, 2009, 02:58 am
I was just wondering...

Can a Pentium 4 (3.0 Ghz - 2 MB L2 Cache(On-Die, ATC, Full-Speed)) with Hyper-threading still compete with the popular processors of today?

I was just thinking about maybe someday down the road building a new PC. What's strange is my desktop boots faster than my laptop, which has a Centrino Duo Processor in it (I think like 2.5Ghz). As soon as my desktop appears its ready to go.

February 9th, 2009, 05:00 am
I've noticed that as well. My brother owned a series of Asus laptops and now has a VAIO, and all of his portable menaces have never booted up quicker than my desktop. And the thing is, that all of his laptops had better specs than mine. Even his Eee had the same boot time as mine. I'm pretty sure it's just the way they are built.

I know that doesn't really answer your question, but here's my logic. My specs are worse than the ones you've listed and I use it everyday. The only thing it is not capable of, is high-end gaming. It can cope with more than you think however.

Really, unless you are going to be gaming or doing some serious video editing, I find no reason to spend an extra thousand dollars just to get the best money can buy. Simply get something your needs will fit into.

Neko Koneko
February 12th, 2009, 01:13 pm
I was just wondering...

Can a Pentium 4 (3.0 Ghz - 2 MB L2 Cache(On-Die, ATC, Full-Speed)) with Hyper-threading still compete with the popular processors of today?

I was just thinking about maybe someday down the road building a new PC. What's strange is my desktop boots faster than my laptop, which has a Centrino Duo Processor in it (I think like 2.5Ghz). As soon as my desktop appears its ready to go.

No, the Pentium 4 processors where single-core and they were crappy. That's why Intel based the Centrino and later the CoreDuo/Core2Duo on the original P3 design.